外研版(一起)六上Module 2-Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:b0142).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2_Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:b0142)
    • email 1.swf
    • email 2.swf
    • email 3.swf
    • I went to a library yesterday..ppt--点击预览
    • my trip.flv
    • students trip.mp4
    • students task 1.docx--点击预览
    • students task 2.docx--点击预览
    • to be a good panda.mp4
    • 教案b0142.docx--点击预览
    • 说课.ppt--点击预览


Module 2 Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday. interesting great good nice exciting wonderful fantastic amazing my trip.mp4 They sent emails to their friends. send-sent Where did he go yesterday? What did he see ? What did people find there? Max He went to the Ming Tombs yesterday. He saw stone animals and a red gate. They found clothes and money. He went to a _ yesterday. It has _,_,and _. He likes books about the _ and _ best. librarylibrary booksbooksCDsCDscomoputerscomoputers thethe USUS CanadaCanada Ruby wrote a book yesterday. ( ) She wants to be a writer when she is big. ( ) travel to the US.mp4 HowHow toto rememberremember a a trip?trip? travel to the US.mp4 hand painted journal 手绘日记 thinking map to be a good panda.mp4 Travel politely, talk politely, and do politely. Make our beautiful Xining City full of civilization( 文明 ). Task 1: I can do . Task 2 : Choose one method and write your trip. (选择自己喜欢的方式描述一次旅行选择自己喜欢的方式描述一次旅行) Email 1 .Listen and answer. Email 2. listen and fill in the blanks. 1) _ 1) _ 2) _ 2) _ _ _ 3) _ 3) _ Email 3. Listen and judge. 1 ( ) 2 ( ) method1(方法 1) email From: To: _ _ _ _ _ method 2 (方法 2 ) hand painted journal (手绘日记) method 3 (方法 3) postcard 明信片 postcard _ _ stamp _ _ _ postcode method 4 (方法 4) thinking map (思维导图) stamp Module 2 Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday. 教材分析教材分析: 这一单元围绕三封电子邮件展开教学内容,邮件主要用 一般过去式描述了三位发件人昨天的经历,学生要掌握用一般过去 式描述过去的经历并会发送电子邮件。 学情分析学情分析:一般过去时是小学英语教学中的重点内容,从四年级开 始学生已经掌握了初步的用法,在后续的学习中不断出现这一时态, 而且都积累了一些常用的动词以及过去式形式,这一单元是过去时 再次呈现的过程,也是巩固和强化运用的过程。 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标语言知识目标 单词: when tomb wrote found 句子: I went to a library yesterday. I wrote a story yesterday. 2. 语言技能目标语言技能目标 能用一般过去式描述过去美好的经历。 3运用能力目标运用能力目标 能用一般过去时描述旅游的经历,并能用视频、手绘游记、明信 片、邮件、思维导图等形式记录或向他人介绍一次旅行或一段美好 时光。 教学重点:教学重点: 用上述单词和一般过去时去描述过去的经历。 教学难点教学难点: 常用动词过去式的正确运用 教学方法:教学方法: 视听法 交际性教学 任务型教学 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 : warmer Talk about summer holiday.( T-S, S-S) Show the video of my holiday.(设计意图:用手绘游记的形式 吸 引学生的注意力引学生的注意力,也教会学生记录美好时光的一种方法。也教会学生记录美好时光的一种方法。 ) Step 2: lead in 1)播放教师假期旅行的微课视频,初步复习一般过去时的用法, 学生听音获取几个特殊疑问词 when ,where, how(方式) ,what, how(感觉)提问的信息。 2)talk about summer holiday (设计意图:休息一个假期后学会遗忘这一时态的运用,通过视听 教师假期旅游视频和交流假期生活唤醒学生已有的一般过去时的词 句和用法,激发他们表达的欲望。 ) 3) Show an email of my student ,and read together (设计意图:展示学生发给我的邮件,掌握邮件格式,学习邮件 中过去时的用法) step 3: presentation and practice show three emails and learn one by one . 1.Listen to the first email, and answer the following questions 1) Where did Xiaoqiang go yesterday? He went to the Ming Tombs . 2) What did he see ? He saw lots of stone animals and a red gate. 3) What did people find there? They found clothes and money. 学习词汇 the Ming Tombs , gate , find- found 2.Listen to the second email and fill in the blanks. He went to a _ yesterday. It has _, _ and _. He likes books about _ and _ best. 请学会在白板书写单词 3Listen and judge, T or F. Ruby wrote a book yesterday. ( ) She is going to be a writer when she is big. ( ) 学习单词 write wrote Shen shixi wrote many books about animals. (设计意图:这一活动视频包含了三个邮件,我将此视频截成三个 独立的视频,并且在问题设计中重新架构了语言知识,设计了信息 差,丰富了语言知识。 ) 4Watch the flash and read . (设计意图:通过观看字幕并朗读检查学生对文本的掌握情况) Step 4 . extension Writing an email is a good method to tell your trip. Do you know other methods to remember good time or an interesting trip? Method 1. Video(请学生讲解视频制作) 展示学生制作的旅游视频 Use 彩视 快手 美拍 (show a video of a student) Method 2. Travel Journal 展示手绘日记并请制作人朗读日记 Method 3. Postcard 展示贺卡,集体朗读 Method 4. Mind Map (思维导图) 板书呈现和课件呈现思维导图 Step 5. Lets write and show. Choose one method and write your trip or good time in summer holiday. And then show and share . Step 6. Summary. We can use many methods to remember good time. Step 7. Emotion Watch the video of “be a good panda” Please travel politely, talk politely and do politely, try to make beautiful Xining City full of civilization. Step 7 .Homework Choose another method you like to write down your good time before. Book 11 Module 2 Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday. 能力:能力: 听 说 读 写 能完成任务型学习活动 知识:知识: 初步掌握一般过去时的用法 储备了常用的动词的过去式形式 能简单地表达过去发生的事情 重点:重点: 掌握单词 tomb the Ming Tombs wrote I did . yesterday 句型 巩固邮件格式 难点:难点: 能用一般过去时描述过去的经历 表达过去发生的事情时能正确使用动词的过去式 语言知识:语言知识: 进一步巩固和强化一般过去时的用法 能力目标:能力目标: 能用一般过去时描述一段美好时光或一次旅行 尝试用不同的方法记住美好时光 情感目标:情感目标: 文明出行 1.video of my trip 唤醒已有知识 给下一环节做好示范 2.ask students summer holiday 激发学生表达欲望,观察学生对过去式的掌握情况 引用学生邮件,拓展学习资源引用学生邮件,拓展学习资源 1. 展示邮件,两人一组朗读 2. 发件人朗读邮件内容 出示邮件,完成练习 1. listen and answer. 2. listen and fill in the blanks 3. listen and judge ture or false. 4. look and read 偷梁换柱,重新架构语言知识偷梁换柱,重新架构语言知识 呈呈现方法,记录美好现方法,记录美好 1.1. 播放学生制作旅游视频,生讲解制作过程播放学生制作旅游视频,生讲解制作过程 2.2.展示学生手绘日记,请制作人朗读展示学生手绘日记,请制作人朗读 3.3. 展示明信片,教师朗读展示明信片,教师朗读 4.4. 结合板书和课件,说明思维导图结合板书和课件,说明思维导图 培养学生用英语做事情的能力,发展核心素养培养学生用英语做事情的能力,发展核心素养 播放文明出行宣传片,结合创城,教育学生文明出行。
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