外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:50985).zip

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Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads? 外研社英语(三年级起点) 六年级下册 Lets sing a song together. Talk about the pictures. capcup Talk about the pictures. 英语(新标准)(三年级起点) 六年级下册 Module 8 Unit 1 Wheres Sams bag? ? 英语(新标准)(三年级起点) 六年级下册 Module8 Unit1 Wheres Sams bag? ? The task 1.今天我们一起来学习如何运用“Why?”询问和说 明原因。 2.学完之后我们在小组内运用“Why?”设计情境来 表演自己的故事。 英语(新标准)(三年级起点) 六年级下册 Module8 Unit1 What do you want to ask about the picture? Whats the story about? A: Its about baseball. B: Its about mistakes. Watch the CD-ROM and choose. What did Sam ask? Read the text and find. What did Sam ask? 1.Why do you have cups on your heads? What do you want to ask? 12 3 4 2.Why are you laughing? What did Sam ask? What do you want to ask? What do you want to ask? Read and write .Then ask and answer. A: Why are you laughing? B: Because Im happy. A: Why are you_? B: Because _. A:_ B:_ 1.询问原因:Why do you ?(一般现在时) 结构:Why +do/does+主语+动词原形+其他 2.询问原因:Why are you ?(现在进行时) 结构:Why + be+主语+动词现在分词+其他 注意:在我们询问原因的时候常使用Why?句式,而要 说明事情的缘由要使用Because句式。 Why 引导的特殊疑问句: Fill in the blanks. Why do you _ cups on your heads? have Why are you_? Fill in the blanks. laughing Listen Point Imitate 口语活动表现性评价参考标准 评价活动 评价标准 朗读课文 语调自然,语音 ,节奏正确,情绪饱满 ,声音洪亮。 语调比较自然, 语音,节奏基本正确, 声音洪亮。 语调不够自然, 语流不够顺畅,有一些 发音错误,但声音洪亮 。 Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing? Retell the main information. saw planned broughtlaughed Act it out. A: Why do you have cups on your heads? B: Because we planned A: Why are you laughing? B: Because Lingling made Can you act it out about your story? A: Why do you? B: Because I A: Why are you? B: Because Read and choose the right words. laugh, tell, see, have, plan, bring(2) Sam came into the classroom and _ some friends there. They _ cups on their heads. Sam didnt know why. Daming _ him the story. They _ to play a baseball game. Amy asked Lingling to_ the baseball caps. But Lingling _ the cups. They put the cups on their heads and _more. Lets find mistakes in learning English words. cup-cap bag-bed head-hand mouth-month 发音相近的单词发音相同的单词 son-sun meet-meat hour-our their-there He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 想不犯错误,就一事无成。 英语(新标准)(三年级起点) 六年级下册 Module8 Unit1 What have you learnt from this class? 这节课 你学到了什么? Summary. Who is the winner? Homework 1. Listen and read the text twice. 2. Read and copy the words and sentences five times. 3.运用Why are you?Because Im创设情境编写一 段对话。 英语(新标准)(三年级起点) 六年级下册 Module8 Unit1 英语(新标准)(三年级起点) 六年级下册 Module8 Unit 1 Module8 Unit1 Why do you have cups on your heads? 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课教材为外研社英语 (新标准) (三年级起点)六年级下册 Module8 Unit1 Why do you have cups on your heads ?. 本单元的重点是通过读课文让学生学习用 “ Why do you have cups on your heads? ” “ Why are you laughing?”句型对不理解的事情进行询问;并且能 用过去式的语言对过去发生的事情进行描述。 本单元共 1 课时完成。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生在三年级的时候接触英语, 因此到了小学六年级, 大部分学生听力方面能听懂 课堂活动中简单的提问; 能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。 能正 确朗读所学故事或短文;并能按要求用简单的英语做游戏。书写方面能模仿范例写句子; 能根据要求为图片、实物等写出简短的标题或描述。 结合新课标以及经过对教材、学情的 分析,我认为本课虽然是语篇,但又融合对话的句型, 因此我设定教学目标如下。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、语言技能、语言技能 全体学生能听懂: Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing? 全体学生能说:Why do you have cups on your heads ? Why are you laughing? 全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。 全体学生能按要求完成语句书写。 2、语言知识、语言知识 全体学生能够初步运用语句: Why do you have cups on your heads ? Why are you laughing? 全体学生能够理解词汇:cup, planned, baseball ,more, smile, mistake ,with ,said 全体学生能运用词汇:with ,said 部分学生能够运用词汇: cup ,planned, baseball ,more, smile ,mistake ,make ,mistake 进一步强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意。 3、情感态度、情感态度 在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作 4、学习策略、学习策略 在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考 5、文化意识、文化意识 在学习和日常交际中,能进一步注意到中外文化异同 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1、重点、重点 进一步复习一般过去时、一般现在时、现在进行时三种时态,并巩固用“Why”和 “because” 询问和说明原因的用法 。 2、难点、难点 综合运用一般现在时态、现在进行时态和一般过去时态 五、教学准备五、教学准备 单词卡片、点读笔、课件、多媒体展台 六、教学过程六、教学过程 (一)热身导入(一)热身导入 Warm-up and lead in( 5 分钟)分钟) 1. Greetings. 2.Sing a song together. 3. Free talk: T: Look at this picture. Whats this? Do you like it? Why? Look at this picture. Whats this? Do you like it? Why? (出示图片,教授 cup 新单词) Ss: Its a Yes, I do. Because. 【设计意图设计意图】通过询问及回答物品,既复习了已学的语言点,又将语言点切入到本单元这 个话题上。对本课的导入活动做好话题上的铺垫。 4. Lead in, then watch the CD-ROM and learn Activity 1. T: (To show the pictures of two bags with PPT.)Look at the bag. Do you like it? Why? Look at this bag. It is Sams bag. But Sam cant find the bag. Wheres Sams bag? Lets see together. a. Answer the question. b. Listen and repeat. (二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现 Task presentation(1 分钟)分钟) 1.Show the task of this lesson with PPT. T: 今天我们一起来学习如何运用“Why?”询问和说明原因。 学完之后我们在小组内讨论在英语语音学习中可能产生的错误和导致的误解。 2. Now lets learn Module8Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads? (板书标题) 【设计意图设计意图】通过任务呈现,使学生明确学习目标以及学习之后要完成的任务。 (三)课文学习(三)课文学习 Text learning( 18 分钟)分钟) 1. T: Look at this picture. What do you want to say? Ss: 2. T: Do you want to know about the story? Whats the story about? Watch the CD-ROM and answer the question: Whats the story about? A: Its about baseball. B: Its about making mistakes. 3. Answer the question. 4. T: What mistakes? Ss: T: So we shouldnt be afraid of making mistakes with English words. 5. Learn the new word: baseball, mistake, make mistakes. 【设计意图】通过视听感知,带领学生整体感知课文大意,为学生建构整体思维框架,同 时为引导和帮助学生理解课文和解决问题,做好语境和思维上的铺垫。 5. T: Sam came into the classroom and saw some friends there. They had cups on their heads. What did Sam ask? This time lets read the story and find out the answers to the question. Then talk about the answers in groups. 6. Show the question on PPT: 7. Check the answers. Ss: 8. Practice the sentence. (1)Why do you have cups on your heads? a. T: Look at this picture. What do you want to ask me? Ss: b. Play a game. Choose and ask.(Show four pictures of the students.) Ss: ( 2 ).Why are you laughing? a. T: Look at this picture. What do you want to ask? Ss: b. Read and write .Then ask and answer. A: Why are you laughing? B: Because Im happy. A: Why are you_? B: Because _. A:_ B:_ 【设计意图】学生独立阅读,然后小组交流,组内达成一致,此活动既能培养学生自主阅 读能力,同时这个过程能够让组内学困生得到学优生的帮助,对提高他们的自信心起到很 好的作用。学生在小组内感知、理解和自主学习新词汇及核心语句的过程。在机械训练核 心语句的基础上,对重点句型进行拓展训练,提高学生的语用能力。 8 Sum up the function and the grammar of the sentences. 【设计意图】总结语言功能及语用和包含的语法规则。 9.Do some exercises. 1.-Why do you _(have) cups on your heads? 2.-Why are you _(laugh)? (四)训练巩固(四)训练巩固 Practice( 7 分钟)分钟) 1. Read the text one by one. 2. Retell the main information of the dialogue with the help of PPT. 3.Read and choose the right words. laugh, tell, see, have, plan, bring(2) Sam came into the classroom and I_ some friends there. They _ cups on their heads. Sam didnt know why. Daming _ him the story. They _ to play a baseball game. Amy asked Lingling to_ the baseball caps. But Lingling _ the cups. They put the cups on their heads and _more. 【设计意图】通过复述课文,让学生对课文整体有一个框架上的把握,同时,再一次巩固 核心语句。通过选词填空,训练学生的课文的掌握情况。 (五)任务完成(五)任务完成 Task completion( 7 分钟)分钟) T: Lets find mistakes in learning English words together. Do you remember what mistakes did you make in English? Now talk about with your groups then tell us. For example: cup- cap bag-bed T:Who can tell us some words? Ss: doctor daughter laugh love parent present sun son T: 那么我们要怎样克服此类错误的出现呢?(思考) T: 告诉学生不要害怕犯错,努力去发现错误,尽量做得更好! 【设计意图】本环节是呼应前面的任务呈现环节,通过教师陈述自己看电影出现的错误而 导致出现的笑话,让学生总结英语语音学习中较常见的错误以及因此可能造成的误会,以 及思考如何克服,培养学生思考能力,充分锻炼了学生的听说读能力。 (六)小结与布置作业(六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework( 2 分钟)分钟) 1. Sum up the knowledge and the skills of this lesson with the teachers help. 【设计意图】通过学生对本课句型结构及语言功能的总结,再一次明确本课任务并能够根 据自己的目标和技能达成情况进行自我总结,课后及时进行归纳和巩固。 2. Homework. a. Listen and read the dialogue twice. b. Read and copy the words and sentences five times. c.运用 Why are you? Im创设情境编写一段对话。 【设计意图】注重双基训练,尊重学生个体差异,有利于学生个性发展。 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads ?
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