广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:e0538).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 School Lunch_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:e0538)
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(一)想想将要举行的生日聚会中,大家已经有的食物和需要准备的 东西,先分小组讨论,再填写卡片。 (二)游戏:两人为一组,先用剪刀、石头、布决定输赢,赢了的同学 要回答相应的问题才可以向前一步,如果不会回答问题就要把机会 就让给输的同学,输的同学回答正确向前一步。 We have: We need: (三)帮助贫困地区的孩子,看看他们需要什么?讨论完再填写爱心卡。 Im_. The children need some_. I have some _. I can help them. (四)延伸练习:问问自己的家人,他们需要什么?并记录下来。 Book 5 Tomorrow is Mr Zhous birthday. Were going to cook a big dinner. What do we have? juice We have some juice. rice cream We have some ice cream. What do we have? rice. sal lt Yes, we do. Do we have any salt? sugar No, we dont. Do we have any sugar? eatm No, we dont. Do we have any meat? We need(需要)(需要) some meat. ve getables We need some vegetables. What do we need? tofu We need some tofu. What do we need? fruit Yes, we do. Do we need any fruit? A Rhyme! Do you have any rice? Yes, I have some rice. Do you have any juice? Yes , I have some juice. Do you have any meat? Yes, I have some meat. Do you have any vegetables ? Yes, I have some vegetables. Do you need any salt? Yes, I need some salt. Do you need any sugar? Yes, I need some sugar. Do you need any tofu? Yes, I need some tofu. Do you need any fruit ? Yes, I need some fruit. Were going to have a birthday party,too. What do we have/need? we have/need some . Do we need any? Yes, we do./ No, we dont. sugar juice rice salt Free talk vegetables tofu fruit meat sandwiches bread cupsplatesmilkcakenoodles Remember and answer. Does the girl have any rice? Yes, she does. Does Tony need any meat? No, he doesnt. He needs some fruit. C Does Jenny need any juice? Yes, she does. A Do Gogo and Jenny need a cake? Yes, they do. Lets play a game. Work in pairs, ask and answer. Play rock paper scissors. The winner answers the questions, if you can answer, move forward. If not, stop and stay. The other student may answers the questions and move forward. Look at these children. They are very poor. They have old clothes and books. They dont have enough food. Lets think. What do they need? What can we do for them? What do they need? We can help them! Im_. The children need some _. I have some _. I will help them. I hope they will be happy. coats and books coats and books Lily We should help who needs help. 我们要帮助那些需要帮助的人。我们要帮助那些需要帮助的人。 Homework: Ask your family members: What do you need? Book 5 Unit 5 School Lunch 一.教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 掌握词汇:juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit 2. 句型:What do we have/ need? We have/need some Do we have/need any? Yes, we do./No, we dont. 能力目标: 能熟读单词和句型,语音清楚,语调自然。学会用英语表达。 情感目标: 通过小组购物和帮助贫困地区的儿童,不仅巩固所学知识,培养兴 趣,同时形成团结协作,乐于助人的良好品质。 二.学情分析: 本课的授课对象是小学五年级的学生,经过两年多的学习,对于一 般现在时态句子了解比较多,形成一定的语感,但自学能力不强, 同时在单词的发音上还有误差。此外,学生热情好学,学习积极性 较高,但有意识注意时间不长,表现欲望强但表达能力较弱。 三.教学内容分析: 重点:巩固所学单词和句型。 难点:以新带旧,能把旧知识与新知识结合在一起,逐步达到自然 交流。 四.教学环节与活动: 教学过程: Step 1. Warming up. Greetings: pair work ask and answer. Choose some students to ask three questions and answer. Step 2. Presentation 1. Teacher:Tomorrow is Ai Xis birthday. We are going to cook a big dinner for her. 2. Use the PPT to learn the new words and sentence pattern. 3. Read the vocabulary and target together. Step 3. Practice 1 1. Read a rhyme. 2. Free talk (1)、We are going to have a big party, too. Talk about the pictures, by using the sentences: What do we need? We need some Do we need any? Yes, we do./No, we dont. (2)、Make a shopping list. 3. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Practice2 1、Play a game. Work in pairs, ask and answer. Play rock paper scissors. The winner answers the questions, if he can answer, move forward. If not, stop and stay. Then, the other student may answers the questions and move forward. 2、Emotion teaching :Look at the picture of the poor kids. Lets think and talk about it in groups. What do they need? What can we do for them? Then write it down on the cards and invite some students to read it out after finish it. Step 4. Homework: Ask your family members: What do you need? And then help them to do what they want. 板书设计: Unit 5. School Lunch What do we have/need? We have/need some juice. rice salt sugar Do we have/need any meat? Yes, we do./No, we dont. vegetables tofu fruit 五教学评价:本节课内容多,容量大,在学习巩固新单词与句型 的同时,也鼓励学生把旧知识与新知识结合在一起,逐步达到自然 交流的效果。这样可以更好的提高学生学习英语的能力。 六、评测练习: (一)想想将要举行的生日聚会中,大家已经有的食物和需要准备的 东西,先分小组讨论,再填写卡片。 (二)游戏:两人为一组,先用剪刀、石头、布决定输赢,赢了的同学 We have: We need: 要回答相应的问题才可以向前一步,如果不会回答问题就要把机会 就让给输的同学,输的同学回答正确向前一步。 (三)帮助贫困地区的孩子,看看他们需要什么?讨论完再填写爱心卡。 Im_. The children need some_. I have some _. I can help them. (四)延伸练习:问问自己的家人,他们需要什么?并记录下来。
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