广东版五上Unit 3 Dates-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:313a7).zip

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Unit3Unit3 DatesDates 练习题练习题 姓名: 班级: 1、根据故事内容回答下列问题。 1、Whats the date today? 2、Whens Jennys birthday? 3、Whens Tonys birthday? 4、Whens Gogos birthday? 2、先根据故事内容填空,然后复述故事。 Today is . Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Grandma are going to a . Its a .There is a big and some nice on the table. Jennys birthday is . Tonys birthday is . Gogos birthday is . They are happy. 3、根据故事内容判断对错,对的打“T” ,错的打“F” 。 ( ) 1. Today is March 14th. ( ) 2. The birthday party is on March 4th. ( ) 3. Jennys birthday is July 7th. ( ) 4. Tonys birthday is in October. ( ) 5. Gogos birthday is today. ( ) 6. They are not happy. Free talk. A: Whats the date today? B: Its . A: Whens your birthday? B: Its/My birthday is . April 21st January 2nd December 15th August 7th March 22nd November 5th February 23rd October 1st May 31st June 25th July 3rd Game Look and say the words. September 30th Unit3 Dates 深湾小学 陈超权 Gogo is going to go to a party. Go to a party. What party? U3story.swf What party is this? Its a . birthday party a big birthday cake some nice presents 1. Whats the date today? Do you know.? 2. Whens Jennys birthday? 3. Whens Tonys birthday? 4. Whens Gogos birthday? U3story.swf Its March 4th. Its August 7th. Its October 20th. Its today. Please circle the dates in the story. Look and circle. Its March 4th. Its August 7th. Its October 20th. Its today. Whens your birthday? March 4th. My birthday is March 4th. Whens your birthday? August 7th. My birthday is August 7th. Whens your birthday? October 20th. My birthday is October 20th. Whens your birthday? Its today. My birthday is today. Happy birthday to you! Chant Please watch the video, listen to the tape and repeat. Look, listen and repeat. U3story.swf Please look at your book and read the story by yourself. Look and read. Please practice reading the story in the role of Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Grandma. Practice Please act out the story. Act out. Today is . Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Grandma are going to a . Its a . There is a big and some nice on the table. Jennys birthday is . Tonys birthday is . Gogos birthday is . They are happy. Retell the story. Please fill in the blank and retell the story. March 4th party birthday party August 7th October 20th today birthday cake presents True or False ( ) 4. Tonys birthday is in October. ( ) 2. The birthday party is on March 4th. ( ) 3. Jennys birthday is July 7th. ( ) 1. Today is March 14th. ( ) 5. Gogos birthday is today. ( ) 6. They are not happy. F T T F T F A: Hello! Whens your birthday? B: Its . A: What do you want for your birthday? B: I want . Make a new dialogue. Homework 1. Read and recite the story. 2. Ask your parents birthday in English. 1 Unit3Unit3 DatesDates 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计 一、教学内容一、教学内容 开心学英语 Book5 Unit3 Dates Conversation 二、教材分析二、教材分析 本课教学内容来自开心学英语第五册的第三单元,主要围绕日期与生日来 展开话题,重点学习怎样询问别人的生日是什么时候及如何回答。本课是 第二课时。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 ()认知目标 1、认读单词: birthday party, birthday cake, present, March 4th, August 7th, October 20th. 2、认读句子:Its a birthday party. Whats the date today? Whens your birthday? Its . (二)能力目标 1、能理解故事内容,并流利朗读及表演故事。 2、能借助图片或关键词复述故事。 3、能将所学内容灵活运用于实际生活中。 (三)情感目标 1、培养学生孝敬父母的情感。 2、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性。 四、教学重点四、教学重点 1、听、说及认读单词:birthday party, birthday cake, present, 2 March 4th, August 7th, October 20th. 2、进一步理解并适当运用句型:Its a birthday party. Whats the date today? Whens your birthday? Its . 3、表演对话。 4、复述故事。 五、五、 教学难点教学难点 1、单词与句型的综合运用。 2、表演对话。 3、复述故事。 六、教学准备六、教学准备 课件、光盘、图片及单词卡片。 七、教学策略七、教学策略 利用多媒体辅助教学,制造良好的自主学习气氛,唤醒学生自主学习意识, 在一对一数字化环境下培养学生自主学习能力。根据小学生爱听、爱说、 爱唱、爱动、爱做、善于模仿、记忆力较好的特点,我采用了情景教学法、 动作反应法等教学方法,设计“听、说、读、做、演”等教学途径,使学 生各施其能,各展其才,自主学习能力得到最大限度的发展。 八、教学过程八、教学过程 ( (一一)Warming)Warming upup 1. Free talk. A. What day is it today? B. Whats the date today? C. Whens your birthday? 3 2. Play a game. PPT shows some words. Have Ss look and say the words quickly. ( (二二)Presentation)Presentation andand DrillDrill 1. T: Today, Gogo is going to go to a party. What party is this? Please watch the video by yourself, then find out the answer. 2. Have Ss watch the video by themselves. 3. Check the answer. 4. Have Ss watch the video again and find out the answers of the next questions. Q1. Whats the date today? Q2. Whens Jennys birthday? Q3. Whens Tonys birthday? Q4. Whens Gogos birthday? 5. Have Ss discuss their answers in pair. 6. Check the answers. ( (三三)Practice)Practice 1. Have Ss circle the the dates in the story and read the dates follow the tape. 2. Have Ss read the dates in groups of four. 3. Have Ss follow the dialogue and point to the pictures. 4. Play the tape again and have Ss repeat. 5. Look, listen and read. 6. Practice in groups of four. Put Ss into groups of four, and 4 give them the role of Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Grandma. 7. Have several groups practice acting out the dialogues. ( (四四)Consolidation)Consolidation 1. True or false. 2. Retell the story. ( (五五)Extension)Extension 1. Pair work. Have Ss create a short dialogue about their own birthday. 2. Have several pairs practice acting out the dialogues. ( (六六)Homework)Homework 1、Read the conversation. 2、Ask your parents birthday. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit3 Dates birthday cake nice present A: What party is this? B: Its a birthday party. A: Whats the date today? B:Its March 4th. A: Whens Jennys birthday? B:Its August 7th. A: Whens Tonys birthday? B:Its October 20th. A: Whens Gogos birthday? B: Its today.
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