外研版(一起)五上Module 6-Unit 2 They got seventy points.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:40b0e).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_五年级上册 (2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Module 6_Unit 2 They got seventy points._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:40b0e)
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Lingling can play basketball well. Lingling can jump really high. Lingling got twenty points. Can you guess? Can he play basketball well? Yes, he can. Task : Lets report a sport game. Module 6 Unit 2 They got seventy points. Yesterday How many points did they get? They got _ points. A. seventy B. seventeen -ty -teenseventyseventeen -ty twenty forty fifty sixty seventeen eighty ninety -teen fourteen thirteen sixteen fifteen seventy eighteen nineteen thirty How many points did get? How many points did get? Thirty-six points. Twenty-one points. Thirteen points. seventy sixty-four Their team won! They were the_!winners Yesterday happy match Can you talk about this basketball match? Fun time! 78 40 8532 16 Boom! 78 40 8532 16 Who won the game? How many points did Shenzhen team got? 78 40 8532 16 Last week, they had. The Chinese team got. The Australian team got _won the game. The players can. They were very Lets fill it! 78 40 8532 16 Boom! 78 40 8532 16 My name is Henry. I like basketball. And basketball is a team sport. Teammates work together to win. I am a member of my school basketball team. I play power forward(前锋). Last week, we had a basketball match. I got eighty points. We won the game because we worked hard. We were very excited. Lets read it! When did Henry have the match? Why did they win the game? My name is Henry. I like basketball. And basketball is a team sport. Teammates work together to win. I am a member of my school basketball team. I play power forward(前锋). Last week, we had a basketball match in the gym. I got eighteen points. We won the game because we worked hard. We were very excited. When?(last Monday) Where?(in New York) Who?(The NY team&The BS team) What can they do? Who win?(The NY team) How many points?(42:35) How did they feel? Sports report 1 学科/版本/册 次/单元章节 英语 (新标准) (一年级起点)五年级上册 Module 6 Unit2 They got seventy points 年 级5 年级课时第 1 课时 内容分析 本课的话题是篮球比赛,说明过去的动作。课文情景是讲述 Lingling, Sam, Amy 三人一队打篮球。球赛的得分和输赢情况,以及这三个人分别 得了多少分,和最后的赢了的心情。内容清晰,语法简单,比较容易理解。 学生分析 五年级的学生已经掌握一定量的英语知识,能够少量的输出。根据其心理 和年龄特点,五年级的孩子对新鲜事物较为好奇,喜欢玩游戏,让孩子们 在玩中学,在体验中学习,在了解新事物的过程中学习,激发孩子学习兴 趣。 知识 与技能 1.语言技能 (1)听:全体学生能够正确听单词 seventy, sixty 和句子 They got seventy points. (2)说:全体学生能够正确说单词 seventy, sixty 和句子 They got seventy points. (3)读: 全体学生能朗读课文,大部分学生能够根据思维导 图复述课文。 (4)写:全体学生能写出 1-3 个语句描述得分情况。 2.语言知识 (1)功能:进一步巩固一般过去时的用法,谈论比赛。 (2)语法:全体学生能运用 They got seventy points。 (3)词汇:全体学生能理解运用 seventy, sixty。 (4)语音:进一步感知语句重音。 过程 与方法 自主复习和归纳所学内容 教学目标 情感态 度与价 值观 乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,不要以貌取人,努力才能更 好。 对体育比赛有所了解,积极参加体育运动。 2 教学 过程 教师活动学生活动 教学活动 设计意图 信息化资源 应用设计意 图 教学重点单词: seventy, sixty 句型: They got seventy points. 教学难点 掌握并使用数词以及过去式描述比赛的得分情况。 课堂环境 资源要件 1.移动终端(苹果 IPAD) 2.交互式教学平台(泛东互动课堂平台) 3.交互式电子白板(SMART 或鸿合 HV-I280) 4.锐捷云课堂计算机教室 5.现代中庆录播系统 信息化应用 整体思路 本节课属于巩固课,旨在让学生多练习,多输出,教师通过大量的媒体资 源的辅助来设计教学,可以帮助学生创建真实的语言环境,这些都可以通 过信息化手段来完成,高效,简洁。这样不仅提高了课堂效率,还能让学 生有极大的参与感和兴趣感。 3 Step1 Revision and lead in 1.Greeting: T: Hello, children. How are you? 2. Revision: T: lets watch the video and say the words. Then make the words into sentence. 3.Lead in: T: Look at the picture, can you guess? Can he play basketball well? T: Now listen “How many points did he get?” S: Lingling can play basketball well. She can jump really high. Lingling got twenty points. (The video shows the words in random order) S: Yes, he can. / No, he cant. T&ss: He got forty points. Even he is short, he can play well. Dont judge people by their appearances. Work hard! All of us can be good players. OK? Today we are going to learn M6U2 They got seventy points. 通过视频快闪 的方式,复习 旧知,引出新 知。通过活动 1。 进行思想教育, 熟能生巧,不 要通过外表判 断人 利用视频加 音乐快闪的 方式,吸引 学生的注意 力并引起学 习兴趣。 Step2 Task presentati on Task: Lets write a sports report.T:To day we are going to learn how to talk about a Ss:ok, lets go. 学生了解学习任 务,进行主动学 习。 4 match and then lets write a sports report. Step 3 Text learning T: Children, yesterday, Sam, Lingling and Amy had a basketball match in the park. Lets watch the match. Think about the question. 1.Watch, listen and answer Q: How many points did they get? S: They got seventy points. T: seventy? seventeen? Which one? S: seventy. T: Look, How many? Twenty/thirty/forty/fift y/ sixty/seventy/eighty/nin ety. Thirteen/fourteen/fiftee n/ sixteen/seventeen/eighte en/nineteen. (利用速读快速 反应教授) 1.Listen, read and answer Q: How many points did Sam/Amy/Lingling get? T: Now lets ask and answer in pairs. One asks and one answers. S1: How many points did Sam get? S2: Sam got thirty-six points. 2. Read the text by 教师在白板中插 入思维导图,并 通过思维导图模 式复述课文,对 语篇有整体的了 解。有助于形成 英语语篇的思维, 为下面任务完成 环节生成语篇做 铺垫。 借助泛东平 台及时了解 学生上课对 新知的掌握 情况,及时 进行反馈, 能直接客观 的了解学生 的学习情况。 并采借助白 板形成思维 导图,有助 于学生形成 英语思维。 5 yourself T: Look, children. Linglings team got seventy points. How many points did the other team get? Please read the text and find the answer. S: The other team got sixty-four points. T: So which team won? S: Linglings team won. T: Please read after me: win- won T&ss: So they were the winners. So they were very happy. 3. Retell the story T: Can you talk about this basketball match according to this map? Lets practice in group. T: Can you try? You can retell this basketball match in group. S: Yesterday, Lingling, Sam and Amy had a basketball match in the park. Linglingt team got 70 points. The other team got 64 points. Sam got thirty-six points. LingLing got twenty-one points. Amy got thirteen points. They won! They were very happy. 6 Step4 Practice 1.Look and say. 2. Lets choose 3. Lets fill 4. Lets read it. T: Can you say it? But please watch out the bomb. If it is a bomb, then we say boo! Ok? Lets say it. S: twenty-five T: Yesterday they had a basketball match. Q: Where did they play? A in the park B in the gym C on the playgroud T: Please watch the picture carefully. Can you fill it? First lets practice in pairs. S: They had a basketball match last week in the gym. Maybe He got 60 points. He can jump really high. Last week, Yaomings team had a basketball match with the other team. Yaoming can catch the ball well and he is so tall. James can run really fast. In this match, Yaoming got twenty-six points. James got thirteen points. They are good players. Q: T/F( )They had a match last Sunday. Can Yaoming catch the ball well? How many points did James get? 机械操练,熟练 数字。 完成有梯度的 逐层联系,从 机械操练,选 择,生成小的 语篇,到阅读 完整回答问题。 借助多媒体 平台和白板, 设计教学游 戏,寓教于 乐,在学习 新知的基础 上,又增加 了学习兴趣。 多媒体视频 和声音的介 入,将孩子 带入到一种 英语环境中 去,从而到 达真实的语 言环境的创 设,并进行 语言思维的 培养和训练。 7 Step5 Task completion T: So much fun today. You did a very good job. Next I will introduce a very interesting sports for you. Look! What is it? T: Yes, it is American football. The players are very strong. He can run fast and catch the ball. Then they hold the ball until touch the ground. Then they will win. Do you want to watch it? Lets watch! T: Do you like it? This TV presenter reported this match for us. Lets listen! T: You can answer it on your paper. The first question: They had a match last Sunday. True or false? S: True. T: Can Yaoming catch the ball? S: Yes, he can. T: How many points did James get? S: James got twenty-six points. S: American football. Last Monday, they had an American football match in New York. The players can catch the ball well. They can run very fast. They also can jump really high. At last, the red team got 80 points. The blue team got 67 points. The red team won! They were very excited! I like the American football. I like sports. S: They had an American football match in . The players can. At last, the red team got The blue team got won! They were very! I like. 在多媒体课件中 插入橄榄球的视 频,观看美式橄 榄球的视频,了 解国外体育文化, 扩宽学生视野, 创设英语环境。 生成语篇,真正 实现语用,用所 学英语报道描述 生活中的体育比 赛。 运用多媒体 手段,真正 实现了英语 的语用性。 将英语文化 素养的培养 借助多媒体 带入到课堂 中去。 8 Step6 Summary and homework T: Children, can you be a reporter like him? Lets practice in group. T: Well done! Children. Now lets write a sports report. You can talk about any matches you watch. OK? 1. Summary Do you like? T: Children. What have we learnt today? S:sports match. T: Yes,we have learnt how to talk about the sports match. 2.Homework. A: Read and recite M6U2. B: Watch a match and write a report. 总结所学,分层 作业能更好的发 挥孩子想象力并 鼓励孩子应用英 语。 板书 设计 Module 6 Unit 2 They got seventy points.
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