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    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage life 同步练习.docx--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 Travelling around 同步练习.docx--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 同步练习.doc--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters 同步练习.doc--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world 同步练习.doc--点击预览
    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册Welcome unit 同步练习.docx--点击预览


1 Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening and Speaking why not _ (visit) him this weekend? 四、根据汉语提示完成句子 1. From space, the earth looks blue; _ _ _about seventy-one precent of its surface is covered by water. 从太空中看,地球是蓝色的。这是因为它表面约 71%都被水覆盖着。 2. _ _ _ _ _he didnt find a thief walk into his house. 他醉心于拉小提琴,没有注意到小偷进屋。 3. The heavy rain_ _ _ for us to go out. 大雨使我们无法出去。 4._ _ _ _ _ _to learn a foreign language well. 对我们来说学好一门外语很重要。 5. Now that you want to improve your oral English,_ _ practice speaking English every day? 既然你想提高你的英语口语,为什么不每天练习说英语呢? 重点词汇练习 口要兴 考点 volunteer 的相关用法 单句语法填空 1. Schools need_(volunteer) to help children to read. 2. The couple often volunteer_(take) part in activities helping those in need. 3. I do some_(volunteer) work at the local hospital in my free time. 考点二 content 的相关用法 单句写作 1. She_, looking after her children. 她待在家里照顾孩子,感到非常满足。 2. We can swim in the river 我们可以在河里尽情地游泳。 3. It is obvious that she_ her present life. 很明显她对目前的生活十分满意。 4. This is all I have, so youll have to_with 5 for the moment. 我只有这点钱,所以你现在有 5 英镑就该满足了。 考点三 graduate 的相关用法 单句语法填空 1. He graduated_ physics_ Cambridge University. 2. As_ new graduate, he doesnt know what it takes to start a business here. 3. After_ (graduate)from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip. 4. Thats why I was invited to speak at your_(graduate) . 4 考点四 prefer 的相关用法 单句语法填空 1. I prefer the red dress_because it fits me better. 2. They preferred to stay at home rather than_(go) to the movies. 3. A polar bear has a_ (prefer) for cold weather. 4. Most people prefer_(drive) as the free-bicycle service is offered. 考点五 cofuse 单句写作 1. You_ your questions. 你的问题令我糊涂。 2. People_on food these days. 人们如今被那些五花八门的食物标签摘得稀里糊涂。 3. She sat there_. It was obvious that she_by the boys_ 她困惑地坐在那里。显然是被这个男孩含糊不清的解释弄糊涂了。 考点六 recommend 的相关用法 单句语法填空 1. He recommended_(read) the book before seeing the movie. 2. I recommend the book_ all my friends. 3. I highly recommended her_ your secretary. 4. The doctor recommended his patient_(go) out for a walk. 5. The teacher recommended that everyone_(take) an active part in the outdoor activities. 考点七 attract 的相关用法 单句语法填空 1. Babies are attracted_ bright colours. 2. My hometown is very_,which_many tourists from cities. Now it has become new tourist(attract) 考点八 schedule 的相关用法 单句写作 1. Youd better finish the project_. 你最好按预定时间完成这项工程。 2. The president_Shanghai at ten oclock. 那位总统预计 10 点抵达上海。 3. His official visit to Beijing_ June 24 to 27. 他定于 6 月 24 日至 27 日正式访问北京。 4. The new bridge has been finished two years _. 那座新桥提前两年落成。 5 Listening and Speaking from2. a 3. graduating 4. graduation 四、1.to 2. go 3. preference 4. riding; driving 五、 1.confused me with 2. are confused about 3. confusion; got/was confused; confusing explanation 六、1.reading 2.to 3. as 4. to go 5.(should) take 七、1.to 2.attractive; attracts; attraction 八、 1. on schedule 2. is scheduled to arrive in 3. is scheduled for 4. ahead of schedule 1 Unit 2 Listening and Speaking that 4. so he passed the exam 5. other than yourself Discovering Useful Structures to 7. put up 8. In order to 9. hear from 10. More than 三、 1.economic 2. were 3. have 4. To 5. in 6. have taken 7. hiking 8. to make 9. from 10. breaking 四、 1. cant wait to get a new job 2. as soon as possible 3. was known as 4. have a hard time with pronunciation 5. what to do 重点词汇练习 、1. for 2. applications 3. to 4. studying 二、 an amazing discovery; are amazed at; To our greater amazement 三、 1.are making arrangements for 2. has arranged to drive him home 3. to arrange everything for their children 四、1.recognise him to be 2. It was recognized 3.beyondrecognition 五、1.has made contact with 2. lost contact with 3. out of contact with 4. kept in contact with 六、1.for 2.at 3.on 4.(should) be told 5. to smoke 七、1.came into view 2.In view of 3. have a good view of 1 UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS Listening and Speaking keep trying and you will_ _ sooner or later. 2 千万不要丧失信心,继续努力,你迟早会成功的。 2. _ _ _ _ _can not only build peoples body but also relax themselves. 在健身房锻炼不仅可以锻炼身体,也可以放松自己。 3. _ _ _ _about Jasmine Westland was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed. 贾斯敏韦斯特兰最令人印象深刻的是她在马拉松比赛中赤脚跑第一名。 4. Although he was jumping so well, he _ _ _ _ _ _and had to settle for the second. 虽然他跳 得非常好,可是没有取得第一名,只好屈居第二了。 5. In the past few years he _ _ _ _ _ _on the radio and writing articles for the program. 在过去 的几年里,他一直在电台主持一个节目,并为这个节目写文章。 Discovering Useful Structures so _his deskmate. 2. She pretended _(listen) to the manager, but in fact she was thinking about something else. 3. It is wrong _(cheat) in exams because it breaks the rules of the schools. 4. Life is like a long race where we compete _ others to go beyond ourselves. 3 5. With the help of my English teacher, I made sense _ the passage. 6. A school was set _ in the village by someone last year. 7. All happy families are similar _ one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. 8. _(compare) with other countries, China is rich in natural resources. 9. Studies show that _(jog) for more than two hours at a time does harm to ones knees. 10. Jenny wants to be much_(slim) so that she can be more attractive. 四、根据汉语提示完成句子 1. It is the teacher, _ _ _ _, _ _ responsible for the matter. 是老师而不是学生对这件事负责。 2. _ _ _ _ _to fall down in the football match with the use of modern technology. 使用现代技术 后,在足球比赛中假摔是没有用的。 3. As we all know, even the smallest good habit can also_ _ _ _. 我们都知道,即使是最小的好习惯也会产生很大的影响。 4. _ _ _ _is that the final exam is coming nearer and nearer. 让我们感到压力的是期末考试越来越近了。 5._ _ _ _ _ if he finds out you were driving drunk. 你老爸要是发现你喝酒驾车的话,他会气疯了。 重点词汇练习 一、 strength 相关用法 单句语法填空 1. It may take a few weeks for you to build up your_(strong) again. 2. The exercises are designed to _(strength) your stomach muscles. 3. You should know what your_(strength)and weaknesses are. 二、 honour 相关用法 单句写作 1. _ to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. 被邀请参加奥运会开幕式是一件非常荣幸的事。 2. Earlier this year, _the President. 今年早些时候,我有幸见到了总统。 3. _the teacher really trusted me so much despite my being a freshman. 我感到荣幸,尽管我是新 生,老师非常信任我。 4. The stadium was named _the the clubs first chairman. 这座体育场是为了纪念俱乐部的首任主席而命名的。 三 、compete 相关用法 单句语法填空 1. Im writing to invite you to compete _ Chinese paper-cutting art exhibition. 2. Only by competing _ each other can we make great progress in our study. 3. The two players competed with each other _ a gold medal. 4. The young_(compete)won a gold medal in the match. 5. No one can entirely keep away from the_(compete)world. 6. There is as much _(compete) among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 四、 pretend 相关用法 4 单句语法填空 1. The man pretended_(be)a police officer to cheat others. 2.When his mother came in, he pretended_(do)his homework. 3. Mary pretended _(finish)her homework and went out to play with her classmates. 五、 stress 相关用法 单句写作 1. Things can easily go wrong when people are_. 人在压力之下,办事容易出差错。 2. He _ of a good education. 他强调了接受良好教育的重要性。 3. It is necessary to forgive and forget, especially in _ society. 宽恕和遗忘是很必要的,尤其是在这样一个竞争激烈、压力巨大的社会。 4. The next time you _or tired, try doing an exercise you enjoy. 下次感到充满压力或疲劳的时候,试试做一项你喜欢的运动吧。 六、 compare with/to相关用法 单句语法填空 1. Please compare your answer _that on the blackboard. 2. _(compare) with our parents, we have greater opportunities to have a good time. 3. _ (compare)herself with other girls in her class, Jenny feels she is quite lucky. 4. _(compare) Wuhan with Shanghai, and youll find its more pleasant to live in the former. 5. _(compare) the cultures of the two countries, I searched a lot of information on the Internet. 七、 work out 一词多义 写出下列句中 work out 的含义 1. Come and work out at a gym! 2. I think we should work out a plan to deal with this problem. 3. Its so difficult that we cant work out the maths problem. 4. Whats more, the more you work out,the healthier you will become. Listening and Speaking make it 2. Working out in the gym 3. What was so impressive 4. failed to win the first prize 5. has been hosting a program Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking 一、1. audience 2. cheat 3. pretend 4. compete 5. million 6.positvie 7. error 8. jog 9. stress 10. diet 二、1. make a difference 2. fair play 3. Rather than 5 4. now and then 5. to see through 6. are positive about 7. in common with 8. to cut out 9. to compete for 10. make sense 三、1.has 2. to be listening 3. to cheat 4. with/against 5. of 6. up 7. to 8. Compared 9. jogging 10. slimmer 四、1. rather than the students, that is 2. There is no use pretending 3. make a big difference 4. What makes me stressed 5. Your dad will go bananas 重点词汇练习 一、1.strength 2. strengthen 3. strengths 二、1 It is a great honor to be invited 2 I had the honor of meeting 3. I felt honored that 4. in honor of 三、1. in 2. with/against 3. for 4. competitor 5. competitive 6. competition 四、1.to be 2. to be doing 3. to have finished 五、1. under stress 2. stressed the importance 3. such a competitive and stressful 4. feet stressed 六、1. with/to 2. Compared 3. Comparing 4. Compare 5. To compare. 七 1.锻炼 2. 制定 3 算出,解决;4. 锻炼 1 UNIT4 NATRUAL DISASTERS Listening and Speaking in danger; First of all; make sure; sweep away; have a great effect on; as many as; out of gratitude; 1. On the Mid -Autumn Day, we will admire the moon _, enjoying the delicious moon-cakes. 2. If youre in an office building, _windows and do not use the elevator. 3. Do _ that you turn off the light before you leave the classroom. 4. _, we shall never lose heart in face of failure. 5. With only a few hundred dollars _, travelling around the world is a dream. 6. What traditions in China are disappearing or are_ of disappearing? 7. Teachers words and deeds always _ their students. 8. Tom did it simply_ for all the teacher had done for him. 9. The tsunami _ entire towns and killed tens of thousands of people. 3 10. It is guessed that _ 150 000 people are in danger, if a major disease outbreak in the affected areas occurs. 三、在空白处填入三、在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 1. How to keep the homeless being supplied _ food and clothing is still under discussion. 2. Dogs have a good sense of smell and are often used to search for _(survive )in an earthquake. 3. There is no doubt that China will be a _(power) country in the future. 4. The stadium looks more beautiful _ colorful lights on. 5. Bill suggested_( hold)a meeting on what to do for the homeless during the vacation. 四、根据汉语提示完成句子四、根据汉语提示完成句子 1. I was walking the dog in the park _ _ _ _ caught my attention. 我正在公园遛狗,突然一件不寻常的事引起了我的注意。 2. The film_ _ the book by Jack London_ _ _ _. 这部电影根据杰克伦敦的书改编,非常值得一看。 3._ _, the two universities have a lot_ _. 总之,这两所大学有很多共同之处。 4. He said he would still support them, _ _ _they didnt break the laws. 他说他仍然支持他们,只要他们不违法。 5. Cell phones are now widely used, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _anyone form almost anywhere. 手机现在被广泛使用,使我们有可能与任何人在几乎任何地方。 重点词汇重点词汇 一、一、 damage 相关用法相关用法 单句语法填空 1. Which buildings _(damage) in Seoul ? 2. Smoking seriously _(damage) your health. 3. 3. This could cause serious damage_ the countrys economy. 二、二、 affect 相关用法相关用法 单句写作 1. The thoughts and behaviors of a teacher _ _ _of his pupils. 教师的思想和言行将影响到其学生的品质。 2. The illness_ _ _ her mental _ physical health. 这种疾病损害了她的身心健康。 3. They _ _ _ _ the news of her death. 她死亡的消息使他们悲伤不已。 4. The volunteers were busy in _ _ _ _ _ _by the earthquake.志愿者忙于递送食物给受灾区 影响的人。 三、三、shock 相关用法相关用法 单句语法填空 1. People were _ shockand then, later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tangshan again. 2. Dont touch that wire or youll get _shock. 3. I _(shock) to hear the shocking news. 4. _(shock) as it sounds, failure can be a good thing. 四、四、trap 相关用法相关用法 单句写作 1. I wondered if it was. an animal caught in_ trap 2. It was reported that 115 miners _(trap) in the flooded mine for eight days were saved. 4 3. _(trap) in the ruins , the girl still held a positive attitude 4. They trapped her into _(marry) their son. 五、五、 bury 相关用法相关用法 单句语法填空 1. He _(bury) his face in his hands and wept. 2. My father _(bury) in his newspaper. 3. _ (bury)in reading a newspaper, I didnt notice what was happening. 4. _( bury) herself in reading a newspaper, she didnt notice what was happening. 六、effort 相关用法 1. Her voice was shaking in spite of all her efforts _(control) 2. It shows that if you_ _ _ _ _, you can. 它表明,如果你努力改变,你可以。 We will _ _ _ _ _them from taking this step. 我们会不遗余力地阻止他们采取这一步骤。 Beijing selected the 10 most beautiful tree kings _ _ _ _ _ public awareness of tree protection. 为了提高公众的树木保护意识,北京选择了 10 个“最美丽的树王”。 六、六、deliver 相关用法相关用法 给出给出 deliver 的词义的词义 1. However, dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies. 2. The president will deliver a speech about the economic development. 3. Lin Qiaozhi often went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family. UNIT4 NATRUAL DISASTERS Listening and Speaking to understand 2. raised money to build more shelters 3. as if its going to rain 4. that produced paper was closed 5. three-fifths of the buildings were destroyed Discovering Useful Structures is well worth seeing 3. In summary; in common 4. as long as 5. making it possible for us to talk to 重点词汇重点词汇 一、1.were damaged 2. damages 3. to 二、1. will affect those 2. has affected both,and3. were deeply affected by 4. delivering food to the people affected 三、1. in 2. a 3. was shocked 4. Shocking 四、1. a 2. trapped 3. trapped 4. marrying 五、 1. buried 2. was buried 3. Buried 4. Burying. 六、1. 递送 2. 发表 3. 接生 1 UNIT 5 LANGUAGES AROUND THE WORLD Listening and Speaking ups and downs, refer to, lead to; be based on; varieties of; play a role in; a form of ; according to; 1. The film _ a true story, and it is very popular 2. As far as I know, the old town _ BC 200 3. Taobao is a popular online shopping website, providing _ items at low prices. 4. An increasing number of foreigners are learning Chinese, for it_ communicating with other countries. 5. _well it is translated, the spirit of the original work is lost. 6. The teacher suggested that the dictionary _ be bought at once. 7. It is those who experience_ with us that are real friends. 2 8. _a new study by a French university, leaning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power. 9. Higher wages drive up the costs of production, _higher prices. 10. Body language is_ communication that is used everywhere, although we dont often think about it. 四、根据汉语提示完成句子四、根据汉语提示完成句子 1._ _ _ _ _ _, the traditional crosstalk shows have made people all over China laugh for centuries. 追溯到秦朝,传统的相声表演就已经让全国人民大笑了几个世纪。 2. _ _ _ _you could give me some advice on how to improve my writing. 如果您能尽早给我答复,我将不胜感激。(appreciate) 3. Although it is a second-hand table,_ _ _ _ _. 虽然这是一张旧桌子,但很有价值。 4. _ _ _you have picked up, you must give it back to whomever it belongs to. 不管你捡到什么,你必 须把它还给他的主人。 5. _ _ _ _ _I was crazy about outdoor activities. 有一段时间我非常喜欢户外活动。 Discovering Useful Structures be related to; have trouble with; get used to; depend on; aside from; take on 1. Many workers are out of work, so they had to _ a living. 2. Im trying to get Mary to change her _. 3. She was so angry
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