外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 6-Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays -ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:327dd).zip

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外研版新标准英语(三起)三下外研版新标准英语(三起)三下 Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays? 普兰店区丰荣中心小学普兰店区丰荣中心小学 姜笑一姜笑一 What do you do on Mondays? I eat meat . Sundays 本课任务本课任务 本节课我们要学习如何用英语谈论周末 活动。 学完后,在班级里寻找和你心有灵犀的 朋友(他/她在周末的活动和你相同)。 Sam 和Dalin在星期日做了什么? Listen and choose ABCD E Sam 和Dalin在星期日做了什么? Listen and choose ABCD E Name in the morning in the afternoon What do you do ? sleep ride my bike watch TV play football What do you do in the morning? I sleep in the morning. Name in the morning in the afternoon What do you do ? sleep ride my bike watch TV play football What do you do in the morning? I ride my bike in the morning. Name in the morning in the afternoon What do you do ? sleep ride my bike watch TV play football What do you do in the afternoon? I play football in the afternoon. Name in the morning in the afternoon What do you do ? sleep play football ride my bike watch TV What do you do in the afternoon? I watch TV in the afternoon. sleep watch TV ride my bike go swimming 1 2 3 4 Listen and repeat A: What do you do ? B: I . on Saturdays on Sundays in the morning in the afternoon Choose and say Name What do you do on Sundays ? Homework: All of you: 1. 全体学生听音模仿、跟读课文全体学生听音模仿、跟读课文3遍遍 2.抄写抄写26个字母个字母2遍遍 Some of you: 1. 试着复述课文试着复述课文 2.运用本课句子询问家长周末活动运用本课句子询问家长周末活动 A: What do you do on Saturday? B: I . A: What do you do on Sunday? B: I . A: What do you do in the afternoon? B: I . A: What do you in the morning? B: I . A: What do you do on Sunday? B: I . A: What do you in the morning? B: I . What do you do on Sundays in the morning in the afternoon ? I on Saturdayson on in in 新标准英语(三起)第二册新标准英语(三起)第二册 Module6 Unit1 What do you do on Sundays ?教学设计教学设计 一、教材内容分析 本课教材以谈论周末活动安排为主题,以学生能够询问对方的活动并对他人的 询问做出回答为学习任务与目标,培养学生的情感交际能力。 二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度、价值观) 1、语言知识目标: 能听、说、认、读本课单词:do ,Sunday, eat, sleep 能听、说、认、读本课短语:go swimming, watch TV 能听、说、读本课的课文内容。 掌握本课问句:What do you do ? 及回答形式。 2、语言技能目标: 能用所学知识来询问别人在周末会做什么? 学生通过学习,流利朗读课文。 能用所学的句型进行交际联系。 3、情感态度目标: 让学生在英语学习活动中形成主动开口说英语的习惯,体验用英语进行交际 的兴趣,激发学生说英语的热情。 三、学生分析 本课的对象是小学三年级学生,由于学习英语的时间不是很长,他们对英 语扔有新鲜感,通过比赛、游戏等方式充分的激发学生的学习兴趣,积极主动 的参与课堂教学的各个活动。 四、教学重难点: 重点:What do you do ? 句子结构的运用 难点:单词的发音及句子的运用 五、教学过程设计: 通过 PPT 课件,激发学生学习的兴趣。采用 TPR 教学法,一方面让学生全身 心地参与到活动中来,充分调动了学生学习的积极性;另一方面可以培养学生 各种机能的协调发展。本节课利用动画整体呈现课文内容,吸引了学生的注意 力,并调动了学校兴趣,让学生带着问题听课文找答案,初步培养了学生的阅 读能力;在新授过程中,通过自主学习和小组合作学习的方式,让学生掌握本 课的单词、短语及句子,并通过机械操练、问答练习等形式进行巩固,让学生 带着任务去学习,通过小记者调查的活动来完成本课的教学任务,最终达到学 习目的。 教学过程: I. Warm up and Lead in 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk: Talk about the activities of Mondays Do you on Sundays? 3. Learn the words eat , do and the sentence: What do you do on Mondays? 1) Look at the picture of Activity 1 and try to guess: What happened at last? 2)Watch the CD-ROM and answer :What does the dog do on Mondays? Teach the word : eat 4. Learn the sentences: What do you do on Mondays? I eat meat. 5.Ask and answer T: What do you do on Mondays ? S: II. Task Presentation 今天我们就来学习谈论周末的活动安排,学完后你可以用所学句子去寻找心有 灵犀的朋友(和你在周日有共同活动) 。Now lets learn Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays ? III. Text Learning 1. Presenting the dialogue Show the picture of Sam and Dalin. Then introduce them. 一个周日的下午 Sam 在 去足球场的路上遇到了 Daming 的堂兄 Dalin,Dalin 是一个出租车司机,他们 边走边聊各自在周末的活动,他们都做什么呢?Lets watch the CD-ROM and choose. 2.Answer the questions: What does Sam do on Sundays? What does Dalin do on Sundays? 3. Read the dialogue and answer the questions: What does Sam do in the morning? What does Dalin do in the morning? What does Sam do in the afternoon? What does Dalin do in the afternoon? 4.Talk about the answers in groups. 5. Answer the questions and learn the new words, phrases and sentences: sleep , ride my bike, play football , watch TV I sleep in the morning. I ride my bike in the morning. I play football in the afternoon. I watch TV in the afternoon. 6. Ask and answer in pairs. 7. Practise the sentences in groups , then play a game. e.g.: What do you do ? What do you do on Sundays? 8. Listen and repeat 9.Read the dialogue one picture by one. IV. Practice 1. Listen and repeat (Activity 3 ) Look at the pictures of Activity 3. Listen and repeat. 2. Practice (Activity 4) Look at the pictures and practice in pairs. Then choose an animal and ask and answer. e.g. A: What do you do on Saturdays? B: I V. Task Completion 1. Show the blanks and ask the children: What do you do on Sundays? Please tick and dont tell others. 2. Try to find your best friend. What do you do on Sundays? Find the friend who does the same activities with you. After class you can take a photo together. VI. Summary and Homework 1. Summary What have you learnt this class? Read the sentences together. 2. Homework 全体学生: 1) 听音模仿、跟读课文 3 遍(家长签字) 2)抄写 26 个英文字母 2 遍,抄写单词 do 两行 部分学生: 1)试着复述课文 2)运用本课句子询问家长周末活动
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