外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 7-Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:e6f81).zip

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Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow. 只要面朝阳光,便不会看见阴影。 Helen Keller (18801968) , the US As a baby, Helen became blind and deaf. She couldnt see or hear. Imagine Helens life. SHADOW easy terrible sad happy great dangerous angry dark Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow. 只要面朝阳光,便不会看见阴影。 SUNSHINE SHADOW Read and Discuss Read paragraph 2 & 3, then discuss with your partners, answer the questions. 阅读文本第二、三段,与同伴讨论交流,回答问题。 1.Who helped Helen? 2. What did Helen do? 1.Who helped Helen? Her teacher. 2. What did Helen do? 1.Who helped Helen? Her teacher. 2. What did Helen do? She wrote/ travelled all over The Story of My Life 我生活的故事我生活的故事 She travelled all over the world.She travelled to _.35 countries She made many speeches. She founded schools for blind people. She travelled to 35 countries. She learnt 5 languages. She wrote 14 books. She studied in Harvard. She learnt 10 hours a day. Helen Keller learnt to read, write and speak. She helped many people. learnt 5 languages(语言语言) travelled to 35 countries founded(创办创办) schools for blind people made speeches(演讲演讲)helped many people studied in Harvard(哈佛哈佛) learnt 10 hours a daywrote 14 books Shes _ a role model . role model 模范,榜样 for blind people, and also for you and me. Shes _ a role model SUNSHINE SHADOW Whats the shadow and the sunshine in Helens life? Group Work 小组合作小组合作 1. Discuss and choose the cards, then finish the forms. 小组讨论Helen 人生中的 shadow 和 sunshine,并选择合适的词卡贴入表格 。 2. Introduce your ideas to the others. 分工合作,口头表达,向大家介绍Helen 的传奇人生。 SUNSHINE SHADOW Helen Keller Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow. 只要面朝阳光,便不会看见阴影。 Write a passage of Helen Keller, or you can write about your role model and introduce him to others. 完完成成一一篇篇介介绍绍Helen Keller的的短短文文,或或完完成成 一一篇篇介介绍绍你你的的榜榜样样的的短短文文,并并向向同同学学介介绍绍他他 。 Homewor k THANK YOU ! Module 7 She couldnt see or hear. Aims: to grasp the new words “blind, deaf, role model”. to develop reading skills of collecting information from a passage and speaking skills of introducing a person according to key information. to know Helen Keller better and understand her extraordinary life and encourage the Ss never give up. Recycled Language: language from the module. Materials: word cards; ppt; a book; headphones; Language competences: The students will be able to get information by reading passages about people, and also introduce a person according to key information. Warm-up T uses sign language to greet the Ss. Share hobbies; recommend a book “Three days to see”. T reads the sentence “Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow.” to the Ss, guides them to feel the meaning of the words “sunshine” and “shadow”. Teaching Steps 1. Talk about Helen Keller. Answer the question “What do you know about Helen Keller?” Make a brief introduction of Helen Keller according to the key information. 2. Discuss and experience Helens hard life as a blind and deaf child. Talk about the hard life of Helen Keller when she was young. Watch a video and then talk about Helens feeling. Ask a volunteer to experience as a blind and deaf person. 3. Discuss the sunshine in Helens life. Read paragraph 2 & 3, answer the following 2 questions: Who helped Helen? What did Helen do? Quick response of great things Helen did according to pictures and key phrases. 4. Retell Helens special and wonderful life. Watch a video about Helens whole life. Retell her life experience according to the key phrases on the blackboard. Extensive activity Discuss the shadow and sunshine in Helens life in groups, then finish the form. Ss analyze the shadow and sunshine in Helens life and introduce Helen Kellers special life. Ending the lesson T makes a brief conclusion and invites the Ss to read the sentence “Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow.” together. Encourage the Ss never give up. Homework: Write a passage about Helen Keller or the Ssrole models, and introduce them to friends.
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