外研版(三起)五下Module 9-Unit 1 We laughed a lot.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:80067).zip

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Unit 1 We laughed a lot. Name: Luo Yajing School: Aohua Primary School Module 9 外研外研版(三起点)五年级级下册册 About me Where did Lingling go yesterday? What did she do ? What did they see in London ? Where did they see these funny things? Pre-reading A B Where did they see these funny things? While-reading While-reading 1. When did they go to the theatre? 2. What did they see? Read the Paragaph1 silently and underline the answers. While-reading 1. When did they go to the theatre? 2. What did they see? 1.2. when what a woman womena woman tell actors while-reading Read the Paragaph1 loudly. While-reading Please read the Paragraph 2, try to ask some questions in groups. wherewhen what who Post-reading Listen and Repeat Lets retell Last Sunday, I went to the zoo with my friends. I saw many animals. They were cute. I took many photos. I bought some toys. I had a lovely time there. Let me share where when who what where what who when place time(last _.) friends, family saw ate bought : did visit fly a kite go swimming : : : Where did you go? When did you go? Who did you go with? What did you do? I 假设 Suppose(假设假设) you are Daming What do you want to tell Lingling? (Write a letter back to Lingling.) Let s write 102 XiuXiang Road Nanning,Guangxi China Dear Lingling, I am so happy to receive(收收到) your letter. Last Sunday, I went to the zoo with my friends. I saw many animals. They were cute. I took many photos. I bought some toys. I had a lovely time there. I am ready for my trip to the US. Love, Daming 102 Xiuxiang Road Nanning,Guangxi China Dear Lingling, I am so happy to receive(收收到) your letter. _ _ _ I am ready for my trip to the US. Love, Daming Scottish skirt Its a sign(标志标志)of national culture (国国家 文化) of Scotland(苏格兰苏格兰). Enjoy different cultures, show our respect. (欣赏不同同文化现象,尊尊重其他国国家文化。) Homework - 1 - 教学内容五年级下 Module 9 Unit1 We laughed a lot. 教材分析 本课出自新标准英语三年级起点五年级下 Module9 Unit1 内容,主 要学习以书信的格式,使用一般过去时态来描述自己曾经发生的事情。 本课通过玲玲给大明的一封信,讲述上周她去儿童剧院的见闻,呈现 用一般过去时来描述已经发生的事情,并学习英语书信的格式。 学情分析 经过几年的学习,五年级的学生普遍有了一定的英语基础,对一般 过去时有一定的认识和了解,基本能够运用一般过去时态描述过去发 生的事情,同时还具备了一定的自学能力和语言组织能力。五年级下 册对学生写作有初步的引导要求,根据例句提示,大部分学生可以用 英语写出日常生活的简短语句。 语言知识 1.学习和理解单词:laugh,wore,theater,told 等。 2.能听、说、认读句型:The men wore womens clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot. 语言技能 1.能通阅读训练后提取 where,when,who,what 四要素, 以书信形式,书写自己曾经做过有趣的事情。 2.能掌握略读和精读技巧,提高查找语篇关键信息能力, 尝试通过语境推理,理解单词语义,培养学生思维品质。 情感态度 学生能够积极参与、大胆开口,并通过展示提高学 习英语的自信、成就感,体验学习的快乐,提高学习的 兴趣和积极性。 教学目标 学习策略 充分利用课件和其它学习资源,在教学活动中引导 学生自主、协作学习,创设阅读任务让孩子们去完成, 使孩子们的语言发散性思维及运用能力得到锻炼,从而 - 2 - 提高阅读英语文章的能力和生活语言应用能力。 文化意识 让学生了解不同国家的文化差异,学会欣赏不同的文 化现象,学会尊重其他民族和国家的文化。 教学重点 1.掌握略读、精读技巧,提高查找语篇关键信息的能力,通过语境分 析,理解单词语意。 2.能运用已学语言谈论过去发生的事情,以书信形式,书写自己曾经 做过有趣的事情。 教学难点 能运用已学语言谈论过去发生的事情,以书信形式,书写自己曾 经做过有趣的事情。 教学方法 及手段 交际教学法、阅读教学法、任务型教学法。 教学准备课文光盘、PPT、人物头贴等 时间教师活动学生活动设计意图 教学过程 2 3 Step I:Warm-up 1.Greetings. 2.Sing a song: I went to the concert. 3.Answer the questions from the song: Where did Lingling go yesterday? What did she do? Step II: Lead in 1.Say hello. 2.Sing a song: I went to the concert. 3.Answer : She went to the concert yesterday. She played the piano and sang with Amy. 以歌曲导入 方式回归一 般过去时态 用法,复习 特 what, where,who 特殊疑问句。 - 3 - 3 5 Lingling and her friends also had a lovely time in London. They saw lots of funny things in UK. 1.Watch and answer: What did they see? 2.呈现 saw,wore Step III Presentation 1.Pre-reading T:Thats funny. Where did Lingling see these funny things? Watch the video, and answer. 呈现 theatre,laugh 2.While-reading (1)Please read the paragaph1 silently and underline the answers. Ask:Q1 When did they go to the theatre? Q2 What did they see? (2) Read the paragaph1 together. (3) Listen and read the (1)Watch the video (2) Answer:They saw a dog. It wore a coat. 1.Answer: Its at the Childrens theatre. 1.Read the paragraph2 2. Answer questions: S1:Last week. S2:They saw (2).Groupwork: Choose 2-3W words 通过快速阅 读,了解课 文大意,明 确课文关键 信息:玲玲 上周去了剧 院。 通过细读, 布置答题任 务,训练学 生查找文中 关键信息能 - 4 - 7 10 4 1 paragaph2,try to ask some questions in groups. 3.Post-reading (1).Listen and repeat (2).Retell IV. Practice 1.Share a passage about teachers funny day. 2. Thats what I did last week .What about you? (Work in pairs, then write) Where did you go? When did you go? What did you do? Who did you go with? V. Production Writing: Suppose you are Daming, please write a letter back to Lingling. 2.Who want to share his letter? Step VI: Consolidation to ask in gourp. Ask and answer. Where_? Who_? 3.(1) Repeat 4.Retell Talk about what did I do last week. Write a letter. Show a letter. 力,提高学 生自主阅读 方式。 复述课文是 很好的输出 训练,及时 检测学生对 本课知识概 括的掌握。 先说到写的 训练,激活 学生原有知 识储备。 - 5 - Subilimation: Enjoy different cultures, show our respect. Homework 1.Read the text twice and try to retell the text. 2.Write a letter to your friends about what you did. 情感升华, 让学生了解 不同国家的 文化差异, 学会欣赏不 同文化现象, 学会尊重其 他民族和国 家的文化。 板书设计 Module9 Unit1 We laughed a lot. last weekafter the show where childrens theatre restaurant who Amy, Lingling, Sam whatThe man The woman. The actors. ate hamburgers 教学反思 1 Dear Lingling, I am so happy to receive(收到) your letter. Last Sunday, I went to the zoo with my fri ends. I saw many animals. They were cute. I took many photos. I bought some toys. I had a lovely time there. I am ready for my trip to the US. Love, Daming 2. Where: Place When : Last_(Saturdays, Sundays) Who : family, friends, teachers What : saw. ate bought did (flew a kite, went swimming, visited) 3.Write a letter back to Lingling and tell about what you did last week. Dear Lingling, I am so happy to receive(收到收到) your letter. _ _ _ _ I am ready for my trip to the US. Love, Daming
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