陕旅版六年级上册Unit 3 Care for the earth-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:82b86).zip

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  • 陕旅2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Care for the earth_Part B_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:82b86)
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教者 田华 We shouldnt cut down trees. We shouldnt pick flowers. We shouldnt waste the water. We have only one earth. And we shouldnt do anything bad. We should make the air clean. We should plant more trees. We should help the animals. We have only one earth. And we should do something good. Care for “Mother Earth” 关爱“地球母亲” 1. 能读懂短文的内容,能正确回答与 短文相关的问题。 2. 正确理解并运用以下短语: There be (is / are) 有 too many / much 太多 should / shouldnt 应该或不应该 Where do we live? Whats on the earth? We all live on the earth.It is our home.There are a lot of trees,flowers,rivers and mountains on the earth.There are also many animals here with us. What do people do bad things? Our earth is beautiful.But sometimes we do bad things to it.We cut down too many trees.We waste too much water and make the air dirty. We have only one earth. We should care for it. We should do somethings to make the water and the air clean again.We should plant more trees and help the animals. What should we do? Read again and tick or cross ( ) 1.There are mountains,trees and flowers on the earth. ( )2.We live on the earth with many animals. ( )3.We should cut down more tree. ( )4.We make all the water dirty. ( )5.We should care for the animals. This is my home,Qingshui. It is very beautiful. There is too much_. There are too many_.We should _. We shouldnt_. I love it very much. 日积月累 Qingshui is my home. Everyone should care for it. 清水是我家,爱护靠大家。清水是我家,爱护靠大家。 Homework 1.Read the text three times. 读三遍课文。 2.Make up new sentences. 运用划下的短语各造两个句子。 课 题 Unit3 Care for the earth 课型阅读第 3 课时 时 间 教 学 过 程 知识与能力过程与方法情感态度与价值观环节教师活动学生活动说明 学 习 目 标 1.能读懂短文内容, 能正确回答问题。 2.正确理解并能灵 活运用以下短语: There be(is/are) too many/ much Should/shouldn t 1.通过合作、探究、 交流等多种方式学 习短文。 2.主要采用任务型 教学法。 通过对短文的学习, 提高学生的快速阅读 能力,增强学生的环 保意识,激发学生对 家乡的热爱之情。 重点能读懂短文内容,能正确回答问题。 难点 3.正确理解并能灵活运用以下短语:There be(is/are), too many/ much ,Should/shouldnt 教具单词卡片,视频 板 书 设 计 CareCare forfor thethe EarthEarth There is too much_. There are too many_. We should_. We shouldnt_. 教 学 反 思 8 分 26分 5 分 1 分 一、热身 (warming up) 二、新课展 示(New Presentatio n 三、操练 (practice) 四、布置作 业 (homework ) 1.Greetings. 2.播放录音,让学生先听再做 Lets chant. 3根据 chant 的内容,师提问: What shouldnt we do? What shouldn we do? 4.导入新课Care for “Mother Earth”, zhans 课件展示目标。 1.展示图片,teacher ask; Where do we live? Whats on the earth? 强调个别知识点:there be,all,on the earth, 2.展示图片,谈话导入第二段。提问: What do people do bad things? 强调:too many / much,do bad things 观看视频,谈论 What else do people do bad things? 3.我们只有一个地球,我们不应该破坏它,那 么我们应该怎么做呢?学习第三段,提问: What should we do? 4.再次朗读课文,完成 20 页的判断正误。 1.展示清水的风景图片,用英语简单描述。 2.语言积累。 Qingshui is my home.We should care for it. 清水是我家,爱护靠大家。 1.朗读课文至少三遍。 2.用重点短语各写一个句子。 1. Greetings. 2. Lets chant. 3.看黑板,回答问题: We shouldnt_. We should _. 4.学生齐读,了解本节课的学习任 务。 1.谈论图片.分组阅读第一段,回答 问题 We all live on the earth. There are_. 认真听讲,记笔记。 2.自己阅读第二段,举手回答问题。 Cut down too many trees. Waste too much water. Make the air dirty. 根据自己看到的说一说。 3.请一位学生朗读,其他学生翻译, 回答问题。 We should _. 4.独立完成,全班订对。 1.观看图片,补全句子,做演讲。 2.说一说,记一记。 认真完成作业。 师生问好, 说唱关于保护地 球的儿歌,为本 课的学习做铺垫。 以谈话的形式导 入新课,营造轻 松的学习氛围。 通过提出问题, 解决问题的方法 学习课文,以保 护地球为主线, 谈论三个话题: 地球上有什么? 人类怎样破坏地 球?人类应该如 何保护地球?培 养学生的自主阅 读能力,增强学 生的环保意识。 对本节课所 学内容进行巩 固、拓展与延 伸。 展与延伸。
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