外研版(一起)六上Module 1-Unit 2 It's more than four hundred metres high!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:50b81).zip

相关 举报
  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1_Unit 2 Its more than four hundred metres high!_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:50b81)
    • Activity 1 Look,listen and say.swf
    • Activity 2 Listen and read..swf
    • Activity 3 Listen, point.mp3
    • Its more than 400 metres high.ppt--点击预览
    • tall与high的不同用法.mp4
    • Video about the Empire State B.mp4
    • 教案50b81.doc--点击预览
    • 歌曲The Great Wall of China.swf
    • 背景音乐1.mp3
    • 背景音乐2.wav


Its more than four hundred metres high! Module 1 Unit 2 新标准英语新标准英语一年级起点一年级起点 六年级上册六年级上册 辽宁省大连市西岗区五四路小学辽宁省大连市西岗区五四路小学 张张 葵葵 Sing the song: The Great Wall of China Revision: Tell us more about the Great Wall . how old how long Look,listen and say. high fight frighten /ai/ right Culture(文化): the Empire State Building (帝国大厦)(帝国大厦) Module 1 Unit 2 1. Introduce the Empire State Building in English. 2.Make a poster to introduce your favourite place. The Empire State Building is an _ . office building Name The Empire State Building Where in New York, the US What an office building How old How high Read and fill in the blanks. more than four hundred metres high more than eighty years old Look at this building.Its the Empire State Building.Its an_. Its _eighty years old. And its more than _ high! Wow, thats _ high! So Daming doesnt want to climb the _ to the top. stairs office building more than four hundred metres really Practice: Fill in the blanks. Lets enjoy. My opinion: Do you want to climb the stairs to the top of the Empire State Building? Why ? Practice: Listen and number . 132 two kilometres long five hundred metres wide two hundred metres high in the south of China about 3 metres wide more than 3 metres deep(深的) West Lake in Shandong the first of the Five Mountains more than 1540 metres high Xinghai Bay Cross-sea Bridge only two years old more than 6 kilometres long in Dalian Mount Tai Tips: A. Choose one . 选一个 B. Talk in a low voice. 低声说 C. Make an introduction. 做介绍 Lots of wonderful places Lets enjoy. Burj Khalifa Tower is the highest building in the world. Leaning Tower of Pisa makes Italian proud. Wonderful Places In Taipei 101, the speed(速度) of the lift is so fast. Statue of Liberty is the symbol of the US. Pyramids were tombs. The Opera House looks like shells or sails. Tiananmen Square is one of the largest squares in the world. The Ocean Park has got lots of sea animals and birds.Binhai Road is 32 kilometres long. Xinghai Square is very modern. Leaning Tower of Pisa Burj Khalifa Tower the Opera House Xinghai Square Xinghai Bay Cross-sea Bridge the Great Wall West Lake the Empire State Building Aircraft carrier Liaoning Statue of Liberty Qomolangma Taipei 101 Pyramids Tiananmen Square Shanghai Disney Resort Binhai Road Homework: Introduce the Empire State Building to your parents. Write about a place of interest in Dalian to me.(4-5sentences) Its a wonderful and interesting place. Its area is 7 square kilometres(平方公里平方公里). It opened on June 16th, 2016 . There are six theme parks(主题园区主题园区). Its the 6th in the world and the 2nd in China. We can meet Mickey Mouse and his friends there. ? Shanghai Disney Resort And there is a big square and some parks around it . My favourite place is . What an old place! Its about 14 metres high. Its in London. Its a Royal (皇家的)(皇家的)palace for the King and the Queen . Its more than 300 years old. ? Buckingham Palace I love it. 课题:英语 (新标准) (一年级起点)六年级上册 Module 1 Unit 2 Its more than four hundred metres high! 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课是外研社新标准英语(一起)六年级上册 Module 1 Unit 2 Its more than four hundred metres high!本模块的主要内容是描述某个地方的特征。Unit 1中谈到 Simon 让 Daming 给他介绍长城。Daming 告诉 Simon,长城有四万多里长,即两万多公里,长城有 两千多年的历史。Simon 感叹长城真的很长,历史也非常久远。Unit 2的课文情境则是 Daming 和 Simon 路过一栋高楼,Simon 介绍说这是帝国大厦,有80多年的历史,高达400 多米。然后 Simon 开玩笑地问 Daming 是否想爬楼梯至帝国大厦的顶端,Daming 表示为难。 在本课中,学生要学会运用已学语言介绍自己的 favourite places,提高综合语言运用 能力,发展思维品质。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本模块语言难度不大,基础尚需巩固的学生会在本课中有更多的练习和运用机会。 本单元的学习重点主要是进一步强化复习 be 动词的用法,拓展学习如何描述某个地方。 另外,六年级学生已经具备了初步运用听说读写四项语言技能获取、处理和传递所需 信息的方法和能力,所以本单元学生可以通过自学与小组合作相结合进行学习。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1.语言技能语言技能 (1)听:全体学生能听懂“Its more than four hundred metres high!” (2)说: 全体学生能说“Its more than four hundred metres high!” (3)读: 全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。 (4)写:全体学生能写出 4-5 个语句描述自己喜欢的某个地方。 2.语言知识语言知识 (1)功能:描述某个地方的特征。 (2)语法:全体学生能运用:Its more than four hundred metres high! (3)词汇:全体学生能理解 metre,office building 的意义 全体学生能运用:metre 部分学生能运用:office building (4)语音:了解简单的拼读规律,如:high /ai/。进一步强化语音语调,初步体会语调达 意。 3. 情感态度情感态度 学生通过课文学习,乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识。 学生遇到困难能大胆主动求助,积极与他人合作。 4. 学习策略学习策略 (1) 通过单词 high 引出 fight,right,light,学生能获得单词的学习和记忆方法。 (2) 对所学内容能主动复习和归纳,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 5. 文化意识文化意识 学生在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同,如:不要随意询问欧美国家的 成年人的年龄。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 重点重点 巩固复习 be 动词的用法,拓展学习如何描述某个地方。学生能运用已学语言介绍帝国 大厦及自己的 favourite places。 2. 难点难点 建构思维导图,学生能对自己的 favourite places 进行介绍。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 PPT 课件,CD-ROM,videos, 微课视频,E-pen。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 (一)复习导入(一)复习导入 Warm-up and lead in 1. Sing a song “The Great Wall of China.” 2. 复习复习 From the song and Unit 1, we know we can use how long and how old to describe the Great Wall. Would you like to tell us more about the Great Wall? 师生总结回顾:The Great Wall is a wonder. There are so many other beautiful places in the world, such as buildings, mountains, rivers, bridges and so on.Besides how long and how old, what words can we use to describe them? Heres a short dialog between Daming and Little Six.I hope it will help you. 3Lead in: Look , listen and say. 教师播放活动一的视频教师播放活动一的视频:What does Daming want to know about the tree?学生 watch the video 理解语境:Daming 无法凭肉眼看出大树有多高、多少岁,可是外星人却能看出来。 Learn the word high:了解简单的拼读规律,如:high /ai:/。 教师微课讲解教师微课讲解:Whats the difference between tall and high?。 Why is the old tree unhappy? 学生观察大树的表情,说说图 2 中大树为什么不高兴。 教师小结: In many western countries,adults dont like to talk about their ages or salary.So its not polite to ask their ages in daily life. 最后,男生和女生分角色表演对话,注意模仿语音语调。 (二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现 Task presentation Simon will introduce another famous building in the US to Daming. Whats it?(教师出示帝国教师出示帝国 大厦图片大厦图片) Do you know it? And where is it? How does Simon introduce the Empire State Building? Lets learn Module 1 Unit 2。Heres Todays learning tasks : 1. Introduce the Empire State Building in English. 2. Make a poster to introduce your favourite place. (三)课文学习(三)课文学习 Text learning 1Watch, listen and answer. 教师提出问题,播放活动二视频:What is the Empire State Building? The Empire State Building is an _ . 2. Listen and read , think and fill in the blanks. NameThe Empire State Building Wherein New York, the US Whatan office building How old How high 学生先自学填写,然后小组交流,小组汇报。 3. Summary. What words can you use to introduce the Empire State Building? Can you introduce the Empire State Building in English now? Lets enjoy a video about the Empire State Building.(播放有关帝国大厦的视频播放有关帝国大厦的视频) (四)训练巩固(四)训练巩固 Practice 1. Practice: Fill in the blanks. Look at this building. Its the Empire State Building. Its an_. Its _eighty years old. And its more than _ high! Wow, thats _ high! So Daming doesnt want to climb the _ to the top. 2. 完成活动完成活动 3:Listen, point and say. (白板技术运用白板技术运用) (1) Listen and number. Whats the order?(学生说序号,教师白板操作演示教师白板操作演示) (2)教师出示 key wordsand ask: Which picrure does each describe? (学生白板操作演示学生白板操作演示) two kilometres long , five hundred metres wide , two hundred metres high (3)小结:We also can use how wide to describe a place. 3. A guessing game. What places are they? (五)任务完成(五)任务完成 Task completion 1.Group work Make a poster of your favourite place. (配音乐) Time: 5 minutes Tips: A. Choose one place you all like best. B. Talk about the poster in a low voice. C. Make an introduction. 2.交流汇报,师生共同评议。交流汇报,师生共同评议。 Rules: 1.Speak loudly and beautifully. 2.Others listen quietly and carefully. (六)小结与布置作业(六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework 1. Summary 让学生先来说一说:What have we learned today? 师生小结:How can you introduce a place? 教师配音乐播放 some pictures of wonderful places in the world. 小结:The world is so wonderful. So love the world , love our homeland! 2. Homework (1) Introduce the Empire State Building to your parents. (2)Write about a place of interest in Dalian to me.(45 句) (七)板书设计(七)板书设计 Module 1 Unit 2 how high Its more than four hundred metres high! where in New York the Empire State Building how long how tall how old how wide more than eighty years old what an office building
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