外研版(三起)四下Module 10-Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-部级优课-(编号:10767).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Module 10_Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate._ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_部级优课_(编号:10767)
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    • Sam had lots of chocolate.教学课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案10767.doc--点击预览


Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate. Lets sing. Lets watch. stomach(胃)+ache(痛)= stomach ache Ive got a stomach ache. Listen and think! C. chacolate B. watermelon D. apple A. hamburger Yesterday Today so today hes got a stomach ache. Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday, Daming had two watermelons yesterday, so today hes got a stomach ache. Yesterday Today Amy had a cold Yesterday, and today shes got a headache. Yesterday Today Yesterday Today Lingling had a headache yesterday, and today shes got a fever. Listen and read. Dub the text. Ive got a stomach ache. Youve got a fever. Shes got a headache. Hes got a stomach ache. Task1: I can chant. Task2: I can act out the text. Task3: I can make up a sentence with “had”. Whats wrong with them today ? Good memory! fever stomach ache cold headache stomach ache chocolate had headache fever cold Listen and read the text. AfterAfter class:class: Tell your friends the story about your illness . Thank you! 1 【外研版小学英语第四册】 Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate. 教教 学学 设设 计计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.能听、说、读,写单词 had, chocolate, headache, cold, fever and stomach ache。 2.能够理解并运用: Sam had lots of chocolate。 3.能用目标语句描述自己的病症。 4.能够熟读并理解课文。 (二)过程与方法 通过师生、生生对话、句型操练等方式,掌握:主语+had句型。 通过跟读、小组合作学习、角色配音等方式,让学生能正确、流利地 朗读课文。 (三)情感态度与价值观 学生在回答问题、小组合作学习,游戏活动的过程中积极思考, 乐于参与,主动运用所学英语进行表达和交流。在课堂活动中喜欢与 其他同学合作学习,学会与他人分享。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 通过本学期前几个模块的学习,学生已基本理解并学会运用一 般过去时讨论和评价过去的行为。同时,学生在三年级已经学会了 描述自己拥有的东西,因此本课新知识点比较少。然而四个新单词 2 比较长,发音比较困难。用“so”因果连接,“and”并列连接长句 的朗读训练,对四年级的学生来说仍然比较困难。 三、教学重点、难点三、教学重点、难点 1.让学生理解,并运用:主语+had句型。 2.正确使用:主语+had的基本句型,来讲述自己的病症。 四、教学方法四、教学方法 任务型教学法,歌谣教学法,游戏教学法,TPR 教学法等。 五、教学用具五、教学用具 图片、单词卡片、PPT、点读笔。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step I. Warm up T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Ms Su. T: Happy to see you again. Im happy . Are you happy? S:Yes. T: Lets sing a song. (T and S sing the song: I went to the concert.) T: Lingling went to the concert, and she played the piano and sang with Amy. What did you do yesterday ? S1: I played football. T: Good. S2: I did my homework. 3 T: Well done. S3: I played basketball. T: Great. T: Today well learn Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate. Step II. Presentation T: Look! What did the boy do yesterday ? Lets watch the chant, please ! T: What did the boy do yesterday ? S1: He had a picnic S2: He played games. T: And then? Look! S3: He ate a cake. T: Yes, he ate a very big cake, so today hes got a stomach ache. (T Clicks on the computer and Ss read the word: stomach ache.) Game: T holds the two cards: stomach and ache, first they are away from each other, then they come near, at last they meet together ,as teacher does this,Ss read the two words ,then speak out the new word: stomach ache. T: So the boy says: Ive got a stomach ache.” T: Lets learn the chant together. (T plays the chant again.) T: The boy has got a stomach ache, so does Sam. Today Sam has got a stomach ache, too. What did he eat yesterday? Lets watch and think it . 4 T: What did Sam eat yesterday ? S: Chocolate. T: Good! T: Look! Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday. (T Clicks on the computer and Ss read the word: chocolate .) ( T writes it on the Blackboard.) Game: Team 1 and 3 read“choco”, Team 2 read“late” in syllable. (T asks individuals to read it.) (T clicks on the screen, Ss read the sentence.) T: Work in pairs. T: Any pair? (T asks two pairs to read.) T: So today hes got a stomach ache. (T clicks on the screen, S read the sentence.) T: Work in pairs. (T asks pairs to read.) (T puts the picture on the Blackboard.) T: What a pity! Our friends Daming, Amy and Lingling are ill today. Whats wrong with them? What did they have yeaterday? Lets listen and repeat the text. T: What did Daming have yesterday? 5 S1: Watermelons. T: Is he right? Ss: Yes. T: Lets have a look! (T clicks on the screen, S read the sentence.) T: Who can read? (T asks some individuals to read.) T: So today hes got a stomach ache. (T asks some individuals to read.) (T puts the picture on the Bb.) T: What about Amy? T: Look! What did Amy have yesterday? S1: Shes got a cold. T: Do you agree? S: Yes. Teach: cold (T writes it on the Blackboard .Then ask a line to read it one by one.) (T clicks on the screen, S read the sentence.) (Boys and girls read.) T: And today. Listen! S1: She s got a headache. T: You are so clever. 6 (T writes it on the Bb. Then ask a line to read it. T clicks on the screen, S read the sentence.) T: Who can read? S1 reads it ,then S1 calls his friends to read. (T puts the picture on the Blackboard.) T: What did Lingling have yesterday? S1: Shes got a headache. T: Is S1 right? S: Yes. (T asks each group to read.) T: And today. Listen! S1: She s got a fever. T: You are so clever. Teach: fever (T writes it on the Blackboard .Then ask a line to read it one by one. T clicks on the screen, Ss read the sentence.) T: Who wants to try? (S1 reads it ,then S1 calls his friends to read, and it goes on.) (T puts the picture on the Bb.) T: Now lets talk about the pictures. T: Work in pairs and practice together. T: Who can talk about Picture1Picture2Picture3Picture4? 7 T: Great ! Lets read together. T: Boys and girls, you did a very good job. Here is a song for you, listen! Song: Ive got a stomach ache. Youve got a fever. Shes got a stomach ache. Hes got a headache. (To the tune of I was fat.) Step III. Drill T: Boys and girls, I believe you can understand the text very well. Now lets read the text, pay attention to your pronunciation. T: Work in groups and read. T: Lets dub the text. Who can read Picture1Picture2Picture3Picture4? T: Wonderful! Clap for them. Here are stickers for you. Step IV. Show T: Clever boys and girls. Its time for show. Today we have got three tasks: Task1: I can chant. Task2: I can act out the text. Task3: I can make up a sentence with “ had”. T: You can choose one of it. Lets begin. Step V. Consolidation 8 T: Clever children, you are super. Now lets do some exercises. Exercise1: Good memory. T: Whats wrong with them today? Exercise 2: Quickly flashing game. T: Lets speak out the new words as quickly as you can. Are you ready? Lets go. (The music is rising up.) Step VI. Emotional education T: Dear children, eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Do exercises every day! Can you do it? Lets do it together! Step VII. Summary T: Today weve learnt some new words, lets read them: had, chocolate, headache, cold, fever and stomach ache. And some key sentences, and also a song made up of it, lets sing it again. Step VIII. Homework T: For todays homework. 1. Listen and read the text. 2. Tell your friends the story about your illness. T: Clever boys and girls, time is up. You did a very good job. Im very proud of you. Goodbye, boys and girls. 【Blackboard design】 9
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