北师大版(三起)五上Unit 2 Animals-Lesson 1 in the forest.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e1ed8).doc

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1、Unit11 In the forest 教案教案 学生情况分析。 本班学生是我从一年级跟上来的,大部分 学生学习态度认真,并且对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,上课能 积极举手发言,积极动手动脑。但也有一些不良的习惯。 1 教材分析本单元主题为 In the forest, 主要教授学生四 个新单词 fox, hippo, meat, grass 和新句型 Look at It likes 为 了 培 养 学 生 连 续 说 话 的 能 力 , 可 整 合 旧 句 型 I m I can I like 进行语言训练。结合教材特点和学生的 实际情况,将内容放在情境中进行操练,在课堂中巩固,加 强课堂教学

2、效率。 2 单元教学目标分析 知识与能力: (1) 四会单词: fox, hippo, meat, grass(2) 能正确听读并表达句型: Look at me. Im I can I like (3) 能正确运用句型 Look at It likes介绍动物。(4)能诵吟儿歌,理解句意, 注意语音语调。 一、Teachingaims 1.Knowledge objectives:a. Learn to read and use the words: honey fox, hippo, meat, grass b. Learn to use key patterns to e xpress

3、ones preference: I like 2. Ability objectives: a. Identifying the imperatives. e.g. Look at thelion.b.Understandinghowtoexpressone s preferencee.g., I like grass. 3.Emotional objectives:To encourage the students to love ani mals. 4.Main points 1. Listening and Pronouncing the key words cor rectly :

4、honey, fox, meat, hippo, grass. 2. Using adjectives to describe appearances 5.Difficult points using the pattern to express animal. 6.Teaching aids Multi-media Step1Warm-up 1. sing a song Teddy Bear, Teddy BearT play the flash Ss sing together2. GreetingWhat animal can you see? Do yo u like this bea

5、r? How is it? 在问答中复习所学知识, 为新授作 铺垫。 Step2, Presentation Where can you see the animals?( in the zoo, on the farm, and also in the forest)today, we are going to learn Unit11, In the forest,Look, there are many many animals in the forest. They are happy here. What animals can you see in the forest? What

6、 color is the .? Elicit the new words: fox, hippo, meat and grass.Practice the words with games and in groups. Step3, Practice Talk about the animalsLook at me. Im a fox. Im small. I like meat.Enjoy the cartoon of “Lets talk”. Have the students try to follow.Have the students act the dialogue with actions. Ask the students practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask some of the students act the dialogue out in front of the class. Step4, Ending 1.Revision 2.Animals are our friends. Be kind to our friends. Homework: Listen and read the Students Book page 48.


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