外研版(一起)二上Module 5-Unit 1 At 7,I get up.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:6023d).zip

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Module 5 Unit 1 At 7, I get up. Its aclock. Its seven. Up up, I get up. get up At 7. At 7, I get up. Its eight. School school, I go to school. go to school At 8. At 8, I go to school. Its twelve. Lunch lunch, I have lunch. have lunch At 12. At 12, I have lunch. Its four. Football football, I play football. At 4. play football At 4, I play football. Up , up , I get up. School, school, I go to school. Lunch, lunch, I have lunch. Football, football, I play football Lets chant Task-fulfilling 要求: 1. 四人一组(一、二桌为一组, 三、四桌为一组,第五桌 为一组)。 2. 五分钟时间。 3. 小组展示(每参与一人,奖励一 张sticker。参与展示人数越多给的越多。 ) Panpans poster Group Work 制作自己的作息时间表,并向小 组同学介绍自己一天的活动 。 Listen! Time is life.Time is flying! 我们该如何珍惜time呢? 想想我们一天中在什么时间都做了什么? Thank you bye-bye Module 5 Unit 1At 7, I get up 教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.知识技能目标: a)能够听、说、认读的单词及短语:poster, get up, go to school, have lunch。 b)能用所学句型 At_, I _. 表达和交流自己的作息时间。 2、过程与方法目标: 让英语走进生活,能通过所学的知识与实际生活联系进 行口语交际的训练。 3、情感、态度价值观目标: 通过学习用英语介绍自己的作息时间,帮助学生 养成珍惜时间的好习惯及学会合理安排自己的时间。 二、教学重点和难点:能用所学句型陈述自己的作息时间。 三、教学用具: 多媒体,图片,PPT 四、教学过程: Step1. Warm up 1. Greeting to each other: 1) Good morning, boys and girls! 2) Say hello to our dear teachers! 3) Do your best.(展示 stickers) 2、Sing a song. Everyone show your fingers. Lets sing a song. “ Ten little paper rabbits”. (复习数词 110,认识钟表。 ) T: Can you read these numbers? T: Listen! Whats this? This is a clock. Can you say what the time is? 3、Free talks. 设计意图 通过多种形式的课前热身,逐渐将学生带入到英语课堂的氛围中, 让孩子不由自主地投入到学习中来,并在这样愉快轻松的英语环境中进行口语 和语感的训练,帮助孩子积累英语语言。 Step2 Presentation 1. Learn the new phrases “get up、go to school, have lunch.” 1) T: Tick, tock, tick, tock, its eight. Its time to get up. Do an action “get up” and say.(板书) T: Follow me. Get up.(边说边做,教师领读,开火车读) T: Chant. Up Up I get up.(配乐学生齐 chant) 2) Learn the other phrase “go to school,” T: Tick, tock, tick, tock, its eight. Its time to go to school. (师背起小书包做上学装 状) Learn to say “I go to school. ”出示短语, 领读,Lets go to school together. 3). Learn the other phrase “have lunch” I have lunch at twelve.(师做肚子饿状)Im hungry now. Oh , its lunch time .I have lunch. (做吃的动作)would you have lunch with me ? 情景创设:拿出一次性 碗,食物小图片, 邀请几个学生 have lunch,运用 Do you like rice/meat.进行 对话。 (有意识的提高学生的口语交际能力,复习前面的知识。 ) 2. Lets chant. (配合乐曲和动作,练习和巩固新短语、句子) Up up I get up. School school I go to school. Lunch lunch I have lunch. Football football I play football. 设计意图 通过多媒体课件和 TPR,给孩子创设良好语言学习情境,使孩子 们在具体自然的情境中学习新单词和词组,加深学习的印象,帮助形成形象记 忆,便于理解;同时,PPT 展示的美丽画面给学生以视觉上的冲击,给予美的 享受的同时,激发了他们的好奇心和求知的欲望。 Step3. Textteaching. 1、Watch the video. T: Look at the screen. This is Sams poster. (紧接着教授新词 poster.) Now, lets watch the video. And then tell me who he is. This is Sams daily life . 2、Then read after the recorder, point. 3. Repeat the passage. 设计意图 学习课文分层次完成,从易到难。以不同形式不同要求的听、读训 练学生的听力和英语语感,让学生带着一定的目的听、说、读,帮助学生养成 良好的听力习惯,培养学习策略。 Step 4 Task fulfilling(知识的拓展,语言的输出,综合能力的运用). 1. Panpans poster 2. Make my poster. Talk about my schedule. (让学生讨论写出自己的作息时间表。并试着用英语来表达。) 设计意图采用小组合作方式,小组合作学习体现“以学生为本”的教育理念, 有利于培养学生的参与意识和口语表达能力, 及培养学生的合作精神。 Step5. Homework 1. Repeat the passage for 5 times. 2. Introduce your poster to your parents. 设计意图作业设计符合小学英语教学所倡导的“听说领先”的原则,同时兼顾 小学生的年龄特点,作业的布置更多的是体现英语学习的趣味性,在轻松、活 泼的环境中完成一项项作业,让作业完成起来不再枯燥、乏味。 Step6. Summary Time is life. Time is flying. So we should cherish our time. Step7. Blackboard design Module 5 Unit 1 At 7, I get up. At 7, I get up. At 8, I go to school. At12, I have lunch. At 4, I play football.
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