外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 5-Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:c10dd).zip

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1 Module5 Unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.同步练习题 学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 一、读一读,找出不同类的选项。 ( )1.A.hamburger B. hot dog C. milk ( )2.A.rain B. sunny C. cloudy ( )3.A.Tuesday B. Qingdao C. Thursday ( )4.A.rabbit B. duck C. blow ( )5.A.drink B. hungry C. eat 二、单项选择题。 ( )1. Xiaoqiang is playing the drum, but the door_. A. open B. opening C. opens ( )2. In this photo, the children_ in the park. A.are playing football B.had a picnic C.is playing basketball( ) 3. What is the weather like? It_. A. is rain B. was raining C. is raining 2 ( )4. Today is _birthday. A. I B. me C. my ( )5. Im _but then I feel hungry. A.do homework B. doing homework C. hungry ( )6.His dog is barking very_. A. loudly B. loudy C. loud 三、根据提示把句子补充完整。 1. Daming is _(演奏) the erhu. 2. He goes to the supermarket for the first _.(次,回) 3. The _ is drinking water.(奶牛) 4. There are some _ on the pond.(鸭子) 5. He looks _(像.一样) his father. 四、读短文,判断 1-5 小题,正确的写 T,错误的写 F。 It was sunny last Saturday.We had a picnic beside the Minjiang Ri ver.We arrived there at half past nine in the morning.Then we walked along the river for one hour.And then we played interesting games.W e ate our picnic at half past twelve.We ate some hamburgers,some hot 3 dogs and some sandwiches. We went home at three oclock.We had a lovely day. ( )1.It was sunny on Saturday. ( )2.They had a picnic on Saturday. ( )3.They ate some cakes. ( )4.They went home at half past three. ( )5.They were very happy. Module 5 Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. suonasuona 唢呐唢呐 t trumpetumpet 小号小号 Letets s watchatch anand sasay , thenthen enenjo oy. . Letets s watchatch anand sasay . . Letets s looook watchatch anand sasay . . Whathat a are e thethey doinoing? Letets s reaead . . Letets s looook anand sasay , thenthen watchatch . . Letets s looook anand numnumbe er. . Letets s looook reaead anand sasay thenthen writeite . . Daminaming isis p pla ayining thethe suonasuona, . . Daminaming isis p pla ayining thethe suonasuona a againain, . . Daminaming isis p pla ayining thethe suonasuona fofor thethe thithird timetime , . . Daminaming isis p pla ayining thethe suonasuona, butut thethe phonephone rinings s. . Daminaming isis p pla ayining thethe suonasuona a againain, butut thethe be ell rinings s. . Daminaming isis p pla ayining thethe suonasuona fofor thethe thithird timetime , butut thethe do og stastart ts s toto ba ark ve ery lououdly. . 开始开始 Watchatch anand repeat.epeat. Letets s watchatch anand repeat.epeat. Letets s reaead . . 1 2 3 Letets s reteetell. . Daming is having a birthday party. He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. He stops and everyone waits. Daming is playing the suona again, but the bell rings.“Stop!” says Simon. Daming stops. More friends come in. Simons dog comes in too. Daming is playing the suona for the third time, but the dog starts to bark very loudly. His friends cant hear him.“Stop! Simon says. The dog stops. They all laugh. Letets s looook anand sasay , thenthen write.ite. the bell rings. the phone rings. her brother starts to play the flute. but, , 并列连词,意为并列连词,意为“但是但是”,表示转,表示转 折关系,所连接的成分意思相反或相对。折关系,所连接的成分意思相反或相对。 the bell rings. the phone rings. her brother starts to play the flute. HomeworkHomework 1 1. ListenListen andand readread thethe text.text. 2 2.WriteWrite moremore sentencessentences withwith “but”.“but”. ThankThank youyou ! ! 1 Module5 Unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.的教学设计 一、教材分析 本模块是外研社新标准英语(三年级起点)六年级下册第五模块第一单 元的学习内容。本单元以大明过生日为背景展开话题,大明在生日派对上 吹唢呐时几次被打断而引出的 but 这个转折连词所构成的并列句。这种小 意外是日常生活中经常出现的场景,与人们的生活密切相关。六年级的学 生已经能够运用简单的日常交际用语进行交流。在本单元学习中 ,重点通 过听、说、读、写等活动使学生灵活掌握 but 构成的并列句。使学生能够 理解并应用一些与此话题相关的单词和短语,并进一步发展学生的语言交 际能力,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 二、学情分析 学生从三年级开始学习英语,已经学过了现在进行时和一般现在时的用 法,并能用现在进行时来描述正在发生的事情。而且经过三年的学习积累, 学生能听懂基本的课堂用语,养成了主动倾听、积极思考、善于观察图片 的好习惯,因此,本课的教学是在学生已有的基础上更注重培养学生的英 语思维,采用多种提问的方式,提高学生的观察力和语言表达能力。通过 情境创设让学生在真实的语境中应用语言。 三、设计理念 本课根据英语学科核心素养的基本理念进行设计,帮助学生提高语言能 力,注重培养学生的逻辑性和创造性的教学思想,渗透和培养学生不要轻 易去打扰别人的良好品质。本课以教学文本为载体,针对六年级学生的语 言能力特点,循序渐进地创设生动、真实的语言环境,在激发学生发散思 维、敢于表达的同时,不断渗透学习策略,培养学生对文本的观察力和理 解力。 四、教学目标 1、 知识目标 (1) 能够掌握本模块出现的单词和词组:time、loudly、bark、have a birthday party、play the suona. (2) 能够通过本单元的学习掌握 but 句型的运用。 2、 能力目标 2 (1) 能够运用现在进行时描述正在发生的动作。 (2) 通过语言学习以及多种形式的任务熟练掌握 but 构成的并列句,并能在 真实的情境中熟练运用。 3、 情感目标 通过本课学习,渗透当别人在做事的时候,不要去打断别人的良好品质。 五、教学重难点 (1) 重点:能够运用 but 引导的并列句。 (2) 难点:能够运用 but 描述正在发生某一动作时的偶然事件。 六、教学方法 情境教学法、模仿示范法、练习法、交际法 七、教具准备 畅言通教本、多媒体课件、单词卡片 八、教学步骤 Step1: Warmup 1、Greetings. 2、Sing a song.(A birthday song ) (设计意图:课前的日常打招呼,拉近师生距离,营造良好的课堂氛围。另 外,给学生为大明唱生日歌,为后面文本的学习做铺垫。) Step2:Leadin. Look and say . What is Daming doing ? (设计意图:让学生注意观察图片内容,教师播放相关的声音,引导学生说 出本课文标题,初步感知 but 引导的并列句。) Step3: Presentation 1、Lets watch and say , then enjoy . (1) What is suona ? (2) Watch a short video about suona and know something about it. 2、Lets watch and say . (1) What are they playing ? He / she is playing the _. (2) (设计意图:让学生观看有关于唢呐的短片,让学生更加深入的了 3 解唢呐这种中国的传统乐器。由此过渡到 What are they playing ? He / she is playing the _.句型,让学生在运用现在进行时 来描述图片的同时,也认识、复习到更多的乐器,也为文本的解读 做铺垫。) Step4:Textlearning 1、 Lets look 、watch and say . What are they doing ? 2、 Lets look and say , then watch . How many times did Daming play the suona ? (设计意图:让学生带着问题观看课文动画,更容易理解课文内容。) 3、Lets look and number . Can you number these picture ? 4Lets look read and say then write. (设计意图:在学生初步理解文本的情况下,给文本插图排序以及补全 重点句型,不仅锻炼学生捕捉信息的能力而且使学生更深层次的理解文 本内容。 ) 5、Lets watch and repeat . (设计意图:听音跟读不仅能够刺激学生深入理解文本,还能帮助学生的 口语能力得到进一步发展,使学生语言更加流畅、优美,同时也锻炼了学 生综合运用语言的能力。) Step5: Practice and Consolidation. 1、 Let s look and say then write. (设计意图:让学生小组内交流讨论,巩固运用 but 引导的表示转折的并 列句,从中锻炼学生运用语言的能力。) Step6:Summary but, 并列连词,意为“但是” ,表示转折关系,所连接的成分意思相反或 相对。 Step7:Homework. 1、 Listen and read the text. 2、 Recite the main sentences with “but”. 板书设计: Module5 Unit1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 4 Words: Sentences: 1、 Daming is playing the suona ,butbut the phone rings s. 2、 Daming is playing the suona again ,butbut the bell rings s. 3、 Daming is playing the suona for the third time, butbut the dog starts s to bark very loudly. timebarkloudly
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