冀教版(三起)六上Unit 4 Christmas-Lesson 20 Christmas Tree-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:a0d9b).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_六年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Christmas_Lesson 20 Christmas Tree_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:a0d9b)
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1 冀教版小学六年级上册冀教版小学六年级上册Unit4 Christmas Lesson20 Christmas Tree 说课稿说课稿 一、说教材一、说教材 本课是冀教版小学六年级英语上册第四单元第 20 课 Christmas Tree. 二、说教学内容二、说教学内容 本课围绕“如何装扮圣诞树”这一主题展开,要求 学生掌握 Christmas things,star,top,then 等词,并 能运用 4 个步骤简单描述装扮圣诞树的过程等。从而 进行中西文化的更多了解。 三、说教学目标三、说教学目标 新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总 体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言 运用能力又以学生语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习 策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。 基于以上认识,对教学内容的分析以及本教材的特点, 我将教学目标确定为: 1 能力目标:能够介绍圣诞节,知道圣诞节的主要 活动。 2.知识目标:能够听、说、认、读本课的重点单词: star, top, thing 等。 掌握 Lets put up a Christmas Tree 等句型。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标:通过本课学习, 使学生能够互相致以节日的问候,了解更多有关西方圣 诞节的知识,从而引及中国的春节,使学生通过对比, 2 了解更多的中西文化,让学生感悟生活,热爱生活, 继而激发他们的学习热情。 四、说教学重难点:四、说教学重难点: 1.如何装扮圣诞树。 2.通过学习,使学生了解更多圣诞节和春节的异 同。 五、说教学方法五、说教学方法 在教学中,,我采用情景法、直观演示法、全身反 映法等教学方法。坚持以话题为中心,以任务型活动来 安排本课教学。由听歌、唱歌开始,创设语言氛围,激 发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在参与圣诞节活动中,掌握 知识,发展能力。 六、说教学过程六、说教学过程 1.创设情境,培养兴趣 兴趣是学好语言的关键,激发学生学习英语的兴趣 是小学阶段英语教学的一项重要任务。为了能调动学 生学习的积极性,促使学生积极主动地学习,开课伊始, 我与学生同唱圣诞歌曲(We wish you a Christmas),创 设出节日的气氛,也集中了学生的注意力。 2.学生为主体,活动中学知识 (1)Free-talk(自由谈话):让学生说说有关圣诞 节的所知,承上启下,以此为话题,激发学生说英语 的欲望。 (2)出示圣诞树,充分调动学生的多方感官,通 过看一看、说一说,进入话题学习。 3 (3)出示问题,让学生带着问题,学习新知。在 这一环节,学生的听说读写四项技能在听一听、说一 说、读一读、填一填的活动中,得到了不同程度的训 练。 (4)实操练习(装扮圣诞树)。学生以小组为单 位,充分发挥小组成员的智慧与合力,装扮富有小组 特色的圣诞树。 (5)展示环节。各小组依次展示小组的劳动成果。 要求:展示时必须要解说装扮圣诞树的全过程。 3.巩固知识,进行拓展 话题:圣诞节,西方人有圣诞树、灯、圣诞礼物、 圣诞老人等,我们中国的春季有什么?(出示灯笼) 让学生感受春节的氛围。由此激发学生想去了解更多 有关春节的知识。将课内所学适时的延伸之课外,进 行再学习,拓宽学生的知识面,进而了解更多的中西 文化。 七、说学法七、说学法 在本课教学中,依据英语教学的直观性、趣味性、 实践性原则,教学中,我以活动为载体,以课堂为主 阵地,运用灵活多样的教学方式和富有趣味、灵动的 教学活动,使学生积极、主动地参与到课堂学习中, 寓教于乐。 反观整堂课,师生配合默契,学习氛围浓厚,可 以说顺利完成了本节课的教学任务,教学效果良好。 We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year. Happy holidays to you, your family, your friends. Happy holidays. Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year. Say something about “Christmas” Lesson 20 Christmas Tree No.2 Primary School of Yumen Teacher:Mary Yesterday my dad bought a Christmas tree. Lets put it up. buy 装饰,装扮 Im going to put the lights on the tree. 把放在上面 Im going to put Christmas things on the tree. 圣诞物品 put on 穿上,戴上 We put our gifts under the tree. 把放在下面 The star always goes on top. 放在顶端 Its done! do 听音,将下列句子按正确顺序排列。 ( ) The star always goes on top! ( )Yesterday my dad bought a Christmas tree.Lets put it up. Its fun. ( ) Then,Im going to put Christmas things on the tree. ( ) There! Its done! ( ) First,Im going to put the lights on the tree. ( ) Its beautiful. ( ) Now,we put our gifts under the tree. 5 1 3 6 2 7 4 Yester Jennys father_ a Christmas tree.Lets put it up.Its_.First, lets put the_ on the tree. Then lets put Christmas_on the tree.Next,we put our _ under the tree.The_always goes on top.Its _.Itsbeautiful. *Read and fill in the blanks. bought funlights things gifts star done *How to put up a Christmas tree? ( ) Next,we put the gifts under the tree. ( )The star always goes on top! ( ) Lets put up a Christmas tree. ( ) We put our gifts under the tree. ( ) First,lets put the lights on the tree. ( ) Its done.Its beautiful. Group work : Lets put up the Christmas tree! (按照装扮圣诞树的步骤,发挥自己的想象, 以小组为单位,装扮圣诞树并做简单地描述。) Merry Christmas ! lanterns Homework: *Make a search. Whats the same and difference between Christmas and Spring Festival? 一、Fill the words with the given words.(用括号内所给词的适当形式填 空)。 1.Tom is going to_(play) football tomorrow. 2.Tom_(play) football yesterday. 3.Tom_(play) football everyday. play played plays 一、Fill the words with the given words.( 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空)。 1.Tommorrow I_ (go) shopping. 2.Yesterday they_(buy) a new car. 3.My father always_(play) computer in the evening. am going to go bought plays 一、按要求转换下列各词。 buy( 过去式 )_ put on( 中文意思 )_ done( 原形 )_ lets( 完全形式 )_ go( 单三 )_ under(反义词 )_ walk( 过去式 )_ there( 对应词 )_ bought(原形 )_ 1.I would like do my homework. 2.Lets to go to the department store. 3.Jenny goes to school on bus. 4.Its funny to put up a Christmas tree. to do by fun Find and correct. Read and choose. ( )1.Lets put up a Christmas tree! A.穿上 B.放上 C.装饰 ( )2.Yesterday my dad bought a Christmas tree. A.带来 B.买 C.卖 ( )3.The star always goes on top. A.在顶部 B.在中部 C.在底部 ( )4.Im going to put the lights on the tree. A.把放在上 B.穿上 ( )5.We put our gifts under the tree. A. 把放在 上B. 把放在下 C B A A B Communication. ( )1.当你邀请别人帮忙装饰圣诞树时,你应说: A.Would you like to help us put up our Christmas tree? B.Would you like a Christmas tree? ( )2.当你想表达“圣诞树使我们感觉那么高兴!” 时,你应说: A.The Christmas tree makes us feel so happy! B.The Christmas tree is so beautiful! A A 6.Danny,to,I,help,invite,put,us,the,up,tree,may(?) May I invite Danny to help us put up the tree? 7.is,Christmas,tomorrow(.) Tomorrow is Christmas. Choose the right answers. 1._we bought gifts. A.Yesterday B.Today C.Tomorrow 2.Lets_Danny to help us put up the tree. A.invited B.invite C.invites 3.The star always_on top. A.go B.went C.goes 4.The tree_always grow. A. B.are C.is 5.You make us_so happy! A.feels B.feeling C.feel Yesterday invite goes feel Make the sentences. 1.to,tree,put,up,fun,Christmas,Its,a(!) Its fun to put up a Christmas tree! 2.put,on,you,tree,the,to,the,like,star,would(?) Would you like to put the star on the tree? 3.our,you,like,would,up,put,to,us,tree, Christmas,help(?) Would you like to help us put up our Christmas tree? 4.gifts,put,lets,the,under,tree,our(!) Lets put our gifts under the tree! 5.top,star,always,the,on,goes(.) The star always goes on top. 冀教版小学六年级上册冀教版小学六年级上册Unit4 Christmas Lesson20 Christmas Tree 课后反思课后反思 本课是冀教版小学六年级英语上册教材第 20 课 ChristmasChristmas TreeTree主要内容是让学生能够用简单的英语来表 达装扮圣诞树的过程。在课堂教学中,我充分运用音频等 多媒体教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,通过灵活多 样的教学活动调动他们学习的积极性和主动性,寓教于乐。 本课内容贴近学生生活实际,学生对圣诞节也较为感兴趣, 因此在教学中,创设情境便成了本节课最为有效地教学特 色。师生同唱圣诞歌曲,营造节日氛围;听读课文,感知 理解;小组合作,装扮圣诞树;展示解说,在构知识;课 外延伸,拓宽视野。由易到难,层层递进,设计符合六年 级学生的认知水平。教学中听说读写贯穿其中,学生的四 项技能各有兼顾,英语思维能力也逐级提升;整堂课师生 配合默契,学习氛围浓厚,较好地完成了本节课的教学任 务。 纵观这节课,虽有可喜之处,但也存在诸多方面的不 足:如: 1.整堂课下来,在时间的安排上还是不够合理,前松 后紧。 2.课堂中对学生的评价不够及时,方法有些单一,评 价语言也不够丰富,特别是未能充分发挥班级优化大师的 效用。 3.课堂小结未能按既定设计完成。本设计运用的简笔 画的方式小结本堂课,因时间关系也随之流产。 4.板书设计不够完整。 5.课内外活动的延伸可操作性不强。 如何将课内外语言实践活动有效结合,提高学生的语 言综合运用能力?在今后教学中,我将精心研究,深入领 悟,以提高语言教学的实效性。 总之,教学是一个漫长的过程,只要我们多学习,勤 反思,我们的教学才能常教常新,我们才能越走越稳! 1 Lesson 20 Christmas Tree Teaching objectives: a.To know and grasp the words and phrases: yesterday today tomorrow star top done then thing walk-walked buy-bought bright-brought put up putin putunder puton b.To grasp and use the sentences correctly. *How do we put up the Christmas tree? First, we put the lights on the tree. Then, we put Christmas things on the tree. Next, we put the gifts under the tree. Last, we put the star on top. c.To know and grasp the grammar:一般现在时,一般将来时 i,一般过去时。 d. Be able to use the words and sentences in daily life. Teaching key and Difficulty: a.To know and grasp the new words well. b.Be able to know and retell: How do we put up the Christmas tree? c.To know and grasp the grammar:一般现在时,一般将来时i, 一般过去时。 2 Teaching aids: The tape, ppt,recorder,real objects. Teaching steps: Step1: Warm-up/review 1.Review a.Sing“We wish you a Merry Christmas.” Talk about Christmas. Ways:T/Ss sing together. b.Greeting/Slogan. T: Hello, everyone. Ss: Hello,Mary. T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, thanks. And you? T: Very well. thanks. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: Very well. thanks. What day is it today?Whats the date?Hows the weather today? Ss:. T:Class 3,are you ready? Ss:Class 3 is ready! . c.Free-talk to review. 3 Talk about Christmas. Step2:Presentation 1.Lead-in Show the picture of Christmas tree and ask. T:Whats this? S: Christmas tree T:Yes.Its a Christmas tree. Look! We can see Christmas lights,gifts and many Christmas things.Is it beautiful? Ss:Yes,its very beautiful! T:Now,I have a Christmas tree(Show it)Is it beautiful? Ss:No. T:Yes,yes,yes.But I have many Christmas things here,we can use them to put it up,I think,it will be very beautiful.But how to put up a Christmas tree?This lesson well talk about Lesson20 Christmas Tree!(Write the topic and read it) 2. New words. 1.Words-reading. Teacher shows picture(ppt) to check the words and phrases and sentences. Ways: a.Find the Ss to read it. b.Follow the little teache to read it 4 c.Solve the problem that Ss grasp the words. d. Read them together. 2.Practice a.Remember the words. T:We have learned some words.Lets read together. Now,I will give you 2minutes to remember these words.Then,I will check you. b.Check the Ss. 3.Learning the text a.Show the question. T:I have some questions .Give you two minutes, lets read the text by yourselves and answer the questions: 1.Who bought a Christas tree? 2.How do they put up the tree? 3.Where does the star go? b.Call Ss answer the questions. c.Listen and read. d.Read and Repeat. Ways:Follow the little teacher.(Each student reads each picture) e.Role- reading. Ways:Teacher and studentsBoys and girlsGroup and group. f.Practice and check. First, we put the lights on the tree. Then, we put Christmas things on the tree. Next, we put the gifts under the tree. Last, we put the star on top. 5 4.Learning the part2 and part3. Ways: 1. First, read the part3. 2.Find the differences. 3.Call Ss answer. 4.T explain. 5.Finish the part2. Step3:Practice/Consolidation. 1. Put up the Christmas tree. Ways:Group-work. 2.Call Ss retell. Have a show. Step4:Summary. a.T:(Draw a tree.)Today,we have learned how to put up the Christmas tree. First, we put the lights on the tree. Then, we put Christmas things on the tree. Next, we put the gifts under the tree. Last, we put the star on top. b.T:At Christmas,Western people have Christmas trees.But at Spring Festival,Chinese people have lanterns.(Show pictures of lanterns.) Step5:Homework: 6 a. Write the new words each a line. b.How to make a Christmas tree?Retell and write it. c.Say something about Christmas and Spring Festival:the same and differences. Step6: Blackboard Designs Lesson20Christmas Tree put up puton putunder 7
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