外研版(一起)三上Module 10-Unit 2 What are you going to see -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:6034a).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_三年级上册(2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Module 10_Unit 2 What are you going to see _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:6034a)
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Module 10 Unit 2 What are you going to see? Task: Lets continue learning . Then talk about your plans with . Im going to _. Im going to visit_. Dalian Forest Zoo Disneyland my friends my grandpaHainan Shanghai Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 星期日星期日 星期一星期一 星期二星期二 星期三星期三 星期四星期四 星期五星期五 星期六星期六 see a film The Monkey King have a class dance Pay attention to: Im going to see The Monkey King.Im going to dance. What are you going to see? What are you going to do Saturday? Im going to see a film Im going to have a class. What are you going to do the class? read a bookread a book ride a bikeride a bike visit my grandpavisit my grandpa visit Hainanvisit Hainan p play basketballlay basketball A:What are you going to do on Saturday? B: Im going to. Lucky Wheel read a bookread a book ride a bikeride a bike visit my grandpavisit my grandpa visit Hainanvisit Hainan p play basketballlay basketball A:What are you going to do on Saturday? B: Im going to. Lucky Wheel read a bookread a book ride a bikeride a bike visit my grandpavisit my grandpa visit Hainanvisit Hainan p play basketballlay basketball A:What are you going to do on Saturday? B: Im going to. Lucky Wheel read a bookread a book ride a bikeride a bike visit my grandpavisit my grandpa visit Hainanvisit Hainan p play basketballlay basketball A:What are you going to do on Saturday? B: Im going to. Lucky Wheel Name Activities Where are you going? What are you going to do? A: Where are you going? B: Im going to. A: What are you going to do? B: Im going to.(play with Snow White, sing with Elsa, help people with bear, see Xiyangyang.) Name Activities Where are you going? What are you going to do? A: Where are you going? B: Im going to. A: What are you going to do? B: Im going to.(see Change, fly in the universe, talk with Little Six.) Name Activities Where are you going? What are you going to do? A: Where are you going? B: Im going to. A: What are you going to do? B: Im going to.(see Dufu, write the poem, play the piano with Beethoven. ) 必做:必做: 1. Read the text 2. Copy the new words 选做:选做: 3. Talk about your plans to your friends or your family 1 内容分析 本单元的课文情境是电视台记者在学校采访小学生周末的计划和安排。本 单元的重点是运用 be going to 的特殊疑问句形式制订和谈论计划。 学生分析 学生在 Module9 中首次接触了 be going to do 结构的陈述句表达,对何 时使用和如何使用 be going to do 结构有了一定的认识。在 Module10 Unit1 中,学生又学习了这一结构的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及回答,对 这一结构的认识基本完整。三年级的学生性格活泼,想象力丰富,在掌握 本课语言结构的基础上,让学生展开想象,综合运用 Where are you going?和 What are you going to do?及其回答,表达自己的想法,并与 之前所学短语表达相结合,进行复习。 知识 与技能 1.语言技能 (1)听:全体学生能够正确听单词 visit、Saturday、film 和句 子 What are you going to see? (2)说:全体学生能够正确说单词 visit、Saturday、film 和句 子 What are you going to see? (3)读: 全体学生能朗读课文,大部分学生能够根据思维导 图复述课文。 (4)写:全体学生能写出 Im going to.语句描述自己的计 划。 2.语言知识 (1)功能:进一步巩固 be going to 的用法,谈论计划。 (2)语法:全体学生能运用 What are you going to see? (3)词汇:全体学生能理解运用 visit、Saturday、film。 (4)语音:进一步感知 visit、Saturday、film 的读音。 过程 与方法 自主复习和归纳所学内容 教学目标 情感态 度与价 值观 乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,充分发挥自己的想象力,展开想 象。 教学重点 单词:visit、Saturday、film 句型:What are you going to see? 教学难点 掌握 be going to 的特殊疑问句形式,能用 Im going to.表达自己 的计划。 课堂环境 资源要件 1.学生移动终端 2.交互式教学平台(泛东互动课堂平台) 3.交互式电子白板(SMART 或鸿合 HV-I280) 4.锐捷云课堂计算机教室 5.现代中庆录播系统 2 信息化应用 整体思路 本节课属于巩固课,旨在让学生多练习,多输出,教师通过大量的媒 体资源的辅助来设计教学,可以帮助学生创建真实的语言环境,这些都可 以通过信息化手段来完成,高效,简洁。这样不仅提高了课堂效率,还能 让学生有极大的参与感和兴趣感。 教学 过程 教师活动学生活动 教学活动 设计意图 信息化资源 应用设计意图 Step1 Revision and lead in 1.Greeting: T: Hello, Everyone! 2. Sing a song: What are you going to do today? 3. Revision T:Are you going to the park today? 4. Lead in: T: Im going to the park today with my friend. He has a magic door. He can go everywhere. If you have this door, what are you going to see? S: Sing a song with actions. S: Yes, I am./No, I am not. 通过歌曲营造 英语氛围,活 跃气氛。教师 根据歌曲中的 内容提问,复 习旧知,引出 新知。 利用视频播放歌 曲的方式,吸引 学生的注意力并 引起学习兴趣。 Step2 Task presentation Task:Lets continue learning be going to. Then talk about your plans with be going to. Ss: Ok! 学生了解学习 任务,进行主 动学习。 3 Step3 Text learning T: Look, there is a magic, lets have a look! Whats this? T:Our friends, Bob and Little Six are in Beijing now.Lets watch and answer. T:Look, there is a reporter.He is interviewing two girls.Lets watch and answer. S: Its Tian an men. 1. Watch, listen and answer Q: What is Little Six going to do ? S: Im going to visit my friends. 2.T:Can you make these sentences? S: Im going to visit. 3.Watch and answer Q:The girls are talking about what they are going to do _. A. on Saturday B. on Sunday Ss:on Saturday Review Monday to Sunday Magic Eyes: look and say(when see red words,stand up and shout) 4.Listen repeat and match T:What are they going to do? Ss: Match. 教师通过展示 不同的图片, 带领学生操练 visit 并造句。 通过 Magic eyes 活动复习 旧知,并巩固 新单词 Saturday。 借助泛东平台及 时了解学生上课 对新知的掌握情 况,及时进行反 馈,能直接客观 的了解学生的学 习情况并使全体 学生都能参与到 课堂活动中。借 助白板形成思维 导图,有助于学 生形成英语思维。 4 5. Lets act. T:Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation. Read in groups. 6.Lets retell the text. T:Can you retell the text according this map? S:What are you going to do on Saturday? Im going to see a film What are you going to see? Im going to see The Monkey King. What are you going to do on Saturday? Im going to have a class. What are you going to do in the class? Im going to dance. 教师在白板中 插入思维导图, 并通过思维导 图模式复述课 文,对语篇有 整体的了解。 有助于形成英 语语篇的思维。 5 Step4 Practice 1.Lucky Wheel 2.Watch and say 1.T: Look, its a lucky wheel.Can you make a conversation? S1:What are you going to do on Saturday? S2: Im going to. 2.T:Do you like films? Ss: Yes! T: Lets see some films, OK? Ss: OK! Watch the films. T:There are four films, Frozen, The Monkey King, Kungfu Panda, Harry Potter. Which one do you like? I need a partner. S:What are you going to do ? T:Im going to see a film . S:What are you going to see? T:Im going to see Harry Potter. T:OK, please work in pairs. S1:What are you going to do ? S2:Im going to see a film . 通过转盘方式 操练语句,熟 悉语句。 在多媒体课件 中插入电影的 视频,观看四 部学生喜欢的 短视频,创设 英语环 境。 完成有梯度的 逐层联系,从机 械操练,到选 择生成小的语 篇。 借助白板,设计 教学游戏,寓教 于乐,在学习新 知的基础上,又 增加了学习兴趣。 多媒体视频和声 音的介入,将孩 子带入到一种英 语环境中去,从 而到达真实的语 言环境的创设, 并进行语言思维 的培养和训练。 6 S1:What are you going to see? S2:Im going to see_. Step5 Task completion T:There are three doors, which one do you like? T: If you can go anywhere, where would you go? T:Well done! Children, I have a sentence for you:Imagination is the greatest wealth.Your thoughts are very important. See three situations (Cartoon World, Universe,Ancient Times), choose one and complete the paper in groups. 1.S1: Where are you going? S234:Im going to. S1: What are you going to do? S234: Im going to. 2. Complete the paper 3. T:Can you talk about your paper to us? S1: Where are you going? S2:Im going to. S1: What are you going to do? S2: Im going to. 4. T: Can you tell us your plans? 生成语篇,充 分发挥学生的 想象力,在巩 固语句的基础 上,锻炼书写 能力。 用所学英语表 述自己的计划。 借助泛东平台及 时了解学生上课 对新知的掌握情 况,及时进行反 馈,能直接客观 的了解学生的学 习情况。 将英语文化素养 的培养借助白板 带入到课堂中去。 7 S: Hello, Im _. Im going to_. Im going to_. What a magic/ happy/nice. trip! Step6 Summary and homework T:What have we learned today? 1. Summary 2. Homework: A: Read the text Copy the new words B. Talk about your plans to your friends or your family 总结所学,分 层 作业能更好 的发挥孩子想 象力并鼓励孩 子应用英语。 板书 设计 Module 10 Unit 2 What are you going to see? 8
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