外研版(一起)二上Module 3-Unit 1 Do you like bananas -教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:30e45).docx

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1、外研社外研社 2011 课标版(一起)课标版(一起)二二年级上册年级上册 Module3 Unit 1Do you like bananas?教学设计教学设计 1. 教材分析教材分析 本课是外研社新标准一年级起点一年级上册第三模块的第一单元。 本册教材 更加注重培养学生的综合语言运用能力。本课的课文情境是 Amy 邀请玲玲去家 里品尝食物, 并对玲玲喜欢什么食物进行询问, 玲玲回答 Amy 的问题, 最后 Amy 制作出玲玲喜欢的水果奶昔。本课的学习重点是询问他人对食物的喜好,并针对 喜好进行回答。 2. 学情分析学情分析 本课内容对于二年级学生来说, 有一定难度。 食物包括很多种, 本科有水

2、果, 牛奶,奶昔等,孩子们对于这些物品比较熟悉,因此通过图片和实物结合的方法 进行新授,学生更容易接受。对于学生来说主要的难点是学生如何学习询问他人 对于食物的喜好,总结出“Do you like.?” ,针对这个难点,我结合情景设计出 跟 Amy 学习的任务设置, 让学生通过 Amy 的问题来总结出询问他人喜好的句型, 学习效果更加深刻。 3. 设计理念设计理念 本节课我的设计理念是“以游戏为牵动的任务型教学” 。整节课的设计思路 都是力求能够让学生成为语言学习的主体,给学生充分自主感知、探究的时间与 机会,在本单元话题的牵动下,优化教学活动,使教学活动趣味化。本节课我设 计了猜猜看等活动来

3、充分调动学生的积极性, 注重为学生创设较真实的语言情境, 培养学生“运用英语做事情”的能力。 4. 教学目标教学目标 1. 语言知识:语言知识: 全体学生能理解词汇:banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, milkshake, Here you are. 能运用词汇 banana, apple, milk,Here you are. 全体学生能听懂并说出 Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 等目标语句。 2. 语言技能:语言技能: 全体学生能运用“Do you like.?”询问食物;能用“Yes, I do

4、./ No, I dont.”说明 喜好。 3. 情感态度:情感态度: 及参与课堂活动,表达自己的喜好并询问他人的喜好 4. 学习策略:学习策略: 积极运用所学的英语进行表达和交流,通过词汇联想的方式来认识“banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit” 5. 文化意识:文化意识: 初步了解奶昔的做法,了解这个名词的由来 5. 重点难点重点难点 1. 重点重点 掌握目标词汇:banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, milkshake, Here you are. 掌握目标语句: Do you like bananas? Yes, I do

5、./ No, I dont. 2. 难点难点 询问他人对食物的喜好 6. 教学过程教学过程 I. Warm up and lead in I). Warm up 1. Listen and chant. T: Now, lets act and chant together. Here we go! 2. Revision T : The kids are riding a bike and flying a kite. Here are more sports. What do you like?You, please. next. Ss: I like. T : Here are some

6、 food. What do you like? You, please. next. Ss: I like. T : Here are some animals. What do you like? You, please. next. Ss: I like. (设计意图:激发学生的学习热情,通过复习上节课所学知识,操练学生英语运 用能力,为学习新知做好充分的语言准备。 ) II). Lead in (Activity 1) 1. listen and answer. T : Very good. You like cats, tigers and pandas. And I like mo

7、nkeys. Look. Here are two monkeys. Lets watch the video and find out what do they like? T:Whod like to be the brown monkey? And tell us what do you like? S1:I like bananas. T: Repeat one by one. T: Look, here are some bananas. Read after me, Bananas/bananas . I like bananas. Ss: Bananas/bananas . I

8、like bananas.T: What about the orange monkey?Can you act and answer? S1:I like ice creams. T: Repeat one by one. 2. Listen and imitate. T: Now lets listen and repeat. Look,hes got a stomachache, why? S1: He eats too much. T:Yes. So dont eat too much. You will have a stomachache, too. 3. Lets dub the

9、 dialogue. T: You are the brown monkey. You are the orange monkey. And you are the mother monkey. Clear? Here we go! (设计意图:使学生在充满好奇心的情况下,初步感知本课的目标语句,为接下 来的课文学习做好充分准备。 ) II. Presentation I). Task presentation T: You know, Bananas and ice creams are all food. Today we are going to learn more words abo

10、ut food, and then make a survey with ”Do you like.?”, and find out how many classmates like the food we learn today. Look! Here are two baskets for you! Try hard, you will get more food! (设计意图:使学生带着明确的学习目标,进入新知学习,从而有效提升学习效 果。同时,也能激发学生的学习热情。 ) II). Text learning (Activity 2) 1. Listen and find Amys q

11、uestions. T: Look! Who are they? S: Theyre Lingling and Amy. T: Yes. Amy asks Lingling to go to her home to share food together. Amy wants to know what food does Lingling like? How does Amy ask? Lets listen and find questions. T: Who can tell me? S1: Do you like bananas? T: Please next, one by one.T

12、: What about the others? S1: Do you like apples? T: Please next, one by one. T: apples T: More questions? S1: Do you like oranges? T: Please next, one by one. T: Very good,you can see bananas, apples and oranges,they are all fruit. S1: Do you like milk? T: Please next, one by one. T: Well done,boys

13、and girls. You have found all the questions. Perfect! So if you want to know whether your friends like the food ,you can ask in this way“Do you like.” (设计意图:突出并突破本课学习重难点,让学生通过任务总结出功能句型,起 到事半功倍的效果,从而提升本课学习任务完成的质量。 ) 2. Repeat and find Linglings answer: T: OK. This time lets see how does Lingling answ

14、er Amys questions.( 播 放 视 频)Now who can be Lingling? Please answer the first question. T: Do you like bananas? S1: Yes, I do. T: Next. T:Do you like apples? S1: Yes, I do. T: Next. T: Do you like oranges? S1: No, I dont . T: Next. T:Do you like milk? S1: Yes, I do. T: Next. T: So when you like you t

15、he food, you can answer“Yes, I do. ” When you dont like the food, you can answer“ No, I dont . ”Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: OK,Now, Amy knows what Lingling likes.She is very happy! So she is making a the drink now!Look, bananas, apples and milk. Whats that? Its a fruit milkshake, read after me. Fruit

16、 milkshake SS: Its a fruit milkshake. T: So children, please try hard! You will get it! Ss: Yes. T: Now, boys and girls please ask and answer with your partner. Ss: Do you like.?Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 3. Pair work. T: Who wants to show? You two,please. 四组学生问答。 (设计意图:巩固并突破本课学习重难点,让学生通过任务总结出功能句型,进 行问

17、答操练,提升本课学习任务完成的质量。 ) 4. Listen and repeat, then do a role play. (设计意图:巩固和训练语音语调模仿,提高学生语音模仿能力,形成良好的语 音习惯,同时进行示范,通过榜样作用,带头全体学生积极模仿巩固语音语调。 ) III. Practice I) Shake game. T: Lets watch the short video and see how to play it. S1 shakes the dice! Ss: Do you like apples? S1:“Yes, I do./ No, I dont.” (设计意图:

18、借助游戏强化巩固本单元的目标语句和词汇,使学生在玩中学,学 中玩。 ) II). Make a survey. T; You know the food words very well, children. Do you want to know how many classmates like the food we learn today? now lets make a survey. First, lets watch the video and see how to make a survey? 1. Make the survey 2. S1:Do you like.? Os: Y

19、es, I do./ No, I dont.( S2:Do you like.? .S6: Do you like.? Os: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 2. Finish the report. 3. T: Ok, look at the first food.Apples? How many kids like apples? Group 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, S1: T:How many kids like apples? Group 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, S1: (设计意图:为学生创设真实的语言情境并结合实物,使学生在真实的氛围中, 对本课目标

20、语句进行运用。使学生将所学语言与实际生活紧密联系起来。 ) IV. Task completion T:17 kids like apples, Please stand up. lets ask them do you like apples? Other s: Do you like apples? 17SS: Yes, I do. T:Then please ask the others do you like apples? OS: No, I dont. V .Quiz 1. Listen and number. 2. Read and match. 3. Copy the sent

21、ences. (设计意图:为学生提供课堂小练习,从听、说、读、写四个方面及时巩固本节 课的目标语句,进一步加深学生们对本节课知识的理解。 ) VI .Summary and Homework I). Summary T evaluates Ssperformance, chooses the best group in this lesson and summarizes the key points for Ss. T makes the fruit milkshake for Ss for award. (设计意图:总结归纳本课主要内容,及时反馈学生的表现,鼓舞学生学习的热 情,让学生初步了解制作奶昔过程,并品尝自己努力学习所收活的奖励,提高学 生学习激情。 ) II). Homework 1. Read the text three times as fluently as you can, try to understand it. 2.Ask your families if they like the food we learn today, then make a report. (设计意图:有效引导学生及时复习巩固本课学习成果,结合家庭实际来巩固学 习内容。 )


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