外研版(三起)六年级下册Review Module-Unit 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:c0812).zip

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Revision for the Simple Past Tense 外研社2011版三年级起点陈琳主编六年级下英语 Scientific sitting body Straightbody Straight Waist uprightWaist upright Shoudler levelShoudler level Feet restFeet rest Look Straight forwardLook Straight forward 科学坐姿 (身正) (腰直) (肩平) (足安) (目视前方) Where did I go? I went to the park. Who did I go with? I went to the park with my best friend. How did I go there ? I went there by bus. What was the weather? It wassunny and windy What did I see? I saw beautiful flowers. What did I do? I had a picnic. What did I drink? I drank milk and juice. I ate lots of food.delicious What did I eat? I went to the park. I went to the park with my best friend. I went there by bus. It was sunny and windy. I drank milk and juice. I saw beautiful flowers. I ate delicious food. I had a happy day. Yesterday Find out the sentences about the Find out the sentences about the Find out the sentences about the Find out the sentences about the past in a group and then report.past in a group and then report.past in a group and then report.past in a group and then report. What did Daming - this year? What did Daming - this year? when The Simple Past Tense talked danced travelled studied did what then yesterday two days ago last(year,week,night,month- ) in the past in 2003 一般过去时表示过去 发生的动作、情况和 存在的状态 the past formthe past formthe past formthe past form 1. 直接加-ed 2.不发音e 结尾加-d 3.辅音y变i 加ed (哭着cry学习study) 4.双写 (停止stop计划plan去旅行 travel) regular verbsirregular verbs how to pronouncehow to pronouncehow to pronouncehow to pronounce 清清元浊浊 td后念/id/ finished helped asked stopped rained enjoyed called wanted shouted regular verbsirregular verbs am is_ do _ can _ are_ spend _ learn_take_ eat_ swim _ fly _ see_ have_ come _ become _ get _ forget_ cut_ put_ read _ run_ teach_bring _buy _say_ write _ give_ send_ drink_ I can write. am /is_ do _ can _ are_ spend _ learn_take_ eat_ swim _ fly _ see_ have_ come _ become _ get _ forget_ cut_ put_ read _ run_ teach_bring _buy _ say_ write _ give_ send_ drink_ Say the chant. wasdidcouldwere spentlearnttookate swamflewsawhad camebecame cut put readran taughtbroughtboughtsaid wrotegave gotforgot sentdrank Flash memory trainingFlash memory trainingFlash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 flew-flyflew-fly Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 flew into spaceflew into space 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training spent-spendspent-spend 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training spent 21 hoursspent 21 hours 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training made-makemade-make 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training made a videomade a video Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training do-diddo-did 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training did a lot of workdid a lot of work 闪式记忆训练 Flash memory trainingFlash memory training 闪式记忆训练 Can you remember the phrases? 你能记住刚才的短语吗? made a video flew into space spent 21 hours did a lot of work Yang Liwei flew into space in Shenzhou V. He spent about 21 hours in space. He also made a video in space. He did a lot work there. Can you make sentences with “and”? andandand Make sentences in groups. 小组合作完成 Make a survey. Lisa topic lesson game trip thing day Lisawhen in Octobber 2003 then yesterday last Monday/ Thursday- -ago in the past when did you -? I . Lisa where the park at home Xinjiang- the Great Wall- in the supermarket at school did you -? I . where Lisa how by bus by ship by train by highway by plane by car How did you go? I went .by. Lisa weather sunny cloudy windy rainy hot warm What was the weather? cold It was - cool Lisa who my parents my friends my father my grandparents my uncle my mother Who did you go with? I went to.with my. who what saw some- took photos visited my grandma ate /drank- won the game had a picnic talked about - flew kite watched a football game climbed the mountains read books what did you do ? - Lisahow happy excited sad thirsty hungry interesting How did you feel? I had a/an- day / trip /time. whenhow what where who A happy day My happy day Yesterday I went to the park with my friends. I went there by bus. It was sunny and windy.I saw beautiful flowers .I had a picnic.I drank milk and juice.I ate delicious food. I had a good time. go to different schools.You are going to study lots of subjects.You are going to You are going to make new friends. meet new teachers.You are going to enjoy the school life.You are going to Best wishes to you! 1.Write down the irregular verbs three times. 2.Talk about your interesting experiences and think about your plan on May Day. HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework 1.Write down the irregular verbs three times. 2.Talk about your interesting experiences and think about your plan on May Day. Thanks! Bye-bye! Review Module unit1 教教 学学 设设 计计 .Topic(标题): Review Module unit 1(新标准英语 六年级下) .Teaching materials(内容):一般过去时的运用 .The analysis of the textbook(教材分析) 本单元是对教材内容进行了整合,通过大量的语言材料让学生复习巩固并会运用将来 时和进行时描述某人或某物正在和将来的情况,通过练习让学生的综合语言运用能力 得到锻炼。 .Analysis of the situation(学情分析) 六年级的大部分学生对英语有着浓厚的兴趣,但也有部分学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会 随之减弱。尤其从这学期开始,对学生又提出了新的要求:培养听、说、读、写(仿写)的 技能。所以教师要面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在 首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 .Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. Knowledge objectives (知识目标) (1)进一步巩固复习动词的过去式及其构成规律 (2)能运用一般过去时来谈论自己的经历 2.Competence objectives.(能力目标) 能运用一般过去时讲述自己或他人做过什么并做出相应的回答 3.Emotion objectives.(情感态度) 保持学习英语的愿望和兴趣,能体会学习英语的乐趣,乐于说英语,用英语交流。 4. learning strategy.(学习策略) 培养学生合作意识,遇到问题主动向老师或同学请教,在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积 极思考,提高学习效率,增强学习效果。 5. Cultural Awareness.(文化意识) 了解英语的语言表达,体会不同语言的魅力,促进心智发展。努力让学生放眼世界, 扩大视野。 .Important points.(教学重点) 运用一般过去时描述某人某物过去的状态。 .Difficult points.(教学难点) 1. 在真实的语言环境下将本册知识点进行整合复习。 2. 提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 .Teaching method(教学方法) The Game Teaching Method (游戏教学法),the Activities Teaching Method(活动教学法), the Situational Teaching Method(情境教学法). .Teaching tools(教具) PPT,pictures. .Teaching process(教学过程) Step 1 Warming- up 1. Say a chant . Well , today were going to have a revision lesson ,follow me , revision, about the simple past tense. 2. Free talk about my weekend and your weekend. Where did you go ? How did you go ? What did you do yesterday? What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Did you watch TV? Did you have a good time? What about the weather? Step 2 Revision 1. Talk about Damings life. Youve learnt English for nearly four years . We have four friends in this book. They are Amy, Daming, Sam and Lingling. Daming is going to middle school, he said “I enjoyed our time together”,Do you remember his time with his friends? You had a wonderful memory. Yes? Now let me have a test. Memory test 1: In this book.,What did Daming do ? Daming wanted-(a cola and a hot dog) Daming had a picnic -(with -) Daming wrote a letter to - Daming was in the mountains. Daming had a birthday party- Daming played the suona three times. Daming got a present. Daming made a model spaceship - Daming had cups on his head. Daming wrote a message in a book- Wow , you are so wonderful. 2.Review the simple past tense. 1) These things happened in the past, we call it the simple past tense. When did it happen? What did you do ? Introduce the past forms and the pronunciation. 2) Memory test 2: Please write down the past forms in your paper. Lets check the answer. Lets say a chant. Like this : am/is am /is was 3.Find the simple past tense in this book in groups. 1)You can write well, do you have sharp eyes? Lets have a flash memory training. Can you remember these phrases? Can you make a sentence? Please make sentences with “and”. 2)Find the sentences about the past in this book . Show time. Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1. Make a survey about your experiences. Boys and girls, now look at these photos, let me make a survey. 2. Give you some hints about your experiences. You can share it from these aspects. Try to write down a passage about your experiences. Step 4 Summary What have you learnt today? We had a wonderful time in our primary school. And youre going to have a new beginning. You are going to different schools,study lots of subjects, make new friends and meet new teachers. I hope all of you enjoy the school life and best wishes to you ! Step 4 Homework 1. Write down the irregular verbs three times. 2. Talk about your interesting experiences and write it down. 3. Talk about your changes.
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