外研版(三起)五下Module 9-Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e22ff).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 9_Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you._ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:e22ff)
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Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages 说说 课课 稿稿 一教材分析 本人这堂课着重尝试对学生进行英语听力的训练,讲授的是五 年级起点的第五册第三模块第一单元 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages ,内容是了解英国一日三餐的饮食情况。我将会 用 3P 的教学模式来教学。 二教学目标: 1知识目标: 会说单词:rice、cake、noodles 、meet、milk 会运用语句:_What did she have for lunch? _She had sandwiches. 书写单词:fish and chips、egg、sausage、sandwich 2能力目标:通过单词学习,总结读音规则,打好语音基础,培养 学生的听、说、读、写的能力。培养学生的观察能力和合作能力。 3情感目标:培养兴趣,激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生乐于 助人的品质。 4教学重点: 学会说句型: What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? 并会运用 She had_ 来回答。4 个新学单词。 三说学生 五年级的学生他们已有两年的英语学习经历。学生活泼好动, 乐于参与,善于模仿,爱表现,喜欢新鲜事物,对新语言的好奇往 往激起他们对英语学习的兴趣。他们不怕犯错误,他们爱玩,爱唱, 爱游戏,爱活动,还很在乎老师的激励和表扬。 四说教法: 1本课主要学习食物名称,并且讨论一日三餐的饮食情况。为 了让学生学习更多的单词和语句,从头至尾设计的课堂活动全部与 食物有关系。无形地让他们去喜欢英语课堂,成功地为上好本节课 做好准备。 2导入新课时:教师先呈现 I had milk for breakfast this morning. What did you have_for breakfast?重复几遍,让学生感知这两句 话,以此来引出今天我们要学习的重点句型,学生在上学期已经学 过一般过去时。 3在新课教学阶段:通过让学生大量的听音,培养学生的听力和 语感、掌握纯正的语音、语调。教单词阶段,反复出示图片反复听, 最后教读,让学生快速记忆单词。 4组织小组活动:通过小组活动培养他们的听力水平和口语表达 能力。 五说学法 我采用任务型的教学法让学生在完成任务的过程中,学习新的教 学内容。我还采用了全身反应法让学生全身心投入到课堂上来。本 课让学生通过听一听,指一指,说一说,练一练,对学生进行听力 能力的训练。同时通过小组合作与交流,表演,比赛等形式,让学 生在活动中感受,理解和记忆并运用语言,让学生在活动中积极参 与,大胆尝试,达到学以致用的学习效果,培养学生的综合运用语 言的能力。 六教学过程 Step1 Warmp-up: a song “boy and girl” (配上动作) 目的:提高学生的积极性,让学生的精神能很快地集中到课堂上来。 Step2 Review(复习) 我叫学生用说唱的方式来复习 meat 、noodles、 rice 、milk 、cake 等上节课所学的单词。 目的:复习巩固上节课所学的单词,用唱说的方式来复习,非常 有效地让学生自如地复习单词。 Step3 New concepts 1、Teach the new words: fish and chips、egg、sausage、sandwich 用展示图片的方式逐个教,图片新颖足以引起学生的兴趣。 目的:教学新单词,新颖的方式使学生积极去学,快乐地学。 2、 同桌互助教读单词,同桌之间一个展示图片,另外一个读出 图片对应的单词。 目的:这个 pairwork 既让学生加强新学知识的认识,配合图片来 加深学生对单词的记忆。 3、 课文新知引入:听录音并跟读, 目的:通过听录音来培训学生的语感,听力。并通过录音教学课文。 4. 根据课文角色扮演, 目的:这个环节使同学们更熟悉课文内容,让学生亲自实践演练, 感觉更深刻。 5、小组活动:小组成员互相调查,2 位学生为一组,一位同学 问 What did you have for lunch?另外一位就回答。 目的:小组活动的最大的效果就是增强小组之间的合作能力,灵活 性很强,是运用知识很灵活的方式之一。学生们非常喜欢小组活动, 轻松,学习效率高。 6、 总结评价, 7、homework (1). Introduce the food to your parents, (2). Listen and copy the new words and the text for three. 七板书设计: Unit1 She had eggs and sausages. What did you have for breakfast? I had _for breakfast. fish and chips sausage sandwich egg Module 9 Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you 1 教学目标 知识目标:学会听、说、读、写本课新单词: borrow, another, history, at all, not at all, bring, read 能力目标:能运用句型: 谈论将来:We are going to see you in three weeks. 谈论过去:Mum bought new T-shirts for you. 情感态度目标: 学生能积极地参与,课堂学习活动,通过展示自己提高英语学习的自信 心,成就感。体验学习的快乐,提高学习兴趣。 培养学生听、说、读、写的综合能力。 2 学情分析 在以前学习的基础上,学生已经了解英文信的书写格式,一般过去 时态句子结构、动词变化形式以及一般将来时句子结构和动词的形 式。多数学生能用主语+动词过去式简单描述过去发生的事,用主语 +be going to+动词原形描述将要或打算做的事情。个别学生还不能运 用这两种时态。学生对一般过去时,一般将来时两种时态的表达、动 词的变化等还不能灵活运用。 3 重点难点 重点: 1、学生能掌握本课的词汇和句型。 2、能运用句型描述过去、现在和将来发生的事情。来源:学。科。网 难点: 能运用所学的句型对自己过去、现在和将来进行描述。 4 教学过程 Step 1. Warmingup 1. Greetings. 2. Review the past tense of the following words 3.Answer the following two questions (1)What day is it today? Today is May 18th. (2)What day is tomorrow? Today is May 19th. Step 2. Learn the new words read at all notat all borrow another history bed room history evening Step 3 Leadin 1.Watch the flash and try to sing “POSTM AN POSTMAN” T: Now look, a man is coming! Who is he? Ss: Postman来源:Z#xx#k.Com T: Yes, the postman is going to sing for you. Just listen! Watch the flash and try to sing. Step 4 Listen and chant He borrowed some books. And he read them all. He bought some books. But he didnt read at all. Step 5 Listen and read (1) Listen to the passage and show 2 questions (2) Listen to the passage again (3) Listen to the passage carefully and answer the questions. What will Simons dad do for Daming? Dads going to put another bed in Simons room. What did Simons mum do for Daming? Mum bought new T-shirts for him. Step 6 Learnning (1) Learn this letter We are going to see you in three weeks. Dads going to put another bed in my room. Mum bought new T-shirts for you. Dad read a book about Chinese history. We borrowed a bike for you. (2) Watch the flash, listen and read Step 7 Ask and answer (1)What did he do yesterday? He played table tennis yesterday (2)What is he doing now ? He is playing the guitar now. (3) What is he going to do tomorrow? He is going to play basketball Step8 Look and write. He is playing ping-pong now. He is going to swim tomorrow. Step9 Happy to learn English standard (1) Watch video and learn the pronunciation of / (2) Listen and say (3) Read the following words queen quarter she English this with thank mouth Step 10 Say and guess. Boys and girls read in roles. Step11 Free talk What did they do last week? They Step12 Summary Summary what we learnt this lesson. Step 13 Homework. Read Lilys story and help her write a letter to her cousin Marry. Step 14 Blackboard writing design Module9 Unit2 Mum bought new T-shirt for you. postman yesterday now tomorrow letter
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