
上传人(卖家):淡淡的紫竹语嫣 文档编号:1660211 上传时间:2021-08-17 格式:PDF 页数:5 大小:614.53KB
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1、苏教译林版小学英语苏教译林版小学英语 六六年级年级上上册册期末综合测试卷期末综合测试卷 听力部分 一、听音,选择听到的内容 1听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (_) (1). Acloud Bcould Ccoal (_) (2). Asing Bsign Csay (_) (3). Afireworks Bfirecrackers Cfireflies (_) (4). Aplastic Bproject Cprotect (_) (5). Aaround Bground Cfront (_) (6). Abecome Bbecame Ccame (_) (7). Amessy Bmore C

2、move (_) (8). Anew Bnews Cnewspaper (_) (9). Asix years old Bsix years ago Csix years later (_) (10). AGreat Wall BPalace Museum CSummer Palace 二、听音,选择正确答案 2听录音,选择正确的应答。 (_) (1). AShe went shopping. BShe goes shopping. CHe went to the Bund. (_) (2). AYes, I do BNo, I cant. CNo, I didnt. (_) (3). AYe

3、s, there were. BNo, there isnt. CYes, there was. (_) (4). AHe watched a lion dance. BHe is going to watch the moon. CHe eats moon cakes. (_) (5). AWe should drive much. BWe should use much plastic. CWe should save wood and water. 3听录音,根据所听对话及问题,选出正确答案。 (_) (1). Where did Nancy go for the holiday? _

4、ACanada. BThe USA CAustralia. (_) (2). Who could read stories five years ago? _ ATina. BNancy. CTina and Nancy. (_) (3). What is Helen going to do this weekend? _ AWatch a film. BMake a cake. CDo housework. (_) (4). Is the floor clean? _ AYes, it is. BNo, it isnt. CSorry, I dont know. (_)(5). What d

5、oes the second sign mean? _ AYou cant park your car here. BYou cant throw the rubbish. CYou cant drink here. 笔试部分 三、单选题 4He is _ America. ( ) Acome Bcomes from Ccome from Dfrom 5Who _ over there now? ( ) Asinging Bare sing Cis singing Dsing 6I _ my eraser, but I cant _ it. ( ) Alook for; finding Bam

6、 finding; look for Cam looking for; find Dfind; look for 7Tom lives _ the third floor. ( ) Aat Bon Cwith Din 8It her about fifteen minutes. ( ) Atake Btaking Ctakes 9Let _ give _ a book. ( ) Ame; your Byou; my Cme; you Dyou; mine 10I can speak _ English. ( ) Amany Ba lot Ca little Dfew 11A lot of st

7、udents in our school were born_March, 1981. ( ) Ain Bat Con Dsince 12Did you _ some medicine? ( ) Atake Beat Cdrink Dhave 13My mother is ill. ( ) _ ADont worry. BNo hurry. CIm sorry to hear that. DOK. 14We _ at the party last Sunday. ( ) Aenjoyed myself Benjoyed ourselves Cenjoyed ourself Denjoy our

8、selves 15There are three _ and five _ in the room. ( ) AAmerican; Japanese BAmericans; Japanese CAmerican; Japanese 四、找出划线部分发音不同的那个单词。 16Acard Bquarter Chard Darm 17Alitter Bher Cmother Dsummer 18Azoo Bcool Ccook Dschool 19Afork Bhorse Cwork Dmorning 20Aearth Bdear Cnear Dhear 五、选内容补全对话/短文 Jack: We

9、are going to play badminton. 21 Tom: Id love to, but Im afraid I cant. Jack: 22 Tom: I have to see Jiaming in the hospital. Jack: Whats wrong with him? 23 Tom: 24 Jack: 25 Tom: Im afraid I cant. AHis back hurts and he doesnt want to eat. BWould you like to go with us? CWhat do you have to do? DAre y

10、ou coming later? E.Anything serious? 六、完形填空 I am an English teacher. I come _ Beijing. I am thirty. I teach English at No.8 Primary School. I usually get up _ six in the morning, and go to work _ bike. I often help my mother with the housework _ Sundays. Sometimes I go to the park with my friends. J

11、ack and Mike are _ students. They are _ boys. They can _ Chinese well. They often _ games _ me after school. They like _ in the river. We often swim in the river in summer. 26Ato Bin Cfrom Dof 27Ato Bat Con Dfrom 28AOn Bwith Cat Dby 29Aat Bfrom Cto Don 30Amy Bmine Cme DI 31AAmerica BAmerican CEnglan

12、d. DJapan 32Aspeak Btalk Csay Dtell 33Aplays Bplay Cplaying Dto play 34Ato Bat Cwith Dfor 35Aswim Bswims Cswam Dswimming 七、阅读选择 Mr. King lived in a small town, but he has a job in a big city, so he moved there with his wife and his children last Tuesday. On that day Mr. King took his new car out of

13、the garage (车库) and washed it. A neighbour (邻居) came and looked at the new car for a minute. Then Mr. King turned and saw him. “Thats a new car, Is it yours?” the neighbour (邻居) asked. “Sometimes,” Mr. King said. “When there is a party in town, its my daughter s. When theres a football game, it belo

14、ngs to (属于) my son. When I washed it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas (汽油), it s mine.” 36There are _ people in the story. ( ) Athree Bfour Csix Dfive 37Mr king worked in _. ( ) Aa small town Ba big city Cthe garage Dthe gas station 38 When Mr King was w

15、ashing the new car, his neighbour came to ask him _. ( ) Aif the car is new Bwhat car it is Cif the car is Mr. Kings Dhow much is the car 39“Sometimes” in the story means that _. ( ) AWhen there is a party in town, the car belongs to his daughter. BWhen theres a football game, it is his sons. CWhen

16、the car looks very nice and clean, it is his wifes. DWhen the car wants gas, it belongs to him. 40What do you think of Mr. King? He is _. ( ) Asad Bhappy Cserious (严肃的) Dhumorous (幽默的) 八、命题作文 41同学们,地球是我们共同的家园,那我们是不是要做些事情来保护我们的家园呢? 请以“how to protect our earth”为话题,写一段话,不少于 6 句。 _ _ _ _ How to protect

17、our earth The Earth is our home, and we should protect it. As students, we should not throw rubbish, and we should go to school on foot or by school bus. Besides, we can try to plant some trees. At last, we can also encourage people around us to protect the earth with us. 21B 22C 23A 24E 25D 26C 27B 28D 29D 30A 31A 32A 33B 34C 35D 36D 37B 38C 39D 40D 41参考范文: 参考答案: 1C B A C A B C B A C 2A A C B C 3B C A B B 4D 5C 6C 7B 8C 9C 10C 11C 12A 13C 14B 15B 16B 17B 18C 19C 20A


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