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1、2020-2021 学年 第一学期 白云区五年级英语科目 期末试卷及答案 七、将下列单词分类,把其大写字母编号写在答题卡相应表格里。 (12 分) A. chipsB. cokeC. hotD. milkE. dumpling F. cloudyG. chickenH. windyI. coffeeJ. noodle K. warmL. water juice sandwich cool 【答案】 juiceB D I L sandwichA E G J coolC F H K 【解析】 理解对应词义,选一个划掉一个,最后数下词汇的总数。 juice 饮料B.可乐D.牛奶I.咖啡L.水 san

2、dwich 食物A.薯条E.饺子G.鸡肉J.面条 cool 天气形容词C.热的F.多云的H.刮风的K.暖的 八、选出正确答案填空。 1. Mary is a. She gets news for people. A. fannerB. reporterC. driver 2. Tom doesnt like swimming. Hegoes swimming. A. neverB. oftenC. usually 3. My motherbooks every day. A. readsB. readingC. look 4. She is good at. A. cleanB. cleans

3、C. cleaning 5. Amy loves reading. She can read. A. farB. highC. fast 6. Chinese and Western food is often very. A. differentB. hotC. sweet 7. -What do you want for lunch, Tom? -. A. I want some fish.B. Ifs chocolate.C. Its good. 8. -Here is your coffee. -. A. SureB. Thank youC. Great 9.-What do you

4、think of the fish? -Its good. And its. A. tastB. terribleC. healthy 10.-When does Mike usually take photos? -. A. On SundayB. Its sunny C. Ifs fresh 1. 【答案】B 【解析】后一句“gets news”获得新闻,提示 Mary 是一位记者。 2. 【答案】A 【解析】Tom 不喜欢游泳,故“从不”去游泳。 3. 【答案】A 【解析】关键词 every day,提示用一般现在时,主语为 my mother,动词用三单形 式,固定搭配 read bo

5、ok 读书。 4. 【答案】C 【解析】固定搭配 be good at + V.ing。 5. 【答案】C 【解析】read 阅读,读得快,故选 fast。其他选项不合理。 6. 【答案】 A 【解析】中西方食物不一样,故选 different。其他选项不合理。 7. 【答案】 A 【解析】题目问 What do you want.?你午饭想要吃什么?对应的答句为 I want 8. 【答案】 B 【解析】题目为递给您咖啡,对应回答应为感谢。 9. 【答案】 C 【解析】What do you think of.?问对“鱼”的看法。答句 Its + 形容词,排除 A。 答句提示 Its goo

6、d,再排除 B.可怕的. 故选择 C.健康的。 10. 【答案】A 【解析】题目疑问词为 When 询问时间,故选择 A。 九、选择单词或词组补全短文,将其字母编号写在答题卡相应位置。 A. goes to schoolB. hotC. always D. drinkingE. differentF. milk Lily has a big family. They often begin a day with 1.drinks. Her grandma loves 2.a cup of coffee before she eats breakfast. Her grandpa often m

7、akes himself a cup of tea. Her mum drinks a glass of water with honey in it. She believes that honey makes her beautiful. Her dad usually drinks a large coke with ice. Lily loves 3. She often drinks a 4.cup of milk for breakfast. After breakfast, Lily 5. In the evening, Lily often drinks some water.

8、 Her grandpa watches TV with a cup of tea in his hand. He is 6.drinking tea. Her dad goes to bed late. When he feels sleepy, he drinks a can of coke. 1. 【答案】E 【解析】总起句,介绍家人每天喝不同的饮料开展新的一天。 2. 【答案】D 【解析】love doing sth. 横线后有 a cup of coffee 此处需要添加及物动词 ing,故只 能选 D。 3. 【答案】F 【解析】下一句“.milk for breakfast”提示

9、 milk,故选 F。 4. 【答案】B 【解析】Lily 每天早上喝一杯热牛奶。 5. 【答案】A 【解析】吃完早餐后 Lily 去上学。 6. 【答案】C 【解析】上一句提示爷爷看电视手里常有一杯茶,故爷爷总是在喝茶。 十、选择恰当的句子补全对话,将其字母编号写在答题卡相应位置。 A. Sure, its a lot of fun.B. I like collecting stamps. C. So many stamps!D. What are you doing, Carl? E. I love animals.F. So your hobby is keeping pets. Sam

10、: 1. Carl: Im making a new house for my little dog, my pet dog. 2. Sam: 3.Do you keep any other pets? Carl: I have a rabbit named Tangtang and a bird named Nemo. Sam: Is it fun to keep pets? Carl: 4.Nemo can speak. Tangtang and I often play together. Whats your hobby? Sam: 5._ Carl: Wow! 6. Sam: Her

11、e is a stamp for you. Carl: Thank you very much. 1.【答案】D 【解析】根据后文 Carl 的答句:Im making a new house for my little dog. 可知前 一句应该是问你正在做什么,因此选 D。 2. 【答案】E 【解析】根据前一句话 Carl 为自己的小狗制作一间小房子可知他很喜欢小动物,因 此选 E。 3. 【答案】F 【解析】根据题意 Sam 回答 Carl 的爱好是养宠物。因此选 F。 4. 【答案】A 【解析】根据题目意思 Sam 问:养宠物是不是很有趣,因此选 A. 是的,非常多乐 趣。 5. 【答

12、案】B 【解析】根据上一句问爱好和 Sam 后一句回答:我有超过 16 个国家的 150 张邮票 可知,他喜欢集邮,因此选 B。 6. 【答案】C 【解析】根据前一句的 Wow 可推断后面说的是如此多的邮票啊!因此选 C。 十一、根据实际情况,用完整的句子回答下列题目。答案写在答题卡上相应题号后面的 横线上。 1. Is playing computer games your hobby? 2. What do people in Guangzhou like to cat? 3. Can you run fast? 4. How is the weather today? 5. What d

13、o you often do at the weekend? 1. 【答案】Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 【解析】根据题目意思玩电脑游戏是你的爱好吗?Is 问 is 回答。 2. 【答案】They like to eat dim sum.(答案不唯一) 【解析】根据题意广州人喜欢吃什么,用句式 They like to eat 作答即可。 3. 【答案】Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 【解析】根据题目句式 can 问 can 答 4. 【答案】It is sunny. (答案不唯一) 【解析】题目问今天天气是怎么样的。用“It is+形容词”回答即可。

14、 5. 【答案】I often play music at the weekend. (答案不唯一) 【解析】题目问你周末常常做什么?用 I often回答即可,注意动词用原形。 十二、阅读理解。 (一)判断下列句子是否与短文的内容相符,如相符,将答题卡上相应题号后面的“T” 涂黑,否则,将“F”涂黑。 This is a photo of Lindas family. The man in a sweater is her husband. He is a doctor. He is tall and strong. He can run fast. He can play basketba

15、ll well. The girl is Lindas daughter Amy. She is clever. She can do many things. She can dance very well. She can play music. She is good at badminton and basketball. I think she is good at everything. The lady is Linda. She is a teacher. She can speak English. She loves drawing. She can draw very w

16、ell. Shes not good at sports. She doesnt like singing or dancing. But shes helpful at home. She can clean the house fast. She cooks food for her family every day. 1. Lindas husband can help sick people. 2. Amy cant play music. 3. Amy can play badminton well. 4. Linda can help children learn. 5. Lind

17、a is good at sports. 6. Linda loves singing. 1. 【答案】T 【解析】根据句子“He is a doctor”,可知他可以帮助病人。 2. 【答案】F 【解析】根据句子“The girl is Lindas daughter Amy.She can play music”,可 知她会弹钢琴。 3. 【答案】T 【解析】根据句子“She is good at badminton.”,可知她擅长打羽毛球。 4. 【答案】T 【解析】根据句子“The lady is Linda.She is a teacher”,可知她是老师,可以帮 助学生学习。 5.

18、 【答案】F 【解析】根据句子“She isnt good at sports”,可知她不擅长运动。 6. 【答案】F 【解析】根据句子“She doesnt like singing”,可知她不喜欢唱歌。 (二)根据对话内容选择答案完成句子,在答题卡上将答案的字母编号涂黑。 (10 分) 。 Mr Black:This Sunday is your mums birthday. What should we do for her? Tom:Lets cook a big meal for her. Mr Black: Thats a good idea. She always cooks f

19、or us. We never cook for her. What shall we cook? You know Im not good at cooking. Tom:Dont worry. For starters we can have some fruit salad. They are easy to make. Mr Black: What about the main course? Tom:We can have beef steak and fish for the main course. Mum loves beef steak. Mr Black:Its too h

20、ard to cook beef steak. Your mother comes from Sichuan. Spicy(辛辣的) Sichuan food is her favourite. Wed better go to the shop and buy some peppers and fish this afternoon. We can cook spicy fish. Tom:Great! What else do we need? Do we need some flowers for mum? Mr Black: Thats good. You are good at dr

21、awing. Youd better draw a picture for her. Tom:No problem! 1. This Sunday isbirthday. A. TomsB. Toms mothersC. Mr Blacks 2. Toms mumcooks for her family. A. alwaysB. sometimesC. never 3. Toms mum likes to eat. A. dumplings and noodlesB. Guangzhou foodC. spicy Sichuan food 4. For the main course they

22、 will have. A. beef steakB. spicy fishC. chicken 5. Tom is good at. Hellfor his mum. A. singing, sing a song B. drawing, draw a picture C. draws, drawing 1. 【答案】B 【解析】根据句子“This Sunday is your mums birthday”可知这个星期天是 Tom 的妈妈生日。 2. 【答案】A 【解析】根据句子“She always cooks for us”可知妈妈总是煮饭给我们。 3. 【答案】C 【解析】根据句子“S

23、picy Sichuan food is her favourite”可知妈妈喜欢吃四川辣的 食物。 4. 【答案】B 【解析】根据题意他们先谈论主食, “We can cook spicy fish”可知主食是辣鱼。 5. 【答案】B 【解析】根据句子“You are good at drawing. Youd better draw a picture for her.可 知选B。 十三、用不少于 25 个单词介绍广州春天的天气(内容包括气候、衣着和活动) 。 【参考例文】 Spring in Guangzhou The weather in Guangzhou in spring is very pleasant. Its always cold and windy. People in Guangzhou usually wear sweaters in spring because its always cold. And it is also the best time for us to fly kites. I sometimes fly a kite with my friends in the park. We all have fun in spring.


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