外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 It's on your desk.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:8573a).zip

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看图,用看图,用 on,on, in,in, under,under, behindbehind 填空。填空。 1.The1.The monkeymonkey isis _ thethe box.box. 2.The2.The monkeymonkey isis _ thethe box.box. 3.The3.The monkeymonkey isis _ thethe box.box. 4.The4.The monkeymonkey isis _ thethe box.box. 外研版三年级起点 桂林市兴安县白石乡中心小学 英语三年级下册 教师:王艳玲 Sing a song Happy birthday to you! Question : Where is the present? box 盒子 bedroom卧室 in the bedroom Its in your bedroom Wow! Ha ha Listen, point, find 听一听,指一指,并找出 有“in, on, behind, under”的句子 Tips: 用笔画出来 Happy birthday to you! Wow! Ha ha Listen again and answer the questions. 听录音并回答问题 Q1: How many letters? Q2: Where is the present? Q1:How many letters?Five letters Letter1: Its in the box. Letter2: Its on your desk. Letter3: Its behind the door. Letter4: Its under your chair. Letter5: Its in your bedroom. Question2 : Where is the present? A.Its in the box. B.Its in the bedroom. 2.The monkey is _ the box. 1.The monkey is _ the box. 3.The monkey is _ the box. Task1: in on under behind 4.The monkey is _ the box. 看图,用on, in, under, behind填空。 Task2: Game time! In in in , in the box, Its in the box; On on on , on the box, Its on the box; Under under under , under the box, Its under the box. Behind behind behind, behind the box, Its behind the box. Task3: What have you learned today?今天你收获了什么? Itsthe door/ 1.Read this lesson 5 times. 2.画一张自己房间的图, 把它描述给你的朋友听。 1 外研版新标准小学英语(三年级起始用)三年级下册 MODULEMODULE 8 8 UnitUnit 1 1 ItsIts onon youryour desk.desk. 一、课型描述一、课型描述:新授课 二、二、TeachingTeaching contestcontest: 本单元通过 Daming 找礼物,学习方位介词 in, on, under,behind 的用法,并 学习如何运用英语表达物品所在的位置。 三、三、TeachingTeaching aimsaims: 1. 知识目标: (1)学生能听、说、读“in、on、under,behind,toy,bedroom, box”七个 单词; (2)能熟练表达“Its in the box.”“Its on your desk.”“Its under your chair.”“Its“Its behindbehind thethe door”door”。 2. 能力目标: (1)能够听懂并辨别他人所描述的事物的位置; (2)能够自己描述事物的具体位置。 3. 情感目标: (1)激发并保持学生对英语的兴趣; (2)培养学生的方位感和准确描述事物具体位置的能力。 四、四、TeachingTeaching keykey andand difficultdifficult pointspoints: (1)能掌握、运用介词 in, on, under, behind. (2)能掌握功能句来描述物品的位置: 2 Its in the box. Its on your desk. Its under your chair. Its behind the door. 五、五、TeachingTeaching methodsmethods: pictures, “Presents”, 六、六、TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures: Step1:Step1: Warming-upWarming-up 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song:Happy birthday to you! 今天老师非常开心,因为今天是 老师的生日,让孩子们为老师唱一首生日歌。 (设计目的:通过问候和唱生日歌,活跃课堂氛围,让孩子们在老师的引导下快速进入新 知识的学习。) Step2:Step2: PresentationPresentation 1. Lead in by “present”. 出示礼物的图片,并问:Whats this? Ss: Its a present. 把礼物放到一个学生的桌子上。T: Wheres the present? Ss: Its on the desk. T:Yes, good. Its on your desk. 引出课题 Its on your desk. (设计目的:通过出示礼物让孩子们知道今天要学的课文与礼物有关,并通过提问礼 物在哪里,在你的桌子上,很自然的引出本课要学的课题 Its on your desk.) 2. Seek the “present ”for Daming.为大明找礼物。通过五封信有不同的 句子分别为 Its in the box. Its on your desk. Its behind door. Its under your chair. Its in your bedroom.来提示礼物的不同位置. 3 (设计目的:教师戴上大明的头饰,开始了找礼物之旅,通过找到一封封的信,提示礼 物的位置,来学习我们要学习的句型,通过不同的朗读形式如:高低声朗读、分组朗 读、同桌一起朗读、教师领读等让孩子们来掌握句型) Step3:Step3: LearnLearn thethe LessonLesson 1. Present the lesson 2. Read and underline the sentences with “in, on ,under, behind” 3. Listen and answer the questions: How many letters ? Wheres the present? Step4:Step4: PracticePractice 1. Task1: Fill in the blanks.看图,填写 in,on, behind, under 在空白处。 (设计目的:通过练习,让孩子们更好的巩固 in, on, behind, under 四个方位的运用) 2. Task2: Play a game with a ball. 同桌两个人一起合作,一人拿一个盒子 和球,练习句型:Wheres the ball? Its on/ in/behind/under the box. 同桌相互交换着问答。让后两个同桌上讲台表演对话。 (设计目的:通过跟同桌相互练习,既学得开心,印象深刻,也锻炼了孩子们与他人 合作的精神) 3. Task3: Chant. (设计目的:通过跟同桌拿着盒子、球玩游戏以及 Chant 来反复练习句型,让孩子们 在游戏中、快乐中学习知识) StepStep 5:5: ConsolidationConsolidation To summary StepStep 6:6: HomeworkHomework 4 1.Read the text 2 times. 2.Draw a picture of your room and describe with “ in, on, under, behind.” BlackboardBlackboard designdesign: Module8Module8 Unit1Unit1 ItsIts onon youryour desk.desk. Its in the box; Its on your desk; Its behind the door. Its under your chair. Its in your bedroom. TeachingTeaching reflectionreflection : : 本节课,我是利用多媒体及辅助以实物和图片教学。把知识点直观和具体 地展现给学生,并教会他们灵活地运用。通过帮大明找生日礼物,在此过程中 用五封信呈现不同的礼物地点,学习不同的方位词 in, on, under, behind.在 游戏环节,让每个孩子拿一个盒子,一个乒乓球练习四个不同的方位词,并让 部分学生上台展示表演,让学生体会学习的乐趣,在游戏的过程中学会如何描 述物品的位置。抓住重点句型进行巩固和练习。
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