外研版(三起)四下Module 8-Unit 2 I took some pictures.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:3006e).zip

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Module8 unit2 I took some pictures 学习目标学习目标: : 知识目标:知识目标: 1.通过自然拼读等方式认读本课的重点单词: took, tell, great, delicious, made, poster 2.掌握本课的重点句子:I took some pictures. 能力目标:能力目标:了解特殊动词的过去式学生能用一般 过去时谈论和评价过去的行为。 情感目标:情感目标:做一个热爱自然,热爱生活的好孩子。 He was thin then. He ate and drank, ate and drank He is very fat now. 看视频跟读课文,回答问题。看视频跟读课文,回答问题。 WhatWhat aboutabout thethe picnic?picnic? Learn by yourself自学自学 It was great! TellTell me about your picnic . It was great . We played games. We ate lots of delicious food. We drank milk and juice. delicious 美味的,可口的 What did they do? I took some pictures and I made a poster. Oh, thats great! made 做,制作(make 的过去式) took 拍摄(take的过去式) poster 海报,招贴画 Read and choose. 1.Daming picnic was _. A. great B. bad 2. They played_. A. football B. games 4.Daming made a _. A. poster B. cake 3. They drank _. A. milk and water B. milk and juice (读课文,选择正确答案) 小组内读课文并用自己喜 欢的方式(分角色、齐读 )展示 Yesterday I skipped. Yesterday I . Yesterday I . Yesterday I . Yesterday I . played basketball ate noodles sang made a cake 合作探究合作探究: :讨论如何谈论过去讨论如何谈论过去 做的事情,我们应该注意什做的事情,我们应该注意什 么?么? 谈论过去的事情要用到一般过去 时,要特别注意动词的一般过去时。 注意时间提示词,yesterday, last 不规则动词过去式不规则动词过去式 : see-saw, sing-sang, have-had, am/iswas are-were go-went eat-ate drinkdrank 本节课我们又接触的不规 则的动词变式: makemade taketook Can you use some past verbs to make sentences? Ms Smart walked to school.Lingling ate some food. Sam sang songs. Tom ate an apple. Yesterda y She skipped. They played games. He swam yesterday.We drank some drinks. Yesterda y Make a poster and tell the class about it . Last Sunday dad went. Summary 1. 本节课掌握词汇: took tell great delicious made poster 2. 动词的过去式: take-took make-made 3. 一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作,基本句 型:某人+动词的过去式+某事。如: Yesterday I took some pictures. We went swimming . 4.与家人走出去,享受自然,享受生活 Module8-unit-2-I-took-some-pictures 教材分析教材分析 本模块的教学内容是谈论和评价过去的行为。第二单元的知识点,是特殊动词过去式 的表达,以及如何进行综合运用。这一内容本身难度较大,学生可能在短时间内难以完全 掌握。本单元的内容是大明向妈妈介绍这次野餐的情形。他告诉妈妈这次野餐玩得很开心: 他们做了游戏,吃了很多好吃的东西,喝了牛奶和果汁,他还拍了很多照片,制作了一张 海报。妈妈表扬了大明。 M8U2M8U2 I I tooktook somesome pictures.pictures. 教学设计教学设计 一、一、warming-up (一)导入新课,板书课题 过渡语:Boys and girls, good afternoon, before the class lets sing a song together, It was fat. today well learn Module8 Unit2 I took some pictures. (二)出示学习目标 过渡语:First Lets see our learning aims. Read together. 知识目标 1.通过自然拼读等方式认读本课的重点单词: took, tell, great, delicious, made, poster 2.掌握本课的重点句子:I took some pictures. 能力目标:了解特殊动词的过去式学生能用一般过去时谈论和评价过去的行为。 情感目标:做一个热爱自然,热爱生活的好孩子过渡语:Boys and girls, are you clear? please come on! Ok?! 过渡语:Boys and girls, now lets see what we will learn in this class. OK? 二、二、Presentation 1.看活动一视频,跟读,然后根据图片复述课文内容。 2.看活动二视频,跟读句子,学习新单词。 3.跟读课文,回答问题。 4.角色扮演,小组内以不同的形式朗读课文并上台展示。 三、三、G roup work (一)内容 参照下面例句,小组讨论如何描述过去做了什么,并说说应该注意什么? Eg: 图片一 : Yesterday I skipped with Lingling. 学法指导: 1.先参考上述照片的例子自己想一想,找出每一幅的单词,然后再在组内交流。 2.参考短语:eat noodles, sing a song, play basketball, make a cake. 3.交流完毕后,请安静举手,准备全班展示。 (二)精讲点拨 1.描述过去发生的事情的句型:主语+动词过去式+其他。课文应用:We drank milk and juice. 2.重点词组:take some pictures 拍一些照片,tell me about. 告诉我关于.的事情,play games 玩游戏,lots of 很多,make a poster 制作一张海报。 3.课文出现了不规则动词的过去式,例如:take/took, eat/ate, drink/drank, make/made 过渡语:Do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands. 四、四、practice 1.根据老师出示的图片,用过去式的句子描述图片。 2.上个周末你和你的家人干什么了?制作一张海报,用过去时描述一下。 summery:Ok, lets have a summary, this class we learned the words and sentences. Lets read together! Very good. What did you learn this class? Now write down on your paper, please. At last lets see which group is the winner. Class is over. 附:板书设计附:板书设计 Module8 Unit2 I took some pictures. We drank milk and juice. I took some pictures and I made a poster. Make a poster and tell the class about it . Last Sunday dad went. Module8-unit-2-I-took-some-picturesModule8-unit-2-I-took-some-pictures 评测练习评测练习 1.听录音,完成短文。 I had a great picnic. We games. We lots of delicious food. We milk and juice. I some pictures and I a poster. 2.单项选择 (1)I _ some pictures yesterday. A.take B.took C.takes (2)He_ thin then.He _ fat now. A.is/was B.was/is C.were/are (3)Tell me _ your book. A.of B.for C.about (4)We ate _ delicious food. A. a lot B.lot of C. lots of (5)Last Sunday I _ my homework. A. do B.did C.does Module8-unit-2-I-took-some-pictures 课标分析课标分析 根据小学英语课程标准,四年级学生达到二级水平,语法水平是在 具体语境中理解语法项目的意义和用法,本节课主要学习过去式的 用法,所以学生应该在实际运用中体会过去式的表意功能。
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