外研版(一起)五上Reading for Pleasure-The Elves and the Shoemaker-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:f0002).docx

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1、一、Preparation. 1. T: Hello boys and girls! Today Im your new English teacher. My English name is Amy. You can call me Amy. Hello, children! Ss: Hello Amy! T: Do you like English? Do you like stories? What stories do you like? Ss: T: Do you like English stories? Ss: Yes! T: OK, today lets read an Eng

2、lish story together, OK? Ss: 二、Leading in. 2. T:Look! Todays story is about this man. Guess, Whats his job? S1: Is he a tailor? T: No, he isnt. Look! This is not cloth. Its leather. So, whats his job? S2: Is he a shoemaker? T: Is he /she right? Whats the leather used for? Yes, its used for making sh

3、oes. He is a shoemaker. So our story is about a shoemaker. (板书贴 shoemaker 图片) 三、Presentation. 3. T: Do you want to know more about the shoemaker? OK, lets go into the story now. T: Look at picture 1. We can see the shoemaker and his wife. They had a small shoe shop. They worked in the shop. Think, w

4、as the shoemaker rich or poor? Ss: He was rich. / He was poor. 1T: Oh, really? Now lets listen and read picture 1 and find out the right answer. (听读第一幅图) T: Did the shoemaker have much money? Ss: No, he didnt. T: Yes, he didnt have much money. That means he was poor, yes? Ss: Yes. T: The shoemaker w

5、as poor. How poor? (找两三个学生回答, 之后出示下划线全班回答。) T:What happened to the poor shoemaker? Do you want to know? OK. Look! That night, the shoemaker put one thing on the table. What did he put on the table? Guess! T: Weve got so many ideas. But what did the shoemaker put on the table? Please listen and read

6、picture 2 and 3, then answer my questions: What did the shoemaker put on the table? The next day, what did he see?(学生回答问题,教师 板书) T:Imagine please! The shoemaker put a piece of leather on the table, and the next day ,he saw a new pair of shoes!It was amazing, yes? So, what was the shoemakers feeling?

7、 Was he sad? Was he bored? What was his feeling? (小组讨论。填空 Look! The answers are之后,指导朗读。 Who can read it better?) T: Yes, the shoemaker was very excited and very happy. And have a think please. What will the shoemaker say now? Can you act it out? (一起有感情地读) T:Good performance! And the story is going o

8、n. Soon, a man came into the shop. (听读课文图 4) T: The shoemaker sold the shoes and had some money, yes? If you are the shoemaker, what will you do with the money? T: But what would the shoemaker do with the money? Lets listen and read picture 5. (听读图 5)Now can you find out the right answer? (选择正确答案并板书

9、) T: This time, the shoemaker put more leather on the table. And the next day, what happened? Can you fill in the blanks according to the picture? (同桌之间讨论, 之后齐读答案, 板 书贴两双鞋) T:What a big surprise! But, there is a question for us. Think, the shoemaker put one piece of leather on the table, and the nex

10、t day, he saw a new pair of shoes on the table. And then , he put more leather on the table, the next day he saw two new pairs of shoes on the table. Why? How did the leather become shoes? Who made the shoes? Do you know? Oh, really? Are you sure? Now , lets listen and read picture7. T: (提示一下 hid 和

11、elves)Who made the shoes? Ss:The elves. (板书粘贴 elves 图片) T: Two elves helped the shoemaker make the shoes! Is it a big surprise, too? So, if you are the shoemaker, what will you do the next day? I think I will say thank you to the elves. What about you ? T: But what did the shoemaker do? Now lets rea

12、d picture 8 together. (齐读课文) T: What did the shoemaker put on the table? (板书 much more leather) T: Why did he put much more leather on the table? Ss: Because he wanted much more shoes and much more money. T: But would the shoemaker have much more money and much more leather? Lets read picture 9 by y

13、ourselves. You can read it aloud. T: Would the shoemaker have much more shoes and much more money? Why? Look at the picture, he would get nothing, right? (板书 nothing) T: What a pity! So can you read this paragraph emotionally? Good, who can read it better? 4. T: Now, lets review the story, OK? T: Wh

14、y would the shoemaker get nothing at last? Were the elves happy at the end of the story? Were they angry? Why? (not grateful; greedy ) 5. T: The shoemaker was greedy, so he would get nothing. Should we be greedy? Ss: No, we shouldnt. T: Great! Always remember, dont be greedy. If we are greedy, we wi

15、ll have nothing. 四、Practise and presentation. 6. T: Now we learned all the stories. Do you like the ending of the story? Why? Yes, I agree with you. The story tells us: Dont be greedy. But the story has a bad ending, right? Sometimes, I dont like bad endings. But I like happy endings. So, please hel

16、p me fill in the blanks and give the story a good ending, OK? Thank you. (小 组讨论,之后读一两组答案) T:Do you like his/ her ending? Lets clap for him/ her. 五、Summary and homework. 7. T: Thank you for your good endings. Now, please think, what did you learn from the story today? T: Yes, we shouldnt be greedy. A

17、nd we shouldnt be lazy. We should create our beautiful lives with our own hands, right? T: Very good! You are all good children! Im so proud of you! Todays home work is : To tell todays story to your parents with the two endings. Then ask them: Which ending do you like? Why? OK?Now time is up. See y

18、ou children! 六、六、Blackboard design. Theand the the only leather putmore leather much more leathernothing 教研员评课:本节课是倪金洋老师在今年辽宁省英语教学观 摩会上的一节观摩课,课型属于英语绘本教学范畴。在教学设计 筹备阶段,我和市教研员张老师考虑到我们的英语教学应该紧跟 英语教学创新的风向标,推陈出新,所以决定舍弃以往旧有的教 学模式,尝试刚刚兴起的英语绘本教学模式,这对于我们教研员 和上课教师无疑都是一个挑战。通过对比研究,我们选择了五年 级教材课后的 The elves and th

19、e shoemaker.这篇寓意深刻的故事作 为绘本教学的文本内容。由于这种课型是我区在英语教学上的一 次新鲜尝试,因此在备课、磨课的过程中,我们付出了很多的艰 辛。通过一次次的试讲研讨和查阅大量的文字资料和影像资料, 我们不断推翻原有的思路,逐渐摆脱过去的教学思维的禁锢,注 重细节打造,才使得本课的教学设计走出语篇教学的影子,成为 真正意义上的绘本教学课。 首先,本课的教学设计理念之一是引领学生略读。通过略读, 让学生感知绘本故事的大意,不必过分在意句中的不认识的单词 与句子,只要能明白故事的整体,能回答出教师所出的一些问题 就行了。这样,学生可以在短时间内阅读更多的书籍,学到更多 的知识。

20、因此,本课的教学过程中没有明显的单词教学,都是通 过故事的内容和图片的内容帮助学生潜移默化地帮助学生理解单 词、语句的意思;整个教学过程,都是通过任务的设置,让学生 对故事发展进行预测以及回答段落中相关的问题来贯穿教学和学 习活动始终的。 其次,通过本课的教学,还要引导学生学会精读。所谓精读 就是逐字逐句读,深入理解故事中重要的、精彩的情节,达到精 研细读,只有这样学生才能牢固掌握基本知识,从而有效地培养 学生阅读能力和阅读习惯,增强语言表达能力。比如第 3 幅图让 学生对于鞋匠感情的开放性描述, 以及第 8 幅图让学生回答问题、 有感情地朗读以及对后来故事的预测,都有这方面的考虑。再者, 对

21、精彩段落的精读,对学生的情感升华也做好了铺垫。 再次,通过本课的教学,我们也期望学生从故事中总结出一 些经验和道理,以期成为日后人生中的财富。因此在文本教学的 结尾, 我们通过几个相关问题的层层递进: 1. Would the shoemaker have much more shoes and much more money? Why? 2. Were the elves happy at last? Why? 3. Why were the elves angry? 让学生深入 思考为什么鞋匠最后什么也得不到,从而水到渠成地总结出本课 的主旨:Dont be greedy. 最后,升华到

22、We should create our beautiful lives with our own hands. 也就显得十分自然了。 最后,本课教学也顾及到了培养学生综合运用语言的能力这 个英语教学的核心点上。具体表现在最后对于故事结局的改写。 这个活动,具有很强的开放性和趣味性,小组活动的形式,也降 低了活动难度,从而增强了活动的参与效率,学生运用语言知识 解决问题的能力也真正地得以提高。 虽然在本课的备课、上课、评课和磨课的过程中,我们遇到 了很多困难,但是整个过程也是我们更具体、更全面地理解绘本 教学这种模式的一个很好的契机和开端。 相信有了这个好的开始, 再加上全区英语教师的不断探索、实践和创新,我们会在绘本教 学这块崭新的土体上培育出更多、更灿烂的果实!


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