广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:91d64).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 School Lunch_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:91d64)
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      • SchoolLunch课件.pptx--点击预览
      • Vegetable soup(1).mp3
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About Cook The video is about _. A. Meat Soup B. Vegetable Soup potato carrot tomato es s es ingredient 成分 number 数量 We need: 342 1 spoon potatoestomatoescarrotssugarsalt two spoons How to How to How to How to makemakemakemake the vegetable the vegetable the vegetable the vegetable soupsoupsoupsoup? ? ? ? wash the potatoes peel the potatoes cut the potatoes tomatoes carrots into small pieces cook for 5 minutes another minutes20 2 minutes Lets retell all steps!Lets retell all steps! First Then After that Later Finally FINISH!FINISH! We are going to make _ soup. We need: We do these: Step1: Step2: Step3: Step4: Step5: Tips: wash, peel, cut up (打碎), turn on(打开), Pour(倒), beat up(搅拌) Our parents are older and older. Please show love to your parents. Cook soup for parents. 1.Retell how to make vegetable soup. 2. Cook soup for your parents , and write down the steps. Homework Unit5 School Lunch 教学设计教学设计 【学生分析学生分析】 本课教学的对象是江门市陈白沙小学五年级上学期的学生,该班学生在英语学习上普遍 存在着浓厚的兴趣,而且对一些新单词和句型,学生能够用肢体语言来表达,或者进行角 色扮演,能够积极按照老师要求进行小组活动学习,他们在英语的听、说、读、写方面已 经奠定了比较坚实的基础。学生活泼可爱,好奇心强,大多数学生学习态度积极,爱模仿, 好表现,对英语学习充满着浓厚的兴趣,渴望通过新学期的学习,获得更多的知识,以增 强自己的语言交际能力。 【教材分析教材分析】 此教学内容是选自广东人民出版社开心学英语五年级上册 Unit5 School Lunch 的阅读课。 本课时主要让学生掌握阅读文章中有关食物的新单词 potato, tomato, carrot, spoon 理解阅读 短文中句子的意思、动词 washpeelcut 以及新句 Put inCook for的用法。因为本课时的 新词和句子都贴近我们日常生活,所以我在课堂中结合了多媒体设计了贴近我们生活的情 境来辅助教学,让学生能在直观、生动的学习环境中学习新内容。 【教学目标教学目标】 1.语言技能:能让学生在生动、活泼的情境中学习新词 potato, tomato, carrot, spoon 理解 阅读短文中句子的意思、动词 washpeelcut 以及新句 Put inCook for的用法。 2.语言知识:能说出怎样完成 vegetable soup 的过程。 3.情感态度:通过让学生动手实践、自主探索、合作交流,能培养学生的创新精神和实 践能力,从而促进学生全面、持续、和谐的发展。 4.学习策略:通过活动体验,增强学生语言交际能力和合作能力。 【教学策略教学策略】 依据新课标的教学理念,遵循以学生为中心,以兴趣为支点,以交际为目的原则,主要 运用任务驱动、合作互动、情境体验、交流评价等教学策略,把单词、句型和会话的教学, 学生的操练、交流和合作,以及师生间、学生间的共同评价,融为一体,达到了话题、语 言、功能、结构、任务和评价的有机结合。 【教学过程教学过程】 一、激情引趣一、激情引趣 导入新课导入新课 T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Do you like playing games? S: Yes. T: Lets play a cutting game. OK? S: OK. T: Please follow me. Cutting! (动作) If you see the words about food. Please say the words loudly, and do the acting. If you see the bowl, please no voice. OK? S: OK! T: Are you reading? Go! 【通过玩这个削水果的游戏,向学生一一呈现学过的单词,复习相关单词,孩子们都很喜通过玩这个削水果的游戏,向学生一一呈现学过的单词,复习相关单词,孩子们都很喜 欢玩游戏,既拉近了师生间的距离,又巩固旧知,为新授做好铺垫。欢玩游戏,既拉近了师生间的距离,又巩固旧知,为新授做好铺垫。 】 二、巧设任务二、巧设任务 整体教学整体教学 (一)导入:(一)导入: T: What food do you like? S: I like _. T: Some food are good for us. But I like soup. Look! Delicious!(老师演示课件,屏幕上出现各种 汤) My friends Coco likes soup too. She made a soup last night. How to make it? Lets have a look! (让同学们观看老师录制好朋友做蔬菜汤的视频) Our parents work hard. They are very tired. Lets learn how to make the vegetable soup for my parents, OK? Lets make our soup.(老师带上围裙) 以此引出总任务: How to make vegetable soup? 【设计意图:从学生熟悉的生活情景出发,设计意图:从学生熟悉的生活情景出发,通过多媒体课件为学生创设了一个生动有趣情通过多媒体课件为学生创设了一个生动有趣情 景:景:让让学生学生听着柔和的音乐听着柔和的音乐欣赏欣赏各种美味的汤各种美味的汤;同时;同时并并设计了一个学生非常感兴趣而贴近设计了一个学生非常感兴趣而贴近 生活的生活的“为每天辛苦工作的妈妈做一道汤为每天辛苦工作的妈妈做一道汤”任务活动,这样学生的兴趣很自然就被激发了任务活动,这样学生的兴趣很自然就被激发了 起来,课堂气氛也随之活跃起来。起来,课堂气氛也随之活跃起来。 】 (二)新授(二)新授 A Learn the words and the sentences. 1.If we want to make the vegetable soup. We need: 1. potatoes T: Now we are having a potato. Show a potato. S: potato! T :A potato! Two potatoes!(注意辅音加 o 结尾+ es) (范读查个别学生齐读) T: Do you like potatoes? S1:Yes, I do.(板书 What need? Potatoes.) 2. tomatoes T: Look at the tomatoes, please. T :A tomato! Two tomatoes! (注意辅音加 o 结尾+ es) (范读查个别组齐读) (板书:What need? Tomatoes.) 3. carrot T: Look! Whats this? S: Carrot! T:Yes, a carrot! Two Carrots!(范读查个别组或学生齐读)(板书:What need? Carrots.) 【设计意图:设计意图:本环节教师结合实际,积极利用了实物本环节教师结合实际,积极利用了实物, 引出新词,使教学变得形象生动,引出新词,使教学变得形象生动, 这样做利于学生直接感知,强化理解,加深记忆;同时,也能让学生容易地学到新知识,这样做利于学生直接感知,强化理解,加深记忆;同时,也能让学生容易地学到新知识, 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高了课堂教学的魅力。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高了课堂教学的魅力。】 BLearn the sentences. T: Look!The materials are ready. How to make vegetable soup? Lets listen to the radio.(通过让 学生听录音的方式,让学生先泛听文章内容) T: Are you clear? Now, lets cook the vegetable soup for the radio. (接下来用实物演示的方式, 逐句演示并精读讲解阅读文章) You do these: 1.Wash and peel the potatoes. 【新授动词:peelcut (范读查个别组或学生)板书关键 词:How make?Wash、peel the potatoes.】 2.Cut the potatoes, tomatoes, and carrots into small pieces. 【T: A pieces! Two pieces! (Show it! ) 板书关键词: How make? Cutinto small pieces.】 3.Put the salt, carrots, and potatoes in water. Cook for 20minutes. (板书关键词:How make? Putin water. Cook for20 minutes.) 4.Put in the tomatoes. Cook for 5 minutes. (T: Tomato is easy to cook so just cook 5 minute.) (板书关键词:How make? Put inCook for 5 minutes.) 5.Put in the sugar. Cook for another 2 minutes. (板书关键词:How make? Put inCook for another 2 minutes.) Now our vegetable soup is ready! T: I cook the vegetable soup here. Would you want to try some? Who want to try? Is it tasty? Tasty or yucky ? 【设计意图:此环节是本课的一个亮点。教师设计意图:此环节是本课的一个亮点。教师把枯燥的语言置于有趣的真实情景:把枯燥的语言置于有趣的真实情景:“学生学生 边品尝美味的佳肴边不知不觉学习了新知识。边品尝美味的佳肴边不知不觉学习了新知识。 ”通过创设真实的情景吸引学生,学生能很快通过创设真实的情景吸引学生,学生能很快 地接受语言信息,感知语言,领悟语义,并增强学生对新知识记忆。的确,教学来不得半地接受语言信息,感知语言,领悟语义,并增强学生对新知识记忆。的确,教学来不得半 点虚假,真实的教学能激发学生学习的积极性和主动性,点燃学生思维的火花,真实是教点虚假,真实的教学能激发学生学习的积极性和主动性,点燃学生思维的火花,真实是教 学的生命。学的生命。 】 (三三) 巩固巩固 1、Retell T: Lets retell all the steps! March the pictures of the right steps! If we want to make the vegetable soup. First Then After that later Finally Finish! (以课件呈现图片步骤, 一齐 Retell: How to make the vegetable soup?) 2、Play a game. 玩 Stick 游戏,T:Who can come here? Stick the right steps. Lets check it!(老师示范后, 让一个学生上来补充板书 How make?步骤,同时全班一齐根据黑板上板书提示 Retell: How to make the vegetable soup?) 【设计意图:学生兴致勃勃,争相举手。对学生的成果,师生共同给予评价,学生设计意图:学生兴致勃勃,争相举手。对学生的成果,师生共同给予评价,学生 stick 游游 戏中,再一次巩固新知。这样,不但让学生应用所学的语言,而且提高了学生的语言思维戏中,再一次巩固新知。这样,不但让学生应用所学的语言,而且提高了学生的语言思维 和表达能力,进一步激发学生深厚的学习兴趣。和表达能力,进一步激发学生深厚的学习兴趣。 】 3、Read after tape. T: Please open your book, turn to page 60.lets read after the tape. Lets read together.(听音跟读) 三、合作互动三、合作互动 学以致用学以致用 1. Making the soup: T: How to make the vegetable soup? Do you understand? We can cook the vegetable soup. Also we can cook the meat souptofu soupand so on. lets cook the soup for my parents,OK? (Choose one soup.) S: OK! 【设计意图:教师能根据教材的内容和教学需要,直观生动展示接下来做汤的任务,有效设计意图:教师能根据教材的内容和教学需要,直观生动展示接下来做汤的任务,有效 地激发学生探究新知识的兴趣,使教与学充满生机,使学生对知识的理解逐步加深。地激发学生探究新知识的兴趣,使教与学充满生机,使学生对知识的理解逐步加深。 】 2. Activity: T: Lets report in your group. You can do like this. (课件呈现不同的汤) Now, Lets make a report in your group. 4 students in a group. one write, the others say. For examples (老师示范展 示一个 model 【(卡纸展示 Model) T:_soup. We need_Steps: S:】 T: Understand? S: OK! T: Lets begin. 【设计意图:素质教育的核心是培养学生的创新意识、创新能力和实践能力。本环节教师设计意图:素质教育的核心是培养学生的创新意识、创新能力和实践能力。本环节教师 在课前安排学生收集有关于食物图片,并思考做什么汤用什么材料,课中放手让学生合作在课前安排学生收集有关于食物图片,并思考做什么汤用什么材料,课中放手让学生合作 探究,提高了他们的创新能力和实践能力,同时也提高了他们的语言的交际能力。探究,提高了他们的创新能力和实践能力,同时也提高了他们的语言的交际能力。 】 3. Group work: Read the dialogue together and act it in two groups. 【在开放、包容的合作氛围中,学生相互激励,相互促进,各展所长,人人参与,个个体在开放、包容的合作氛围中,学生相互激励,相互促进,各展所长,人人参与,个个体 验。通过完成任务,以验。通过完成任务,以“动动”促说,以促说,以“动动”促用,使学生真正学以致用。促用,使学生真正学以致用。 】 Summary: 1) Show the blackboard design on the computer. Ss read together. 2)父母平时工作辛苦,感恩爸爸妈妈的付出,平时多帮忙做些力所能及的家务劳 动。 Homework: 1) Cook soup for your parents, and write down the steps. 2) Ask your friends or your relatives: How to make vegetable soup? Writing: Unit 5 School Lunch 3potatoes 1. wash、peel the potatoes 4 tomatoes2. cutinto small pieces 2carrots3. putinwater.Cookfor20 minutes. 1 spoon of sugar4. put inCook for 5 minutes. 2spoons of salt5. put inCook for another 2 minutes 【课后反思课后反思】 本人通过以“朋友做了一个蔬菜汤”“学做一道蔬菜汤给辛苦工作的妈妈”“挑选 一道汤,小组协助完成任务”这一任务主线设计了本课的各项活动。 这一任务的设计,贴近学生生活,有真实的语言意义,促进有师生、学生间的互动,有 助于语言的真实交际运用。 教学活动的开展采用了“任务驱动”式“合作学习”的方式,整个学习活动以应用为动 力,学生在学中用,用中学,通过感知、交流、体验和合作等方式,完成学习任务。 课堂上,我力求营造一种轻松、愉悦的氛围,通过采用实物、图片、录像、多媒体等多 种直观教学手段,为学生创设真实生动的语言情境,使课堂变得有声有色,学生学得有滋 有味。开展 pair work, group work 等活动,鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表现,让学生动口、 动脑,合作完成情景活动的任务,从而提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 小组合作学习是开展任务型教学活动的重要途径,它有效地把英语教学、情感教育与评 价机制有机地结合起来,促进学生互相学习,互相帮助,协同发展。 纵观整节课,师生在平等、融洽的气氛中学习,教学效果显著。通过这堂课,我深深体 会到,伴随着新一轮课程改革的实施与深入,教师需要改变教学观念,教学需要艺术,需 要创新,要基于教材又不拘泥于教材。这样,才能在课改的浪潮中成为出色的弄潮儿。 What How need make (Reading and writing ) About Cook The video is about _. A. Meat Soup B. Vegetable Soup potato carrot tomato es s es ingredient 成分 number 数量 We need: 342 1 spoon potatoestomatoescarrotssugarsalt two spoons How to How to How to How to makemakemakemake the vegetable the vegetable the vegetable the vegetable soupsoupsoupsoup? ? ? ? wash the potatoes peel the potatoes cut the potatoes tomatoes carrots into small pieces cook for 5 minutes another minutes20 2 minutes Lets retell all steps!Lets retell all steps! First Then After that Later Finally FINISH!FINISH! We are going to make _ soup. We need: We do these: Step1: Step2: Step3: Step4: Step5: Tips: wash, peel, cut up (打碎), turn on(打开), Pour(倒), beat up(搅拌) Our parents are older and older. Please show love to your parents. Cook soup for parents. 1.Retell how to make vegetable soup. 2. Cook soup for your parents , and write down the steps. Homework 测评练习: Do Ex.3 on page 55. Lets retell and write: Fill in the blank! Do you know how to make soup? Let me tell you about it. You need potatoes ,tomatoes, carrots, salt, and sugar . First, you wash and peel some_. Then, cut the potatoes, _,and carrots in to small pieces. After that, you put the salt ,potatoes, and _in water and cook them. Later, you put in the tomatoes. Finally, you add the _,And soon, you have _! ( 江门东湖广场) (新会小鸟天堂) (开平碉楼) (鹤山大雁山) (台山川岛) (恩平温泉) (开平赤坎煲仔饭) (恩平濑粉) (鹤山沙姜鸡) (新会古井烧鹅) (台山海鲜) Lets guess. Do you have any? 1. Where is Gogo? Hes in the school with Tony and Jenny. 2. What are they going to do? Theyre going to cook their own lunch. What do they need? Its time for lunch. Me too! Lets make our own lunch today. Im hungry. yellnow We need some rice and meat. Do we have any_?fruit No, we . dont , too. We need some vegetables We can go to the supermarket. Wow! Gogo is _ with Tony and the school Its time for _. Im _. _! Lets make our _ today. lunch hungry Me too own lunch _ ? need We need some _ and _. ricemeat Do we have any_?fruit No, we _. dont OK. We need some _, _, and _. rice meatfruit We _, too. need some vegetables _ Gogo, where can we get _? But all the food Here! _! _! Wow! _! Come on Lets go Cool (1 ) (2) (3 ) (4) (5 ) (6) Get ready for school. Dads birthday party. Make a card.Make fruit salad. 1. Check what you have. 2. Think what you need. 3. Make your own story. Share the story with your friends and parents. Shopping list 1. Fruit. 2. Meat. 3. Rice. 4. Vegetables.
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