(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册单元综合检测1 .doc

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1、单元综合检测单元综合检测(一一) .阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) A Dear Daisy, Phew! Im so glad the day is over.Im really tired, but my first day at school went well. First of all,we met outside the school building.I was very nervous because my primary school only had 300 pupils but in the middle school there ar

2、e about 1, 300.What a difference!The older pupils are really big.I felt so small waiting there in front of the school. The head teacher came out and told us to go into the school hall.Then he called our names out to tell us which class we were in.My class teacher is called Mrs.Black.She took us to o

3、ur classroom.Its on the 5th floor.We arent allowed to use the lift!I couldnt believe it. We spent all morning with Mrs.Black looking at our timetables.Everyone in the school had a different timetable.Im worried that Ill forget my timetable and go to the wrong room. Lunchtime was OK.I had salad,fish

4、and fruit, which was quite good,and then I went to play football with some of the other boys.They were all friendly and I dont think it will take me long to make friends. After lunch we started lessons.I had maths and then history,where we started to learn about ancient Greece.That looked interestin

5、g.I have to do some homework tonight to find out how the ancient Greek people lived,so Im going to do an Internet search and look it up in the library. So far so good.I am quite looking forward to tomorrow,even though Ive got science.I hate science! Yours, Jason 【语篇解读】本文是 Jason 给 Daisy 的一封书信。 Jason

6、介绍了他在新学校 的第一天是如何度过的。 1Why did the head teacher come? ATo give the pupils a timetable. BTo tell the pupils which class they were in. CTo show the pupils how to use the lift. DTo take the pupils to their classrooms. B细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,班主任来告诉学生们他们在哪个 班。故选 B 项。 2What is the correct order for Jason to spe

7、nd the day? aJason looked at his timetable. bJason went to the school hall. cJason started his lessons. dJason played football with some boys. AcabdBacbd CbcadDbadc D推理判断题。根据第三段第一句、第四段第一句、第五段第二句和第六 段第一句可推知 Jason 度过这一天的正确顺序是 D 项。 3What can we learn from the passage? AJason didnt realize the new schoo

8、l was smaller than his primary school. BJason was lucky enough to have someone else in the same class. CJason thought it unbelievable,for they are not allowed to use the lift. DJason didnt think the boys were friendly when playing football. C推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句可知,Jason 认为不让使用电梯是不 可思议的。故选 C 项。 4How did J

9、ason feel on the first day of his new school? ATerrible.BDisappointed. CWorried.DGood. D推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Jason 在新学校的第一天感觉是“好 的”。故选 D 项。 B “We said no to the invitation to the birthday party because my child says theyre not even friends.” When I read the above words,I felt heartache. I know birthday pa

10、rties can be like a trouble,but lets believe the parents who sent that invitation werent trying to get more gifts for their kids or make things more complicated(复杂的) For some kids,managing school and friends is easy.Maybe you have a child whos outgoing,selfconfident or maybe you have a child who doe

11、snt have any problems.However,for some kids,school and friends can be very difficult. Abirthday party is a fun,exciting and good opportunity.It is a chance for the kid on the sidelines to play with other kids who dont play with him/her at school or who dont call him/her a friend. Sometimes even when

12、 the birthday party and the theme have been decided on and the difficult decision about whom to invite has been made,there can still be doubts.Those invitations can stay untouched in the bottom of the childs backpack for days,because he/she is too scared to hand them out. I dont know your child,and

13、I dont know you.I do know there are parents who lie awake at night wondering if their child will have the courage to hand out the invitations in the morning;I do know there are parents who hope they can depend on other parents to teach their children to be kind enough to show up. Maybe youll never h

14、ave to be one of the parents who find it hard.I know what thats like,because I have children who find it easy.But I also have a child who doesnt.And because of that,weve become a family that says yes to every invitation we receive. Sometimes a birthday party invitation is not just a birthday party i

15、nvitation;its also an invitation to be a friend. 【语篇解读】本文是议论文。作者认为我们不应该拒绝同学们生日聚会的 邀请, 因为生日聚会对于那些性格内敛的小朋友来说是共同玩耍和交朋友的好机 会。 5Whats the authors attitude toward the words in Para.1? AWorried.BSad. CInterested.DExcited. B观点态度题。根据第二段“When I read the above words,I felt heartache.”可知,作者感到很心痛。 6What can we l

16、earn from the passage? AChildren are very different from each other. BSome children at school need special attention. CChildren should be encouraged to play games. DNot all children can deal with school problems well. D推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,有的孩子不开朗、不自信,他们不 会交朋友,不会处理学校的事情。 7To some children,what does a bir

17、thday party mean? AAchance to have some fun outdoors. BAchance to get many gifts from others. CAchance to play and make friends with others. DAchance to invite other children to their homes. C推理判断题。根据文章第五段“It is a chance for.who dont call him/her a friend.”以及文章最后一段可知, 生日聚会对于性格内敛、 不擅长交朋友的孩子来 说是一个交朋友的

18、好机会。 8What does the author mainly want to tell us? AKids really love going to parties. BKids should learn to make friends. CSome kids arent good at making friends. DWed better accept birthday party invitations. D推理判断题。阅读全文可知,一位母亲拒绝参加孩子同学的生日聚会, 这让作者感到心痛。作者认为对于很多性格内敛的孩子来说,生日聚会是交朋友 的好机会,建议我们不要拒绝别人的生日邀请

19、。 C In the summer between my first year and second year in college,I was invited to be an instructor at a high school camp.On the first day,when we were dancing and playing games,I noticed a boy under the tree who was small and thin.His shyness made him appear weak.I walked towards him,introduced my

20、self and invited him to join in the activities and meet some new people.He quietly replied,“No, I really dont want to do this.”I could understand that he was in a new world but I knew it wouldnt be right to force him,either.Actually,the boy didnt need a close talk but a friend. At lunch the next day

21、,I was leading camp songs when I saw the boy under the tree sitting alone.I tried again with the same invitation, but he refused once again.That evening I was told the boys name was Tommy.Then I asked the campers to pay special attention to the boy and spend time with him when they could. The days w

22、ent by and the time came when we had to leave.We held a big,warm party to celebrate the closing of the camp.All the campers shared their wonderful moments.To my surprise,I found the boy from under the tree dancing joyfully with two girls.I couldnt believe it was the same person. In October of my sec

23、ond year, I received a phone call from Tommys mother.She told me that Tommy was hit by a car and killed.I offered my deep sadness.The mother said, “Tommy mentioned you so many times.I want you to know that he went back to school and made new friends with confidence.You made a difference for Tommy du

24、ring his last months.” At that moment,I realized how easy it was to give a bit of yourself every day.You may never know how much each gesture may mean to someone else.I hope that everyone can pay attention to their own“boy under the tree” 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。叙述了作者在一个夏令营的活动中做辅 导员的时候,遇到了一个内向的男孩,他不参加任何活动。作者

25、安排其他的孩子 多关心这个男孩,在夏令营结束的时候,男孩的性格改变了,开始开朗起来,回 到学校后也交了很多朋友。这件事情令作者印象深刻。 9 Before the writer came to the high school summer camp , he was a(n) AinstructorBcamper CstudentDreporter C细节理解题。 根据第一段第一句 “In the summer between my first year and second year in college, I was invited to be an instructor at a hig

26、h school camp.” 可知, 当作者被邀请去做一个夏令营的辅导员的时候,他是大一升大二的学生。 10How many times did the writer invite the boy to join in the activities? AOnce.BTwice. CThree times.DMany times. B细节理解题。根据第一段“I walked towards him,introduced myself and invited him to join in the activities and meet some new people.”以及第二段“I tried

27、 again with the same invitation,but he refused once again.”可知,作者两次邀请那 个男孩去参加夏令营的活动。 11Which is the correct order about the story? The boy danced joyfully with two girls. The boy went back to school and made new friends. The boy refused to join in the activities. The boys mother made a phone call to

28、the writer. AB CD C细节理解题。 根据短文大意可知, 作者在夏令营中遇到了一个内向的男 孩子,他拒绝参加活动。后来作者安排一些其他的孩子多关心他,后来这个男孩 也慢慢开朗起来,在夏令营快结束举行的晚会上,这个男孩和两个女孩开心地跳 舞。回到学校后,这个男孩的性格也改变了,交了很多朋友,这是作者跟这个男 孩的妈妈通电话之后知道的。故正确的顺序应该是 C。 12 From Paragraph 4 , we can infer that Tommys mother was very to the writer. AthankfulBhelpful Cfaithful(忠实的)Dha

29、rmful A推理判断题。根据第四段“The mother said:Tommy mentioned you so many times.I want you to know that he went back to school and made new friends withconfidence.YoumadeadifferenceforTommyduringhislast months.”Tommy 的妈妈说的话可知,作者对 Tommy 有很大的影响,因此 Tommy 的妈妈对作者是非常感激的。 D Growing pains and gains Its not easy to gro

30、w up.Actually its far from easy.Growing up can be a real “pain” for some of us.We are always doing things that someone else makes us do and arent allowed to do all the things we like.Sometimes we feel trapped,sometimes we are fearful , and sometimes we just dont understand why we cant stay young for

31、ever.When we look back on all the hardships in life with a positive attitude(态度), we realize that all of our growing pains actually turn into growing gains! As a young girl my parents forced my sisters and me to do so many things that I never liked.They made me learn to play the violin and then the

32、piano.At that time I hated music,just because it was what they wanted me to do.But looking back now,I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons.Music has enriched my life in so many ways.I realize that my parents and teachers were always pushing me along,not because they wanted

33、me to suffer but because they wanted me to succeed in life.Theyve always wanted me to have a better life than they did themselves. Every moment of our lives we are either living or dying, so live life to its fullest! We are all going to experience growing pains , but they are just small pains in lif

34、e.They might seem so huge at the time but we must be strong.Think about how we would feel if we had no fear and lived life like that.The future is ours!A little hard work and sweat never hurt anyone !If we realize that these pains are just small bumps( 凸 块 ) on our road to success we will realize th

35、at our growing pains are actually growing gains! 【语篇解读】作者从自身的角度向我们讲述了成长中的一些烦恼,并告诉 我们, 如果我们意识到这些烦恼只是人生成功道路上的小障碍,它们就会变成收 获。 13According to Paragraph 1,we learn that when we are young, Alife is full of joy Blife is easy for us Cwe know we can stay young forever Dwe sometimes cant do things we like D细节理

36、解题。根据第一段中的“We are always doing things that someone else makes us do and arent allowed to do all the things we like.”可知答案 14When the author was young,she was forced by her parents to Atake music lessons Bturn gains into pains Clook back on hardships Dlive a successful life by suffering a lot A细节理解题。

37、根据第二段中的“At that time I hated music”和“But looking back now,I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons.”可知 答案。 15What does the underlined phrase“to its fullest”mean? ADirectly.BCompletely. CCarefully.DTerribly. B词义猜测题。根据语境可知,我们的生活只存在两种状态生或死, 因此我们要充分过好我们的人生。to its fullest“充分地”,故选

38、B。 .阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) It takes time to really get to know someone, but first impressions often determine whether someone is willing to spend more time learning about you.In fact,peoples first impressions are made within seven seconds of meeting someone new.16 Show respect.People want

39、 to feel respected before they show you the same respect.17Be sure to treat everyone around you well,because it shows a lot about who you are. Be active.18Dont be afraid to show that you are interested in someone.Showing your enthusiasm by smiling or using friendly humor will make you seem easygoing

40、. 19Body language is as important as your words to first impressions.Make sure your posture is good,make strong eye contact (眼神接触) and try to express your interest in others. Try to avoid the bad days.If something unfortunate happens,you dont have to follow a scheduled meeting on the day.20Let them

41、know you dont want unfavorable things to affect them.Itll show your ability to communicate effectively. AMake others comfortable. BInstead,you can set another time. CPay attention to your body language. DShow interest in the person you meet. EWhen you go out for dinner,be polite to waiters. FBe poli

42、te and show manners with “please and thank you” GHere are some tips on how to make a good first impression. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主题语境是人际沟通。本文介绍了如何 给对方留下好的第一印象的方法。 16G空白处前引出第一印象这个话题,空白处后列举了几种方法,判 断该空为主旨句,引出下文,G 项符合逻辑。 17F根据空白处前内容“只有别人感觉到受尊重了,他才会尊重你”可 知,要有礼貌。 18 D该段主旨为要热情。 D 项“要对你见到的人表示有兴趣”与本段主 旨吻合。 19C空后提到

43、肢体语言对第一印象的重要性可知,C 项与本段主旨吻 合。 20B本段主要讲了当有不好的事发生时,你没必要非要在同一天赴约, 可以约另一个时间,从而避免让自己的消极情绪影响自己要见的人,故选 B。 .完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) As I was a young boy my family was very poor.I would often help do something for the neighbours to21a little pocket money. One day I knocked on the door of an elderly woma

44、n and asked22she needed me to clean the yard.She asked why I was not in23and I showed her my worn24,which no longer kept me warm.She allowed me to work in the yard.When I finished,she looked at me and said, “I suppose you want to be25 now.”She then26a jar filled with dollar bills and said, “Im glad

45、youve done a 27job today but that is not something you should be doing again.I want you to 28new clothes and get back to school.I also want you to come back to29 me with your report card and I will reward you when I see you have worked hard and have some good30 Now reach out your little hands and ta

46、ke out as much31 as you can.” I put my hands in the jar and32so much money that it was33for me to buy what I badly needed.Later,I returned several times to see the woman and she did just as she promised.She looked at my report card and gave me a handful of dollars and some delicious food every time

47、I34her that I had an“A” I was twelve years old when I moved from that neighbourhood.I will never forget the huge35this wonderful lady made over my life with her kindness.This is something I hope to do myself in this lifetime over and over again. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者因为家境贫寒而辍学,并为别人干 零活挣钱。一天,作者在为一位老妇人打扫院子

48、后,老妇人给了他足够的钱并让 他回学校上学,还承诺如果作者努力学习并且取得好成绩的话,会奖励作者。作 者很感激那位老妇人用她的善良给作者的生活带来的巨大改变。 21A.saveBgive CearnDchange C根据前文及空后的 a little pocket money 可知,因为年幼时家境贫寒, “我”常会帮邻居做一些事来赚一点零花钱。earn money 意为“挣钱”。故选 C 项。 22A.howBwhen CwhyDif D根据 asked 和 she needed me to clean the yard 可知, 此处是问她是否需要 “我”清理她的庭院。故选 D 项。 23A.

49、schoolBtime CtroubleDbed A根据下文的“I want you tonew clothes and get back to school.” 可知,这里老妇人问“我”为什么不去上学。故选 A 项。 24A.bagBcarpet CcoatDsofa C根据上文提到作者家境贫寒及空后的 which no longer kept me warm 可 知, 此处是“我”给老妇人看“我”已经不能保暖的破旧大衣(coat)。 故选 C 项。 25A.punishedBtested CpraisedDpaid D根据第一段的“I would often help do somethi

50、ng for the neighbours to a little pocket money.”可知,在“我”打扫完后,老妇人看着“我”说:“我想你 现在想要得到报酬。”故选 D 项。 26A.set upBtook out Ctalked aboutDput away B根据空后的 a jar filled with dollar bills 可知,此处是说她拿出一个装满 钱的罐子。 set up 意为“建立”; take out 意为“取出”; talk about 意为“谈论”; put away 意为“放好”。故选 B 项。 27A.boringBnew CfineDterrible


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