外研版(一起)六上Module 4-Unit 2 Can you tell me about Christmas -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:01108).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4_Unit 2 Can you tell me about Christmas _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:01108)
    • Canyou tell me about Christmas.pptx--点击预览
    • Festivals.mp4
    • Homework.mp4
    • Students homework.pptx--点击预览
    • tips.pptx--点击预览
    • word bank.docx--点击预览
    • 教学反思.docx--点击预览
    • 教案01108.doc--点击预览
    • 课前预习单.docx--点击预览


Watch the video and choose. When is Christmas?When is Christmas?When is Christmas?When is Christmas? A. Its on the 25th of December. B. Its on the 24th of December. C. Its on the 25th of November. Watch the video again and answer question. What do people do at Christmas? They put Christmas trees in their homes. They give presents and send cards. What can you see in the streets and shops? . We can see lights. traffic lights light at home lights for decoration There are lights in the streets and shops. Listen and repeat. Christmas is a very _ festival in many _. Its on the _ of _. People put Christmas _ in their homes. There are _ in the streets and the shops. People give _ and send _. They _ this festival! Decemberpresentslightscountries important25th treeslovecards All festivals can make people happy and relaxed. All festivals can make our life more interesting and more colourful. All festivals can make our world peaceful( 和平的) and harmonious(和谐的). Homework 1. Search the background(背景) of your favourite festival on line and know more about it . (从网上更多地了解你喜欢的节日。) 2. Make a poster or PPT to introduce your favourite festival in more details.(time, activities, food clothes and background)(以 海报或PPT的形式,更详细地介绍该节日,如节 日的来历或文化背景。) TALK ABOUT THE FESTIVALS.TALK ABOUT THE FESTIVALS. 课前预习课前预习单单 思维导图思维导图 in用于一段时间前,如:in January, in 2017, in spring on 用于某一天,如:on Monday, on the 24th of November at 用于某一时刻,如:at 7:30 介词in, on, at在时间前面的不同用法 Choose “in , on, or at” 1.Spring Festival is _ January or February. 2.Childrens Day is _ the 1st of June. 3.I get up _ 6:30 everyday. 4.Thanksgiving is _ the fourth Thursday of November. 5.She was born _ 2005. 6.My birthday is _ the 3rd of April. Word bank Festivals Thanksgiving Halloween Spring Festival MidAutumn Festival Dragon Boat Festival Christmas Easter Lantern Festival Food roast turkey pumpkin pie dumplings mooncakes fruits seasonal vegetbles Zongzi Yuanxiao Easter cakes hot cross buns chocolate bunny and eggs nuts puddings apple pie Activities say “thank you” for food, families and friends Families get together enjoy the full moon Have a big special dinner Put spring couplets on the doors Stick paper-cuts on the windows Set off firecrackers and fireworks Make Jack-o-lanterns Scare the people Ask for sweets give good wishes to each other give children lucky money watch / have dragon boat race Christmas tree give presents send cards Santa Claus Put lanterns in the streets put lanterns in the park Put lanterns in homes See dragon dances and lion dances wear perfume satchel/sei/ clothes costumes new clothes scary clothes and masks traditional clothes Easter hats 教学反思:教学反思: 1、通过本节课的课前预习,课中的学习和展示,学生能够熟练 地说出几个重要的中西方节日的名称、时间及主要活动,基本达 到了教学目标的要求。 2、中西方节日涉及到中西文化的对比,通过本节课的学习,学 生能够感受到中西文化的异同,并且对西方节日各种新奇的庆祝 方式很感兴趣,很乐意去了解,甚至体验,表现出了极大的好奇 和接纳。 3、通过本课的学习和课前的预习,学生对节日的背景和来历也 有了进一步的了解,扩展了孩子们的文化视野,开阔了眼界,加 深了他们的文化积淀和增强了他们的文化包容性。这符合课标所 倡导的培养学生的国际视野的要求。 4、在课前的预习和课堂上的学习交流中,学生能够积极参与教 学活动,并能够积极表达和展示,体现了学习的主动性和自主性, 同时也发挥了学生的自主学习能力和小组合作学习的能力。学生 在两人一组和四人小组合作学习中,互相学习,互通有无,达到 了信息共享、提高学习效果的教学目的。 不足及改进措施: 1、部分学生在输出环节中,在语言的表达上仍存在语法的准确 性和语音语调的流畅性,需要在今后的教学中创造更多的机会, 强化口语表达的训练。 2、学生在语言输出时,仍然存在语言不够丰富和熟练的问题, 在今后的教学中,还需要在拓展环节放开手脚,加大拓展量和相 应的训练。 外研社外研社 2011 课标版一年级起点六年级上册课标版一年级起点六年级上册 Module 4 Unit 2 Can you tell me about Christmas? 教学设计教学设计 课时数:一课时课时数:一课时 学情分析:学情分析: 本课是外研版新标准英语六年级上册 Module4 Unit2。本模块的主要内容是介绍节日。 Unit1 介绍了美国的感恩节,本单元介绍圣诞节。六年级学生已经对中西方几种重要节日 的英文名称及简单的相关信息有所了解。本节课的主要任务是向他人介绍自己喜欢的节日。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识、技能目标: 1、全体学生能够听、说、认读中西方几个重要节日的英文名称。 2、全体学生了解并能简单说出几大节日的基本信息,如:节日的时间,人们庆祝节日的方 式及主要活动,节日期间的代表性食物等。 3、大部分学生能够与他人自由谈论喜欢的节日并能简单节日该节日。 情感目标: 1、乐于和他人谈论自己喜欢的节日。 2、能够体会节日给人们带来的快乐和意义。 3、能够体会中西方节日的文化差异,乐于进一步了解节日的文化背景。 学习策略目标: 1、通过倾听和与他人的交流拓展文化知识和视野。 2、通过与他人的合作,培养自己的合作意识、合作精神与合作能力,能够体会到团队力量 的强大,从而乐于并善于与人合作。 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本模块的话题是介绍节日。课文情境是 Lili 邀请 Sam 介绍圣诞节在很多国家都是重要 节日,时间时 12 月 25 日。人们在家里装饰圣诞树,街道和商店会装饰彩灯,人们赠送礼 物和贺卡。人们很喜欢这个节日。 重难点:重难点: 教学重点:教学重点: 1、几个节日的名称、时间、食物及庆祝活动; 2、介绍节日(时间的表达;用一般现在时进行节日活动的表达。 ) 解决方法及策略:解决方法及策略: 1、利用多媒体课件制作思维导图,让学生从视觉认知,因为是已经学过的内容,此处只需 归纳复习。 2、利用多媒体课件创设情境和问题,在参与活动和句型练习中了解主要句型在语言运用中 的表达方式,让学生明白在介绍节日的活动是使用的是一般现在时。 教学难点:教学难点: 比较完整地介绍自己喜欢的节日 解决方法及策略:解决方法及策略: 1、通过让学生在课前完成预习单,让学生充分收集相关信息,对各种节日有充分的了解, 为介绍节日做好搜集充足的素材。 2、课堂上利用思维导图的方式帮助学生理清思路,指导学生绘制思维导图,教他们在思维 导图的引导下来思路清晰地介绍节日。 3、以小组合作学习的方式促进学生之间的互相学习,提高学习的效率。 课程资源:课程资源: 1.外研社 2011 课标版一年级起点一年级下册教科书 2.希沃白板教学课件 3.多媒体教学视频 4.单词卡片 教学流程图教学流程图 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 warming up and lead in. Greeting to the children. Free talk: Whats the date today? Today is the 26th of May. When is Childrens Day? Its on the 1st of June. (设计意图:设计意图:以自由谈话的方式复习日期的表达方式,为节日的日期描述做铺垫。 ) So Childrens Day is coming. Are you happy? Dragon Boat festival is coming, too. Are you excited? Now lets talk about festivals. Ok? There are many festivals in the world. I divide them into three kinds. They are Chinese festivals, western festivals and international festivals. Chinese festivals are (students read.) Western festivals are (students read.) International festivals mean that people have the same festivals all over the world. What international festivals do you know? (课件出示:Womens Day, the May Day, Childrens Day) (设计意图:设计意图:利用思维导图帮助学生理清中西方的主要节日,为学生的输入丰富素材。 ) Step 2 Text-learning. Lili and Sam are talking about festivals, too. Read and answer: Which festival are they talking about? 1.Watch the video and choose. When is Christmas? Its on the 25th of December. Its on the 24th of December. Its on the 25th of November. 2.Watch the video again and answer the questions. What do people do at Christmas? What can you see in the streets and shops? 板书:归纳圣诞节的相关信息 (设计意图:设计意图:整体感知文本,通过简单选择问题来帮助学生清晰圣诞节的准确日期。在通 过几个问题回答来理清圣诞节的一些主要庆祝活动和方式。 ) 3Listen and repeat. (设计意图:(设计意图:本环节是模仿录音,起到正音和培养良好的语音语调的习惯。同时让学生在 读中进一步理解课文,掌握课文主要内容。 ) 4. Fill in the blanks. Christmas is a very _ festival in many _. Its on the _ of _. People put Christmas _ in their homes. There are _ in the streets and the shops. People give _ and send _. They _ this festival! 5.Read together. (设计意图:(设计意图:此环节帮助学生归纳总结课文内容,同时检查学生对课文的掌握程度。 ) 6. Can you tell me more about Christmas? For example: What else do people do at Christmas? What do people eat at Christmas? What do people wear at Christmas? 7. How to introduce Christmas? We should introduce the time, the activities, the food, the clothes Try to introduce Christmas with the key words. (设计意图设计意图:教材中对圣诞节的介绍有限,通过此活动拓展课文内容,丰富课文内容。 ) Step 3 Production. Activity 1 Review the other festivals. Why do people like festivals? People like festivals because they eat lots of delicious food, do lots of interesting things and wear beautiful clothes. What do people eat at Thanksgiving / Easter? What else do people do at Halloween / Lantern Festival / Dragon Boat Festival / Easter? What do people wear at Spring Festival / Mid Autumn Festival / Thanksgiving / Easter? (设计意图:设计意图:此环节重点练习语言输出时要用到的主要句型,同时,帮助学生了街其他中 西方节日的相关信息及表达方式。 ) Step 4 Introduce your favourite festivals. Groupwork. Task 1. Choose your favorite festival. Task 2. Make a mind map about the festival you choose. Task 3. Introduce the festival with the help of the mind map. Give an example to children. Share the works of several groups. (设计意图:设计意图:此环节意在提升学生各项能力。通过小组合作制作思维导图,然后在小组内 分工介绍某一节日,在此过程中培养学生逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力和语言表达能力。 同时,培养学生团队合作的意识和精神,学生之间互相学习,互相促进,并由此提高了学 习效率。 ) Step 5 Summary. There are many differences between western festivals and Chinese festivals. People eat different food. People do different things. People wear different clothes. But there is one thing that is the same. That is people are happy at all festivals. And this is the most important part of all festivals. So I want to say: All festivals can make people happy and relaxed. All festivals can make our life more interesting and more colourful. All festivals can make our world more peaceful and harmonious. So the people, the world. (设计意图:设计意图:此环节旨在情感升华,让学生明白尽管中西方节日的庆祝活动和方式不同, 但节日对于全世界人民的意义是相同的,那就是,节日给人们带来快乐,让人们放松,让 我们的世界更加和平和融洽,这是全世界人民共同的愿望。 ) Homework. Find out the background of your favourite festival and know more about it on line. Make a poster or PPT to introduce your favourite festival in details.(time, activities, food and background) (Search the information about your favorite festivals culture background and make a poster or PPT to introduce Why people have these festivals?) Watch a video that a pupil introduces a festivals background for example. (设计意图:设计意图:引导学生通过深入了解某一节日的来历和历史文化背景,拓宽他们的文化视 野,能够帮助他们很好地理解中西方节日,从而发展了国际视野。通过制作 PPT,培养孩 子们获取知识和处理知识的能力。 ) 板书:板书: Module4 Unit2 Can you tell me about Christmas? Important western festival On the 25th of December ChristmasChristmas trees Lights Presents and cards 教学反思:教学反思: 1、通过本节课的课前预习,课中的学习和展示,学生能够熟练地 说出几个重要的中西方 节日的名称、时间及主要活动,基本达到了教学目标的要求。 2、 中西方节日涉及到中西文化的对比,通过本节课的学习,学生 能够感受到中西文化 的异同,并且对西方节日各种新奇的庆祝方式很感兴趣,很乐意去了解,甚至体验,表现 出了极大的好奇和接纳。 3、通过本课的学习和课前的预习,学生对节日的背景和来历也有 了进一步的了解,扩展 了孩子们的文化视野,开阔了眼界,加深了他们的文化积淀和增强了他们的文化包容性。 这符合课标所倡导的培养学生的国际视野的要求。 4、在课前的预习和课堂上的学习交流中,学生能够积极参与教学 活动,并能够积极表达 和展示,体现了学习的主动性和自主性,同时也发挥了学生的自主学习能力和小组合作学 习的能力。学生在两人一组和四人小组合作学习中,互相学习,互通有无,达到了信息共 享、提高学习效果的教学目的。不足及改进措施: 1、部分学生在输出环节中,在语言的表达上仍存在语法的准确性和语音语调的流畅性, 需要在今后的教学中创造更多的机会,强化口语表达的训练。 2、学生在语言输出时,仍然存在语言不够丰富和熟练的问题,在今后的教学中,还需要在 拓展环节放开手脚,加大拓展量和相应的训练。 Preparation before class(预习单预习单) Task1: Choose one of the traditional festivals (western or Chinese). (选择中西方任意一个传统节日。 ) Task2: Search the information about the festival on the line or in books.(从网上或书上查找该节日的相关信息。 ) Task3: Fill in the following form in English. (根据表格提示完成表格内容。 ) Task4: Make a mind map according to the form. (根据所填表格画出思维导图。 ) The name of the festival Time (When is the festival?) Food (What do people eat at the festival?) Activities (What do people do?) Clothes (What do people wear?) Preparation before class(预习单预习单) Task1: Choose one of the traditional festivals (western or Chinese). (选择中西方任意一个传统节日。 ) Task2: Search the information about the festival on the line or in books. (从网上或书上查找该节日的相关信息。 ) Task3: Fill in the following form in English. (根据表格提示完成表格内容。 ) Task4: Make a mind map according to the form. (根据所填表格画出思维导图。 ) The name of the festival Time (When is the festival?) Food (What do people eat at the festival?) Activities (What do people do?) Clothes (What do people wear?)
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