广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:30518).doc

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1、1 第第 1 课时课时 教学内容教学内容 广东版英语五年级(上册)Unit5 School Lunch第 56 页。 教学目标教学目标 1、知识与技能: ( 1 ) 能四会掌握单词 hungry, own, all. 认读和理解短句 Here! Come on. Wow! Cool! (2) 能运用What do we need? We need some Do we have any ? Yes, we do. / No, we dont. 进行交际活动。 (3)能听说并理解 Story,并能根据故事回答老师提出的问题。 2、过程与方法: (1)利用歌谣、游戏活跃课堂气氛让学生,寓学习于活动

2、中。 (2)创设完整的生活情境,贯彻课堂教学,让学生身入其境,更好的理解 和运用知识。 (3)开展小组合作学习,让学生小组活动中综合运用语言知识。 (4)使用小组竞赛评价的手段,激发学生学习的兴趣。 3、情感、态度和价值观: (1)通过小组活动,增强集体主义精神,在学习中养成互帮互助的习惯。 (2)养成学会感恩,自己动手做力所能及的事情的生活习惯。 教学重点教学重点 巩固句型:What do we need?Do we have any ? 及能正确回答。 教学难点教学难点认读并理解新词 hungry, own, all. 教学用具教学用具 单词卡片、句子卡片、 PPT 课件 教教 学学 过过

3、 程程 Step 1. Warm- up 1. Chant: “What does he need?” 2. T: Hello, boys and girls. Today I am your new English teacher. Im nice to meet you. Now lets begin our class. First, lets play a game. (复习第 1 课时的 单词) Step 2. Lead-in T: Look at the clock, what time is it now? Ss: Its twelve oclock. T: Yes. Its t

4、ime to have lunch. Im hungry. I want to make my own lunch. Can 2 you help me? 呈现单词 hungry, own,教学单词。 T: Please look at my menu. (呈现菜单) I want to eat some sandwiches. What do we need? 呈现句型, 引导学生回答: We need some bread, vegetables and meat. T: Do we have any bread? 呈现句型,引导学生回答: No, we dont. T: OK. We n

5、eed some bread. (同样问其它东西。) T: Look, this is our shopping list. We need some bread, vegetables and meat. T: But where can we get all the food? 引导学生理解 all the food. 呈现图片引 导学生回答:We can get them in the supermarket. Step 3. Presentation T: At lunch time, Gogo is in the school with Tony and Jenny. They ar

6、e hungry, too. What do they want to do? Listen and watch, then answer. S: They want to make their own lunch. 2. Read in group, answer the questions and find out the key words. (1) What do they need? They need some rice, meat, fruit, and vegetables. (2) Do they have any fruit? No, they dont. (3) Wher

7、e can they get all the food? They can get in the supermarket. 3. Read after the tape, then read in roles. Step4. Practice 1. Retell the story. Gogo is in the school with Tony and Jenny. Its 12 oclock. Its time for lunch. They are hungry. They want to make their own lunch. They need some rice, meat a

8、nd vegetables. They dont have any fruit. So they need some. Wow! Gogo is doing a magic, there is a supermarket. They can get all the food now. Gogo is so cool! 2. Read and choose. T: Today is Thanksgiving Day. Ben and Lisa are going to make dinner for their parents. Now they are talking about the me

9、nu. Please read and finish the 3 conversation. A. Do we have any meat?B. Where can we get all the food? C. Yes, we do.D. We need some rice and vegetables. Ben: Hi, Lisa. Today is Thanksgiving Day(感恩节). Lets cook dinner for mom and dad. OK? Lisa: Sure. What do we need? Ben: _ Lisa: Do we have any sal

10、t and sugar? Ben: _ Lisa: _ Ben: No, we dont. Lisa: OK. We need some rice, vegetables and meat. Ben: _ Lisa: In the supermarket. Lets go. Ben: OK. Step5. Extension Group work: This Saturday, lets go camping. Well cook lunch. What do you need? Get in group, talk about the food you need, and finish th

11、e shopping list. You can use these sentences. (组成小组,谈论你们去露营需要的食物并完成 购物清单。Tips: 你们可以使用这些句子进行交流。 ) What do we need? We need some _. Do we have any _? No, we dont. We need some _. / ( Yes, we do.) What do you like eating? I like eating _. OK. We need some _. 4 Shopping list(购物清单)(购物清单) We need: 1. 2. 3

12、. 4. _ Step6. Summary Please remember: Before you do it, you must think what do you need and prepare the things. And “Please do the things what we can do.”请做我们力所能 及的事。 Step7. Homework 1.Act the story with your friends. (和你的朋友一起表演故事。) 2. Make your own dinner, share with your parents. 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit

13、 5 School Lunch Gogo, Tony and Jenny (make own lunch) What do we need?list We need some1. rice Do we have any?2. meat Yes, we do./ No, we dont.3. fruit Where can we get all the food?4. vegetables They can get them in the supermarket 5 教教 学学 反反 思思 本节课课堂气氛比较活跃,学生的学习兴趣浓厚。创设合理的情景贯穿 教学课程,过程条理清晰,过渡自然,教学环节环环相扣,注重方法指导, 能充分调动学生积极性,师生互动效果好,学生参与度高。但教师自身素质 不高,英语表达能力有限,课堂语言较为单一,同时课堂上较为急躁,没耐 心引导学生表达自己的意愿,个别细节地方没有注意详细讲解。希望以后注 意改进,不断提高自身修养,完善课堂。


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