闽教版三年级上册Unit 6 Colors-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:20403).zip

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  • 闽教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级上册(2013年6月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Colors_Part A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:20403)
    • I can sing a rainbow.mp4
    • My Dream Colors.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案20403.docx--点击预览


My Dream Colors Welcome to our English dream class! Course Requirements 1. 一切行动听指挥,小组分工明确,回答 问题要积极,声音响亮。 2. 每个人要遵守课堂纪律,老师说 “one, two, three”, 学生要马上安静并说“ stop, stop, stop”。 Course Goals Enjoy the different colors, speak out your words. 享受不同的色彩,开口说出你的想法! I Can Sing a Rainbow My Dream Colors Task1: Sharp Eyes 1. You should remember what you see and then record them by your way. 将你们看到的,用自己的方式记录下来。 2. After the video, the faster, the more you say, the more flags you can get. 看完之后,最快的那组,说出的越多,得到的小 红旗就越多。 Task1: Sharp Eyes 小试牛刀小试牛刀 Task1: Sharp Eyes fish pig white cat pink duck yellow orange rabbit 升级版升级版 black Task 2: Lets Chant 1. First, you learn to chant with me. Then you chant by yourself. 首先跟着老师学说唱,然后同学们自己说唱。 2. Every group ask one person to chant in the front. If he is good, I would give his group flags. 每组派一个代表上台来表演,表演好的同学,他 所在那组可以得到小红旗。 The light is red. Stop, stop, stop. The light is yellow. Wait, wait, wait. The light is green. Go, go, go. I hope you can do it like this. You are good boys and girls. 老师希望你们生活中也能遵守 交通规则。 你们都是好孩子。 Task 3: Discuss Your Dream Colors 1. Every group show your picture of rainbow. Use it to make a dialogue and discuss your dream colors with others. 每组展示你们的彩虹图,组员间相互讨论,编个 英文对话,并说说你们的梦想颜色。 2. You have 5 minutes to prepare and then show us your dialogue. 你们有5分钟的准备时间,之后,上台展示你们的 对话。 3. You can get the flags if you come to the front to show us. 到台前来表演的小组,可以得到小红旗的奖励。 Task 3: Discuss Your Dream Colors I like red. I like yellow. I like A: Good morning. I am B: Good morning. I am A: How are you? B: I am fine. Thank you. A: How many colors? B: One, two seven colors. A: What color is it? B: It is . A: I like B: I like Lets remember Life is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of eyes to discover it. 生活并不缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼 睛。 My Dream Colors 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 能用英文说出不同的颜色,表达自己喜欢的颜色。 2. 通过完成各项任务,学生能在玩中学,学中玩。 3. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,能大胆开口说英语。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 掌握不同颜色的英语表达,培养学生对英语的兴趣。 三、课前准备三、课前准备 查找有关的颜色的英文素材,制作课件和教具。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 (一)热身活动(一)热身活动 I Can Sing a Rainbow 1. 师生共唱英文歌: I Can Sing a Rainbow。 2. 歌里,彩虹有几种颜色呢? 3.带着学生,重温歌词,找出彩虹的七种颜色。 过渡: As we sing, the rainbow is beautiful. There are seven colors in the rainbow. Which color do you like? So today we are going to discuss “My Dream Colors”.(揭题) (二)主题活动(二)主题活动 主题活动 1:Sharp Eyes 1. 请同学们认真观看视频或文字,用自己的方式将看到的记录下来。 2. 观看之后,最快的那组,说出的越多,得到的奖励越多。 3. 请同学们来分享怎么能又快又准备地完成任务。是否发现了什么规律? 过渡:You did a good job. And you are so clever to use your effective ways to finish Task One. Now look, what color is it? (出示交通灯道具) And what are they? Great, they are traffic lights. The colors in the traffic lights are magic. Different colors give us different meanings. Lets have a chant. 主题活动 2:Lets Chant 1. 请同学们先跟着老师来说唱,学会之后,自己说唱。 2. 请每组派一个代表上台来表演。 3. 请同学们评价谁好,说说他怎么好。 过渡:You are great. I hope you can do it like this. You are good boys and girls. Next, take out your pictures of rainbow. Lets discuss it. 主题活动 3:Discuss Your Dream Colors 1. 教授学生用“I like” 句型来表达自己喜欢的颜色。 2. 请同学们各自展示小组画好的彩虹图,组员间相互讨论并编个英文对话,谈论 他们的梦想颜色。 3. 请同学们上台展示他们的对话。 4. 请同学们都来说说他们的梦想颜色。 过渡:You are very good. And you can use what you learnt in your dialogue. I hope all of you can be brave to speak English in your life. (三)评价总结(三)评价总结 1. 请同学们说说:在这节课里,你学到了什么?你感受到了什么? 2. 老师补充:Our world is beautiful. I hope you have good eyes. Life is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of eyes to discover it. 板书设计: My Dream Colors red I like yellow .
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