北师大版(三起)五上Unit 2 Animals-Lesson 1 in the forest.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:a0221).zip

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  • 北师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Animals_Lesson 1 in the forest._ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:a0221)
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Written(文字)by Michael Coleman Illustrated(插图) by Tim Warnes It has fur. monkey It has a long tail. It likes bananas. Riddle Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter, eeh-ah-ooh! Story A Look and Listen Chitter-chatter Chitter-chatter eeh-ah-ooh Be quiet ,you noisy monkey! Im trying to sleep. Chitter-chatter Chitter-chatter eeh-ah-ooh Be quiet, you noisy monkey! Im trying to talk. Be quiet, you noisy monkey! Im trying to think. Story A Watch and Answer 1. What animals do you see ? 2. Did they like the monkey? Be quiet ,you noisy monkey! Im trying to sleep. qu /kw/ queen quick quietbe quiet qunoisy boy toy noy isy (吵闹的吵闹的) Story A Read Be quiet! Discuss and complete the dialogue(讨论并完成对 话) Be quiet , you noisy monkey! Im trying to sleep. Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter, eeh-ah-ooh! B: Be quiet , you noisy monkey! Im trying to_. B: Be quiet ,you noisy monkey! Im trying to_. 备选词: read talk sing dance jump swim play think Story A What did he talk? What did he think? Brain storm In the forest, who else would say to the monkey? Eg: Be quiet, you noisy monkey ! Im trying to _. 备选词:play run walk sing read dance talk swim sleep ? Oh, no! Fire! Its coming this way. Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter, eeh-ah-ooh! Story B Watch and Think Chitter-chatter Chitter-chatter eeh-ah-ooh Oh, no! Fire! Its coming this way. How was the monkey feeling now? What did the monkey see? Chitter-chatter Chitter-chatter FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Now lion was really angry. Ill get you, you noisy monkey! Chitter-chatter Chitter- chatter FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Now elephant was really angry. Ill get you, you noisy monkey! Chitter-chatter Chitter -chatter FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Now hippo was really angry. Ill get you, you noisy monkey! Story A Story B Story B Watch and Answer 1. What animals do you see ? 2. At the beginning, did they like the monkey ? 3. What did the monkey do ? 4. What did the monkey say ? No! They didnt like him. The lion, the elephant, the hippo. The monkey warned his friends. Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter. FIRE! FIRE!FIRE! Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter. Fire! Fire! Fire! Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Story B Read and Underline The elephant was really angry. Ill get you, you noisy monkey! Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! The lion was really angry. Ill get you, you noisy monkey! The hippo was really angry. Ill get you, you noisy monkey! Chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! angry be angry get angry 1. How did his friends feel? 2. What did his friends say? Read and Think Keep smile. How to control our angry emotions ? (我们应该如何控制生气的情绪?) A. watch TVB. play sportsC. run D. listen to the music E. read books F. play games They all ran. Well get you, you noisy monkey. Story C They all saw the fire. Well done, you noisy monkey. Story C Look and Answer Q1: In the end, did they like the monkey? Q2: How was the monkey feeling ? Yes, they liked the monkey. The monkey was feeling happy again. 1. ensure our own safety (确保自身安全) 5. tell our friends (告诉我们的朋友) 3. call 119 (拨打 119) 4. shout for help(大声呼救) 2. keep calm down(保持冷静) Fire fighting common sense(救火常识) 8. In the end, what did his friends say ? 1. What animals do you see ? 6. What did the monkey say ? Summary 2. At the beginning, did they like the monkey ? 3. At first, what did they say to the monkey ? 4. Then, how was the monkey feeling ? 5. What did the monkey see ? 7. What did his friends say ? 9. In the end, how did the monkey feel ? The lion, elephant and hippo. They didnt like the monkey. He saw the fire. Be quiet, you noisy monkey. Then, the monkey was sad. He warned his friends, “Chitter-chatter. Fire! Fire! Fire!” His friends said angrily:“Ill get you, you noisy monkey.” Well done, you noisy monkey. The monkey felt happy again. 1. What animals do you see ? 2. At the beginning, did they like the monkey ? 3. At first, what did they say to the monkey ? The lion, elephant and hippo. They didnt like the monkey. Be quiet, you noisy monkey. 6. What did the monkey say ? 4. Then, how was the monkey feeling ? 5. What did the monkey see ? 7. What did his friends say ? He saw the fire. Then, the monkey was sad. He warned his friends, “Chitter-chatter. Fire! Fire! Fire!” His friends said angrily:“Ill get you, you noisy monkey.” 8. In the end, what did his friends say ? 9. In the end, how did the monkey feel ? Well done, you noisy monkey. The monkey felt happy again. The whole story The lion, elephant and hippo. They didnt like the monkey. Be quiet, you noisy monkey. Then, the monkey was sad. He saw the fire. He warned his friends, “Chitter-chatter. Fire! Fire! Fire!” His friends said angrily:“Ill get you, you noisy monkey.” Well done, you noisy monkey. The monkey felt happy again. Story A Story B Story C Summary Imitation show (story A and story B) 1 5 4 876 32 Story A Story B Discuss Scene 1The endScene 2 happysad happy 1. What have you learned from this picture book? (你从此绘本学到什么?) 2. Do you like this picture book? Why? 你喜欢这个绘本吗?为什么? 3. Which animal do you like best in the picture book? Why? 你最喜欢绘本里哪个动物?为什么? 4. At first, why didt they believe the monkey ? 一开始,其他动物为什么不喜欢这只猴子? happy sad happy Sincerity is a kind of open mind. 真诚是一种心灵的开放。 If you want others to be honest, first of all, to their own integrity. 如果要别人诚信,首先要自身要诚信。 Trust is the key to open your heart and sincere is the gap between the bridge of the mind. 信任是开启心扉的钥匙,诚挚是架通心灵的桥梁。 Story A Story B Story C Homework 1. Try to retell the story. (尝试复述故事。) 2. Share the story with your friends. (把故事讲给朋友听。) ThankThank youyou! TitleIn the forest Typ e Pictur e book Teaching Aims 1.1. KnowledgeKnowledge objectsobjects a. Master and use some important words, such as: quiet/noisy/sleep/talk/think/happy/sad/angry b. Be able to understand and apply the sentences: Be quiet, you noisy monkey! Im trying to . Ill get you. Well done. 2.2. AbilityAbility objectsobjects a. Be able to get correct information from listening material,get the different feelings of the animals. b. Enable the Ss to understand and retell the story with the help of pictures and key words. c. Develop the Ss skills of listening, speaking, reading. 3.3. MoralMoral objectsobjects a. Taste the happiness of communicating in English. b. Build confidence towards listening, which is generally considered as the difficult points of English learning. c. Be active and cooperative in team work, enjoy the sense of achievement in cooperation. Teaching Method In this lesson Ill mainly use the natural approach, the communicative teaching method, and the task-based teaching method to cultivate and develop students interests in picture book, and improve students ability. Learning Method Through my lesson, the Ss will improve their English skills. Theyll use the summarizing method, the observing method, audio visual method and the exchanging method, which helps the Ss form good habits of English learning. Key Point1. mastering of the key words 2. Perception of the whole story Difficult Point 1. Get the correct information from the listening material. 2. Try to improve the students ability in observing and language expressing. Teachingpicture book power point video clip Tools 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step 1: Pre- reading 1) Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. 2) Assessment. Say hello to the student and play the video . Introduce the assessment and divide Ss into team A and team B. Say hello to the teacher. Then dance together. Clap their hands. 轻松问候 进入英语 课堂。 观看动物 舞蹈视频, 引入动物 评价。激 发学生的 学习兴趣。 也为后面 的分段绘 本教学做 好导入铺 垫。 利用班级 优化大师, 将学生分 成两组, 互相比拼, 激发他们 的学习兴 趣。表现 突出的学 生给予个 人单独加 分。 通过提问 学生喜欢 的动物, 引入教学 话题。 3)Lead-in 4)Riddle Step2 While- reading 1)Listen and act Just in the video, we saw many animals. Ask questions“D o you like animals?” “ Which animal do you like?” It has fur. It has a long tail. It likes bananas. Listen, the monkey is coming, lets say together with him. Students will be curious. Ss: Monkey. Listen to the radio and try to act as the monkey. 让学生们 猜谜语, 增加课堂 的趣味性, 同时提高 学生的学 习积极性 和创造性。 听猴子的叫 声,让学生 模仿,提高 学生的学习 积极性。 输入故事文 本 A,让学 生能够借助 图片,通过 听和看获取 信息。学生 带着问题观 看视频,能 帮助学生迅 速感知故事 A 的内容。 2)Watch and answer(Story A) (分段感知) 3)Listen and read (story A) Q1:What animals do you see? Q2: Did they like the monkey? Q1: What did the lion say to the monkey? Lets make “qu” sound Try to read again. Q2: What was the lion doing? Watch the storyA then answer the questions Ss listen and answer the question. Ss read the words“queen” “quick” “quie t” “be quiet” Ss read the words “boy/toy/noy/noi/noisy” S1 answer: The lion was trying to sleep. 学生读单 词的过程 中,掌握 字母组合 的发音, 提高发音 的准确率, 培养语感。 提醒学生在 日常生活中, 在公共场所 我们要保持 安静,不要 打扰他人, 养成良好的 个人素质。 小组内展开 讨论 运用已有 的语言知 识进行交 流与讨论, 来培养学 生的语言 表达及语 言运用能 力。学生 在小组内 共同学习, 有助于形 成团结协 In our daily lives, we should be quiet. 4) Pair work (Story A) Show some places where we should be quiet, such as, library, cinema and so on. Discuss and complete the dialogue Ss try to remember and understand. Two students in one group, read and complete the dialogue. 作的习惯。 既能锻炼学 生的思考能 力,同时也 能考验学生 对绘本对话 的熟悉程度。 头脑风暴, 让学生更多 的自由输出, 培养学生的 思考能力。 通过听力 及图片, 让学生感 知猴子的 内心感受, 使得学生 能够通过 观看绘本, 把握整个 绘本的主 线索。 看图进行 头脑风暴, 让学生根 据图片更 多的输出 英语。 5) Brain storm a. Let the students speak more. 6) Watch and think(story B) Ask Ss the question “In the forest, who else would say to the monkey?” Let Ss look at the expression of the monkey and listen to the sound of the monkey. “How was the monkey feeling now?” S1: Be quiet, you noisy monkey. Im trying to play. S2: Be quiet, you noisy monkey. Im trying to run. S3: Be quiet, you noisy monkey. Im trying to talk. Ss :“The monkey was sad.” Then act as the monkey. Ss :“Fire!” 让学生能 够通过找 读绘本等 阅读技巧, 快速捕捉 关键信息。 学生对获 取的信息 进行概括 和提炼, 逐步地转 化为学生 自己的语 言和知识 经验. 引导运用 句型输出 语言,同 时达到感 情升华, 告知学生 在生气的 时候,应 该做什么, 不该做什 么。 7)Read and underline (story B) 8) Read and think (story B) Q1: what did the monkey see? Q2: If you were the monkey, what would you do? Let students read their picture book then underline the sentences. Q1: How were they feel? Q2: What did they say? Try to read the word “angry”, the phrase “be angry”, the sentence S1:“Run.” S2:“Jump into the water.” S3:“Shout for help.” Students read their picture book and answer questions. S1: They were really angry. S2: Ill get you, you noisy monkey. Read the word “angry” and make an angry face. Read and fill the blanks. 补充救火常 识,告知学 生遇火之后 如何做。 再次让学生 观看图片, 感知动物的 内心活动。 通过表演激 并强化学生 的学习兴趣, 使其积极主 动地参与课 堂活动,大 胆开口,能 够灵活运用 所学语言知 识。 根据板书上 的思维导图, 复述活动的 设计旨在让 学生进一步 熟悉故事内 容,巩固所 学的语言形 式,锻炼其 篇章组织能 力,并学会 创造性地运 用本课所掌 握的语言形 式。 9) Control our angry emotions 10) Fire fighting common sense (story B) 11) Look and answer (story C) “Im angry.” To give an example, then let the students fill the blanks. 1. call 119 2. shout for help 3. tell our friends 4. keep calm down Q1: Were they still angry? Q2: What Ss remember and understand. Ss: No. S1: You are my good friend. S2: thank you so much. S3: You are a good monkey. Ss act as the monkey, the lion, the elephant and the hippo. 总结评价, 哪个组回答 的问题好, 哪个组得到 的动物卡片 多,给予一 定的奖励。 让学生给他 人讲故事, 一是再次巩 固绘本内容, 其次是让学 生更多的输 出英文表达, 培养学生表 达语言知识 的能力。 Step3:Post- reading. 1)Act the whole story 2)Retell the story would they say to the monkey? The teacher tour and guide the students. Give guidance to the Ss to retell the story with the help of the mind map on the blackboard. Ss tell the story to others. 3) Evaluate the assessment. Step4 :Homework. Tell the story to your friends. Count the animals cards. Set the homework. Look and count together with the teacher to see the result. Blackboard Designing 课后反思:课后反思: 本节课以绘本故事为载体,利用学生对绘本故事的热爱,来激 发学生学习的兴趣;通过学习绘本、阅读绘本、表演绘本等方式, 来培养学生的自主学习和会话交流能力。 “绘本”一词,源于日本,英文为 picture books。picture books 直译为图画书,顾名思义是一种以图画为主,文字为辅的书 籍。绘本是一种融合视觉艺术与语言艺术两种媒体而呈现出来的故 事。绘本有着摄人心魄的优美的图片。在以图为载体的教学中,几 乎不需要着于文字,教育内涵中的情感、态度、价值观就已经深入 人心。甚至仅仅是耽于美图,都会让孩子们爱不释手。在视觉冲击 鲜明、烙印深刻、形象具体的情况下,进行教学知识点的渗透,会 起到事半功倍的效果。本课内容我主要通过以下步骤来体现: 一、选取绘本一、选取绘本 1、关注“趣味性” ,融绘本于教学 绘本以图画的形式展开故事,激起兴趣,易于记忆。这个绘本 的优势在于:(1)符合小孩子的心理特点;(2)有趣,故事要有 其趣味性。 (3)可操作性。故事可以比较容易地进行表演,或者有 比较鲜明的特点和口号。比如猴子的叫声,动物们和猴子的对话等。 (4)有一定的思索余地。故事内容不是一目了然的,需要学生通过 思索去了解,去分析。比如“在绘本的开始,其他动物为什么不喜 欢这只猴子?依据情节的推进,当猴子告诉他们着火了时,动物们 为什么不相信猴子说的话?”等。迎合小学生的心理特点。 2、关注“现实性” ,确定绘本难度 根据学生基础,确定绘本的语言难度;四年级小朋友,接触英 语已经有一年多,单词量有限。此绘本的词汇和句式重复出现,适 应学生的语言基础。 二、呈现绘本二、呈现绘本 英语绘本是以图片故事的形式展开教学,但还是会有语言操练 的环节。 1、通过故事中人物的特点和情绪的变化来安排 此绘本的主线索是猴子的情绪变化,主要通过三个表情词 (happy,sad,happy)贯穿。通过看图听力等,让孩子们模仿动物 的情绪及语言表达,在轻松愉悦的氛围中学习。 2、适当地留白,给学生发挥的空间与操练的余地。 本节课操练的主要单词有“quiet,angry, sad, happy”等。 主要句型有“Be quiet, you noisy monkey! Ill get you! Well done.”通过语音、释义、功能句操练、表演等方式,让孩子们熟练 掌握英语表达。 3、关注“感性” ,激发学生情感 绘本教学是以图画故事的形式,展开教学,把知识传授给学生, 更重要的是用正确的情感、态度、价值观去感染学生。本课涉及的 情感态度包括“在公共场合保持安静、生气时合理控制自己的情绪、 救火常识、保护动物”等。 4、关注“个性” ,安排学生表演展示 巧设平台,鼓励学生表演 每个孩子都有其“个性”和创造力, 他们渴望有展示的机会和舞台,渴望被重视。所以绘本故事的表演, 无疑是一个很好的平台,让学生尽可能的展示自己,也让老师多一 个发现的渠道,了解学生,亲近学生。同时,表演即是对于故事的 回顾,更加是对于知识的运用。通过表演学生加深了对知识点的思 索与了解,满足了学生的表演欲望,同时对学生使用英语也是一种 鼓励,也给不自信的同学磨练的机会。 三、发现问题三、发现问题 1、整节课教学节奏较快,有点慌乱; 2、教师示范和输入较少,要求学生输出较多; 3、板书较乱,没有起到思维导图的作用; 4、教师的感情投入及语言表达不到位; 通过本节课的教学,我发现自己还存在好多问题,在利用绘本 设计英语教学的时候,还需要注意提高绘本的趣味性,调整好绘本 的难度,控制绘本中语言操练和故事内容的合理统一,以及充分发 挥绘本的情感教育功能等。正如小时候看的连环画,有的教我们勇 敢,有的教我们思考,有的教我们勤劳,还有的教我们谦虚,而正 是这情感上潜移默化地教导,使我们最初的知礼仪,明善恶,懂奋 斗,健康快乐地成长。我们的学生学习英语缺少语言环境,他们从有 限的教材中接触不到原汁原味的英语.让孩子通过学习英语绘本感受 到英语语言的魅力,掌握英语语言的运用能力,是一条值得我们小学 英语教师继续摸索前行的道路。
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