外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 6-Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:719f2).zip

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Unit 1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. talked read What did you do yesterday? What did they buy? Earth(地球地球) * on the earth在地球上在地球上 Damings birthday What is the book about? Its about space travel. * space太空 1. space 太空太空 2. travel 旅行旅行 boughtbuy 买买 Simons mum bought a book for him. 西蒙的妈妈给他西蒙的妈妈给他买买了一了一本书本书。 Simons mum bought him a book. I bought this cap for you. I bought you this cap. I bought the bike for you. I bought you the bike. 对比:对比: buy+物品物品+for + 人人 buy+人人+物品物品 买买给某人给某人 Is Simon interested in the book ? Yes, he is. interested 感兴趣的 短语:be interested in 对感兴趣 如果后面接动词,要用ing形式形式。 例如:I am interested in watching TV. What did they see in this book? Arm Strong 阿姆斯特朗阿姆斯特朗 From the United States Arm Strong is the first person who landed on the moon. Yang Liwei From China Yang Liwei is the first China astronaut. Gagarin is the first taikonaut to go into space in the world. Yuri Gagarin 加加林加加林 From Russia 罗斯人罗斯人 捷列什科娃捷列什科娃 俄罗斯人俄罗斯人 From Russia Tereshkova is the first wo- man taiknautnaut in the world Tereshkova Who has been to the space in China? * taikonaut 刘伯明刘伯明 景海鹏景海鹏 翟翟 志志 刚刚 费俊龙费俊龙 聂海胜聂海胜 杨利伟杨利伟 How did they go there and back? spaceship * spaceship宇宙飞船宇宙飞船 巧记:space(太空) + ship(船) =spaceship(宇宙飞船) What did they decide to do ? model模型模型 paper纸 a paper spaceship 一个一个纸质的纸质的宇宙飞船宇宙飞船 课题:课题: Module6 Unit1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. 教材分析教材分析: : 本模块的教学内容是介绍礼物和描述太空旅行,学习重点是进一步复习一般过去时 的运用,其第一单元的任务是要求学生分组设计并制作宇宙飞船模型。第二单元的任 务需要各小组向全班展示并介绍本组的宇宙飞船模型。 学情分析学情分析: : 六年那年级的学生对英语的学习已经有了一定的经验,掌握了一定的词汇基础,通 过前面的学习初步掌握了基本的句型,并能利用英语根据情景进行简单的交流,由于 英语环境的一个缺乏,学生英语知识迁移能力不强,语用能力比较欠缺。 教学目标教学目标: 1.语言知识目标语言知识目标(语音、词汇、语法、功能、话题) 语音:语音:进一步强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意。 词汇:词汇:全体学生能理解:home, got, space,interested,spaceship,finish,decide to,paper,brought, bring back. 全体学生能运用:home, got,brought 部分学生能运用: space,interested,spaceship,finish,decide to,paper,bring back 语法语法:全体学生能运用: It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present. 功能功能:介绍礼物 话题话题: Daming 过生日的时候,Simon 的妈妈送给他一本关于太空旅行的书,Daming 很 喜欢这本书,Simon 也很喜欢。Daming 请 Simon 和他一起读这本书。书中介绍了中国、 俄罗斯、美国的宇宙飞船。读完这本书后,他们制作了一个宇宙飞船模型,并将其送 给 Simon 的妈妈。 2.2.语言技能目标语言技能目标(听、说、读、写) 听:全体学生能听懂 It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present. 说:全体学生能说 It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present. 读:全体学生朗读,课文阅读相关短文。 写:全体学生能按照要求完成语句书写。 3.3.情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 遇到困难时大胆求助 教学重点教学重点: 单词:home, got, space,interested,spaceship,finish,decide to,paper,brought,bring back 句子:It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present. 教学难点:教学难点:能用一般过去时讲解过去发生的事情。 教学准备:教学准备:课件,光盘 课时安排:课时安排:1 课时 教教 学学 过过 程程 设设 计计 二次备课或二次备课或 即时反馈即时反馈 Step 1 Warming up 1、Greeting T: Hello, Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you today? S: We are well. 2、Free talk T: For Tina, I talked with my friends and we read books yesterday. How about you? What did you do yesterday? S1: I watched TV yesterday. S2: I did my homework yesterday. S3:I helped my mum yesterday. T: Good girl. Did you go shopping yesterday? S4: Yes, I went shopping with my parents. T:What did you buy ? S4:We bought some apples and some sweets. (设计意图:为学生创设真实的语用情景,激发英语学习的兴趣,复习已 经学过的知识,为这节课的学习做铺垫。) Step 2 Lead in 1、Look and say 师展示活动师展示活动 1 图片,生观察图片图片,生观察图片 T:You bought lots of things,now lets look at the aliens,What did they buy on the earth? 2、Listen and watch 生带着问题观看动画 (设计意图:利用动画故事将学生带入到文本的学习,培养学生观察图片、 获取信息以及解决问题的能力。) Step 3 Presentation 1、 Look、 listen and watch (学生初步感知文本、形成初步的图文解码的能力)师引导学生观察活动 2 图片 T: It was Damings birthday yesterday. He got a present.wow, its a book. Who bought him the present? Ss: Simons mum. (师打开礼物,呈现一本书,引导学生思考,黑板上呈现思维导图) T:what was it about? (设计意图:生通过观察图片,能够获取到 Simon 的妈妈送给他的这本书, 。教师再引导学生仔细观察这本书是关于什么的,学生通过听、看活动 2 动画,寻找到答案“space travel”在教师的带领下,学生基本形成对文本 初步解码的能力,感知文本的语用环境,为下面的文本学习,做好了铺垫。 ) 2、Listen and answer (深入分析文本,进行逐图解码) 师以书为切入点,抛出问题 1) was Daming interested in the book? How about Simon? 学生通过听读段一、二、三,找到答案以及学习和领会 bought、 interested 的用法。 Simons mum bought him a present. = Simons mum bought a present for Daming. 师以书为线索,抛出问题 2) What did they see in the book? 3) What did they learn in the book? 4) What did they decide to do? 学生自读第四、五段,通过小组讨论,找到答案 教师通过学生的回答,继续完成思维导图。 (设计意图:播放录音,生动直观呈现课文内容,学生理解后回答以下问 题,生带着问题听录音并寻找答案,生通过小组合作的形式,学会了提取 信息,分析问题,培养了学生解决问题的能力,同时渗透学法) 3、Listen and say 4、Listen and repeat 播放录音,每个句子后停顿后,要求学生进行指读和跟读。 Step 4 Practice and consolidate. 1. 完成思维导图(finish the mind map) 教师带领学生观察思维导图,引导学生复述课文 (设计意图:培养学生仔细观察图片的能力以及用英语思维的能力,在这 个活动中,教师的引导很重要,要给学生加好语言学习的支架,在适当的 时候,收起支架,让学生学会将知识进行有效的迁移,提高语用的能力。 ) 2. Consolidate Show teachers present and teacher describe the present (use Simple past tense ) according to mind map. (设计意图:这个环节主要是语言的拓展练习,通过该活动,学生能够将 功能句型,目标语句运用到真实的生活中来,体现出语言学习的工具性) Step 5:Homework: Try to describe your own present to your parents. (use the important sentences) 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. book whoWhat space travel sawlearnt made picturesa lot a paper spaceship Simonmum 教学反思
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