外研版(一起)四上Module 8-Unit 1 When did they come-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d0863).doc

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1、新标准英语新标准英语一一年级起点四年级上册年级起点四年级上册 Module8Unit1 When did they come? 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课是外研社版一年级起点四年级上册 Module8 Unit1 When did they come? 本课的功能 是使用特殊疑问句询问过去的行为。一般过去时是四年级学习的一个重要语法点,它贯穿了 整册教材。本单元是第一单元,主要讲述的是 Amy 和 Ms Smart 在读报的过程中了解到一 些英国孩子上周来中国参加音乐比赛,从而引出本课询问过去行为的特殊疑问句及回答。 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:语言

2、知识目标: 功能:使用特殊疑问句询问过去的行为。 语法:学习一般过去时的特殊疑问句及答语。全体学生能运用目标语句 When did they come? They came last Wednesday. What did she play? She played the flute. 词汇: 全体学生能正确理解并运用单词 when, come-came,理解单词 competition, win-won, gold, cup, flute, practise。 语音:感知 came 中 a 和 e 的发音。 2. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 听: 全体学生能听懂课文及和课文相关的材料。 说

3、: 全体学生能正确的使用功能语句询问他人过去的行为并作出正确回答。 读: 全体学生能准确的认读单词 when、come-came、competition、win-won、gold、cup、flute、 practise,重点语句 When did they come? What did she play? 和课文。 写:能根据图片、短语或问题提示,写出有关能力的语句。 3. 情感与态度目标:情感与态度目标: 学生能够对英语产生兴趣,积极参与英语活动,形成与他人的交流合作意识。 4. 学习策略学习策略 学生在情境中学习并运用一般过去时的特殊疑问句。 5. 文化意识文化意识 了解针对学生的主要文娱

4、活动及艺术节相关内容。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 1.教学重点:教学重点: 掌握本课重点词汇和句型,灵活运用一般过去时的特殊疑问句及其答语。 2.教学难点:教学难点: 在语境中灵活运用一般过去时的特殊疑问句并做出相应回答。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 教学用书、卡片、PPT、道具。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 .Warm-up and lead-in 1.Greeting. 2.Sing a song. “We had a lovely day” 3.Review.结合电子白板,以抢答的形式复习行为动词过去式。 3.Free talk. T: Last week, I saw a footba

5、ll competition. Our team won. It was really exciting. What did you do? S1: I watched TV. S2: I cleaned my room. 4.T: What about our friend Bob? What did he do yesterday? What did he see yesterday? Ss (1) Watch and answer. (2) Say the chant with the CD-ROM. 【设计意图】唱英语歌曲带入学生进入课堂气氛,用过去时来问答激活学生已有知识,通过 第一

6、部分问答式 chant 导入新课。 .Task-presentation Using “when” and “what” to describe events and talk about the art competition. 【设计意图】创设用英语做事情的任务,明确本课的学习内容和学习任务。 Text- learning 1. Watch and find the answer. Why did the English children come to China? A. For the English competition. B. For the music competition.

7、(Teach “competition”) 2. Listen, repeat and find the answer. (1) When did the English children come? (Teach “when”) They came last Wednesday. (Teach “come-came”) (2) What did the girl play? She played the flute. (Teach “flute”) (3) What did the girl win? She won the gold cup. (Teach “win-won”) 3.Lis

8、ten, imitate and find the answer. T: The girl can play the flute very well. CanAmy play the flute well? S: No, she cant. T: If Amy wants to win a competition, what should she do? S: Practise more. (Teach “practise”) 德育渗透: Practice makes perfect. 4. Read in roles. 5. Retell the text. 【设计意图】通过整体感知课文,理

9、解课文,跟读课文帮助学生在情境中理解掌握本课的单 词及目标语句,加深对文本的理解。 .Practice 1. Lucky Turntable. Work in pairs. -What did you do? -I -When did you do? -Last 2. T:Dalian is famous now. Many people came to Dalian. (1) Fill in the blanks with “when” and “what”. Show the picture of the football team. -did they come? - They came

10、 last week. -did they do?- They won the competition. (2)Ask questions with “when” and “what”. Show the video of Mahua FunAge. T: Look, Mahua FunAge came to Dalian last month. They played a drama (话剧) . It was very funny. Can you ask questions with “when” and “what”? Ss: When did they come? What did

11、they do? (3) Dialogue. Show the pictures of Running Man. A: Look, this is. He/She came to Dalian to have a competition. B:? A: Last year. B:after the competition? A: He/She. B: Did he/she love Dalian? A:. 【设计意图】通过游戏的方式巩固操练本课的重点语句,练习活动设计多样情境,帮助学生 总结发现,训练听说的同时培养与他人合作的意识。 .Task-completion 1. Ask questi

12、ons with “when” and “what”. (1) When did they have an art competition? (2) What did the children do? (3) Who had an art competition? (4) Where did they have an art competition? 2. Do a survey. Work in groups. -What did you do at the art competition? -I 3.小练笔 Last year, our school had an art competit

13、ion.At school, I played. And I. We had a lovely day. 4.德育渗透:No pains, no gains. 【设计意图】以同桌合作、小组合作的形式完成对校园艺术比赛的后续报道,让学生在真实 的情境下通过语言支架学会用英语做事情,综合语言运用能力得到发展。以港珠澳大桥为例, 引导学生体会 No pains, no gains. .Summary and homework 1.Summary 结合电子白板,请同学拖拽关键词重现本课思维导图。 2.Homework 必做:1.Copy the words and the sentences. 2.Retell the text. 选作:Tell your parents what you did last week. 六、六、板书设计:板书设计: Module 8Unit 1 WhoWhen did they come? English childrenThey came last year. competition WhereWhat did she play? ChinaShe played the flute.


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