北师大版(三起)三上Unit 5 My Things-lesson 4 Get it Right-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:305d3).docx

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1、Content 3AUnit5 My things (Lesson4 Get it right) Fun with Phonics Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv Aims 1. (Knowledge aim) By the end of this lesson, students will be able to tell the names, the sounds and several related words of the letters “Ss”, “Tt”, “Uu”, “Vv”. 2. (Skills aim) Students will be able to pronounce

2、the sounds of letters “Ss”, “Tt”, “Uu”, “Vv” correctly. 3. (Affective aim) Students will develop the phonemic awareness and cultivate basic interests in reading by learning Phonics. Analysis of the students The students of Grade 3 have been learning English for about four months. They can say some s

3、imple English and they are able to say the names and sounds of the letters A-R. This lesson is going to help them review the sounds and some related words of the letters A-R and guide them to learn the new letters S-V. Grade 3 students are also willing to say and have interests in English learning.

4、So songs, chants may help a lot in teaching. Difficulties & Key Points 1. To say the names and the sounds of the letters “Ss”, “Tt”, “Uu”, “Vv”. 2. To say the related words of “Ss”, “Tt”, “Uu”, “Vv”. AidsMulti-media & cards Procedure Step I. Lead-in 1. Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice

5、to see you. 2. Enjoy a song: Alphablocks T: Lets have fun with phonics today. First, lets enjoy an alphabet song: ABC Song with Peppa. 3. Lets meet a new friend: Briar Bear. Teacher guides students to find four letter friends of Briar Bear who are lost in the forest. T: Thank you, boys and girls. I

6、like letters. Do you like letters? Ss: Yes! T: This is our friend Briar bear. He likes letters too. He has 26 letter friends, but four of them are lost in the forest. Can we help him to find them? Lets go! 【设计意图】视听引领,情境创设:通过一首简单欢快的字 母歌,帮助学生复习 26 个字母的名字。并且创设了帮助熊大 寻找字母朋友的情境, 以此引出本节课教学目标 Fun with Ss, T

7、t, Uu, Vv. 学生在喜闻乐见的视听说过程中进入英语学习的 状态。 Step II. Presentation & Practice Ss is in “snake” 1. Meet Ss: Teacher shows a picture where is two snakes in the shape of “s” to ask students to find the letter, so that she can help them feel the shape of letter “s”. Then the teacher guides students to find in t

8、he picture the snakes and the sun. Teacher teaches the words and guides them to find out that their first letters are both “s”. So we can say the chant “Ss, Ss, Ss, Ss is for sun/snake.” T: Here we are! Look! Which letter can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see “Ss”. T: Great! This is Big S and th

9、is is little s. (Teacher uses letter cards to drill the shape of Ss.) T: Look at the picture, please. What can you see? S: I can see snakes. (Teacher teaches and drills “snake” with cards.) T: We can see “s” in the word “snake”, so we can say “Ss, Ss, Ss, Ss is for snake.” S: I can see a sun. (Teach

10、er teaches and drills “sun” with cards.) T: We can see “s” in the word “sun”, so we can say “Ss, Ss, Ss, Ss is for sun.” T: Thank you, boys and girls. We find “Ss”. Lets say “hello” to “Ss”. S: Hello, Ss! 【设计意图】创设情境,寻找 Ss:帮助孩子在情境中寻找和 感受字母 Ss,并在合理的情境中更自然地接触两个例词。随 后,用一首 chant 来巩固字母与单词之间的练习。 2. Listen

11、and imitate: Teacher lets the students listen to the sound of snakes and tells them that “s” speaks like a snake. Then let the students to speak with snakes and try to imitate. 【设计意图】形象示范,模仿发音:通过蛇的发音与 s 发音 的相似性,帮助学生理解和操练字母 s 的发音。 T: Boys and girls, the snakes can speak. Lets listen! T: Oh, the snake

12、s say /s/. And “Ss” speaks like a snake. So “Ss” says? S: /s/. 3. Listen and chant: Teacher shows the word “snake” and “sun” whose first letters are emphasized and let the students to feel the beginning sound “s” makes in words. Then the students are guided to say the chant “s snake s sun snake sun

13、sun”. T: “Ss” says /s/, and “Ss” is for “snake” and “Ss” is for “sun”. So we can make a chant “/s/, snake, /s/, sun, snake, sun, sun.” 【设计意图】从字母到单词:引导学生感受字母 s 在以它为 首字母的单词中的发音,并用 chant 巩固认知。 Tt is in the taxi 1. Meet Tt: Teacher shows a picture of “Tt” first to teach the shape of the letter. Then “Tt

14、” goes away. Teacher guides students to look for letter Tt. Then teacher shows the pictures of a tiger and a taxi with “t” in it. T: Here we are! Wow! Look! We find letter “Tt”! This is big T. This is little t. (Teacher plays the PPT and “Tt” goes away.) T: But the “Tt” goes away! Lets go to find it

15、! T: What can you see in this picture? S: A tiger. (Teacher teaches and drills “tiger” with cards.) T: Behind the tiger we can see a taxi too. (Teacher teaches and drills “taxi” with cards.) T: But where is “Tt”? Lets ask the tiger. And listen to what the tiger says. “Tiger, tiger, where is Tt? Taxi

16、, taxi, Tts in the taxi.” T: Oh! The taxi comes. And “Tt” comes out. We find letter Tt! Lets say “hello” to “Tt”! Ss: Hello, Tt! 【设计意图】创设情境,寻找 Tt:直接出示 Tt 并完成字形的 教授后,以动画效果创设出 Tt 躲藏的情境,带领孩子一起寻 找 Tt。在此过程中学习两个例词,并且用一首问答的小诗来 巩固例词。 2. Do and imitate: Teacher plays a video of the sound of “Tt” and students

17、 imitate it. T: Tt can speak too. Lets watch and listen. T: So T says /t/. 【设计意图】播放视频,感受发音:通过一个小视频让孩子 在趣味中感受 t 的发音,并且能够提高孩子模仿的兴趣。 3. Listen and chant: Teacher shows the words beginning with “t”, and students say the chant “/t/, tiger, /t/, taxi, tiger, tiger, taxi.” T: “Tt” says /t/, and “Tt” is for

18、 “tiger” and “Tt” is for “taxi”. So we can make a chant “/t/, tiger, /t/, taxi, tiger, tiger, taxi.” 【设计意图】从字母到单词:引导学生感受字母 t 在以它为 首字母的单词中的发音,并用 chant 巩固认知。 Uu is on the umbrella 1. Meet Uu: Teacher shows a picture of an umbrella with a letter “Uu” on it. Students look and say. Teacher plays the PPT

19、where the umbrella is going up to show the word “up”. T: Boys and girls, what can you see in the picture? S: Umbrella. T: Yes. We can see an umbrella in the picture. And on the umbrella we can see S: Uu. T: Great! This is big U. This is little u. T: We can see U in “umbrella”. So we can say “Uu, Uu,

20、 Uu, Uu is for umbrella.” T: Look! The umbrella is going up。So we can make up a chant “Uu, Uu, Uu, Uu is for up.” 【设计意图】图形感知,动画释义:从图片中寻找字母 U, 感知字形,随后用动画来生动地引出例词 up,通过形象的情 境来帮助初学的孩子感知字母和词义。 2. Listen and imitate: Teacher shows the PPT where Uu is hanged on the tree up high and plays the sound of Uu a

21、s a scared sound. Students listen and imitate. T: Oh! U is on the tree, boys and girls. He is scared. (Teacher shows the gesture of scare.) Can you guess what U says? S: /. T: Yes. Uu says /. Lets say with Uu. 【设计意图】情境体验,热情模仿:为孩子设置一个让 U 合 理发声的情境,并且鼓励孩子主动模仿。 3. Listen and chant: Teacher shows the wor

22、ds beginning with Uu, and guides the students to say the chant “/, up, /, umbrella, umbrella, up, up.” T: “Uu” says / /, and “Uu” is for “up” and “Uu” is for “umbrella”. So we can make a chant “/ /, up, /, umbrella, umbrella, up, up.” T: Great! We save Uu! Lets say “hello” to Uu. S: Hello, Uu! 【设计意图

23、】从字母到单词:引导学生感受字母 v 在以它为 首字母的单词中的发音,并用 chant 巩固认知。 Vv is on the van 1. Look and find:Teacher shows a picture of a van who has a “V” on it and lets students look and try to find it. Then teacher shows vegetables after the van to teach the two words. T: Which letter are we going to find? S: Vv. T: Yes.

24、 Can you see “Vv” in this picture? Please show to us. T: Good! “Vv” is on the van. T: We can see “v” in “van”. So we can say “Vv, Vv, Vv, Vv is for van.” T: After the van there are vegetables. T: We can see “v” in “vegetables”. So we can say “Vv, Vv, Vv, Vv is for vegetables.” 【设计意图】设置情境,寻找 Vv:在图片中寻

25、找字母,提高 孩子观察与发现的积极性,并且介绍两个例词。将字母与例 词较为融洽地融合在一起。 2. Listen and imitate: Teacher plays the sound of the van and lets students imitate it. T: Listen, boys and girls. Whats it? Can you imitate it? T: “Vv” speaks like a van. So “Vv” says /v/. 【设计意图】巧妙联系,合理发声:通过字母和例词间的巧 妙联系,让孩子对情境有直观的感受,以此理解字母 v 的声 音。 3. L

26、isten and chant: Teacher shows the words beginning with Vv, and guides the students to say the chant “/v/, vegetables, /v/, van, vegetables, van, van.” T: “Vv” says / v /, and “Vv” is for “vegetables” and “Vv” is for “van”. So we can make a chant “/v/, vegetables, /v/, van, vegetables, van, van.” T:

27、 Great! We find Vv! Lets say “hello” to Vv. S: Hello, Vv! 【设计意图】从字母到单词:引导学生感受字母 v 在以它为 首字母的单词中的发音,并用 chant 巩固认知。 Enjoy a phonics song: Teacher plays a phonics song for students. T: Now we have found all the four letter friends. They are “S, T, U, V”. The Briar Bear says “Thank you, boys and girls! L

28、ets enjoy a phonics song!” 【设计意图】及时巩固,放松身心:低年级的孩子注意力集中 时间还不够长,认识字母后,为孩子们带来一首轻快优美的拼 读歌曲,能够及时巩固,也能够让孩子得到放松,更好地调动 孩子的积极性。 Step III. Consolidation 1. Listen and circle: There are 4 trains carrying different letters on its carriages. T says the sound of the letter and the Ss have to find out the right on

29、e. 【设计意图】听音识字,有趣高效:通过小火车的形式来帮助 孩子巩固字母音形匹配。 2. Listen and say: T plays 6 pieces of voice. Ss listen and tell the right beginning letter according to the voice. 【设计意图】听词辨音,学以致用:通过录音请孩子们说出单 词的首字母,能够巩固孩子对字母在单词中发音的概念。 3. Homework: a) Review the letters Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv. b) Sing the phonics song with your friends.


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