- 外研2011课标版一年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4_Unit 1 Thanksgiving is very important in the US._ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_省级优课_(编号:d000c)
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ThanksgivingThanksgiving is is veryvery importantimportant in in thethe US.US. Module 4 Unit 1 授课人:韩振萍授课人:韩振萍 Which festival do you know? the Spring Festival (1,2月)月)lunar 1.1 the Mid-Autumn Festival阴历阴历8.15 Thanksgiving 11月最后一周四月最后一周四 Halloween 10.31 Easter (3,4月)月) 春分月圆后第一个周日春分月圆后第一个周日 National Day (10.1) Which festival is your favourite day? is my favourite day. Which festival is his favourite day? National Day is his favourite day. Which festival is their favourite day? Thanksgving is their favourite day. Which festival is her favourite day? Halloween is her favourite day. Which festival is our favourite day? Childrens Day is our favourite day. Lets listen 1.Which festival in the US is Simons favourite ? 2.Is this festival very important in the US? Thanksgiving is his favourite festival. Yes,it is. 1、What do we always have? 2、What do we say? 3、Do we have a lot of fun? We always have a big,special dinner. We say “Thank you” for our food, family and friends. Yes, we do. Read and answer What do you do on Thanksgiving? We have a big ,special dinner. 特殊的、特别的特殊的、特别的 We say thank you for our food,family and friends. What do you do on Thanksgiving? We have a lot of fun. What do you do on Thanksgiving? 1.Thanksgiving is very important in the UK. 2.On Thanksgiving they always have a lot of delicious food. 3.Daming wrote a poem. F T F True or False Thanksgiving is nearly here. Thanksgiving comes every year. There is one thing I should say. Thanksgiving is my favourite day. the fourth Thursday of November 十一月的第四个星期四十一月的第四个星期四 _ is Simons favourite. Its in . We have a , _dinner. We say _for _ . We have _. _is very _ in the US. Thanksgiving November bigspecial thank you our food,family and friends. a lot of fun Thanksgiving important - Can you tell me about Chinese festivals? - Yes. is my favourite. - When is it? - - What do you do? - - What do you eat? - game My favourite festival My favourite festival is _. Its in _. On that day, we eat _. We _. And we _. We have a lot of fun. My favourite festival My favourite festival is Childrens Day. Its in June. On that day, we sing. We dance. We run. We play. We have a big,special dinner. We eat fish. We eat rice. We have a lot of fun. We say _ for our mum. thank you We say _ for our teachers. thank you We say _ for our friends. thank you 1.Listen to the text 3 times. 2.Read the text fluently. 3.Tell your parents about your favourite festival. 1 外研社小学英语一起六年级上册外研社小学英语一起六年级上册 Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is very important in the US. 教学设计 语言目标:Can you tell me about American festivals? Yes. My favourite is Thanksgiving. What happens? Families are together. We have a big, special dinner. 技能目标:At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand Thanksgiving and tell what Thanksgiving is. 情感目标:Be thankful for all the good things we have. Dont forget to say Thank you to our parents, teachers and friends. Step1:Step1: WarmWarm up.up.热身热身 BrainstormBrainstorm 头脑风暴头脑风暴 先复习五年级时学过的一个节日:Halloween 万圣节 询问学生三个问题: Whats Halloween? What do chilren do? What do people do? 为新课节日的学习做出铺垫。 Tell me about some festivals:请学生说出自己知道 的节日,然后出示一些节日图片,一起看图说节日名称, 随后介绍今天要学的节日:Thanksgiving 感恩节。 (板书 节日名称。 ) 2 StepStep 2 2 Lead-inLead-in 导入导入 出示关于感恩节的图片,以及课文中的图片,观察课 文中将出现的人物。 StepStep 3 3 presentationpresentation 呈现呈现 A: 出示 main questions 三个主要问题,请学生听录 音并找到答案。 Whats Simons favourite festival? Simon 最喜 欢的节日是什么? Is it a Chinese festival? 它是个中国节日吗? When is it? 它在什么时候? 学生关书听录音,然后回答。并订正答案。 (板书 an American festival 一个美国的节日) 。 出示 11 月的日历, 讲解感恩节的具体日期。 (板书:Its on the fourth Thursday in November. 在 11 月的第四个星期四。 ) B: 提出问题:What happens on Thanksgiving day? 请学生听第一幅图,跟读,并讨论回答问题。 出示答案提示,请学生填写表格:教师板书答案内容。 补充感恩节传统食物:roast turkey and pumpkin pie 烤火鸡和南瓜派。 Familiesare Theyhave Theysay Theyhave 3 提出问题:How is Thanksgiving? Is it a big festival? 感恩节的是个怎样的节日?请学生在课文中找 到答案:Thanksgiving is a very important festival in America. 感恩节在美国是个非常重要的节日。 (教师板 书。 ) C: 提出问题:What did Simon write? Simon 写了什 么?听第二幅图,跟读并讨论回答问题: He wrote a poem about Thanksgiving. 出示 Simon 写的小诗,让学生富有感情地朗读,从而了解 poem 这个单词的意思(小诗) 。 StepStep 4 4 Role-playRole-play readingreading 分角色朗读。分角色朗读。 让学生根据课文,两两合作分角色朗读,体会课文中 词句的用法。 StepStep 5 5 SummarySummary 总结总结 Can you tell me about Thanksgiving? 你能给我讲 一讲感恩节吗? 请学生根据所学到的感恩节的知识,小组讨论,根据 教师出示的图片和黑板上的重点语句,简单介绍感恩节。 Thanksgiving is an American festival. It on the fourth Thursday in November. Families are together. They have a big, special dinner. They eat roast turkey and pumpkin pie. People say thank you for all the good things they have. They have a lot of fun. Thanksgiving is very important in America. 4 StepStep 6 6 ClosureClosure 结束结束 达成情感目标: On Thanksgiving day, people say thank you for all the good thing they have. Do you want to say thank you to someone or something? 感恩节的时候人们 会对自己拥有的美好事物进行感恩,在此你有没有你想感 谢的人或者事物呢? 请学生自主回答自己想感谢的人或事物。 “ From now on, be thankful for all the good things we have. Dont forget to say thank you to our parents, teachers and friends.” 从今往后,我们 要学会对我们生活中所拥有的美好事物感恩。不要忘记对 我们的父母,老师和朋友说一声:感谢。 板书设计: 5 ModuleModule 4 4 UnitUnit 1 1 ThanksgivingThanksgiving isis veryvery importantimportant inin thethe US.US. Thanksgiving What: an American festivalWhat: Famlies are together. What:They have a big, special dinner. What:They have a lot of fun. When: on the fourth Thursday in November 6 外研社小学英语一起六年级上册外研社小学英语一起六年级上册 Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is very important in the US. 教学反思 这节课是六年级第四模块第一单元的内容,本节课的 重点在于向学生介绍感恩节。具体如感恩节的由来,感恩 节是什么时候,感恩节人们都干什么等。通过导入环节复 习了中国和西方一些最常见的节日,通过视频导入将感恩 节引进来,当出示感恩节的微视频时学生特别感兴趣,因 此导入这个环节处理的挺恰当。 处理课文方面,由于孩子们已经对节日由来有了初步 的了解加上六年级孩子的知识水平较低年级孩子高,因此 在课文处理方面不再是单一的先教授单词再在课文中运用, 而是通过阅读教学的方式巧妙地处理文本中的生词和句子, 听、说、读方面都有涉及。最后,在处理“写”时,我将 本课的重点和难点打印在了纸上,让孩子们仿照写一篇小 短文,好多同学的书写和内容让人惊叹! 本节课最大的亮点还是在板书设计,因为学生知识的 输入还是需要通过图片等这些易于他们接受的地方开始, 所以本节课我将重点内容分为 what what what when what 等五个方面,这些内容都在板书设计中得到了很好的体现, 最后还可以根据板书设计来复述所学的内容。 整节课的教学内容来讲,学生完成了教学目标,学生 7 都能积极主动的参与到各个教学环节中, ,教学氛围浓厚。 不足地方在于教师跟孩子们交流略欠佳以至于有部分学生 不爱开口讲英语,主动性不高。