外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 2-Unit 1 When are we going to eat -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:f0bb4).zip

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Module2 Unit1 When are you going to eat? 1、教学内容分析: 本课内容为义务教育教科书外研社出版新标准英语 (三起),小学英语六年级下册Module2 Unit1 When are you going to eat?本模块的教学内容谈论计划和未来天气。本 单元的教学内容是谈论自己的周末计划。课文活动二。 Daming,Simon 及 Simon 的妈妈将要去湖边野餐,通过本单 元的学习,再次复习一般将来时,目的是让学生能运用“be going to+动词原形”这个句式描述将要发生的事情。 二、教学目标: 1. 知识目标: (1)能听懂、会说、会读、会写本单元的单词duck ,later, dark, cloud, dry, stay,like. (2)掌握句型:When are we going to eat? We are going to eat at half past twelve. 2. 能力目标:能模仿课文,用be going to 讨论意图和计划。 3. 情感目标: (1)培养学生熟悉生活、热爱生活的积极态度,对生 活中常用句子的理解和运用。 (2)通过与他人的合作,培养自己的合作意识、合作精 神与合作能力,能够体会到团队力量的强大,从而乐于并善 于与人合作。 三、教学重难点: 教学重点:进一步强化复习一般将来时“be going to”句型。 教学难点:学会运用“be going to”句型来讨论活动计划。 4、学情分析: 5教学过程 Step I Warmingup 1.Greeetings: T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Welcome to our class! (和学生热情打招呼,营造学习英语的气氛。) 2. Divide the class into four groups T:In this class,I will divide you into two groups,If you do a good job,you can get these food for your group.I hope you will have a good time today. 3.开门见山,揭示课题。 T:Today we are going to talk about plans,Moudle2 Unit1 When are we going to eat?(贴课题) 3. Review(利用课本练习 4 复习时间的表述) T:Look,this is a clock.When are you going to eat? S:We are going to eat at half past six. T:What time is it? S:Its. T:When are you going to school? S:We are going to school at eight. (利用相同方法完成剩下的两组练习) Step II Presentation 1.lead in T:Who are they? S:They are Daming,Simon and Simons mum.(贴人物头像) 2.Listen and answer T:Do you want to know what are they going to do?Lets watch the video and find answers. Q: What are they going to do? They are going to have a picnic in the park. 4. Listen again and choose. T:They take many delicious food and Simon is hungry.So when are they going to eat? Q1:When are they going to eat? Q2:What time is it?(贴板书时间,并学习one hour to go) Q3:Whats the weather going to be? 学习单词 cloud(听音跟读) T:if there are many clouds in the sky,the weather is cloudy.(复 习 cloudy,将云朵涂成灰色,学习dark clouds) 5. Listen for the third time and answer. Q1:what are the ducks doing? Q2:Do you think they were happy?(贴板书心情) 6. Think:If you are Daming and Simon,what will you do? S:I will watch the weather report in advance. S:I will take umbrellas. S:I will take raincoat. S:I will stay at home. I will choose a sunny day and have a picnic. T:In a word.Its very important to make a plan.and the weather is a key point to consider.Try to be a careful man. 7. Listen and repeat.(看动画,模仿语音语调跟读) 8. Retell the text. 9.总结如何制定计划,列出关键词。 设计意图:以课文内容为主线,以回答问题的形式理解课文 大意,并在语境中学习新单词。通过听指课文感受语言,再 跟读注意语音语调。利用板书复述课文,总结语言框架。) Step III Consolidation and Extension T:This is Daming and Simons weekend.Next look at my plan about winter holiday. 1. 教师利用思维导图介绍自己的寒假计划。 T:This is my plan about my holiday.What about you?Next you d better collect key information and make a mind map. 2. Make a mind map about your plan.(学生可以自由发挥, 介绍自己的寒暑假计划,周末计划,放学回家后的计划安排) 3. Share the works of several groups. 4. Writing 5. T :According to your mind map and write you plan. 设计意图:通过拓展,让学生把学到的语言运用到生活中, 到讲台前展示提高学生的学习成就感和用英语表达的自信心。 StepV. Homework. 1. Recite the text on P8-9. 2. Introduce your plan to your parents or friends.
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