(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness (课件+讲义+课时作业).zip

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Section Listening and speaking throw them at 46,000 dollars 听力材料: CONVERSATION 2 AAdamJJulie A:Hey, Julie. Whatre you doing this weekend? There is a “Blue Paint” run on Saturday afternoon. J:Whats a “Blue Paint” run? Is it a marathon? A:No, its not a marathon. Its just a fun run that helps the community. You pay 20 dollars to run five kilometres. That sounds like fun, doesnt it? J:Er. no, it sounds tiring! But why is it called a “Blue Paint” run? A:Thats the fun part. People can buy water balloons filled with blue paint and throw them at the runners. The balloons cost 5 dollars each and the money goes to help poor people. Would you like to go? J:That sounds like a great idea! You can run, and Ill throw the paint! Listening Tips 1听主要大意 Try to catch the main ideas instead of trying to remember and translate each word you hear. 2英语语调的规律 降调通常可用在陈述事实的陈述句、特殊疑问句、感叹句中, 也可用在表示命令的祈使句中,但是如果是表示请求的祈使句就用 升调。 升调常用于一般疑问句中,或用于没听清对方的话,请对方 重复一下。 降升调用于反义疑问句中表示询问。 升降调用于选择疑问句中,还可用于列举事物时。 即学即练 1What will the woman do this afternoon? ADo some exercise. BGo shopping. CWash her clothes. 答案:B 2Why does the woman call the man? ATo cancel a flight. BTo make an apology. CTo put off a meeting. 答案:C 3How much more does David need for the car? A$5,000. B$20,000. C$25,000. 答案:A 4What is Jane doing? APlanning a tour. BCalling her father. CAsking for leave. 答案:C 听力材料: Text 1 M:Lets go for a nice walk into the country this afternoon. W:I certainly could enjoy the exercise, but Ive agreed to go with Alice to buy some clothes. Text 2 W:Hello, Mr. Smith. Im afraid Dr. Brown wont be able to see you today. Hes still waiting for a flight out of New York. He said he would meet you tomorrow afternoon. Is it OK? M:Sounds good. Thank you for calling. Text 3 W:David, have you saved enough for the car? M:I have $20,000 now, and the car costs $25,000. My parents said they would like to help, but I dont want to use their money. Text 4 W:Dr. Block, I need to take a few days off because my father is coming over to visit. And I need to show him around the city. M:OK, Jane. But be sure to come back to work next week. .根据录音在空格处填入合适的内容 People need to relax and enjoy themselves. One way they can have a good time is to 1.watch_a_baseball_game or another sports event. Even thousands of years ago, groups of people gathered to watch skilled athletes. Over 2,000 years ago in Greece, people stopped work and enjoyed themselves during important festivals. They liked to watch athletes 2.take_part_in races and other games of skill. The most important festival was held 3.every_four_years at the town of Olympia. It was held in honour of the Greek god Zeus. For five days, athletes from 4.all_parts_of_the_Greek world took part in the Olympic Games. At the Olympic Games, people could watch them box, run, jump and so on. The Olympic Games were thought to be 5.so_important_that cities which were at war with one another had to 6.stop_fighting. People were allowed to travel to the games freely. Thousands of people came to Olympia from cities in Greece, Africa, Asia and Italy. They met as friends to cheer their favourite athletes and to 7.enjoy_themselves. 话题积累: (1)gather vt. 聚集 (2)in honour of 纪念 (3)be at war 交战 Step Three: Discussing As we all know, nothing is more important than health. Taking an active part in sports is a useful way for us to keep healthy. Discuss with your partner the importance of taking exercise. For example: (1)Sports are good for our health. They can make us strong, prevent us from getting too fat and keep us fit. Especially they can be of great value to people who work with their brains most of the day because sports can make them relax. (2)At the same time, they make our life richer and more colourful. We can enjoy ourselves by watching or taking part in all kinds of sports or matches, such as swimming, skating, ball games and so on. (3)Sports are also very useful in teenagers character building. For boys and girls, what is learned on the playground often has a deep influence on their character. 课时作业 10 .阅读理解 A I was recently asked what inspires me most. That was easy to answer: I_live_and_breathe_track_and_field. It is the only sport that has allowed me to spread my wings and truly fly. I have struggled a lot in my life after being diagnosed(诊断) with a learning disability at the age of three. I was also born four months too early, weighing less than four pounds. Even at 17, Im still working to catch up. Mentally Im on the level of a 12yearold. I had to repeat the third and fifth grade, which caused me a lot of stress and embarrassment. I was joked so much that I would often hide in the bathroom instead of going to class. My parents always gave me lots of love and support, but I still felt worthless most of the time. Im also quite shy, so making and keeping friends has always been a challenge. Then one day when I was 12, my life changed forever, My parents decided my younger brother and I should try track. From that moment on my life was different. I was a natural middistance runner. When I was on the track, the other kids just saw me and my speed. No one saw my learning disability. For the first time in my life I felt normal. When I entered high school, I joined the track team and the coach quickly saw my talent. I was selected to run on the A team for crosscounty and the A team for indoor and outdoor track. Im on the school team for the 4400meter and 4800meter relays, and colleges are even interested in me! My crosscounty team won the 2011 County and Regional Championship. When I accepted my award, my mom cried because she was so proud of me, and for once, I was proud of myself. Even though Im a specialeducation student, I now know that my learning disability does not define(限定) me. I can hold my head up high because track has allowed me to spread my wings and truly fly! 【语篇解读】作者是一个在学习上有障碍的学生,但是却在田 径运动中找到了自己的价值。 1The underlined sentence in Para. 1 may mean “_” AI can easily breathe on the track Btrack and field is where I live Ctrack and field is my life DI take track and field as a sport 答案与解析:C句意理解题。根据第一段画线句子后面的“It is the only sport. wings and truly fly.”可知,作者认为田径运动让他展 翅翱翔,所以他视田径为生命,因此选 C。 2What is the problem with the writer? AHe didnt want to make friends. BHe didnt get more love from his parents. CHe weighed a little less than others. DHe had a poor learning ability. 答案与解析:D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“diagnosed(诊断) with a learning disability at the age of three”可知,作者学习能力有问 题,因此选 D。 3The first time the writer was on the track, he _. Afelt as normal as others Bwas proud of himself Cwas still a little shy Dtreated himself as a hero 答案与解析:A细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句“For the first time in my life I felt normal.”可知选 A。 4The best title for the passage may be “_” AFly in the Sky BSpread My Wings CTry Track Bravely DBe an Honor Student 答案与解析:B标题归纳题。作者在学习上有障碍,但是从事 田径运动却如鱼得水,是一个天生的田径运动员。田径让作者找到了 自己的价值,有了展翅飞翔的机会,故 B 符合主题。 B The doctor made it sound easy. Just walk. It was easy for him to say. I couldnt walk to the end of the road to pick up my mail. I tried to stand up, but soon got breathless and just stopped. My mailbox seemed to be so far away. It was hard for me, though I am only 39 years old! A month ago, my wife Stephanie and I were in Colorado Springs with our friends when I woke up at 12 oclock at night and didnt feel very well. Stephanie and I drove to the hospital, and my 10day vacation turned into a 10day hospital stay. I got a scar (伤疤) on my body. It was really tough to walk around then and I needed practice. Stephanie had to go to work so she encouraged me to try to take a few walks. Minutes later, she came back with a puppy. “Where did you get that?” I asked. “In our mailbox, ” she replied. What a wonder! The puppy was dirty, with big pleading (恳求的) eyes. Stephanie was late for work. I was not very happy. I couldnt take care of myself. How could I look after this puppy? “Hes going to the pound (动物收容所), ” I thought. However, wherever I went, the puppy would closely follow me. I tried walking. The puppy ran ahead, looked back and repeated it again and again. He seemed to say “come on”. I took a deep breath, and then tried stepping; the puppy was right at my side.I succeeded at last. I didnt take the puppy to the pound. Instead, we walked toward the mailbox. We named him Cheyenne. Before long, I was walking with Cheyenne every day. Pretty soon, I was strong enough to work on the farm again. Now I wonder who put a puppy in a mailbox. Nobody is so crazy after all, Cheyenne was maybe what the doctor ordered. 【语篇解读】本文是记叙文,主题语境是生活。作者在手术后 身体非常虚弱,不能走路,内心苦恼,抱怨医生。后来他收养了一只小 狗,在这只小狗的陪伴与感染下,他试着迈步,并很快恢复了健康。 5What can we learn about the author in the first paragraph? AHe didnt often take exercise. BHe didnt think life was easy. CHe gave up picking up his mail at last. DHe thought the doctor was only joking. 答案与解析:C推理判解题。根据第一段中的“just stopped” 和“so far away”可知,作者最终放弃去取信。 6What does the underlined word “tough” in the second paragraph mean? AWrong. BDifficult. CWise. DSilly. 答案与解析:B词义猜测题。联系第一段可知,作者现在走路 有困难,需要练习。 7How did the author feel when he saw the puppy? AHe felt it was a trouble. BHe was filled with pity for it. CHe was worried about its health. DHe felt it was too small to help him. 答案与解析:A细节理解题。根据第三段的“I couldnt take care of myself. How could I look after this puppy? Hes going to the pound, I thought.”可知,作者一开始见到这只小狗后,觉得自己都 照顾不了自己,怎么能照顾这只小狗呢?他想把它送到动物收容所。 由此可知,作者一开始见到这只小狗时,觉得这只小狗是个累赘。 8What may be the best title for the text? AA Special Mail BNever Give up Hope CLife isnt Always Easy DAn Unforgettable Vacation 答案与解析:A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者在手术后身 体非常虚弱,不能走着去取邮件,后来妻子在邮箱里发现了一只小狗。 在这只小狗的陪伴与感染下,他试着迈步,走到了邮箱前。故事围绕 “邮箱”展开,因为在作者看来小狗是一封特殊的“邮件” 。 .完形填空 My husband and I have little money lately, We havent _1_ out for a while, so we went to a _2_ last night. When we saw the _3_ , we knew we could only afford to get a small pizza, so we would have enough money left for _4_. Before long our pizza that was cut to 4 pieces arrived. My husband wanted to act like a _5_, so he would like to put a piece of _6_ on my plate. Unluckily it dropped onto the _7_. I knew he would be _8_ about others opinions on him. I told him, “Honey, dont let other people _9_ us. We still have three pieces left.” The manager _10_ this and came over with a broom (扫 帚). He _11_ the pizza and said he was _12_ that the oven (烤箱) had been turned off, or he would have _13_ another pizza for us. At the end of our meal he _14_ to our table again to thank us for being here. Then he _15_ us one coupon (优惠券) for a free small pizza. We were _16_ because he could have chosen a _17_ attitude (态度) when he saw the pizza we dropped during their closing time. Instead he chose to make sure we could left _18_. My husband was going to give him tips for our meal that we had prepared, _19_ the manager didnt take them. To some people it might not be important, but to us it meant a lot. Our rare treat of enjoying a night out was made more _20_. 【语篇解读】本文是记叙文,主题语境是做人与做事。本文讲 述了作者生活窘迫,在饭店吃饭时还弄出囧事,却没有受到饭店经理 的歧视和不满,因此十分感动。 1A.hung Beaten Cworked Dplayed 答案与解析:B由下文可知,作者和丈夫因为生活拮据,所以 很长时间没有出去吃饭了。 2A.church Bsupermarket Cpark Drestaurant 答案与解析:D由下文可知,他们最后去了一家餐厅吃晚饭。 3A.prices Bsizes Cwaiters Dnames 答案与解析:A由该空后的“afford”可知,此处指作者看到价 格后,发现只能点小号披萨。 4A.clothes Bdrinks Ctips Ddesserts 答案与解析:C根据最后一段“My husband was going to give him tips for our meal that we had prepared”可知,作者和丈夫想留下 钱付小费。 5A.gentleman Bpoliceman Cdoctor Dteacher 答案与解析:A根据后面的“so he would like to put a piece of _6_ on my plate”可知,丈夫想表现得像一个绅士。 6A.paper Bpizza Cbread Dmeat 答案与解析:B由第二段第一句可知,他们点了一个披萨,所 以丈夫想给作者盘子里放一块披萨。 7A.seat Btable Cfloor Dbowl 答案与解析:C由下文“with a broom”可知,丈夫不小心把披 萨掉到了地上。 8A.worried Bsure Cmad Dhopeful 答案与解析:A夫妻俩因没钱只能点小号披萨,现在又将披萨 掉到地上,他担心别人对他的看法。 9A.command Binfluence Crecognize Dignore 答案与解析:B由 dont 和 still 可知,作者安慰丈夫,让他不要 在意,别让他人影响了自己。 10A.doubted Bbelieved Cnoticed Dliked 答案与解析:C由下文的“came over”可知,经理注意到了这 一幕。 11A.threw Bhid Cpicked Dcleaned 答案与解析:D由上文的“with a broom”可知,丈夫将披萨掉 在地上,所以经理过来清理。 12A.disappointed Bsorry Cafraid Dangry 答案与解析:B由“. the oven had been turned off, or he would.”可知,经理感到抱歉。 13A.brought Bsold Cshowed Dchosen 答案与解析:A烤箱关了,否则经理会给他们再拿来一份披萨。 14A.waved Bpointed Creturned Dshouted 答案与解析:C由“The manager _10_ this and came over” 以及该空后的“again”可知,经理再次回到他们的桌旁。 15A.passed Bpaid Clent Dgave 答案与解析:D由“for a free small pizza”可知,经理给了作者 和丈夫一张优惠券可以免费吃小号披萨。 16A.moved Bproud Crelaxed Dserious 答案与解析:A作者和丈夫觉得是他们添了麻烦,反而得到了 餐厅经理的礼遇,所以他们很感动。 17A.wrong Bbad Cfriendly Dcareful 答案与解析:B经理的态度非常好,即使是在他们弄脏了地板 后,都没有态度不友好。 18A.freely Bpolitely Creadily Dhappily 答案与解析:D餐厅经理态度友好,让他们开心地离开餐厅。 19A.because Bif Cbut Dso 答案与解析:C该空前后内容之间存在转折关系。 20A.interesting Bsuccessful Csurprising Dpleasant 答案与解析:D由于经理的礼遇和善意,作者夫妇吃得很愉快, 内心也高兴。 Section Reading and Thinking .核心单词 根据音标及词义写出正确的单词 1stadium/stedim/n.(pl.stadiums or stadia)体育场;运动场 2event/vent/n.比赛项目;大事;公开活动 3track/trk/n.跑道;足迹;铁路轨道vt. biomedical science keeps us healthy; even our beds these days are designed according to scientific facts. We almost eat, sleep and breathe with the help of science! When we prepare the next generation (一代) of voters, creators, and policy makers, it is important to make sure they are not only comfortable but also good at science. 【语篇解读】小孩子应该学习科学,因为学习科学对他们而言 有很多好处。 5According to Paragraph 2, what does learning the scientific method mean to kids? ARefusing any ideas that are not logical. BHelping them develop thinking skills. CLearning many areas of study. DLearning to do experiments. 答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据第二段的“Learning to follow this process helps you think logically and carefully. These important thinking skills can be used in many areas of study.”可知,学习科学可 以帮助孩子们培养好的思维方式。 6Which of the following statements would the author agree with? AScience is too difficult for children. BChildren usually consider science boring. CScience could make children love learning. DChildren who cant think carefully shouldnt learn science. 答案与解析:C作者观点题。根据第三段的“One of the greatest things we can teach our children is to love learning. Learning science is a great way to do so.”可知,作者认为学习科学可以让孩子 们爱上学习。 7If a child works hard at science at school, he/she _. Ausually loses interest in other activities Busually has no time for other subjects Cis usually bad at such subjects like history Dis likely to learn many other subjects well 答案与解析:D细节理解题。根据第四段的“So science encourages children to study math. Therefore, writing becomes an important part of science.”可知,学好科学的话,学好别的科目的可能 性也会增大。 8What is the text mainly about? AWhy science is important. BWhy kids should learn science. CWhat kids should learn at school. DHow kids can make use of science. 答案与解析:B主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,本文主要讲 述了小孩为什么需要学习科学。 .七选五 Go fly a kite Learning how to fly a kite is simple, and flying kites can be a fun form of exercise. Of course, the first thing you need is a kite and a ball of string (线) _1_ Then wait for a windy day. When the perfect day arrives, find an open space, such as a field. _2_ Before flying your kite, find out which way the wind is blowing. _3_ To begin flying your kite, stand with your back to the wind and hold the kite up
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