外研版(一起)二上Module 10-Unit 2 We have Christmas.-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b006a).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_二年级上册(2013年7月第1版)_小学英语_Module 10_Unit 2 We have Christmas._ppt课件_(含教案+微课+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:b006a)
    • 划船声.mp3
    • 外研社课标版2011(一年级起点)二年级上M10U2 微课.mp4
    • 外研社课标版2011(一年级起点)二年级上M10U2 教学课.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案b006a.doc--点击预览
    • 歌曲happy new year.mp3


Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year to you all! We are singing. We are dancing. Happy New Year to you all! Chinese New Year Chinese New Year What do we do at Chinese New Year? eat sayhave We say: “Happy New Year!” We eat dumplings. We have firecrackers. Christmas tree Christmas presents winwithwill Task presentation 今天我们跟着大明一起感受今天我们跟着大明一起感受 圣诞节,并用制作海报谈谈圣诞节,并用制作海报谈谈 在节日里做的事情吧。在节日里做的事情吧。 1. When is Christmas? Christmas is in _. 2. What do people do at Christmas? winter Christmas trees. Christmas presents. a big dinner. We sing songs. According to the text, we know_. A.Christmas is very important in China. B.Christmas is an autumn festival. C.Sam loves Christmas very much. Retell the text about Christmas Moon Day the Dragon Boat Festival Its a happy day for children. We can have a big party. We sing and song together. Childrens Day Read and choose Moon Day Dragon Boat Festival Childrens Day Its in autumn. Its in autumn. Its in summer. Its in summer. Its in summer. Its in summer. We eat zongzi. We eat mooncakes. We have a picnic. We eat enjoy the moon. We sing and dance. We row the boat. We eat mooncakes. We eat zongzi. We have a picnic. We enjoy the moon. We row the boat. We sing and dance. Make a poster about your favourite festival I like Its in We eat(have) We have We Festivals in China 新标准英语(一年级起点)二年级上册 Module10 Unit2 We have Christmas.教学设计 一、教材分析 本套教材注重学生语言运用能力的培养,教学内容紧密联系学生的生活实际,本课是 新标准英语 (一年级起点)二年级上册第十模块第二单元。本模块的话题是 Christmas,功能是 Talking about your favourite season。教材比较侧重语篇的连贯和 整合,重在渗透和训练语用的能力。第十模块第一单元的话题是中国的新年,运用一般现在 时。本课在此基础上,继而谈论西方最重要的节日-圣诞节。 二、学情分析 孩子们从一年级开始接触学习英语,进入二年级,已初步形成一定的英语学习态度,掌 握了一定的英语学习方法和技巧,具有了一定的自我意识和自我主张。这个年龄段的孩子好 动,思维活跃,喜欢参与和自己生活实际紧密相连的活动。在课堂上,表现欲较强,课堂气 氛比较活跃。 本课所学的时态是一般现在时,二年级学生对该句型的基本构造比较熟,可以直接运用, 无需再进行讲解。对于本课涉及到描述节日的句型结构,学生在 unit1 学习 Chinese New Year 时也已经接触,并重点教授过,因此学习本课的 Christmas,学生只需掌握新单词和词 组运用到这些句型中即可。 三、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1.功能:谈论中国和西方的节日。 2.语法:一般现在时 3.词汇:学生能理解和运用:单词 Christmas,wish,dinner 4.语音:进一步强化语音语调,wish 中 wi 的发音。 (二)语言技能目标: 1.听懂并能说出:We have Christmas. Its in 2.能认读单词 Christmas, wish, dinner (三)运用:能运用一般现在时谈论中国和西方的节日。 (四)学习策略:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 (五)文化意识:了解中西方节日文化的异同。 (六) 情感态度:感受中华民族的传统文化,增强民族自豪感。 四、教学重难点 重点:1.准确认读运用 Christmas, wish, dinner 2.运用一般现在时描述一个节日。 难点:1.sing songs 的正确发音 2. 运用四要素描述节日 五、教学准备 Cards,CD-ROM,PPT,two trees for boys and girls 六、教学过程 . Warming up and lead in(5 ) 1. Greetings. Teacher &Students greet each other. 2. Sing a song: Happy New Year! Ss: Guess the festival. 3. Review Unit1 about Chinese New Year: Q: What do people do at Chinese New Year? 4. Lead in (1)Watch the video Part 1 Q:Guess, what festival is it? Show the title: We have Christmas. (2)Talk about Christmas: Q1: What do we say? Teach: wish (语音 wi 的发音 with, will, win) Q2: What do we have? 板书: Christmas tree, Christmas presents 5. 评价方式:Show two Christmas trees for boys and girls, there are many cards about different festivals in the trees. If students do a good job, they will get the cards. (设计意图:学生跟唱和本课学习内容相关的节日歌曲,开门见山直入主题。 欢快的歌 曲营造和谐、宽松的学习氛围,调动了学习积极性。通过复习新年,重现描述节日的 句型结构,为本课学习圣诞节打下坚实的基础。 Part I 歌曲的呈现,导入本课的课 题并教授新授单词 wish,水到渠成。 ) .Task Presentation(1 ) Today lets talk about Christmas and then make a poster about your favourite festival in China. (设计意图:呈现任务,明确学习目标,带着目的学习本课。 ) .Text Learning(15 ) 1.Listen and point . Teacher plays the CD-Rom, give the questions about the text. Q: When is Christmas ? Students try to listen and find the answer. (设计意图:初步感知了解所学内容,培养学生听音抓住听力材料主要内容的能力。) 2.Listen and read,then find the answers. Students watch the video and read after it ,then check out the answers. Q: What do people do at Christmas? Students learn by yourself, then discuss in your group. Tips: Find the answer, then underline the answers in your book. Then discuss in your group. Time: 2 minutes Teacher teach the word: dinner (设计意图:通过自学,学生养成独立思考的好习惯。在小组讨论中,学生们互相学习、 互相纠正,培养小组合作学习的能力。) 3.Read the text, then answer the question. Teacher show the question: According to the text, we know_. A. Christmas is very important in China. B. Christmas is an autumn festival. C. Sam loves Christmas very much. Students read the text and find the answer ,try to understand the sentences ,then find the answer. (设计意图:本道题设计的选项都不是课文中能直接找出的,需要学生对课文内容的理 解,还需要学生对选项句子意思的分析后才能选出正确答案。这一题的设计可以培养 学生对语段的理解能力和在习题中的分析能力。) 4.Retell the text. Teacher gives the hint words on the blackboard to help students retell the text in the group . (设计意图:初步尝试运用本课所学知识,有助于学生提高语用能力。) . Practice(7 ) 1.A guessing game: Teacher shows the picture about festival. Students try to guess. (1) Block off the picture of Moon Day (2) Listen and guess the festival: the Dragon Boat Festival (3) Read the passage, then guess the festival: Childrens Day (设计意图:通过不同的猜图方式,触及学生的不同感官,激发学生学习积极性,为后 面制作节日海报做铺垫。) 2.Read and choose the sentences. Teacher shows some sentences about three festivals.(Moon Day, the Dragon Boat Festival) Students choose the sentences in different tables. Students say more sentences about these festivals. (设计意图:通过出示三个节日的时间,人们吃的东西和做的事情,引导学生们如何描 述一个节日。学生们通过读句子、选句子、拓展句子,丰富视野、打开思路,为任务完 成环节中制作节日海报做准备。) . Task Completion (11 ) Make a poster about your favourite festival in China. 1. Teacher show a video about making a poster. T: Hello, children. Today lets make a poster about my favourite festival Moon Day. I love Moon Day. Its in autumn. We enjoy the moon. We have a big dinner. We eat mooncakes. We eat graps. We are very happy. 2. The students take out the cards and talk about the festivals in the group according to the model. I love _. Its in _. We have _. We eat _. 3. Students make the poster in the group. 4. Students show the poster in class. (设计意图:教师在视频中展示了整个制作海报的全过程,学生在观看时学习了方法,也积 攒了输出的语言。 展示的方式为小组合作完成,不仅能降低任务的难度,提高学生的参与 人数,同时也培养了学生合作意识。 ) 德育渗透:Teacher show some pictures about other festivals in China. (设计意图:教师在出示中国传统节日的图片时,向学生弘扬中华民族传统文化,培养学生 的民族自豪感和爱国情怀。 ) .Summary and Homework (1) 1.Summary: Teacher point to the blackboard and ask: “How to talk about a festival?” Students answer the keys. 2.Homework: (1)Read the words and the text. (2)Sing the song about festivals. (3) Talk about your favourite festival. (设计意图:帮助学生梳理知识、强化巩固并运用知识。 ) 九、板书设计: Module10 Unit2 We have Christmas. In the UK sing songs Christmas trees have presents a big dinner Christmas Merry Christmas
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