北师大版(三起)六上Unit 1 Space-Lesson 4 Have a try.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e0276).zip

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  • 北师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Space_Lesson 4 Have a try._ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:e0276)
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A Hunk of Burning Love n1. What percentage of university students have made their feelings known to the person they love? nC n2. What promise are made when students make commitments to each other? nA n3. What will be the main subject of this program? nA Warming up nGood evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to “A Hunk of Burning Love”. Are you in love? According to a recent survey, many of your classmates are. Sixty-seven percent of the university students report that they have feelings of love for someone. Yet 24 percent say that their feelings are unknown by the person they desire. In the majority of cases, love for someone is known and is shared. Young people in love share their feelings in various ways. They buy gifts, write love letters, and date. Sometimes, they make commitments to each other, promising to be together forever. How do you express love? What should you be doing? Well get into these questions and more as we discuss love, love in this program, “A Hunk of Burning Love”. nGood evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to “A Hunk of Burning Love:Are you in love?”._1_, many of your classmates are. Sixty-seven percent of the university students report that they have feelings of love for someone. Yet 24 percent say that_2_. In the majority of cases, love for someone is known and is shared. Young people in love_3_. They buy gifts, write love letters, and date. Sometimes, they_4_, promising to be together forever. How do you express love? What should you be doing? Well get into these questions and more as we discuss love, love in this program, “A Hunk of Burning Love”. their feelings are unknown by the person they desire According to a recent survey share their feelings in various ways make commitments to each other nM: Excuse me. Youve been here for six hours. Are you waiting for someone? nW: Im afraid so. Im supposed to meet my new girlfriend. I cant believe how late she is! nQ: What surprises to the man? be supposed to do 应该,有义务 nM: I heard a song on the radio by Elvis, called “A Big Hunk of Love”. nW: I know that song, its really happy though,_. Love song should be _, like love. nQ: Why does the woman NOT like the song? which is why I dont like it sad nYou found love in India? How romantic! Its my dream to fall in love in a foreign country! nW: It was really exciting at first. After I got used to it though, it was kind of boring. nQ: How did the mans feeling of love change? nM: More than once, I thought about killing myself after I lost my boyfriend. nW: Just about everyone _, but you cant let those feelings _. nQ: According to the man, what does everyone experience after a breakup (破 裂)? get the better of 占上风,胜过,打败 gets depressed get the better of you nM: You look so happy! Whats going on to make you smile like that? nW: For the first time in years, my sister has found love. Im going to meet the guy today. nQ: Why is the man happy? nM: I can help you find your old girlfriend if you can give me more information about her. nW: Name, old addressthats all I can tell you. But maybe it doesnt matter. I probably should try to forget her. nQ: Why can the mans old girlfriend NOT be found? nM: Hey, you look great! Am I wrong, or has something changed about you? nW: Something big! I found a man who really makes me happy. Hes brightened up my life. nQ: What do you know about the womans new boyfriend? brighten (sth.) (up) 使某人/某事焕发光彩,更愉快,更有希望 nM: Youve been writing me letters for years. When are you going to admit your love for me? nW: what? Love? No, Im just being friendly. You think everyone loves you! nQ: According to the woman, what mistake has the man made? nM: So, what makes you think that your marriage will last, when 50 percent fail? nW: Fifty? Nah, That number is more like 30 or 40 percent. And in my family, there are no divorces. nQ: What is the divorce rare in the mans family? M: Honey, dont you have any _ to our daughter having a boyfriend? W: None whatsoever! Having a boyfriend will _ someday. Q: What is the relationship between the man and the woman? teach her how to become a loving wife objections n. Why does the woman want to see the letter? nB n2. What does the woman want to know? nA n3. According to the man, what doesnt know? n C n4. According to the woman, what must all people in love have? nD n5. What is the relationship between the speakers? nB nW: Another letter. nM: For me? W: Who else? Its from nM: Hey, dont look at that! Its _! Give it here! nW: OK! Sorry! I was just a bit _. Youve been getting a lot of these letters lately. And theyre always in these _ envelopes. It makes me wonder if youve got a girlfriend. Thats all. nM: If you must know, yeah, I have a girlfriend. nW: I thought so! So, what does she look like? nM: I dont really know. So far, weve only communicated by _. Ive never seen her. nW: Not much of a girlfriend, then, is she? nM: I think Im in love with her. Isnt that what it means to have a girlfriend? nW: Well, that wouldnt have been enough for your father and me. We wouldnt have fallen in love without _. To be in love, you have to see a person, at least. nM: The love I have for my girlfriend is _; I dont have to see her. You wouldnt understand. private pink mail meeting spiritual curious Tongue Twister nMany mad men manufacture maps, motors, and matches to make millions of marks in the market. n许多疯狂的人们制造地图、汽车、和火柴 来在市场上占领市场份额. Recite the following sayings. nIf I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.-Sir Isaac Newton nA wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. -Francis Bacon n. What did Thomson lose during the war? nC n2. What did Thomson enjoy about the war? nB n3. What is spoken of as a positive effect of World War II? n D n4. How many U.S. soldiers married Australian or New Zealand women? nB n5. What do we know about these marriages? nA n“Going to war was the greatest thing to have ever happened to me,” said Albert Thomson, a _ soldier. Some people might find this strange, especially considering that Thomson lost an arm and the use of both legs in _. “Of course, I dont like the fighting,” Thomson said. What he did like is that, by going to the war, he met the woman who would become his wife and the mother of his four children. nOne _ of World War II was that it brought many young people from different countries together. When peace was achieved, these young people often fell in love with people of different _. During World War II, an _ 1,000,0000 American soldiers married women from over 50 different countries. In the Pacific, 16,000 of the 1,000,000Americans soldiers married Australian and New Zealand women. Of these, 12,000 went to the U.S. Many of the relationships _, but some were as happy as Thomsons. former combat effect nationalities failed estimated nA movie speech n火战车是休赫德森1981年执导的一部 电影。影片讲述剑桥大学犹太学生为了对 抗种族偏见,为同胞争光,一心想成为赢 得奥运会百米赛金牌的第一个犹太人。最 后,自信而有拼搏精神的他终于夺得百米 决赛冠军。 nYou know, ladies and gentlemen, one of the real compensations of achieving a _ notoriety, if only as a rugby player, is that, ah, _ youre asked to _ and give things away. Its often said that giving beats _. Well, let me tell you, the look of _ on those little boys faces is worth ten of any of the tin pots Ive got _ dust at my Edinburgh sideboard. When we were in China, my father, here, was always waxing lyrical about his wee home in the glen, but, ah, being Oriental born myself, like my brothers and my sister, here, I suffered from a _ incredulity. But looking about me now, the heather on the hills, I can see he was right. Its very _. Thank you for _us home. And thank you for _me that I am, and will be whilst I breathe, a Scot. certain occasionally come along receiving delight gathering natural special welcoming reminding nListening and Speaking A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to _ who had recently come to live in the United States. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him _. _The class went very smoothly. The students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until my friend turned to an Italian student and said, _ The Italian _. Seeing this, my friend thought that he hadnt heard him clearly, so he repeated, Give me the keys. The Italian nodded his head and rolled his eyes. Then, he _ a class of adults the ruler, the book, the pen and so on Give me the keys. looked surprised and somewhat at a loss he threw his arms around the teachers neck and kissed him on both cheeks. nA Love Before Time nA Love Before Time nIf the sky opened up for me and the mountains _, nIf the seas ran dry turned to dust and the sun refused to _, nI would still find my way by the _ I see in your eyes. nThe world I know fades away but you stay. nin the love that we have shared before time nIf the years take away every _ that I have, nI would still know the way that would lead me back to your side. The north star may _, nbut the light that I see in your eyes will _ there always lit by the love we have shared before time nwhen the forest turns to jade and the stories that weve made _ away, none shining light will still _ when we shed our earthly skin and when our real life begins, ntherell be no _ just the love that we have made before time. disappeared rise light memory die burn dissolve remain shame nA Love Before Time超越时间的爱 if the sky opened up for me and the mountains disappeared如果天空为我打开群山消失 nif the seas can dry turned to dust and the sun refused to rise如果大海变干化为尘土太阳 不再升起 ni would still find my way by the light i see in your eyes我还是会依靠在你眼里看到的光亮 找到我的路 nthe world i know fades away but you stay as the earth reclaims its due and the cycle starts anew well stay. always in the love that we have shared before time 当地球收回他 应得的东西,又开始了新的轮回,我所熟悉的世界消失了,但是你还在我们将永远沉浸在 我们以前就拥有的爱里 n if the years take away every memory that i have i would still know the way that would lead me back to your side.如果时光带走我所有的记忆我还是能找到指引我回到你身边的 路the north star may die but the light that i see in your eyes will burn there always lit by the love we have shared before time北极星也许会消逝但是我从你眼里看到的光亮,那被 我们以前就拥有的爱所点燃的光亮,将永远燃烧 n (when the forest turns to jade) and the stories that weve made (dissolve away( one shining light will still remain)当森林变成玉石(我们虚构的故事被忘却那闪闪的光亮却始终 还在 (when we shed our earthly skin) (and when our real life begins) (therell be no shame just the love that we have made before time)当我们褪去我们俗世的外壳当我们开始我们真实 的生活不再有耻辱那只是我们超越时间的爱情 Supplementary Listening nA nC nA nB nB Love and Hate nD nC nA nC nB n1.answer a question n2.to be admitted n3.copies of all school records n4.the results of the TOFEL n5.minimum acceptable TOFEL score n6.additional English training n7.conditionally accept students n8.taking regular class n9.provides more information n10.successfully pass classes nWhat does the speaker think of Valentines Day? Why? HOW DO YOU EXPRESS LOVE? nHave you ever done anything for him/her? nWould you mind if he/she went out to a party without you? nWhat do you want he/she do for you? nWould you mind that he/she has secrets? nWhat do you think is the most touching moment? A2.A Hot Lead ReviewQuiz: ba/cbb/ab/dont take/try/dont blame/bcba/is/Im/heres/hmmm/ca/baac/e/t/mu/ma/ab/bcb/bba/babc/ A.3:Jackie,theActress ReviewQuiz: aba/ac/ac/gttsao/gtsa/gtr/c/st/sc/f/bcb/aca/ has been/ have been taking/ interesting/ has taken/ exciting/ have acted/ surprised/cac/aba/aba/cacc A.4:A Confrontation ReviewQuiz: babc/bcb/bcc/go/a piece/a smart/butter/acb/aba/bbb/acb/aacc/abb/weve/youve/could have/caca ModuleAtest Nick tells/Nick mentions/Nick talks/ba/cb/bca/cb/bac/ba/Amy tells/T/Amy asks/a/s/down/l/s/p/a/s/bac/cba/cca/a little/are/going/to/cant/much/is/have been working/have decided/ab/acb/must/c/e/ab/cb/T/S/ANEWD/PCN/might have/was/ca/bab/ab/cad/ Module B B.1:Talias Brilliant Plan ReviewQuiz: bac/abc/bcab/baca/baa/bab/babac/g/l/c/n/so do I/free on/busy in/me at/bac/bacb/ B.2:DeansDoubleCross ReviewQuiz: bab/bac/how/had/m/w/bcba/bac/bac/abbca/acabb/aab/bab/cccb/ B.3:Another Confession ReviewQuiz: bcab/ca/bcac/h/a/w/s/aba/I guess/Ill/s/have/had not thought/mentioned/to go/ll be/ll have to/to have/leave/hadnt looked/to talk/bab/aba/bbba/ B.4:ALessonLearned ReviewQuiz: abc/babc/ccb/babc/cba/cbc/aabbc/ababc/re/in/be/abc/u/o/n/l/ ModuleBtest Te/Nc/Tt/bc/ccb/cb/nsh/nst/ti/bc/ca/bac/baa/b/k/cm/be on the/p/cac/bba/bac/w/n/s/h/aac/dont show up/ll call/babc/g/h/t/w/baa/to a/try it/relief/exciting/aba/ba/bcac/co/ca/s/p/ Module C C.1: A Canceled Celebration ReviewQuiz: cbc/abc/baca/do/look/react/come/baa/what?!/t/whats/bacb/had not let/would stop/hadnt messed up/to lose/would have known/was/want to/supposed to be/have to/could/would/ll/aacb/ C.2:Jackies Big Scene ReviewQuiz: aab/bba/abab/abbc/abb/baa/aabac/shouldve/didnt/had been/should/were/should have/couldnt have/wouldnt have/got you/Would you/Dont you/bcab/ C.3:HardEvidence ReviewQuiz: abca/ca/hw/it/awf/hs/taf/st/sr/lc/acab/aa/abcaa/abcbb/explained/described/surpr ise/BRA/CEL/SA/bbac/ C.4:JustBeingHonest ReviewQuiz: bbbc/abb/acc/babc/cba/bbc/aabbc/cbbbc/cab/aab/abba/ ModuleCtest bb/Tt/Tsss/Nd/bc/ccb/bbc/cb/Pr/Nc/Pa/ca/bc/ca/oversee/cb/btn/overe/bth/bca/ /aab/bcabbac/did/that/shouldnt be/ll be talking/shouldnt have/d been trying/ll be leaving/were/which/might have/bac/could have/shouldnt have/Would you/will/yourself/explain/stir/bb/DOWN/OUT/FES/abb/ca/bcc/ LEVER TEST You leave/the sun/you see/you walk bc|acba|abb response/car/referees bab|bbac|acac|abca deanand/Jackie met/Jackie took Nick/the tape abbca|bab|ask/clear/keep/are out of line abcb|cbabc|abc|bac|how/thats/its|abc|cabb|bac to put/much/been dreaming/surprised/surprising/do bcb|cabab|was going/toadmit/can/to tell/made|were/told/playing/had|hadnt/do/who/have abacbc|abbb|aab|baba|bca|I have/This is/want to/should have/you CANT/conDItion|be/nds/could/did cba|bac|babbb|bccaa| we hire a dessert chef, well interview more people Customers will want to try the new desserts they see them DiCaprio is going to be in this neighborhood he shoots his next movie here people find out, the restaurant will get a lot of business the waiter brings the milk, the coffee will be cold the waiter brings us more coffee, Ill ask for the check
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