Module 3 Unit 2 Do they like apples(ppt课件)+教案+习题-2023新外研版(一年级起点)二年级上册《英语》.rar

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Module 3Unit 2 Do they like apples?习题习题一看图写单词。1._ 2._ 3._ 二为下列单词选择正确的图片。1.tomato 4.rice三选词填空。1._ theylike apples?2._shelike oranges?3._ helike bananas?4._youlike ice creams?5._helike rice?四、单选题()1.Rice is nice.Its _ favourite.A.I _ like oranges?Yes,they do.A.their B.they()3.Pigs _ B.likes()4.Its _ favourite.A.they B.their()5.It _ very B.am五将下列句子翻译成英文。1.他们喜欢米饭。_。do does2.他们喜欢苹果。_。3.他们不喜欢橘子。_。4.非常美味。_。5.他们喜欢肉吗?_。Module 3Unit 2 Do they like apples?习题习题参考答案参考答案一看图写单词。 2.tomatoes 3.oranges二为下列单词选择正确的图片。1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A三选词填空。1.Do 2.Does 3.Does 4.Do 5.Does四单选题1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A五将下列句子翻译成英文。1.They like rice.2.They like apples.3.They dont like oranges.4.They tasted good.5.Do they like meat?Module 3 Unit 2 Do they like apples?Module 3 Unit 2 Do they like apples?教学设计教学设计课题 Do they like apples?单元1学科英语年级2学习目标知识与技能目标:能够掌握下列单词 tomato/they/really/everything/favourite用所学句型 Do they like?Yes,they do./No,they dont.进行进行口语表达。过程与方法目标:通过学习本课,能能够用 Do you like?What about?来询问别人的喜好,能用 Yes,I do./No,I dont.来回答。情感态度与价值观目标:1.学生有兴趣听英语、说英语、背歌谣、唱歌曲、做游戏等。2.乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。重点能够掌握下列单词 tomato/they/really/everything/favourite难点学会用下列句型进行口语表达。Do they like.?Yes,I/they do./No,Ithey dont.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.配合完成对话听歌曲观看视频热身活动讲授新课 Greetings and warm-up activitiesStep1.Lead in1.Greetings.(师生激情打招呼)2.Sing the apple song together.方式:跟读,观看动画等。Step2.Presentation1.结合图片教授新单词tomato/they/really/everything/favourite教师点击鼠标,引出新单词。教师范读,学生跟读。新单词游戏,找蘑菇,猜单词,巩固操练新单词2.Pair work:学习课本对话,通过录音,观看视频。并对文中重点句型进行练习。学生同桌之问用句型“Do you like?”和看视频动画整体感知,并跟唱。学生根据图片及动画学习本课新单词。游戏设计更能吸引学生注意力。“Yes,I do.”就所学过的物品进行对话,如:Do they like apples?Yes,they do.3.Role play.Do they like apples?Yes,they do.4.学习字母 E F G 的用法及相关单词。通过录音跟读,学习本课重点语句。学生两人一组,练习对话和句子。Step 3:Practice完成课本活动 6 和活动 7 的内容。学生分角色朗读和表演,进行对话练习。练习句型:Do you/they like.?Step 4:Do some exercises.学生进行对话练习,注意句子中人称的变化。完成本课课堂练习。鼓励学生进行口语表达。课堂小结本课内容是和学生们一起讨论食物,这个主题非常贴近我们的日常生活,有助于提高学生的学习兴趣,锻炼口语能力。本课该话题的深入,将初步学习复数的概念以及句子中人称的变化。板书Module 3 Unit 2 Do they like apples?tomato they really everything favouriteDo they like?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Module 3 Unit 2 Do they like apples?外研版 二年级上Lead inLets sing a song!Lets sing a song!New wordstomatoThis is a tomato.tomatoesNew wordstheyDo they like bananas?New wordseverything Pigs like everything.New wordsfavouriteIts their favourite.最喜欢的事物New wordsreallyI really like ice cream.really很;非常New wordstomato西红柿西红柿New wordsthey他们他们New wordsreally非常非常Lets learn1.listen,and chant.文本内容:文本内容:They like apples.They like rice.They like meat.Its very,very nice.Lets learnLets learn2.Listen,and say.文本内容:文本内容:Do they like apples?Yes,they do.Pigs like everything.Do they like oranges?Yes,they do.They like noodles and bananas and tomatoes and.All together?Yes.And they really like rice.Its their favourite.Mm!Rice is nice.lts my favourite,too.Lets learnLets learnDo they like apples?Yes,they do.Lets learnDo they like tomatoes?No,they dont.Lets learn3.Listen,and draw or.听力内容:听力内容:Do they like shoes?No,they dont.Do they like apples?Yes,they do.Do they like noodles?Yes,they do.Do they like bananas?Yes,they do.Do they like pencils?No,they dont.Do they like rice?Yes,they do.Listen again3.Listen,and draw or.Lets learn文本内容:E is for elephant.F is for frog.G is for girl.The girl likes the frog.Lets learn看图片,学单词E is for elephant.e-lephantelephant大象e e ee e e elephant elephante e eLets learn看图片,学单词F is for frog.f-rogfrog青蛙f f ff f f frog frogf f fLets learn看图片,学单词G is for girl.g-irlgirl女孩g g gg g g girl girlg g gRole playNo,I dont.Do you like tomatoes?Role playYes,they do.Do they like apples?Role playYes,they do.Do they like oranges?Lets learn文本内容:Do you like bananas?No,I dont.Do you like oranges?No,l dont.Do you like apples?Yes,l do!6.Guess,ask and answer.Lets learn文本内容:Make a lunch menu.Do you like apples?No,l dont.Do you like rice?Yes,l do.Here you are.Thank you.6.Ask and answer,then do.Exercise一、为下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。()1.tomatoA.土豆 B.番茄,西红柿()2.theirA.他(她/它)们的 B.他(她/它)们()3.favouriteA.最讨厌的东西 B.最喜欢的事物()4.reallyA.很,非常 B.正确的()5.everythingA.每件事,所有事物 B.每个人Exercise二、选出不是同一类的单词。()1.A.apples B.everything C.bananas()2.A.pig B.elephant C.tomato()3.A.meat B.rice C.their()4.A.I C.favouriteExercise三、将下列句子翻译成中文1.They like apples._.2.They like rice._.3.They like meat._.4.Its very,very nice._.他们喜欢苹果。他们喜欢苹果。他们喜欢米饭他们喜欢米饭他们喜欢肉他们喜欢肉非常非常好。非常非常好。Summary能够掌握下列单词tomato/they/favourite/relly用所学句型进行口语表达。Do you like.?
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