(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册UNIT 2 Period 1 课时训练.doc

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1、UNIT 2Period One 题组 A基础练 .单词拼写 1Human beings will continue to _(适应) to the changing climate. 2I raced to the staircase and called out,“Sally! Come down i_!” 3Whats more,in order to have a good understanding of Chinese culture,it is of importance for you to be _(意识到) of the content,Tang Poetry. 4Alre

2、ady 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to _(灭亡),with only a few elderly speakers left. 5The team performed well under p_. 6The _(平均数) of 4,5 and 13 is 11. 7It is hard to imagine what _(进步) they have made in the past few months. 8Beijing Opera has a broad base of the _(群众) 9They used to go

3、 _(打猎) and saw it as a noble entertainment. 10It is _(不合法的) to kill sparrows in that country. 【答案】1.adapt2.immediately3.aware 4extinction5.pressure6.average7.progress 8masses9.hunting10.illegal .单句语法填空 1Most people walk _ an average rate of 5 kilometers an hour. 2The captain ordered the soldiers to

4、take action _(immediate) 3Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants,flowers,patterns and masses _ colors. 4 Nature reserves have protected many _(endanger) animals from decreasing in number. 5The TV series were _(adapt) from a novel. 6The bed _(measure) 1.8 meters long and it is too

5、 short for the young man. 7She had to give up the job she loved deeply _ the pressure of her parents. 8At present,_ average,a public bicycle is rented and returned four times a day. 9You can make _ living by doing something that you love. 10Its a teachers duty to be _(concern) about the students stu

6、dy. 【答案】1.at2.immediately3.of4.endangered 5adapted6.measures7.under8.on 9a10.concerned .完成句子 1_ _ _ do the hunters shoot these animals? 猎人究竟为什么要射杀这些动物? 2Some old customs are slowly _ _ in China. 在中国,一些旧习俗正在逐渐消失。 3On seeing the scene,they _ _ _ what had happened just now. 一看到现场,他们就意识到刚才发生了什么事。 4_ _ _

7、 _ _,sports are good for you. 在我看来,体育运动对你有好处。 5The report shows that we are _ _ _,but we still need to make greater efforts. 报告显示,我们正在取得迅速进展,但仍需作出更大努力。 【答案】1.Why on earth2.dying out3.were aware of 4As far as Im concerned5.making rapid progress 题组 B提升练 .阅读理解 When we hear the word “pyramid”there is li

8、ttle doubt that Egypt and the desert come to mind.Did you know, however, that continents and oceans awayin what is today Central America and Mexicopeople also built pyramids? While they look somewhat different from the ones we see in Egypt,they also were built with great skill. The pyramids of Centr

9、al America were built by the Mayan(玛雅) and Aztec(阿芝台克) peoples,as well as other smaller groups.Both Mayan and Aztec cultures built pyramids for their gods.They thought that building higher pyramids would allow them to get close to heaven.These cultures believed that the gods were found in nature.One

10、 of the most important gods was the sun.Many of the pyramids were for their sun god.At the top of the pyramids they built temples to make the gods happier.However,pyramids were not used only for their gods. Before Europeans came to the area in the 1500s, many of the cultures of the Americas, such as

11、 the Mayan and Aztec, had much knowledge about mathematics and astrology.They thought that the night sky could be used as a mirror to explain many aspects of life,which is the reason why they studied it carefully.The temples on top of the pyramids were also used as places for watching the skies.The

12、Mayans had a solid understanding of the movement of stars and planets.This helped them understand the seasons.They were the first to create a 365day calendar. ()1.Why did they build pyramids? AFor their king. BFor themselves. CFor their gods and to study the sky. DFor the moon. ()2.Which of the foll

13、owing sentences is NOT true? ABefore Europeans came to the area,the Mayans and Aztecs had no knowledge about mathematics and astrology. BBuilding higher pyramids would allow the Mayans andAztecs to get close to heaven. CMany of the pyramids were for the sun god. D The Mayan andAztec pyramids built l

14、ook somewhat different from the ones built in Egypt. ()3.Where did people build pyramids besides Egypt? AIn CentralAmerica.BIn Japan. CIn Egypt.DNot mentioned. ()4.Where can you find the passage? AIn a newspaper. BIn an advertisement. CIn a novel. DIn a science magazine. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了除了埃及,中美洲的玛

15、雅人和阿芝台克人也建 造了金字塔,他们建造金字塔是为了他们的神和研究天空。 1 C细节理解题。 根据第二段中的“Both Mayan and Aztec cultures built pyramids for their gods.”和第三段中的“The temples on top of the pyramids were also used as places for watching the skies.”可知,玛雅人和阿芝台克人建造金字塔是为了他们的神和研究天空,故 C 项正确。 2A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Before Europeans came to the area in

16、the 1500s, many of the cultures of the Americas,such as the Mayan and Aztec,had much knowledge about mathematics and astrology.”可知,在欧洲人来到这里之前,玛雅人和阿芝台克人就对数学和 占星学有一定的了解,故 A 项正确。 3 A细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 中 的 “in what is today Central America and Mexicopeople also built pyramids”可知,除了埃及,中美洲的人也建造了金字塔,故 A

17、 项 正确。 4D文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了除了埃及,中美洲的玛雅人和阿芝台克 人也建造了金字塔,他们建造金字塔是为了他们的神和研究天空,这一话题属于科学范畴, 应该出自一本科学杂志,故 D 项正确。 .完形填空 The yearly Marathon in my town usually happened during a heat wave.My _1_ was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance(救护车)in case any of them needed medical attention. “Were supposed

18、to stay behind the _2_ runner,so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug,as the race started. The frontrunners started to _3_ and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white Tshirt. We knew we were already watching our “last runner”Her _4_ were so crippled(

19、残疾 的)that it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk,let alone run a marathon. Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward._5_,she was the only runner left in sight.Tears streamed down my face when I watched with _6_ as she pushed forward with great determination through th

20、e last miles. When the finish line came into sight,rubbish lay everywhere and the _7_ crowds had long gone home.Yet,standing straight and ever so proud _8_ a lone man.He was _9_ one end of a ribbon(缎带)of crepe paper(皱纹纸)_10_ to a post.She slowly crossed through,leaving both ends of the paper flutter

21、ing behind her. I do not know this womans name, but that day she became part of my _11_ a part I often depend on.For her,it wasnt about _12_ the other runners or winning a prize,but about _13_ what she had set out to do,no matter whatever.When I think things are too _14_,I think of the last runner.T

22、hen I _15_ how easy the task before me really is. ()1.A.dreamBjob CraceDprize ()2.A.firstBbest ConlyDlast ()3.A.runBseparate CdisappearDappear ()4.A.handsBlegs CarmsDbody ()5.A.QuicklyBUnluckily CNaturallyDFinally ()6.A.wisdomBstrength CrespectDannoyment ()7.A.tiredBwaiting CcheeringDimpatient ()8.A

23、.stoodBwaited CcameDhad ()9.A.helpingBcatching CholdingDtying ()10.A.keptBtied CconnectedDled ()11.A.dreamBfeeling CideaDlife ()12.A.followingBhoping CencouragingDbeating ()13.A.finishingBrealizing CstartingDwinning ()14.A.wonderfulBcommon CeasyDdifficult ()15.A.doubtBpropose CrealizeDremember 【语篇解读

24、】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者看到了一位身残志坚的女运动员跑完 了马拉松,并由此受到鼓舞:一想起那位女运动员,再难的事情也变得容易了。 1B我的工作是在救护车里跟在运动员后面以防他们有人需要救治。 2D根据第四段第一句中的 “we were already watching our last runner”可知,救 护车跟在最后一名运动员后面。 3C根据后文可知,前面的运动员跑得很快,都“消失了”,因此“我”的目光被最 后一名的妇女吸引。run 跑;separate 分开;disappear 消失;appear 出现,似乎。 4B根据后文可知,这位妇女几乎都不能走,所以可以判断她的腿有残疾

25、。 5D最后,她成为“我”视线中唯一的一名运动员了。quickly 快速地;unluckily 不幸 地;naturally 自然地;finally 最后。 6C根据上下文可知,她一边以坚定的意志向前“跑”,“我”一边心生敬佩,注视 着她。 7C根据生活常识可知,人们去那里是为了给运动员加油助威的,所以应是加油助威 的人群早已经回家了。cheering 意为“喝彩的”。tired 疲倦的;waiting 等待的;impatient 不 耐烦的。 8 B本句是一个倒装句。 主语是 “a lone man”, 谓语是 “waited”,“standing straight and ever so

26、proud”是伴随状语。 9C他紧握着系在一根柱子上的带子的另一端(以便让这位女运动员冲线)。hold 意为 “握着”,符合句意。 10B根据生活常识可知,带子应是系在一根柱子上。keep 保持;tie 拴,系;connect 连接;lead 带领。 11D根据后文的描述可知,从那一天,那位女运动员成为激励“我”人生的一部分。 12D这位妇女参赛的目的不是为击败其他运动员或者获奖。beat sb.意为“打败某 人”。follow 跟随;hope 希望;encourage 鼓励。 13 A她是去完成她所开始的事情。 由后面的 “set out (开始)”可知, 这里应用 finish。 14D当

27、我认为事情太难的时候,我就会想起最后的运动员。 15C“我”意识到再难的事也变得容易了。 .语法填空 My dad is an enthusiastic (狂热的) runner who 1._(great) influenced me when I was young.So I was very sporty before the age of 14.However, when my family moved, my new school didnt pay much attention 2._ sports and had no afterschool activities like fo

28、otball or running.Over the next few years , I 3._(stop) exercising apart from during Physical Education lessons at school.It looked like I was 4._(health); however,I was not. One day, I was late for a bus, tried to run after it and in under a minute was out of breath! This made me realize how unfit

29、I was.5._(help) myself get in shape again , I made a 6._(decide) that I would take up a kind of sport. A friend of mine suggested a swimming pool 7._ she goes to a few times a week.Now, Im a swimming lover! I find swimming in the pool very 8._ (relax) I swim for 9._ hour three times a week.I hope th

30、at I will soon start to feel the benefits of regular exercise,and will become 10._ (fit) than before. 【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章主要讲了受父亲的影响,作者小时候很爱 运动。当作者搬家后,作者的新学校不太重视体育运动。在接下来的几年里,除了学校的体 育课,作者停止了锻炼。后来,作者发现自己的身体素质变差,于是,重新开始运动。 1greatly考查副词。句意:我的爸爸是一个狂热的跑步者,他在我小的时候对我影响 很大。该空修饰动词 influenced,用副词,所以填 greatly。

31、 2to考查介词。句意:然而,当我搬家时,我的新学校不太重视体育运动,也没有像 足球或跑步这样的课外活动。pay attention to 意为“重视”,该短语是固定短语,所以填 to。 3stopped考查时态。描述发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以填 stopped。 4healthy考查形容词。句意:我看起来很健康。该空作 was 后的表语,用形容词,所 以填 healthy。 5To help考查不定式。句意:为了帮助自己重新恢复体形,我决定开展一种运动。 文中表示“为了”,作目的状语,用不定式,所以填 To help。 6decision考查名词。该空作 made 的宾语,用名词,

32、所以填 decision。 7that/which考查定语从句。先行词是 “a swimming pool”,关系词在从句中作宾语, 指物,所以填 that/which。 8relaxing考查形容词。句意:我发现在游泳池里游泳令人很放松。 “find sb.adj.” 这是一个固定结构,v.ed 修饰人,v.ing 修饰物,这里修饰物,所以填 relaxing。 9an考查冠词。句意:我每周游泳三次,每次一小时。文中泛指“一小时”,hour 以元音音素开头,所以填不定冠词 an。 10fitter考查比较级。句意:我希望我很快就能开始感受到定期锻炼的好处,而且会 比以前更健康。根据 than before 可知用比较级,所以填 fitter。


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