外研版(一起)四上Module 4-Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:9547f).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_四年级上册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4_Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:9547f)
    • Activity 1.mp4
    • Activity 2 语音.mp3
    • Activity 2.mp4
    • Chinese people invented paper..mp4
    • Chinese people invented paper..ppt--点击预览
    • Song 1.mp4
    • Song 2.mp4
    • Task Paper.doc--点击预览
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    • 听音2.mp3
    • 教案9547f.doc--点击预览
    • 评价机制图片.doc--点击预览


Sunny What did you do on National Day? On National Day, I stayed at home and watched TV. The cat invented it. Whats this? Its a _.And its a _,too. A.boat B.bike C.plane D.car The cat invented it. invent 发明,创造发明,创造 Task Make a newspaper to introduce the Four Great Inventions. (小组合作完成介绍中国古代四大发明的海报。) Q1:Who printed the class newspaper yesterday? Q2:Where is it? paperpaper 纸纸 newspapernewspaper 报纸报纸 n newsews 新新闻闻 += S Samam printprinteded thethe classclass newspapernewspaper yesterdayyesterday. . S Sam:am: I I printprinteded ourour classclass newspapernewspaper yesterdayyesterday. . Q1:Who printed the class newspaper yesterday? Q2:Where is it? S Samam printprinteded thethe classclass newspapernewspaper yesterdayyesterday. . S Sam:am: I I printprinteded ourour classclass newspapernewspaper yesterdayyesterday. . print 印刷印刷 paint 绘画绘画 printed painted invent 发明发明invented ”t”结尾读结尾读/id/ Q1:Who printed the class newspaper yesterday? Q2:Where is it? S Samam printprinteded thethe classclass newspapernewspaper yesterdayyesterday. . S Sam:am: I I printprinteded ourour classclass newspapernewspaper yesterdayyesterday. . ItsIts betweenbetween thethe chairs.chairs. leftrightbetween 在在-之间之间 右边的右边的 正确的,对的正确的,对的 inventinventeded Q3:What did Chinese people invent? Chinese people invented many important things. Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing. printing +ing swim swimming- dance dancing- 印刷术 print 印刷 有的动词后加ing 可以变成意思相同或相近的名词。 - inventinventeded Q3:What did Chinese people invent? Chinese people invented many important things. Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing. 东汉东汉 蔡伦蔡伦 Chinese people invented paper. 北宋北宋 毕昇毕昇 Chinese people invented printing. booksnewspapers We print books and newspapers. compass printing gun power paper The Four Great Inventions Chinese people invented- 1.Chinese people invented paper and printing. 2.Sam printed a book. 3.We print books and newspapers. his class newspaper. Its right. / Its not right. Listen and imitate then judge. Its right. Its right. Its not right. ReadRead inin roles.roles. Chinese people are very clever. They _ (invent invented)many important things. Chinese people invented _(paper papers). Chinese people invented_(print printed printing),too. We _(print printed printing)books and newspapers. Sam _ (print printed printing) class newspaper yesterday. The newspaper is _(in on under between)the chairs. printing invented print paper printed between Chinese people are very clever. They invented many important things. Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing,too. We print books and newspapers. Sam printed class newspaper yesterday. The newspaper is between the chairs. Good listener A:Chinese people invented paper。 B:Chinese people invented printing。 A:I printed a picture yesterday. B:I printed our class newspaper yesterday. Free talk. Chinese people didnt invent. Chinese people invented. Task Make a newspaper to introduce Four Great Inventions. (小组合作完成介绍中国古代四大发明的海报。) 1.Copy the words. 2.Find the other inventions and make a survey in your group. Countr y Invention China paper-cut(剪纸剪纸) Chinese people invented compass. Chinese people invented printing. Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented gunpower. Chinese people invented many important things. Chinese people are clever. Task 二、二、FillFill in in thethe blank.blank. ChineseChinese peoplepeople inventinventeded manymany things.things. ChineseChinese peoplepeople inventinventeded . . inventinventeded gunpower(gunpower(火药火药) ). . ChineseChinese peoplepeople compass(compass(指南针指南针) ). . ChineseChinese peoplepeople inventinventeded . . ChineseChinese peoplepeople areare . . 三、三、WriteWrite thethe sentences.sentences. TaskTask PaperPaper 一、一、ChooseChoose thethe rightright one.one. A.ChineseA.Chinese peoplepeople inventinventeded manymany importantimportant things.things. B.ChineseB.Chinese peoplepeople inventinventeded paperpaper. . C.ChineseC.Chinese peoplepeople inventinventeded compass(compass(指南针指南针) ). . D.ChineseD.Chinese peoplepeople inventinventeded gunpower(gunpower(火药火药) ). . E.ChineseE.Chinese peoplepeople areare clever.clever. F.ChineseF.Chinese peoplepeople inventinventeded printingprinting The Four Great Inventions 教学目标教学目标 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本课是新标准一起第七册第四模块第一单元, Chinese people invented paper. ,课 型为新授课。 本模块的主要内容是谈论发明以及说明人和物的位置,不过对于四年级的学生来说,能 够理解科技发明这一话题即可,本模块的教学重点应放在说明人和物的位置上。 课文情境是在课上,Ms Smart 介绍中国人发明了纸,Daming 说中国人很聪明。Ms Smart 接着介绍中国人还发明了印刷术,Daming 说我们可以印书和报纸。Sam 说他印了班级 报纸,他找给大家看,但找不到了,原来报纸掉在两把椅子之间了。 本模块的学习重点是进一步巩固规则变化的行为动词的一般过去时,并学习更多规则动 词的过去式。如果有学生尚不能较好地掌握动词一般过去时的用法,教师应抓住这个机会, 为他们提供更多巩固和练习的机会。 功能功能 谈论发明,说明人和物的位置 语法语法 全体学生能运用:Chinese people invented paper. 词词 汇汇 全体学生能理解:invent,paper,important,printing,print,right,between 全体学生能运用:paper,between 部分学生能运用:invent,important,printing,print,right 语语 言言 知知 识识 目目 标标 语音语音掌握“between”等方位词在句中的发音 听听全体学生能听懂:Chinese people invented paper. 说说全体学生能听说:Chinese people invented paper. 读读全体学生能认读:paper,between 部分学生能认读:invent,important,printing,print,right 语语 言言 技技 能能 目目 标标 写写全体学生能写出 1-2 个与本模块主题相关的语句 运运 用用全体学生能运用介词说明位置 学习策略学习策略将学习英语与学习文化知识结合起来 文化意识文化意识了解中国古代四大发明和西方国家的重要发明,进一步注意到中外文化的异 同 情感态度情感态度乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识 任任 务务在小组内合作完成介绍中国古代发明的海报 本模块的任务是小组合作完成介绍祖国古代四大发明的海报,教师可以先把四大发明的 语句和图片准备好,学生理解语句,搭配图文,设计版式,完成制作。 教具准备:教具准备: 课件, 单词卡片,评价机制,四线三格,彩色粉笔,凸字,纸片,铅笔,大粘贴和星星粘贴,磁 条 长短,录像,打印任务卡,打印心形国旗录屏 P1,P2,today is national Day,Chinese people invented paper for us.录音 P2P3 Team A Team B 打印发明小图片 kite paper printing compass gunpowder chopsticks erhu pipa China 毛笔 paintbrush 算盘 abacus 京剧 Beijing Opera 剪纸 paper-cut 刺绣 embroidery 皮影戏 shadow play 年画 New Year pictures 茶 tea 笛子 flute 旗袍 chi-pao 英国:自行车 火车 电话 电视 电脑 美国:汽车 飞机 钢笔 课前准备:课前准备:板书磁贴提前摆好 分组,3 人组,4 人组 自我介绍和分组:Hello,boys and girls,my name is YuYang,My english name is Im Sunny,you can call me Sunny.Im from Xiaochangshan.上课前 Sunny 想和同学们玩个简 单的小游戏,你想么?但是玩游戏前我先考考你,好么?知道中国古代四大发明么?那你知 道是哪四大发明么?那我们要玩的这个小游戏就是从印刷术而来的。看一看,摸一摸,需要 准备的材料还有纸和铅笔,然后这样做,发现什么了?The game is over. 教学过程:教学过程: StepStep 1:Warm-up1:Warm-up andand lead-inlead-in 1:Greeting.1:Greeting. Now, Lets begin our class ,OK? Stand up,hello children,please sit down. 2:Enjoy2:Enjoy thethe songsong . .Last Saturday was National Day,so enjoy this song. Today is National Day.Please clap your hands and together. FreeFree talk.talk. On National Day ,Sunny stayed at home and watched TV. What did you do on National Day?team A and team B,lets have a match.S12. 设计意图:用 Song 和 Free Talk 来热身,全员参与,立刻调整学生的状态,调动学生的学 习热情的同时渲染本课话题氛围. 4.4.Lead-in.Lead-in. What did the cat do?He invented it.(Learn the new word,invent and invented) What did he invent? Watch the CD-Rom and answer,Whats this? A.boat B.bike C.plane D.car Ss:Its a boat.And its a bike. T:Youre so clever.Lets listen imitate. 设计意图:问题的设计引出本课的语用词 invent. 学习新单词 invent 时通过 one by one 、team by team 等不同方式,激发学生学习兴趣。 StepStep 2:Task2:Task presentationpresentation This lesson we will learn Module4 Unit1 .Todays task,lets make a newspaper to introduce Four Great Inventions.(小组合作完成介绍中国古代四大发明的海报。) 设计意图: 任务的呈现,让学生明确学习目标小组合作完成介绍中国古代四大发明的海报。 StepStep 3:Text3:Text learninglearning 1. Look,its in Ms Smarts class,so,I have two questions. Q1: Who printed the class newspaper yesterday? (Here are some new words.“print” who can read ,follow her,this one,paint,this one print,我们可以用旧词换字母的方式记住新单词。Print,plus ed,lets read print-printed.paint-painted,invent-invented,渗透 ed/id/发音相同. “newspaper”,who can read ,follow her,news+paper,this is a piece of paper,and this is a piece of newspaper,newspaper,news+paper=newspaper,football,gunpowder.) Q2: Wheres the newspaper? Lets watch the CD ROM then answer . Q1: Who printed the class newspaper yesterday? S1:Sam printed his newspaper yesterday. T:Yes,Sam said :I printed our newspaper yesterday.(板书)Lets read,3 times. Who can read?S1S2But Sam cant find it.Where is it? S2:Its between the chairs. T:Thats right.(Heres a new word,between,look,the chair is on the left,the chair is on the right,the newspaper is between the chair.between,between,right has two means,右边的,正确的,right,right.) 设计意图: 符合学生的认知的规律,从听入手,让学生整体感知课文。通过简单的 Who 和 Where 两个问题,了解语境,问题的设置很好地突出本节课学习的重点。小老师领读可 以让目标语言得到更多的练习。 2. Were Chinese.Chinese people are very clever.What did they invent? Open your books , turn to page 20.listen,point and find “invent”,circle them. Find invented,The first one ,who can? S1:Chinese people invented many important things. T:Right.Look at this word “important”,read after me,important, im-por-tant,important,important,who can?Lets read it,Chinese people invented many important things. What did Chinese people invent?Chinese people invented (板书) S1:Chinese people invented paper.板书 S2:Chinese people invented printing.板书 (This word ,printing,print,plus ing,printing,printing,dance-dancing 有的动词后 加 ing 可以变成意思相同或相近的名词。) Read the sentences. 拓展:So we print books and newspapers.print. What other important things did Chinese people invent? 火药,指南针 设计意图: 通过带问题听音找答案,帮助学生理解课文,引导学生表述目标语句,突出本 课重点。通过,并且以此作为本课的小组评价机制.通过比赛,利用学生注意的选择性和转移 性,把学生的注意力牢牢地吸引在课堂上,增强学生注意力的稳定性。在奖励学生时,用目 标句型“Chinese people invented -. Chinese people didnt invent -.”这样的方式,语言又进 一步得到操练。 3.Now ,Lets read the text then judge.Right or isnt right. 设计意图: 跟读课文录音操练,有助于学生正音。自读语用句帮助学生自我消化和理解、 发现。教师在学生自我发现的基础上做以补充和总结。及时的小练习可以巩固和检测。 4.Lets listen and imitate.Pay attention the pronunciation. 设计意图: 听音模仿读课文,既可以帮助学生正音,又可以培养学生良好的朗读习惯。 5.Read in roles.Ms Smart,Daming,Sam. 设计意图: 小组分角色表演读课文,不但熟悉了文本,更激发学生的积极性。 6.Complete the text.Then read together. Step 4: Practice. 1.Now children,close your books,Listen carefully ,What can you hear? 2.Look,listen and tick. 3.Chinese people invented many important things.What did Chinese people invent?Chinese people invented- .But did Chinese people invent bike?No,we didnt.Chinese people didnt invent-. 4.Look at the blackboard.Say it like this ,Chinese people invented-.But Chinese people didnt invent-. Practice in 2. 设计意图: 评价机制的再次利用,也让学生了解了中国的发明和国外的发明。 Step 5:Task completion 1.Chinese people are so great. Lets make a newspaper to introduce Four Great Inventions for her. My students in Xiaochangshan wants to share her newspaper,Lets have a look. 2.Take out your task paper,Part A,Part B,Part C,choose A,youll got one star,choose B,youll got two stars,choose C,youll got three stars,the more stars,the better,OK? 3.Show time. 设计意图: 通过学生 Task Paper,引导学生灵活运用本课的目标语句,培养学生的语用能 力。通过微课分享给学生的谈论奠定基础。Task Paper 上给学生的任务难易分层,在保证能 写出的基础上,留有让学生继续发展的空间。小组合作交流,让学生体验与别人交流所获得 的快乐,培养学生的语用能力和与别人交流的能力,从而体现语言的交际功能。 Step 6:Summary and homework. 1.Which team is the winner.Team A/B is the winner,Ill give a big sticker.But all of you did a good job. 1.Now lets have a rest.lets enjoy a song. Who invented paper?Who invented printing?How to make paper and How to print?Lets see and try to sing. Todays homework. And two sentences for you:Invented many important inventions.you will be an inventor.You should Study hard and make progress everyday. 1.Copy the words. 1.Find other inventions and Make a survey in your group. (What did Chinese people invent?What did English people invent?Or What did American people invent?-) 板书设计:板书设计: 设计意图: 通过中华的象征之一扇子渲染本课的文化氛围。
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