闽教版五年级上册Unit 5 Months of the Year-Part A-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b01e4).doc

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1、Unit5MonthsoftheyearPartA 一.教材内容及分析 本课为福建教育出版社出版的五年级上册第五单元 Months of the year PartA.内容紧 贴学生实际生活。 本课主要是询问别人生日和月份, 让学生能自己说出月份并回答别人关于 生日的提问。通过句型 When is your birthday? Its in 的提问,为下一课时的对话教学做好 铺垫。也是小学阶段必须掌握的内容之一。 二.学生情况分析 本节课的授课对象为五年级学生,这一年龄阶段的学生在活泼好动的基础上,认知水平有了较 大的发展,积累了一定的生活经验;学生的个性呈现出独立张扬的一面,明显有了独立的思

2、想, 爱表现自我,竞争意识强;在知识构成上,经过两年多的英语学习,学生已掌握不少话题的语言 点.因此,教师在授课中应积极调动学生已有的知识经验,激活学生的语言积累,激发学生的参 与意识,提供语言使用的平台,让学生在学习的过程中,体验到成功的快乐. 三.教学目标 1.知识目标: 能听,说,认读并在适当提示下写出下列单词:month,March,May,April.June. 能说下列句子:When is your birthday? Its in 学习辅音连缀 fl 和 fr 在单词中的读音。 2.能力目标 功能:询问他人生日月份,并回答自己的生日月份。 能根据实际情况表达下列句型:When i

3、s your birthday? Its in/My birthday is in 3.情感目标: 帮助学生全面了解节日和月份的联系。培养学生热爱生活的情感。 通过各种课堂活动,让学生通过感受英语语言美,提高对英语学习的兴趣。 四Teaching important and difficult point: 1.New words :month, March,May,April.June. 2.Talk about the months. 五Teaching aids: Some cards,CAI. 六Teaching procedure: Step 1Organization and le

4、ading-in Greetings. Show a picture about the season to the students. Say : There are four seasons in a year.They are spring ,summer,falll,winter, Ask : How many months are there in a year? And what are they? Show s picture of a calendar on the screen. Write down the title Months of the year on the b

5、lackboard. Today we are going to learn the months. 【设计意图:通过让学生欣赏歌曲复习季节,和图片直观感知引出月份,增添学习英语的兴 趣。同时也为本课时的学习做好心理上的准备。 】 Step 2 Presentation Learn the wordmonth How many months are there in a year? Lets count show the word on the screen. Read and repeat using the following sentence. Twelve months. There

6、are twelve months. There are twelve months in a year. Today we will learn how to say four words of them. Show the cards with 3 4 5 6 and say 三月,四月,五月,六月。 【设计意图:让学生从直观感知一年十二个月份,从数月份,学这个月份单词,到说句子, 一年有十二个月份,悄悄地陪着学生走进学习任务。 】 Learn the four months: ,March,May,April.June. Show the four months calendar on

7、the screen. Ask :What months is it? Listen and repeat the word using the CAI Practice the four words in different ways. Memory competition Give the students a few minutes to remember the new words. Show the chinese meaning and students read it out in English. 【设计意图:让学生从音、形、义学习四个月份的英语单词,给出单词元音因素,让学生尝

8、 试从音标上拼读单词,提高学生的认读能力,感受自学成功的喜悦,逐步了解字母组合发音 规律,初步形成英语单词字形与发音有联系的初步概念。 】 Step 3 Practice Learn the sentence : When is your birthday? Teacher say : My favorite month isApril. Do you know why? Because my birthday is in April. Read and repeat Students practice the phrase :in March/April/ Then go on the se

9、ntenceMy birthday is in March/April/ Work in groups using the above sentences(CAI) Do a surveyWhose birthday is in March? Ask the students: Is anyone in March? Whose birthday is in March /April.? 【设计意图: 学习语言的最终目标是为交际服务, 通过小组的活动, 玩转盘游戏, 乃至最后, 问及那些同学的生日在某个月份。 目的让学生用所学的知识进行简单交流, 提高学生运用语 言的能力,促进学生合作意识的形

10、成,真正让语言成为交际的工具。 】 Step 4 Consolidation Read the passage and finish it. Listen and imitate. Work in pairs. Say a rhyme 【设计意图:回归文本,做到句不离篇,通过听、仿、读、说,让学生熟练掌握四个月份的 单词和句型的表达法,让本课时的学习任务由外部感知到内部掌握,最终内化。增强了学生 对语篇的整体感知,为以后的学习储备能力。 】 Step 5. Homework Read the text five times. Finish the activity book. Talk about whenis your birthday? And do a survey: whose birthday is in March/April/May/June by asking When is your birthday? 【设计意图:第一题作业,让全体学生参与,让学生把所学的知识通过内化后输出,达到学 以致用的教学目的,减少学困生对英语学习的畏难情绪,提高他们的自信心,第二题作业为 书面作业,作为课堂朗读操练的延伸,巩固课堂学习的内容。第三题作业是进一步巩固本课 的句型,还需要学生适当调查统计。三道作业的梯度设计,体现面向全体和因材施教的教学 理念。 】


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