外研版(一起)三上Module 4-Unit 1 I can jump far.-ppt课件-(含教案+微课)-部级优课-(编号:90074).zip

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. Teaching aims 1.Ss can listen、say、read and write the following words: arm, card, car,ball, tall, wall. 2.Ss can know sound a: : in the words with ar and al . 3.Ss can read more words with ar and al. . Teaching important points 1.Ss can listen、say、read and write the words :ball, tall, wall, arm, card, car. 2.Ss can read more words with ar and al. . Teaching difficult points 1.Ss may have difficulties in reading and writing the words with arand al by using phonics. 2.To pronounce the sound l in all. . Teaching procedures Step IWarm-up 1. Watch the video: Phonics song. 2. Games: Pick up apples. 3. Introduce new friends. (Purpose: 伴随着 Phonics song 开启语音学习之旅,回顾复习 26 个英文字母的 基本发音,学生在轻松愉快的环境中学习英语。接着通过“摘苹果”这个小游 戏,吸引学生学习的兴趣,营造积极的学习氛围。) Step IIPresentation and practice I .Lead in, sound a: in words with ar. 1. free talk. T: Do you have any questions about Mark? 2. Game: True or false. T: Do you want to know more about Mark? Please look, listen and judge. a.Mark is a girl. b. He is twenty years old. c.He can drive a car. d. He likes art. e.He lives in America. Its far from here. (Purpose: 让学生自己提问取代老师提问,培养学生发散思维。接着创设情境, 在更多的了解 Mark 的游戏中,导入五个含有 ar 的单词,学生通过出示的 Mark ,art, car, card, far进行归纳,从而自然引入 ar 的发音教学。) 3. PPT shows Mark, car, card, art, far. T: Listen carefully:Whats the same? 3. Watch a micro lesson about ar. 4. Try more ar words with a: sound . (1)T sets a video for the examples to spell the words. eg. ar-k, ar-p, f-ar-t. (2)T: Group work. First, fill the letters in your flowers and then try to read the words in groups. (3) Show Who wants to read the words in your flower? (Purpose: 引导学生自己去探究发现规律,通过拼读花朵上的假词强化 ar 在单 词中的发音,并通过拆音、拼音培养学生的语音意识。接着,通过微课给学生 讲解拼读方法。课堂与信息技术的融合,更好地完善课堂教学。) 5. T: Look, I have some real words. Can you read? (Mark, card, art, arm) 6. Reading time. (T presents new sentences.) Mark is three. He likes art. He has a card. Play with friends arm in arm. (Purpose: 呈现新句子让学生去尝试朗读,使语音和语义相结合,词不离句, 句不离词。) II. Teach al sound :in words. 1. Question: How old is Mark? T: Yes, hes three. But he has a great ideal! Listen to Mark: Im only three. Im very short. But I want to be a star just like Yao Ming. 2. Let Ss listen and try to read the sentences with the tape. Yao Ming is tall. He has a red ball. Tall man Yao Ming plays a ball near a wall. 4. Show the words tall , ball, wall in above sentences. T: Whats the same? 4. Teach al sound :in words. 5. Try more words. 6. Show tall, ball, wall T: What else can you find? Teach: all sound :l 7. Try more words. (PPT) (Purpose: 从 Reading time 自然过渡到创设 Mark 有一个伟大的理想,呈现姚明 引出 tall ,wall, ball。通过听、读,感知 al 的发音。al 的学习基本顺承了 ar 的教 学,让学生有章可循。而在此基础上,将 al 组合的发音引申为 all 的发音,通 过课件花朵滚动辅音,巩固操练,让学生记忆更加深刻。) 8.Lets have a chant. T:Mark likes art. Hes drawing pictures. Lets go and have a look.What is he drawing? (Purpose: 8.英语学习离不开情境,语音学习也同样如此,通过创设 Mark 喜欢画 画,他正在画画,他在画什么,引起课本中的语音 chant,层层深入,自然引入。 ) III .Read, listen and number. (1) Let Ss read the words. (2) Play the tape. (3) Check. Step III. Production 1. Summary and emotional education. 1) Summary emotional education. (Purpose: 教育学生,无论外表怎么样,高或是矮,都要做一个有价值的人。 就如同我们学校致和大厅里的邓亚萍和姚明。) 2) Let Ss draw their own mind map. 2. Look, listen and number. 3. Listen and write. 4. Try to read the story about Mark .Fun for reading. (1) Listen to the tape. (2) Read in groups. (Purpose: 为学生拓展阅读搭建了平台,有助于学生避免单纯追求单音的准确 性,而忽视语义与语境相结合,进一步深化知识,吸收知识,达到语音学习的 目的。同时,通过让学生绘画思维导图巩固今天的知识,同时训练学生的思维 能力。) Step .Homework 1. Read Marks story. (读一读 Mark 的故事。 ) 2. Watch the micro-lesson after the class. (课后自己观看微课,巩固学习今天的内容。 ) 3. Collect the words with ar, al and read with your partner. (收集含有字母组合 ar, al 的单词,和同伴交流) (Purpose: 作业是课堂的延续,让孩子们课后观看微课,就是把课堂延伸到了 课后。让学生在完成作业的过程中达到复习巩固所学知识的目的。) L k t t l e M a r i 执教:周国翀执教:周国翀 Lets sing. Pick apples. e g h ij n o p q r u v w x y z d t b k s mf a lc ? True or false a. Mark is a girl. c. He can drive a car. b. He is 20 years old. d. He likes art. e. He lives in America, its far from here. e. He has a card. 美美国国 is a girl. He is 20 years old He can drive a forty. He likes . He has a . He lives in America, its from here. Mark car far art ar /a:/ Whats the same? 什么是一样的? card Lets watch a micro-lesson. Group work: Fill and read. ar 填一填,读一读。填一填,读一读。 He has a card. Mark is three. Mark is three. Play with friends arm in arm. Try in groups. (小组内试一试) He likes art. Im only 3. Im very short. But I want to be a star just like Yao Ming. 226CM Yao Ming is tall. He has a red ball. Tall man YaoMing plays a ball near the wall. Yao Ming is . He has a red forty. man Yao Ming pays a near the . tall ball Tall al Whats the same? 什么是一样的? wallball/:/ w al wall call fall hall mall small m h c f s lm Lets try (试着拼拼、读读试着拼拼、读读) Draw a on a . Draw a . Now draw a on the . Draw a near a . Chant ball small small ball wall card cardcar car 微课 Chant 1 2 34 5 678 car small far tall art ball wall card Read , listen and number (听音并标序号) Listen and write. (听音填词) 1. a _ on a _ _. 2. dogs _ in _. 3. a _ with a _. wallball armarm cardcar tall ar cdmkdk ar cd p kbn al cdt lb n al cdwlb n Lets draw your own mind map. To become a man of value. 做一个有价值的人。做一个有价值的人。 高个儿或矮个儿都是冠军, 残疾人与健康人一样有理想, 医生和环卫工人一样重要, 1. Read Marks story. (读一读(读一读Mark的故事。)的故事。) 2. Watch the micro-lesson after the class. (课后自己观看微课,巩固学习今天的内容。)(课后自己观看微课,巩固学习今天的内容。) 3. Collect the words with ar, al and read with your partner. (收集含有字母组合收集含有字母组合ar, al的单词,和同伴交流的单词,和同伴交流) THANK YOU Fun for reading. (开心阅读) Mark is three and very small. Dad is strong and tall. Lets play ball. Ok! They walk to the park and play the ball. The ball hit Mark. Mark had a fall. Dad hit the ball . The ball hit the wall. Im ok! Are you ok? 2 7 14 3 856 art ball wall card Listen, spell and read (听音拼词,并读一读) small car far tall Look , listen and write ( (听音,写单词)听音,写单词) Lets read ! Watch and chant. Group work: Fill and read. h f b c p d m y t ar k d g t p g m y f ar 填一填,读一读。填一填,读一读。
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