广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:c0a1c).zip

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    • School Lunch.ppt--点击预览
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    • 教案c0a1c.doc--点击预览


Unit 5 School lunch What do you like? What do you like? What do you like? I like cake. What do you like? What do you like? I like bread. We are hungry . Were going to cook (煮饭). What do we have(有) ? Lets see! What do we have?我们有什么? We have some fruit. 水果水果 What do we have? We have some . We need(需要需要)some Need We have Have juice fruit What do we need? We need some meat. meat 肉肉 What do we need? We need some tofu. tofu 豆腐豆腐 What do we need? We need some rice. rice 米饭米饭 What do we need? We need some salt and some sugar. salt 盐盐 sugar 糖糖 What do we need? We need some vegetables. vegetables 蔬菜蔬菜 What do we need? Listen and repeat Read the words juice rice salt sugar meat vegetables tofu fruit 1.根据图片提示填空。 1.What do we have? We have some_ . 2.Do we have any_ ? Yes ,we do. 3.Do they need any _ ? Yes ,they do. 4.Does Jenny have any_ ?Yes ,she does. 5.Does he have any_ ? No,he doesnt. But he has some_ . meat vegetables tofu fruit salt sugar A:What do we have? B:We have some What do we need? We need some juice salt tofu fruit vegetables rice meat sugar Today is Saturday. Today, Mom and Gogo want to go shopping(购物). What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we have any tofu? No, we dont. We need some tofu, too. 1. What do they have? They have some _. 2. What do they need? They need some_. sugar salt tofu A:Lets cook chicken rice . B:Great! A:What do we have? B:We have some_. A:What do we need? B:We need some _. A:OK.Lets go shopping. Needs help Look at the poor(贫困的) kids. Needs help They dont have good schools(学校). Needs help They dont have pens. Needs help They dont have enough food(足够的食物). Needs help They have bad clothes(破烂的衣服). Needs help They want to study. They need our help(帮助). A: What do they need? B: They need some 32 1 4 What does she need?She needs some What does he need?He needs some What do they need?They need 3 教育 Some people need our help(帮助). And some of them are around us(在我们身边). Please, give them a hand(请帮助他们). WhatWhat doesdoes hehe need?need? What does he have? He has some rice. What does he need? He needs some salt. What do you have ? I have some meat. What do you need? I need some vegetables. 今天是购物日,看看家里有什么, 还需要什么,模仿家里的情景编一个对 话。 Mom: Today is our shopping day. What do we have? You: We have some . Mom: What do we need? You: We need some . What do we need? 需要需要 Have Need fruit juice meat rice tofu salt sugar vegetables What do we have? 有有 1 Unit 5 School Lunch 教学案 第一课时 Vocabulary 课型:词汇教学 自拟课题:Food and Drinks 【学生分析学生分析】 经过两年的英语学习,学生打下了一定的英语学习基础,也掌握了一些学 习英语的有效方法,对学习英语保持着较高的兴趣,有着较旺盛的求知欲。他 们能于课前完成一些基本的预习工作,课堂上能结合导学案和教师引导进行自 主学习,且积极参与唱歌、游戏、表演对话等能力展示活动。 【教材分析教材分析】 本课时是五年级上册第五单元 SchoolLunch 的第一课时。进行本课时教学 设计时,我们根据实际情况对教材进行了调整,主要先学习 juice,rice,meat,vegetables,tofu,fruit,need7 个单词,句型初定为 What do we have? We have some.What do we need?We need some.在此之前,我们 已经学习了相当一部分关于食物的单词,在本册教材 Unit 4 学过 Do youhave any?Yes,we do./No,we dont.句型,因而本单元教学将在此基础上继续学 习有关内容,通过新旧知识的整合,让学生掌握更丰富的知识。 【教学目标教学目标】 一、知识目标 1、学习词汇:juice,rice,meat,vegetables,tofu,fruit,need 2、学习句型:What do we have? We have some.What do we need?We needsome . 二、技能目标 1、听:能听懂所学单词和句型。 2、说:能使用所学知识来问答、唱歌、说唱,并能根据具体情景来编对话。 3、读:能认读所学的单词和句子。 三、情感目标 培养学生热情好客、礼貌待人的好品德。 四、学习策略目标 通过自学和小组合作学习的方法,让学生自教自学,培养学生的自主学习 和合作探究能力。 2 【教学重点、难点教学重点、难点】 教学重点:本课时的新词汇和句型。 教学难点:单词 rice ,vegetables 的正确发音。 【课前准备课前准备】 PPT 课件,单词卡片,句子卡片,资料袋等。 【教学过程教学过程】 Step 1 Warming up and lead-in. 1. T:Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Rong. T:Hello boys and girls. How are you? Ss:(学生跟老师打招呼) T:What is the weather like today? Ss:It is sunny. T:Today we have so many teachers here.Lets say hello to them.First of all,lets sing a song. 【设计意图设计意图】以歌曲引入,活跃课堂气氛,复习有关食物的单词和句 型,为本课时的学习做好铺垫。 3.T:Were hungry.Wegoing to cook.What do we have?Letsee! 4.T:Lets invite our teachers. But I think its notenough. What else do we need? How to say this word? (教读单词 need) StepStep 2 2 LearnLearn thethe newnew wordswords andand sentencessentences 1.T: Whatre these in English? (help students to answer) Theyre juice. Theyre rice. Theyre salt. 2. There are many kinds of foods. But what do we need ? Show a picture and say T: What do we have ? ( explain the words“have”) ( to S1) We have some 3.T:Please listen to the tape . 4.Play a game. 3 5.句型练习。 PPT 出示:Pairwork: A:Lets cook chicken rice. B:Great! A:What do we have? B:We have some _. A:What do we need? B:We need some _. A:OK.Lets go shopping. 6.Learn the Target . T:Today .Mom and Gogo want to go shopping.Now,look and write. T: ( to S2) Do we have any sugar ? S2: Yes, we do. T: ( to the Ss) Do we have any sugar ? Ss: Yes, we do .We have some sugar. T: (to S3) Do we have any meat ? S3: No , we dont . We need some meat . T: (to the Ss) Do we have any meat ? Ss: No , we dont . We need some meat. 7.课外延伸知识。 Lets talk. 8.Look and write. StepStep 3Finish3Finish somesome activitiesactivities T: Youre so great ! Any questions? Thank you. You have to read the words and sentences in your group. You have twenty seconds. Ss:. T: Weve prepared all the food . We still have time.Lets sing a song. StepStep 4 4 SummarySummary T:Today .We have learnd some new words,and some new 4 sentences,for example.What do we have ?We have some fruit. StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework 1. Practice the dialogue with your partner. 2. We are going to have a picnic this weekend,so what do we need? 【设计意图设计意图】通过完成作业,将课本的知识运用到实际生活中来,实现学 以致用。 板书设计板书设计: Unit 5 School Lunch What do we have? We have some juice . What do we need? We need some tofu.
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