冀教版(三起)四上Unit 3 Let's Go!-Lesson 17 I'm Lost!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:d01a9).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Lets Go!_Lesson 17 Im Lost!_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:d01a9)
    • Im lost 课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案d01a9.doc--点击预览
    • 课文.swf
    • 过马路.mp4


Lesson 17 Im lost Are they right? They are very dangerous!(危险危险 ) We should look at the traffic lights ( 交通信号灯交通信号灯) Red is stop. Yellow is wait. Green is go. 课文视频 At the traffic lights Group Work traffic tree train What does “tr” make sound of? Letters and sounds traffic tree tr tr What can you find? drive drink drum duck chicken clock queen quack question morning evening walking Eager to help others makes the world better! Homework: 1.Listen and read the dialogue. 2.Draw a map from your house to school and describe the way. 3.Make a dialogue with the drill ”Im lost. Where is the ?” Thank you! Good bye! 冀教版小学四年级英语上册冀教版小学四年级英语上册 LessonLesson 1717 ImIm lostlost 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1) 学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:traffic lights, stop, wait, red, yellow, green 等。 (2)学生能够熟练运用句型进行问路和指路。 (3)理解并认读字母 tr, dr, ck, qu, ing 在单词中的发音规则。 2、能力目标: (1)能够辨认三种颜色交通灯并正确地对做出反应。 (2)能够在日常生活场景中学会问路,帮助迷路的人找路,提高 学生的综合语言运用能力。 (3)根据字母发音规则,正确拼读生单词。 3、情感目标: 本课旨在培养学生参与意识,激发学习兴趣,培养学生遵守交 通规则的良好习惯,并在练习中获得热心帮助别人方面的教育,让 学生充分体会到互相帮助会让世界更好。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 1、学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇: traffic lights, stop, wait. 2、学生能够认读,理解并运用礼貌问路的句型。 三、教学难点:三、教学难点: 能运用本课所学句型创设情境,编演对话故事,提高学生的综 合语言运用能力。 四、学情分析:四、学情分析: 本课主要教授交通规则及指路的一些句型,经过前几节课的学 习,学生已经掌握了一些指路的基本词汇和句型,这为本课学习打 下了基础。 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: Step 1: Class Opening and review. 1.Greeting. T: Good morning, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, teacher! T: How are you? Whats the weather like today? Ss: . 2.Review. T: The weather is sunny and cool, right? How do you go to school today? (教师结合实际情况,谈论今天乘何种交通工具上学,提出问题 How do you go to school?引导学生谈论出行方式,由此复习句型 I go to school by.) S1: I go to school by bike. 【设计意图】:通过师生问候和自由谈话,使学生自然地进入英语 学习状态,同时复习了有关交通方式的句型,为下一步的语言学习 做好铺垫。 3.Lead in. T: Ok, there is a little bear. Lets watch a short video. How does the little bear go to school? What happened? (教师引导学生观看小熊上学过马 路时不遵守交通规则发生危险的视频。) Ss: . T: Is the little bear right? Ss: No! 【设计意图】观看小熊上学过马路时因不遵守则而受伤的动画,引 发学生思考,让学生们意识到一定要遵守交通规则。 Step2: Presentation. 1. Listen to a song: Traffic Lights T: There are many dangers in the city. We should always watch out for cars, trucks, and buses. We should obey the traffic rules! Now, lets sing a song together and learn about some traffic rules, ok? (教师带领孩子唱 歌曲,并做出交通规则的相关动作,学生模仿) Ss: Ok! 【设计意图】:通过热身歌曲让孩子们动起来,激发学生的学习兴 趣,增强学生遵守交通规则的意识,引发学生思考,并学习了本课 中一个重要的新单词。 T: What should we do when we are crossing the road? We should watch the(教师引导学生说出新单词 traffic lights,教师朗读,学生跟读, 并且简单教授 “tr”字母组合的发音。) Ss: Traffic lights! T: What does “tr” make sound of? (将 tr 字母卡片贴在黑板上,学生 在教师的引导下,尝试说出 tr 的发音,不做展开讲解,为后面整体 的语音教学做小铺垫。) 【设计意图】:本课需要学生掌握 tr 等字母组合的发音,将语音教 学融进了文本教学中,学生学习起来轻松易懂。 2. 教授交通规则。 T: Look!Whats this? (教师在黑白板上展示出一个交通灯框架。 ) S: A traffic light! T: Yes,but there is no lights on it. The lights are in my hands. Who can help me put them on the right place? S1:(学生从教师手中拿取红色交通灯贴在灯架的相应位置,教师 询问学生灯的颜色及看到这个颜色灯时应该怎样做,呈现单词 stop,教授句型 Red is stop! 教师带领学生边说边做,操练句型。) T: What colour is it? When we see the red light, what should we do? Ss: Stop! T: So, red is stop! Follow me, red is stop! Stop, stop, stop! Ss: Red is stop! Stop, stop, stop! Teach the others as the same way. T: Look at the screen, lets review! (教师再次带领学生边说边做动作, 巩固新知。) 【设计意图】教师利用听完歌曲后学生对交通规则的整体感知,让 教师在学生的帮助下,一起完成学习交通规则。学生记忆深刻,课 堂气氛活跃,学习效果良好。 3. Play a game. T: Lets play a game, all right? When you see the light stops, speak out the traffic rules as quickly as you can. Each time, Ill choose two groups, lets see which group is faster, Ok? 【设计意图】游戏检测学生对交通规则的熟练程度和反应能力,具 有竞争机制,调动孩子学习积极性,巩固新知。 4. 学习课文对话,操练句型,模仿对话(Lets help him or her.) (1)Lead in. T: These are traffic rules, do you remember them? Look here, this is a traffic light, its on the streets. Can you find a boy? (教师手动地图,引 导学生进入小男孩迷路的情境) Ss: T:Where does the boy want to go?(根据图片信息学生自己找到答案。 ) S1: T: But the boy is lost, who can help him? (小男孩迷路,请同学们帮 忙指路。) S2: Go straight and then.(学生利用已经学过的知识回答。) 【设计意图】学生和老师一起帮助地图中迷路的小男孩找到路,教 师设置了日常生活中常见的迷路情景,引出课文文本。 (2)Watch. T: In the text, a woman is lost, too. Lets watch the video and I have a question. Where does the woman want to go? (观看视频 Part2 课文动画, 回答问题。) T: What happened to the woman? Ss: She is lost. T; The woman says: Excuse me, Im lost. (引导学生说出句型并板书。 ) Ss: T: Where does the woman want to go? Ss: Happy Restaurant. (教师板书句型,带领学生反复操练。) T: How does the woman get there? Ss: By bus. T: Which bus stop does the woman want? Look at the map, there are four bus stops here. Listen to the tape again, and find the right bus stop. OK? (3)Listen. Students listen and find the right bus stop. T:Where is the bus stop? (幻灯片出示地图,听录音,帮助 woman 找到正确的公交站牌并圈出来。找学生试着说出路线,注意教授介 词短语 at the traffic lights。) S4: Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. (教师板书句型,引导 学生操练。) 【设计意图】本部分在讲解课文并且教授重点句型的过程中轻松完 成了第三部分 Lets do it 的任务,循序渐进地引导学生学会指路。 (4)Read. T: Well done. Now open your books and turn to page 42, work in pairs and read the text. One student is the woman, the other is the man, ok? (分 角色朗读课文,小组展示,予以奖励) 【设计意图】课文学习的重点在于怎样问路,学习完课文,教师要 要求学生自己创设小场景,熟读课文,把握课文整体。 5. 能力拓展,创编情景故事(Lets help them.) T: With our help, the woman finally find the Happy Restaurant. Boys and girls, when a person gets lost, we should try our best to help him, do you think so? Ss: Yes! T: Now lets help them! (教师为学生提供不同的情境,学生自编对 话,利用道具小组内练习并表演出来。) T: There are some people who cant find the way. Work in groups. Make a dialogue in your group. You have three choices. First, you can act as the woman in our text and continue the story; second, your family or your friends are driving a car to some place, but you are lost, what should you do? The last one, one student in your group is a policeman, he helps different people find the way. 【设计意图】本环节为课堂难度最大的一个环节,对学生来说具有 挑战性。教师为了让所有学生都能完成任务,给出了三种情境。情 境设置由易到难,由课本故事的续编到贴近生活的迷路场景,学生 们可以根据自己的能力水平选择自己想要完成的对话任务,大大提 高了学生的综合语言运用能力。 6. 学习字母组合发音 (Lets help each other.) T: All of you did a good job! Im glad you are warmhearted to help your friends. Actually, in our study, we should help each other, right? T: Lets help each other! First, let me help you. What does “tr” make sound of? (教师用启发诱导的教学方式教学生们学习 tr 字母组合发 音,并教给学生根据发音规律读出更多新单词的方法,剩下的几组 由学生在相互帮助下合作完成。) Ss: tr. T: Can you try to read the other words? (在教师的帮助下,学生尝试读 出其他含有 tr 字母组合的单词。) T: Now, help each other in your groups! Each group will get an envelope. Open the envelopes, there are some word cards. Help each other, and try to read the words. Finally, tell me what does your letters make sound of and show us. (教师给组学生发一个信封,学生以小组为单位,相互帮助找到信 封里面字母组合发音并尝试读出所含字母组合的单词,教师找四组 台下展示,帮助老师完成板书。) 【设计意图】通过小组讨论字母组合的发音,让学生体验互帮互助 带来的成果。由教师引导讲解,学生在此环节会表现积极,还能学 到更多的单词,掌握相应的字母组合发音规律。 Step3 Emotion. T: In our life, many people around us are kind. They are eager to help. If an old man cant find the way home, he ask policeman for help; young man should give sits to the one who needs; teenagers should obey the traffic rules; as a volunteer, helping people is our duty. The most important is people should help each other. Helping each other makes the world better.(教师展示幻灯片图片,深化情感,升华主题。) 【设计意图】教师通过幻灯片展示图片,教师与学生们共同体会帮 助他人的温暖与幸福,教育学生在生活中的小事情中互帮互助,本 课主题升华。 Step 4 Homework: 1. Listen and read the dialogue with your friends. 2. Draw a map from your house to school and describe the way. T: At last, please remember your homework. Thats all for todays class. Thank you for helping me! Thank you for sharing the short time with me. I hope you can enjoy it. Goodbye 六、六、Blackboard design. 冀教版小学四年级英语上册冀教版小学四年级英语上册 LessonLesson 1717 ImIm lostlost 教学设计教学设计
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