外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 3-Unit 2 The cows are drinking water.-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:008ef).doc

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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 3-Unit 2 The cows are drinking water.-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:008ef).doc_第1页
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1、Module 3 Unit 2 The cows are drinking water 教教学设计学设计 一、教学内容教学内容 本单元讲述的是正在发生的事情。 本课的核心内容是学生能较熟练地运用现 在进行时态(主语+be+动词 ing)来讲述正在发生的事情,描述照片或图片中的 活动场景, 再加以练习以巩固学习现在进行时态。 主要学习生词 just, cow, blow, rabbit;学习句型:The sun is shining. The wind is blowing. The birds are singing. The cows are drinking. We are having

2、a lovely time! 等语句讲述正在 发生的事。 二、二、教材分析教材分析 本课继续复习和巩固现在进行时态,用新语言来描述讲述正在发生的事情、 描述照片或图片中的活动场景。 三三、学情分析学情分析 六年级的学生大部分能够专心听讲,积极主动发言。所以,我在教学过程中 基于本课内容的特点和六年级学生的心理特征,采用任务型教学法,以任务为主 导,活动为主线辅以情境教学和游戏教学法,让学生在真实的语境中通过感知、 体验、实践、参与和合作等方式学习新知、感受用英语交流的乐趣和成功感,完 成教学目标,培养学生用英语进行交流的能力。 四、四、教学目标教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.全体学生能够听说认读

3、重点词汇 just, cow, blow, rabbit, hide-and-seek 2.全体学生能够运用句子表述正在进行的动作或发生的事 The sun is shining. The wind is blowing. The birds are singing. The cows are drinking. The rabbits are jumping. The ducks are swimming. Simon and I are playing hide -and-seek. We are having a lovely time! (二)能力目标 1.在图文或场景下进行简单的英语

4、交流,提高学生的英语交际能力 2.培养学生学习英语的兴趣 (三)情感目标 1.使学生体验英语学习的乐趣 2.通过小组合作,培养学生的合作精神和竞争意识纪教育网版权所有 五五、重点难点重点难点 教学重点 能听懂会说、理解并掌握句子 The sun is shining. The wind is blowing. The birds are singing. The cows are drinking. The rabbits are jumping. The ducks are swimming. Simon and I are playing hide -and-seek. We are ha

5、ving a lovely time! ycom 教学难点 运用句型结构“主语+be+ 动词-ing”来表示正在进行的动作或发生的事。 四、四、教学过程教学过程 Step1 Warming-up 1) Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning, Ms Su! T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you ? T: Im fine, too. Thanks. Today Ms Su feels happy, because we will learn the new kno

6、wledge. Are you happy ? Ss: Yes, I am. T: Now, there is a happy chant. Try your best to chant. Let me know, you are really happy. OK? Ss: OK. 2)Chant I say send, you say sending. I say shine, you say shining. I say sing, you say singing. I say fly,you say flying. I say drink, you say drinking. I say

7、 swim, you say swimming. I say blow, you say blowing. I say jump, you say jumping. We are happy, happy happy happy. 3)Review. Step2 Lead in T:Please look at the picture, what can you see ? S1:Water. S2: Mountains. S3:Grass. S4:奶牛. S5: Cow. T: Yes, we can see water, mountains, grass and cows. CCC /kk

8、k/ow/au/ cow cow cow. Read follow me. Ss: CCC /kkk/ow/au/ cow cow cow. T:What are the they doing? Ss: They are drinking water. T:Today, we will learn Module 3 Unit2 The cows are drinking water.(板书) Step 3 Presentation 1)T:Look at the blackboard, play a game-save the lion. Group tiger, group bear and

9、 group cat will save the lion. 2) T: The animals are our friends. They can do a lot. They can help the firefighters, the deaf and blind men. Today, let us see, what did Simons cat do for him? OK? Ss:OK. T:Listen to audio,watch the cartoon, then answer the questions. question 1 What is Simon doing? q

10、uestion 2 Who is helping Simon now? 3) Follow the cartoon. 4) Act out the cartoon. 5) Self-learning T: Listen to audio,watch the cartoon, then answer the questions. .Daming is writing to. A.TomB. AmyC.Lingling (分别展示这三人的照片) We arenow. A. in a parkB. on the pondC. in the mountians There areanimals. A.

11、 threeB. fourC. five 6) Follow the cartoon, than dub it. 7)引出现在进行时,并讲解其定义及结构,出示顺口溜。 定义:表示现在正在进行的动作或发生的事。(板书) 结构:主语+be+动词 ing(现在分词) (板书) Doggerel (顺口溜) 现在进行很好记,Be 加动词 ing。 Be 像神奇遥控器,忘记可要打屁屁。 Be 由主语来决定,单数 is 复数 are。 句中常有标志词:look,listen and now。 Step4 Exercise and Consolidation 1)Look at the pictures a

12、nd say.(特别给出关键词: look, listen and now) 2)Fill in the blanks.(填一填) 3)I point, you say. 4)Look, listen and write. Step5 Piercing eye. (巩固重难点的句型及句子) Step6 Summary 现在进行时:主语+be+动词 ing(现在分词) 现在进行时顺口溜 T: Today, which group save the lion? Ss: Group cat. T: Congratulation to group cat. T/Ss: You are wonderfu

13、l, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Step7 Homework Retell the story in activity two use the new words. Step8 Watch a video about protect animals. T: What do you think? Ss: 保护动物 T: Yes. The animals are our friends. We should protect them. Can you do it? Ss:Yes, I can. T: OK. I believe you can. T:That

14、s all.Thank you.Goodbye, boys and girls. Ss: Goodbye, Ms Su. 板书设计:板书设计: Module3 Unit2 The cows are drinking water. 现在进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作或发生的事。 结构:主语+be+动词 ing 教学反思教学反思:本单元讲述的是正在发生的事情。本课的核心内容是学生能较熟练地 运用现在进行时态(主语+be+动词 ing)来讲述正在发生的事情,描述照片或图 片中的活动场景。首先,我利用 Chant 激发和调动学生的学习兴趣。其次,利 用动态图复习上一个单元的内容, 通过观察图片导入新课

15、, 利用听、 跟读、 表演、 配音等方式让学生记住所学内容。然后,让学生观察而导出现在进行时,讲解定 义及句型后,给出朗朗上口的顺口溜,学生一下子就记住了现在进行时的结构以 及现在进行时句中常有的标志词 look,listen and now。 并给出相应的练习 look at the pictures and say, fill in the blanks, I point you say,look, listen and write 来巩固所学内容。再者,通过 Piercing eye 回归课文重难点。最后,让学生观看 爱护动物的视频,让学生们认识到动物和人类只是形体上的差异,我们应该保护 他们。整堂课下来,学生的积极性一直很高,学生们不仅学会了知识,更认识到 要保护动物。作为教师的我们,不仅仅只是教书,更需要育人。


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