(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册Unit1 泛读 技能初养成 同步教材讲解.doc

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1、1 阅读“Reading 2”中的材料,选出最佳选项。 1What are the researchers and scientists trying to do? ATo help people understand and appreciate Chinas Mogao Caves. BTo work together to find more information about the Silk Road. CTo raise money to rebuild the Mogao Caves of China. DTo start an international project to

2、protect the Mogao Caves. 2What modern technology are scientists using? AThe computer. BThe Internet. CAcopy of caves. DHighquality digital images. 3Why are so many people in the world interested in the Mogao Caves? ABecause it can be appreciated inAmerica. BBecause its caves are as international as

3、before. CBecause they want to travel the Silk Road. DBecause they want to admire its paintings. 4What do you think of the researchers opinion in the last paragraph? AIts right.BIts wrong. CIts puzzling.DIts foolish. 5What is the news report mainly about? AChinese researchers contributions. BThe Moga

4、o Caves of China. CHighquality digital photos. DInternational communication. 答案15ADBAB 2 WordsAnd Phrases 知识要点 1 forgive vt.& vi.原谅;宽恕 vt.对不起;请原谅 (教材 P7)Forgive me for asking,but. 请原谅我的冒昧,但是 例 1Forgive others,and you will be forgiven. 宽恕别人,你就会被宽恕。 例 2He asked us to forgive him for what he had done w

5、rong.他请求我们原 谅他的错误。 造句汤姆无法原谅玛丽的欺骗,因此他们分手了。 Tom couldnt forgive Marys cheating,so they broke up. 知识拓展 forgive sb. for (doing)sth.原谅某人(做了)某事 forgive sb./sb.s doing sth.原谅某人做某事 即学即练 单句语法填空 She found a way to forgive him for the theft of the money. I cant forgive Lewis for robbing(rob)me of an Olympic go

6、ld medal. She forgave(forgive)him and never argued with him. 知识要点 2 quality n质量;性质;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的 (教材 P8)Nearly 500,000 highquality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994. 自 1994 年这个国际项目开始以来, 已经制作了将近 50 万张高质量的数码照 片。 例 1One quality of wood is tha

7、t it can burn. 木材的一项特质就是能燃烧。 例 2Wine of high quality costs more than that of poor quality. 优质酒比劣质酒花费多。 造句我们的生活质量有了很大改善。 3 Our quality of life has greatly improved. 知识拓展 (1) of high/good quality 优质的 of low/poor quality 劣质的 可作定语或表语 in quality在质量上 (2)形近意异词:quantity n数量;大量 即学即练 完成句子 He examined the qual

8、ity of the furniture carefully. 他仔细检查了家具的质量。 He had all the qualities I was looking for in a partner. 他具有我要找的搭档应该具备的所有品质。 As a matter of fact,air in many cities is of poor quality 事实上,许多城市的空气质量很差。 知识要点 3 opinion n意见;看法;想法 (教材 P8)What do you think of the researchers opinion in the last paragraph? 你对最

9、后一段中研究者的意见怎么看? 例 1I have a bad opinion of him,but he is highly thought of by his leaders. 我对他评价不好,但他被领导们高度重视。 例 2What s your opinion on/about the novel? 你对这部小说的看法是什么? 造句依照亨利的看法,这本书是关于该主题的最佳书籍。 The book is,in Henrys opinion,the best book on the subject. 知识拓展 (1)in ones opinion在某人看来 (2)have a good/bad

10、/high/low opinion of. 对评价好/不好/高/低 (3)What is ones opinion(on/about.)? 某人(对)的看法是什么? 名师点津 4 表示“就而言”的词语:as far as. is concerned,from ones point of view,personally。 即学即练 完成句子/同义句改写 Our teacher had a high opinion of our activity. 老师对我们这次活动评价很高。 We may have different opinions on organizing class activitie

11、s. 在组织班级活动上我们可能有不同的看法。 In her opinion,a picture is worth thousands of words in preserving the citys cultural heritage. From her point of view/As far as she is concerned , a picture is worth thousands of words in preserving the citys cultural heritage. 梳理时间线(make a time line) 按照时间线索梳理文本信息有助于学生将碎片化的信息

12、结构化。 时间线是作 者呈现语篇信息的一种常见表现手段,抓住时间线有助于理解文章的主要脉络。 这一阅读技能在做排序题时非常有用。 例题分析 The Verizon Innovative App Challenge gives kids a chance to create apps that can solve problems in their community. Doyouwanttomakeadifferenceinyour community?The Verizon Innovative App Challenge can get you started.The first step

13、 is to think of a problem in your community.The next step is to create an app that can solve the problem. Groups of five to seven students in middle school or high school,led by a teacher,can enter the contest.First, teams compete on a local level.Teams that make it to the next round receive $5 , 00

14、0 for their schools.Finalists 方法技巧: 1.在所给事件选项中画 出关键词,再从文中找 到对应信息,这样可减 少阅读量。 2.弄清“首事件”和 “尾事件”,利用“排 除法”,迅速缩小范 围,快速选出正确答 案,这就是所谓的“首 尾定位法”。 5 present their app ideas to judges in a live webinar(网络研 讨会). Next,the judges pick national winners.The top eight teams receive an additional $15, 000 for their sc

15、hools, and each team member receives a Samsung tablet.Plus,the winning teams get the chance to bring their app to life. In which order should one follow to enter the Verizon Innovative App Challenge? You think of a problem in your community. Your team compete against others in your city. You invent

16、an app with your partners and teachers. Winning teams can compete to become national winners. A.B CD B细节理解题。根据第二、三、四段的内容可知,参加这个比赛的第一步 是发现所在社区存在的问题; 第二步是和同学及老师一起发明一个能解决这个问 题的应用程序;第三步是在当地竞赛;第四步是初赛的获胜者进入决赛争夺全国 的冠军。故顺序为。 即学即练 A strange object was found in a small city called Carlos Spegazzini,just a sho

17、rt drive from the capital city of Buenos Aires. When farmer Jose first found an odd scene in his farmland,he began to dig the object.However,he quickly found himself running to tell his wife.Jose needed more support if he was going to investigate this strange thing. Even the dog was hesitant to inve

18、stigate.Unfamiliar with the object,the mans best friend was not about to jump at it with little concern.Therefore, they chose to call in somebody who has a better idea of what to do. When the police first showed up,they were just as stumped as Jose.They knew this object was something out of the ordi

19、nary.It might even be something extraordinary,so more questions appeared. 6 It quickly became apparent that it was time to call in the big guys.Thats right; when you find something that appears to be outofthisworld,its time to call in those who study the mysteries of the old world. Authorities calle

20、d in archaeologists who jumped at the chance to study the object.They quickly determined one thing was for certainthe ancient big one that left this behind was absolutely massive! The group was unable to move the shell, as it weighed nearly two tons! Clearly,this massive beast was not the only of it

21、s kind existing in the modern day world.Similar fossils had been found in the surrounding areas and had even made their way to museums.But what was the ancient beast? What is the right order of the events? aJose found a strange object and began to dig. bJose and his wife called the police. cJose ran

22、 to tell his wife. dArchaeologists came to study the object and found similar fossils. eThey called in some archaeologists. AabcdeBacbed CacbdeDabced B事件排序题。根据“When farmer Jose first found an odd scene in his farmland,he began to dig the object.However,he quickly found himself running to tell his wi

23、fe.”“Therefore,they chose to call in somebody who has a better idea of what to do.” “When the police first showed up, they were just as stumped as Jose.” “ Authorities called in archaeologists who jumped at the chance to study the object.”以及“Similar fossils had been found in the surrounding areas and had even made their way to museums.”可知,事件发生的先后顺序是:最初,Jose 发现了 一个奇怪的东西,并且开始挖掘。然后,Jose 跑去告诉他的妻子。接下来,Jose 和他的妻子报了警。然后,他们请来了一些考古学家。最后,考古学家来研究这 个物体,并且发现了类似的化石。


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