牛津译林版四年级上册英语Unit 8 Dolls Fun timeppt课件(含音频).zip

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  • Unit 8 Dolls Fun timeppt课件(含音频)
    • fun01.mp3
    • fun02.mp3
    • fun03.mp3
    • fun04.mp3
    • fun05.mp3
    • fun06.mp3
    • 四上U8 Fun time 课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 圣诞歌曲.mp3
    • 瓦尼莎的微笑.mp3


Unit8 Dolls Funtime Who is he ? Hishairis_.Hiseyesandnoseare_. Hismouthandearsare_. shortbig small MynameisSimon. Letsplayagame. Game time Simon says Touch your hair , hair hair hair Touch your nose , nose nose nose Touch your mouth , mouth mouth mouth Touch your ears, ears ears ears Touch your eyes , eyes eyes eyes 只能听Simon的话哦! 例如 :老师说Touch your hair, 不能做动作,老师说Simon says :touch your hair,才能做动作 ,并大声说hair hair hair. Lets play a game with your eyes. Game time Magic eyes big 游戏规则:看到箭头指着的图片大声 读出来。看到炸弹拍手说bomb. small fat thin tall short Game time big small opposites 反义词 Word time Look at this doll. Her/His hair is. Her/His eyes are. Her/His . Work in groups of four. Choose one doll to describe. 四人一组,选一个洋娃娃描述。 Lets review Surprise! 惊喜! Boys Girls Learn some opposites. 学习一些反义词 。 英语中有很多反义词,如tall和short,fat和thin等。成对地学习 反义词,我们就可以学得快、记得牢。 Learning tip Hes fat. Magic mirror! 魔 镜 Hes thin.His nose is big.His eyes are small. Learn to say Shes. Her.is/are. 123 4 Try to say 四人一组,一分钟内说出他们的特征, 看看谁说的句子最多! His/Her .is/are. Hes/Shes . Play a game Fun time 1.Listen and draw. 听描述画雪人。 Work in four. 四人一组合作完成一个雪人。 2. Try to say. 尝试描述雪人。 Fun time Who is right? (看看谁画的对? ) 1.Listen and draw. 听描述画雪人。 Fun time This is our snowman. Hes/Shes. His/Her. is . His/Her . are . . 2. Try to say. 尝试描述雪人。 Fun time Work in groups of four. 四人一组合作完成一个雪人并介绍。 Fun time This is our snowman! The snowman is very . mouth is very . eyes are very nose is and . Show time Lookatmy bigbear. Hisfeet(脚) arebig. Im a girl. Im short. My hair is long and black. My eyes and ears are big. But my nose is small. I have a doll. Hes a big bear. Look at my big bear. His mouth is big. Lookatmybigbear. Hiseyesarebig. Look at my big bear. His ears are big. Lookatmybig bear. Hisarms(臂)arebig. Lookatmybigbear. Hislegs(腿)arebig. Lookatmybigbear. Hisfeet(脚)arebig. Thisismy bigbear.The End Enjoy a story Read, discuss and describe. 阅读小短文, 两人 小组讨论并完成对玩具熊的描述。 1. I know some opposites. 2. I can use “Hes/Shes”and “His/Heris/are” 3. I can describe snowmen and my toy dolls. Teaching aims 1.Chooseanyoneyouliketointroduceanddescribe. 选个你喜欢的形象,介绍描述TA。 2.PreviewCartoontime. 预习Cartoontime。 Homework
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