外研版(三起)四下Module 4-Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f4a2e).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Module 4_Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:f4a2e)
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外研社新标准三年级起四年级下册 濮阳市第三小学中小学二级教师 李波 Module 4 Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? weather weather Wulumuqi WulumuqiHarbin Beijing Hainan HangzhouLahsa It will be in . It will be sunny in Beijing. Beijingsunny -1 - 10C It will be cloudy in Hangzhou. Hangzhou 4 - 18C cloudy It will be hot in Yinchuan. Yinchuan 26 - 40C hot Hello, everyone, it will be hot inYinchuan. Goodbye It will snow in Harbin. Harbin -10 - -3C snow Hello, everyone, it will snow in Harbin. Goodbye Rain,rain,it will rain, Snow, snow ,it will snow, Sunny,sunny,it will be sunny. Cloudy,cloudy,it will be cloudy, Hot ,hot ,it will be hot, Cold, cold ,it will be cold. Windy, windy,it will be windy. Will it (be) sunny in Haikou? Yes, it will. No, it wont. HaikouHaikou Will it (be) _ in Puyang? Yes, it will. No, it wont. Puyang 4 - 18C HaikouHaikou YinchuanYinchuan GuangzhouGuangzhou HangzhouHangzhou BeijingBeijing HarbinHarbin WulumuqiWulumuqi ShanghaiShanghai It will be sunny in Beijing. Hello, everyone, it will. Goodbye ChinaChina USAUSA UKUK JapanJapan USAUSA The fresh air is ours,新鲜鲜的空气是我们们的, the clean rivers are ours,清澈的河水是我们们的, the blue blue sky is ours,蓝蓝蓝蓝的天空是我们们的, the green trees and grass are ours. 绿绿绿绿的树树木和青青的草是我们们的, the beautiful flowers are ours, 美丽绝伦丽绝伦的花是我们们的, the best time of our life is ours,最美好的时时光是我们们的, all the future of China are ours!祖国的未来是我们们的 Please,love and cherish them!请请爱爱并珍惜他们们。 1. Make the poster of the weather in English. 2.Talk about the weather with your friends and make a video,next class show it for us. 1 教学时间教学时间35minutes 学习者分学习者分 析析 The kids of grade four are very active and like playing games very much, so during my class, Ill design some interesting games to activate them to participate and learn something. They will also be interested in the class. 教学目标教学目标 I.Knowledge & Skills 1.Aims on the knowledge The students will be able to a)match the following words with the pictures. They are windy, sunny, hot, cold, rain, snow b)make correct sentences with the new words. c)answer the questions about weather after listening/ reading. d) tell right or wrong after reading/listening 2. Aims on the abilities (1) To develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking. Help the students talk about the topic about weather in the situation. (2) To train the Ss ability of working in groups. (3) To cultivate Ss abilities of communication and their innovation. 2 II.Process & Steps 1. step by step ,the students will master the new words and the new dialogues in the process from listening to following ,from making the sentences by looking at the map of Chinese weather report to guessing the weather to practicing the dialogues about the weather from different cities. 2. Students will learn to describe and question the topics about weather by playing some interesting games and doing the tasks of role play III.Emotional attitude & values Aims on the emotion 1. To foster Ss consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition. 2. To cultivate Ss study motivation. Help them establish good study habit. 3. To enable Ss to study in groups and co- operate skillfully. 教学重点、教学重点、 难点难点 Difficult teaching points: 1.The students will be able to use the dialogue: Will it bein ?Yes ,it will ./No, it wont. 2.To develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking. Help the students talk about the weather of the topic in the real situations freely and 3 fluently. 竞争机制竞争机制 Divide the class into 8 groups and the best team and pupil can get a sticker of the smiling face. 教学过程教学过程 Ill finish this lesson in four steps. 教学活动教学活动 1) 教学活动教学活动 2) Step1 warming-up 1)Greeting: T: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, Miss Candy. 2) T: Lets do the fingers exercises. Two little fingers ,become a rabbit, jump ,jump ,jump, I am a rabbit. Five little fingers become a tiger, owl, owl, owl, I am a rabbit. Ten little fingers become rain, rain. rain, rain, it will rain. Ten little fingers become snow, snow, snow, it will snow. Today will learn the weather. (taking the words cards of the weather). Step2: Presentation 1.New words:(直拼词) Look at the cards, review the words: rain and snow, hot and cold, then go on study these new words: sunny,/s/-/s/-/s/,/-/-/,/n/- /n/-/n/,/i/-/i/-/i/,/sni/,windy, /w/-/w/-/w/,/i/-/i/-/i/,/n/-/n/-/n/d/- /d/-/d/,/i/-/i/-/i/,/windi/ T:Who wants to be a little teacher?-Linda, you please. T:Good,well done!(thumb up for each student) 4 T:This time, can you read the new words by looking at the weather icon.(PPT) Ss: Rain, snow, hot, cloudy, sunny, T: cold, windy, This is for the word”cold” , it is like the cold ice, This is for the word “windy”, they are like the flying flag. (1)Look at the weather icons and read the words together. (2)Check the words:i point ,the students read it loudly. 2.New sentences: (1) Listen to the tape, and learn how to talk about the weather for two times. (2) learn to say the sentence:it will be sunny in Beijing. (3)Read after me several times. (4) Then practice game: how many fingers, how many times. (5) Have an interesting preparation between the pupil and their English teacher. (6)Look at the beautiful weather pictures of the famous cities from the PPT,then watch the cartoon of the textbook ,then find the cities that you hear,finally write them down on the blackboard. (Beijing,Guangzhou,Hangzhou, Yinchuan,Haikou) (7)Practice the same following sentences for the several times by 5 looking at the PPT. It will be sunny in Guangzhou. It will be windy in Yinchuan. It will rain in Hangzhou. It will snow in Harbin. Practice game: a. Read the sentences with different clapping hands b. Pair work. c. Read like a robot/old man/weather reporter. d. Read the chant : Sunny, sunny, it will be sunny Windy, windy ,it will be windy. Rain , rain, it will rain Snow, snow, it will snow. 3.New dialogue: (1)Guess the weather of Haikou, (PPT) T:We know the weather of Beijing ,Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and Beautiful Harbin. But this city, Haikou,do you know the weather, If you want to know ,you can ask me like this, “Will it be sunny in Haikou? If you find the answer is yes, we Rain, snow be 6 can say yes, it will, if the answer is no , we can say , no, it wont. Practice game: pass the words with clapping hands Practice sentence: How to send an email? Now lets listen to the tape,and underline the steps of sending emails. Ss answer the question: 1.click on “Email”.2.click on “write”.3.Write your message. 4.Click on “send” 教学活动教学活动 3) Step 3: Practice 1.Practice sentence: (1)Look at the gif weather picture of Haikou,(we can see the sun/the blue sea / wind is blowing.) T:Will it be sunny in Haikou? S1:Yes, it will. T:Will it be windy/hot/cold. in Haikou? S2:Yes ,it will./No, it wont .(show the important dialogue on the blackboard ) (2) T ask Ss.Then Pair work. (3) Play the games with the teacher: paper, scissors, stone (4)Pair work 2.Practice situations: 7 教学活动教学活动 4) (1) lets talk the weather of Pu yang ( showing the beautiful Puyang of ppt ) (2)talk about the weather of China(showing the big map of Tomorrow weather ) (3)Practice the dialogues in the weather of the world.(UK,Russia China, Japan,the USA ) The ways: 1,follow me 2,say it together with clapping hands. 3.Group show. Practice2):Put the sentences in the correct order.finish the drill Pactice. Step 4:Learn the text 1.Watch the cartoon and read after it,then match the weather on the blackboard.(The pupil which is right can get a sticker.) 2.Read the questions and answer. Q1:Will it be cold in Beijingl? Q2: Will it be windy in Guangzhou? Q3:Will it snow in Shenyang? 3.Role play: Read the text like a robbot. 8 教学活动教学活动 5) Step 5: Production and extensive exercises T:Who can send an email to Amy? Who wants to have a try? Discuss in groups : How to chat on QQ?(ppt) Step1:click on “QQ”.Step2 click on the QQ icon . Step3:Write your message. Step4:click on “send”. Each group one student describe it. T:Well done! T:There are lots of countries in the world , which country do you Like best, lets say it together loudly.(showing the big weather map of the world form the ppt ) Ss:China! T:Lets say it togethe,-love -China!(doing the gestures) Ss:I love China!I love China!I love China! we should do as much as we can. So we should cherish the blue blue sky, the green trees, the colorful flowers,the fresh air for my motherland. 教学活动教学活动 6)Step 6: Summary and homework: 9 1) Look at the blackboard and review the points of the weather . 2.)Make a poster of the weather,then talk about it by using the dialogues we have learned .then make a view,next Class you can show it for us. 板书板书 设计设计 hot Hangzhou. cloudy Lhasa. cold Harbin. windy Beijing Sunny Guangzhou 教学教学 反思:反思: 主要是让学生学习谈论将来发生的天气的语言功能, 并能进行一定的拓展,为此,我运用了活动板书、多媒体、 单词卡片、简笔画、师生比赛、生生比赛等多种教学手段 及亲切的教态进行教学,营造一种轻松,和谐,民主,求 实,高效的课堂氛围,让学生“身临其境”的感觉,使学生体 会语言学习的乐趣。但是练习对话环节可以更加自然、丰 富些,练习的同学面积也可以更大些的,以后我会尽力改 进。
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